SWG1 N153 2010-08-26 Title: Open Source Software Category Date Assigned: 2010-08-26 Source: Japan MB Backward Pointer: None Document Type: Status: This document will be discussed on First OMATF meeting. Open Source Software Category No Software Category No Software 1-1 OS Linux 1 Andoroid 2 Debian 3 Fedora 4 Google Chrome OS 5 openSUSE 6 Ubuntu 7 Vine Linux 1-2 BSD 1 FreeBSD 2 NetBSD 3 OpenBSD 1-3 Other 1 OpenSolaris 2 Symbian OS 2-1 Internet Server WEB 1 Apache HTTP Server 2 Appweb 3 Jetty 4 lighttpd 5 Mongoose 6 Open Web Server 7 TUX Web Server 2-2 SMTP:Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 1 Courier-MTA 2 Postfix 3 qmail 4 sendmail 5 XMail 2-3 POP:Post Office Protocol/IMAP:Internet Message Access Protocol 1 Courier IMAP 2 Cyrus IMAP 3 Dovecot 4 qpopper 2-4 Proxy 1 Squid Cache 2 Delegate 3 Tor 2-5 DNS:Domain Name System 1 BIND 2 djbdns 3 NSD 4 unbound 2-6 DHCP:Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 1 DHCP 2-7 LDAP:Lightweight Directory Access Protocol 1 Apache Directory Server 2 Fedora Directory Server 3 OpenDS 4 OpenLDAP 2-8 Cooperation with Windows 1 Samba 2-9 FTP:File Transfer Protocol 1 FileZilla 2 ProFTPD 3 publicfile 4 Pure-FTPd 5 vsftpd 6 WU-FTPD 7 zFTPServer 3-1Application Server Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server 1 Apache Geronimo 2 Apache Tomcat 3 Enhydra Server 4 GlassFish 5 JBoss Application Server 6 JOnAS 7 Seasar2 3-2 Other Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server 1 Seasar2 2 Zope 3-3 Execution Environment 1 GCC 2 OpenJDK 3-4 Script 1 Perl 2 PHP 3 Python 4 Ruby 4-1Database DBMS: DataBase Management System 1 Apache Derby 2 Firebird 3 HSQLDB 4 MariaDB 5 MonetDB 6 MySQL 7 PostgreSQL 8 SQLite 4-2 DBMS Management Tool 1 phpMyAdmin 2 phpPgAdmin 5-1 Framework Ajax 1 Dojo Toolkit 2 GWT (Google Web Toolkit) 3 jQuery 4 prototype 5 script.aculo.us 6 Spry 7 YUI (Yahoo! UI Library) 5-2 RIA:Rich Internet Applications 1 Adobe Flex 2 Apache Pivot 3 JavaFX 4 Moonlight 5 Silverlight (?) 5-3 Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 1 Apache Struts 2 Apache Tapestry 3 JBoss Seam 4 Spring Framework 5-4 O/R mapping 1 Apache Torque 2 iBATIS 3 JBoss Hibernate 5-5 Ruby 1 Camping 2 Ruby on Rails 3 Sinatra 4 Waves 6-1 Development Tool IDE:Integrated Development Environment 1 Eclipse 2 NetBeans Open Source Software Category No Software Category No Software 3 Wide Studio 6-2 Diagnostic Tools 1 FindBugs 2 Metrics 3 PMD 6-3 BTS:Bug Tracking System 1 Bugzilla 2 MANTIS 3 OpenTask 4 Papilio 5 Redmine 6 影舞 (kagemai) 6-4 Revision Control System 1 CVS 2 Git 3 Mercurial 4 Scarab 5 Subversion 6 Trac 6-5 Forge 1 gforge 2 libresource 7-1 Testing Tool Unit Test 1 JUnit 2 TestNG 3 Valgrind 7-2 Test Coverage 1 Cobertura 2 EMMA 3 jcoverage 7-3 Integration Test 1 Jameleon 2 Selenium 7-4 Load Test 1 Apache JMeter 2 Bonnie++ 3 Eclipse TPTP 4 JBento 5 openSTA 6 Solex 7 WebLOAD 8-1 System Operation Monitoring Integrated Monitoring 1 Ganglia 2 Groundwork Monitor 3 Hinemos 4 Hobbit Monitor 5 Hyperic HQ 6 Monit 7 Nagios 8 openQRM 9 Zabbix 8-2 Network 1 GNetWatch 2 IPTraf 3 MRTG 4 NetHogs 5 OpenNMS 6 PasTmon 7 Zenoss 8-3 Log 1 logwatch 2 Swatch 8-4 BackUp 1 Amanda 2 Bacula 8-5 Configuration Management 1 spcman 9-1 Security Anti-Virus 1 Clam AntiVirus 9-2 Contents Filtering 1 SafeSquid 9-3 Anti-SpamMail 1 Maia mailguard 2 MailWasher Server 3 Spam Assassin 9-4 Firewall 1 IPCop Firewall 2 iptables 9-5 IDS:Intrusion Detection System 1 preludeDS 2 Snort 9-6 Packet Analysis 1 WireShark 9-7 Encryption 1 OpenSSL 2 GnuPG 9-8 Access Control 1 AppArmor 2 SELinux 10-1 WEB Application CMS:Content Management System 1 Apache lenya 2 DotNetNuke 3 Drupal 4 eZ publish 5 Geeklog 6 Joomla 7 Mambo 8 MODx 9 Moodle 10 Movable Type 11 NetCommons 12 Plone 13 Pred Shimane CMS 14 TextPattern 15 Type3 16 Wordpress 17 Xoops 18 Zope 10-2 CRM:Customer Relationship Management 1 SugarCRM 10-3 SNS:Social Networking Service 2 OpenPNE 10-4 EC:Electronic Commerce 1 EC-CUBE 2 osCommerce 3 Zen Cart 10-5 Wiki 1 Mediawiki 2 Pukiwiki 3 TiddlyWiki 4 Yukiwiki 10-6 Groupware 1 Aipo 2 dotProject 3 eGroupWare 4 Group-Office Open Source Software Category No Software Category No Software 5 Lucane Groupware 6 OpenGroupWare 7 phpGroupWare 8 Thetis 10-7 Portal 1 JBoss Portal 2 JetSpeed 3 Liferay Portal 4 OpenPortal 5 uPortal 10-8 Service Desk 1 Askeet 2 eTicket 3 OneOrZero Helpdesk 10-9 ECM:Enterprise Content Management 1 Alfresco 2 Nuxeo 10-10 Survey System 1 LimeSurvey 11-1 BI:Business Interigence Infrastructure 1 Pentaho 2 SpangoBI 11-2 DWH:Data WareHouse 1 Bizgres 2 Cloudbase 3 Infobright 4 MonetDB 11-3 ETL:Extract/Transform/Load 1 CloverETL 2 Enhydra Octopus 11-4 OLAP:On-Line Analytical Processing 1 JPivot 2 Mondrian 3 OpenOLAP 11-5 KDD:Knowledge Discovery in Databases 1 MUSASHI 2 WEKA 12-1 SOA:Service Oriented Archtecture Infrastructure 1 Apache ServiceMIX 12-2 BPM:Business Process Management 1 Intalio|BPMS 2 JBoss jBPM 12-3 ESB:Enterprise Service Bus 1 Celtix ESB 2 FUSE ESB 3 JBoss ESB 4 MuleESB 5 SunOpen ESB 6 WSO2 ESB 12-4 WEB Service 1 Apache Axis2 2 NuSOAP 13-1 Availability Cluster Messaging Layer 1 HeartBeat 13-2 Replication 1 DRBD 14-1Virtualization Infrastracture 1 KVM 2 Xen 14-2 Management Tool 1 Convirt 2 enomarly 3 OpenNebula 4 openQRM 5 oVirt 6 virt-manager 15-1 Cloud Infrastructure Infrastracture 1 Eucalyptus 15-2 Distributed File System 1 hadoop 15-3 Distributed Memory Caching System 1 JBoss Cache 2 memcashed 16-1 Desktop Environment 1 GNOME 2 KDE 16-2 WEB Browser 1 FireFox 2 Google Chrome 16-3 Mail Client 1 Evolution 2 Sylpheed 3 ThunderBird 16-4 Office Suite 1 KOffice 2 OpenOffice 16-5 Instant Messanger 1 Adium 2 Kopete 3 Pidgin 4 Spicebird 16-6 Remote Control 1 MultiVNC 2 RealVNC 16-7 GIS:Geographic Information System 1 OpenJump 2 QuantumGIS 3 qvSIG 17-1Others SSO:Single Sign-On 1 CAS 2 OpenSSO 17-2 Reporting 1 BIRT 2 Jasper Report 17-3 Digital Repositries 1 aDORe 2 DSpace 3 FedoraCommons 17-4 IP-PBX:Intenet Protocol Private Branch eXchange 1 Asterisk 2 FreeSwitch 17-5 Full-text Search 1 Apache Lucene 2 Chimera Search 3 Hyper Estraier 4 Ludia 5 Namazu 6 Senna 17-6 Web Meeting 1 1video Conference 2 DimDim 3 OpenMeeting 17-7 File System 1 NFS 2 XFS Open Source Software Category No Software Category Sample 1-1 OS Linux Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian 1-2 BSD FreeBSD 1-3 UNIX OpenSolaris 2-1 Internet Server WEB Apache HTTP Server, Open Web Server, TUX Web Server 2-2 SMTP:Simple Mail Transfer Protocol sendmail, Postfix 2-3 POP:Post Office Protocol/IMAP:Internet Message Access Protocol Dovecot, Courier-IMAP, qpopper 2-4 Proxy Squid 2-5 DNS:Domain Name System bind, djbdns, NSD 2-6 DHCP:Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ISC-DHCP 2-7 LDAP:Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Apache Directory Server, Fedora Directory Server, OpenLDAP, OpenDS 2-8 Cooperation with Windows Samba 2-9 FTP:File Transfer Protocol FileZilla, ProFTPD, vsftpd 3-1 Application Server Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server Apache, Geronimo, Tomcat, GlassFish, JBoss Application Server, JOnAS 3-2 Other Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Server Seasar2 3-3 Execution Environment OpenJDK, GCC 3-4 Script PHP, Perl, Ruby 4-1 Database DBMS: DataBase Management System Apache Derby, Firebird, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB 4-2 DBMS Management Tool phpMyAdmin 5-1 Framework Ajax Dojo Toolkit, GWT, jQuery, prototype 5-2 RIA:Rich Internet Applications Flex 5-3 Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Struts, Spring Framework 5-4 O/R mapping JBoss Hibernate, iBATIS 5-5 Ruby Ruby on Rails 6-1 Development Tool IDE:Integrated Development Environment Eclipse, NetBeans 6-2 Diagnostic Tools FindBugs, Metrics 6-3 BTS:Bug Tracking System Bugzilla, Redmine, Kagemai 6-4 Revision Control System CVS, Git, Subversion, Trac 6-5 Forge gforge, trac, libresource 7-1 Testing Tool Unit Test JUnit 7-2 Test Coverage EMMA, jcoverage 7-3 Integration Test Jameleon, Selenium 7-4 Load Test Apache JMeter, JBento, WebLOAD 8-1 System Operation Monitoring Integrated Monitoring Nagios, Hinemos, Zabbix, Groundwork Monitor, Ganglia 8-2 Network MRTG 8-3 Log Swatch 8-4 BackUp Amanda, Bacula 8-5 Configuration Management spcman Open Source Software Category No Software Category Sample 9-1 Security Anti-Virus Clam AntiVirus 9-2 Contents Filtering SafeSquid 9-3 Anti-SpamMail Maia Mailguard, MailWasher Server, SpamAssassin 9-4 Firewall IPCop Firewall, iptables 9-5 IDS:Intrusion Detection System preludeDS, Snort 9-6 Packet Analysis WireShark 9-7 Encryption OpenSSL 9-8 Access Control SELinux 10-1 WEB Application CMS:Content Management System Drupal, Joomla, NetCommons, Movable Type, Plone, Xoops, Pref Shimane CMS 10-2 CRM:Customer Relationship Management SugarCRM 10-3 SNS:Social Networking Service OpenPNE 10-4 EC:Electronic Commerce osCommerce, EC-CUBE 10-5 Wiki MediaWiki, Pukiwiki 10-6 Groupware Aipo, dotProject, eGroupWare, OpenGroupWare, phpGroupWare 10-7 Portal JBoss Portal, Liferay Portal, OpenPortal, uPoratal 10-8 Service Desk Askeet, eTicket, OneOrZero Helpdesk 10-9 ECM:Enterprise Content Management Alfresco, Nuxeo 10-10 Survey System LimeSurvey 11-1 BI:Business Interigence Infrastructure Pentaho, SpangoBI 11-2 DWH:Data WareHouse Bizgress, CloudBase, infobright 11-3 ETL:Extract/Transform/Load CloverETL, Enhydra Octopus 11-4 OLAP:On-Line Analytical Processing JPivot, Mondrian, OpenOLAP 11-5 KDD:Knowledge Discovery in Databases MUSASHI, WEKA 12-1 SOA:Service Oriented Archtecture Infrastructure Apache ServiceMIX 12-2 BPM:Business Process Management Intalio|BPMS, JBoss jBPM 12-3 ESB:Enterprise Service Bus Celtix ESB, JBoss ESB, MuleESB, SunOpen ESB, FUSE ESB, WSO2 ESB 12-4 WEB Service Apache Axis2, NuSOAP 13-1 Availability Cluster Messaging Layer HeartBeat 13-2 Replication DRBD 14-1 Virtualization Infrastracture
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