Jan. 28, 2014 Chicago’s Aldermanic Election Authority Since 2007 Racing2015 Form “Information is power . and you’re not getting any.” Former Chicago Ald. Thomas E. Keane Inside, updated daily • 247 232 224 217 198 190 188 184 aldermanic candidates (final number) • objections to candidate nominations • candidate funding tracker • past election results • 50 new ward maps • Board of Elections key dates and more! Price: $10.00 2nd Edition includes daily Nov/Dec 2014 updates aldertrack.com Editor’s Welcome We are delighted to welcome you to the 2nd edition of the Aldertrack racing form. With this issue, we build on a series of ward-by-ward analyses that makes full use of digital media. We’re staying up late and getting up early Publisher, Editor & Creator to provide you with concise updates on Michael “Hinky Dink” Kenna formal candidate nominations, petition objection information, campaign Art Director & Distributor contributions and much, much more. “Bathhouse” John Coughlin Every weekday you’ll get an email with the updates and a link to download the form. And if there’s something you learn along the trail that we don’t already know, or didn’t get right, send us a note. We want to hear from you. -- the Hink The content of this racing form was gathered from various, publicly-available Web pages and informal word-of-mouth (i.e., gossip, rumor, innuendo, etc.) and does not represent formal declarations of candidacy. The form likely contains some errors and omissions and will be out-of-date the moment it is electronically transmitted. Periodically, updated versions of the race form may be produced. Readers are encouraged to track late scratches and new candidates and provide any relevant feedback to aldertrack.com [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected] Jimm Dispensa – [email protected] Mike Fourcher – [email protected] Ward maps, committee ID’s, Key Dates and Ramsin Canon – [email protected] historical election returns represent informal interpretations of publicly available information and the form itself is not intended to serve as a substitute for legal advice nor any of the information published by any governing agency. 1 2 1st Ward 44 precincts ERSB 3 4 1 N 3 2 4 2014 Statement of Commee Financial Interests ID 1. Joe Moreno (i) aldermanmoreno.com on.fb.me/1rm57c8 linkd.in/1mggE7e @Alderman_Moreno bit.ly/12DHSSx 20809 2. Anne Shaw friendsforanneshaw.org on.fb.me/1vT5IpX linkd.in/1pyEhwR @friendsforanne bit.ly/1ugEFxE 24146 3. Andrew Hamilton hamiltonfor1stward.org on.fb.me/XtCpv3 N/A @Andrewfor1st N/A 25943 4. Ronda Locke rondafor1stward.com on.fb.me/1qMajTx linkd.in/1sU1RCj @RondaLocke1 bit.ly/1GiSzrK 26234 1 2 3 4 5 6 2nd Ward 46 precincts 6 5 1 3 N 2014 Statement of Commee Financial Interests ID 1. Steve Niketopoulos stevefor2ndward.com on.fb.me/1u5db1W linkd.in/1yg6kad @SteveFor2ndWard bit.ly/1vl7vDr 26061 2. Bita Buenrostro bitanow.com on.fb.me/1BrNNqz N/A @BitaBuenrostro bit.ly/1rrdCQh 22801 3. Brian Hopkins brianhopkinsforchicago.com on.fb.me/VtpO9e linkd.in/1oPKxuZ @HopkinsChicago bit.ly/1xfYnzt 25653 4. Alyx Pattison alyxpattison.org on.fb.me/1Al8weh linkd.in/1rD7jtj @AlyxPattison bit.ly/1uGNtBG 25754 5. Cornell Wilson cornellwilson.com on.fb.me/1pVkBCa linkd.in/1sLGAA5 @TeamCornellW bit.ly/1ye9kQ1 25936 6. Stacey Pfingsten staceyfor2ndward.com on.fb.me/1t20iFN linkd.in/1qpJMyb @staceyfor2nd N/A 26067 1 3rd Ward 41 precincts ERSB 2 N 2 1 2014 Statement of Commee Financial Interests ID 1. Pat Dowell (i) dowellfor3rdward.com on.fb.me/WabC5q linkd.in/1qUyPqy @AldPatDowell3rd bit.ly/1vjCEI6 16892 2. Patricia Horton hortonfor3rdward.org on.fb.me/1lxSN8u linkd.in/1lhQoyj @PatriciaHorton1 bit.ly/1ET8fj1 23214 26229 4th Ward 1 38 precincts ERSB 2 N 3 3 1 2 2014 Statement of Commee Financial Interests ID 1. Tracey Bey www.beyfor4thward.com on.fb.me/1xJN3eK N/A @BeyFor4thWard bit.ly/1yNqt3h 26228 2. Will Burns (i) aldwillburns.org on.fb.me/1lnQK6t linkd.in/WX5uPk @Ald4_Willburns bit.ly/1ykS7mO 20749 3. Norman Bolden electnormanbolden.com on.fb.me/1sXd2t7 N/A @ElectBolden bit.ly/1xzLEX9 11237 2 3 5th Ward 1 41 precincts ERSB 3 6 4 5 N 6 1 4 5 2 2014 Statement of Commee Financial Interests ID 14216 1. Leslie Hairston (i) leslieahairston.com on.fb.me/1wSP7TG linkd.in/1s6sjJG @5thWardChicago bit.ly/1zrwrHQ 26094 2. Tiffany Brooks brooksfor5thward.org on.fb.me/1tC4fOt N/A N/A bit.ly/1yEEdzB 26206 3. Jocelyn Hare N/A on.fb.me/11eORQf linkd.in/1FMfEUA @HareForFive N/A N/A 4. Robin Boyd-Clark robinboydclark2015.com on.fb.me/10fYFJn linkd.in/1xUoklR N/A bit.ly/1vfnYGU N/A 5. Jedidiah Brown brownfor5thward.com on.fb.me/1AQZYdg N/A @livelifefreed N/A 23275 6. Anne Marie Miles annemariemiles.com on.fb.me/1mSP9B0 N/A @annemmiles bit.ly/1rWynnh 1 2 3 6th Ward 48 precincts ERSB 1 N 3 2 2014 Statement of Commee Financial Interests ID 1. Roderick Sawyer (i) 6thwardchicago.com on.fb.me/1tY8oyc linkd.in/1snVOst @6thWardChicago bit.ly/1w4xbp3 22875 2. Richard Wooten restoringvalues.com on.fb.me/1qeotOQ linkd.in/1wwogMU @TeamRichWooten bit.ly/1uGRO7W 23114 3. Brian Garner bgarnerfor6thward.com on.fb.me/1BxD4YW N/A @briangarner6th bit.ly/12UijNc 25961 1 2 3 4 5 7th Ward 46 precincts ERSB 6 7 8 6 5 4 8 N 3 1 2 7 2014 Statement of Commee Financial Interests ID 1. Joseph Moseley N/A on.fb.me/1sXgIv1 N/A N/A bit.ly/1wVjkvx 26182 2. Greg Mitchell mitchellforalderman.com on.fb.me/1xtQ6cs linkd.in/1ARWabH @Mitchell7thWard bit.ly/1uEzUhI 22816 3. LaShonda Curry lashondacurryforthe7th.com on.fb.me/1qWjh51 N/A @LaShondafor7 bit.ly/1pVZEej 27249 4. Keiana Barrett keianabarrett.org on.fb.me/1AR0ZCi linkd.in/1yHsT2A @keianabarrett bit.ly/1uFYDp6 25857 5. Flora Digby floradigby7thward.com on.fb.me/1tZ3P5O N/A @floradigby7th bit.ly/1yeUYzh 26225 6. Natashia Holmes (i) iam7chicago.com on.fb.me/1vWEACw linkd.in/1xYRak9 @Ald7Holmes bit.ly/1wBmSs4 25284 7. Bernice Riley N/A on.fb.me/Vs439W N/A N/A bit.ly/1rR78uq N/A 8. Margie Reid N/A on.fb.me/1uWsHxs N/A @reid_aboutit bit.ly/1sbrAMa 27298 1 2 8th Ward 56 precincts ERSB N 3 2 1 3 2014 Statement of Commee Financial Interests ID 1. Michelle Harris (i) aldermanmichelleharris.net on.fb.me/Z2muEh linkd.in/1mgtFh2 @AldermanHarris bit.ly/1zXtC10 20016 2. Faheem Shabazz faheemshabazz8thward.org on.fb.me/1tRcmeK linkd.in/XBfRaT N/A bit.ly/1txue9N 27238 3. Tara Baldridge tarabaldridgefor8thward.com on.fb.me/1uWtVZP N/A @TaraFor8th bit.ly/1w1lf7s N/A 1 2 9th Ward 51 precincts 3 4 2 1 N 4 3 2014 Statement of Commee Financial Interests ID 1. Anthony Beale (i) ward09.com on.fb.me/VXMyhN N/A @Alderman_Beale bit.ly/11ezdo8 14556 2. Michael LaFargue lafarguefor9thward.com on.fb.me/1uTGGUY linkd.in/1oELlIY @LaFargue9thWard bit.ly/11lMETh 25994 3. Harold “Noonie” Ward N/A N/A linkd.in/1u8lnyO @TheRealNoonieG bit.ly/12rYb4n 16985 4. Ted Williams III tedwilliamsthethird.com on.fb.me/1t8hsAf linkd.in/1nYelFD @TedWilliamsIII N/A 25952 1 2 10th Ward 36 precincts ERSB 3 4 N 5 6 6 4 2 7 3 7 5 1 2014 Statement of Commee Financial Interests ID 1. John Pope (i) johnapope.org on.fb.me/1tN3Trm N/A @AldermanPope bit.ly/1vmtrs2 19733 2. Susan Sadlowski-Garza ssgarza.com on.fb.me/1sfojow linkd.in/1tYyd3G @SSadlowskiGarza bit.ly/11tPLc3 26168 3. Richard Martinez martinez10.com on.fb.me/1rldFBB linkd.in/1qL7h6s N/A bit.ly/1rfV0s9 26042 4. Frank Corona N/A on.fb.me/1uUSGHe N/A N/A bit.ly/1tgD0I9 27345 5. Samantha Webb webbfor10.com on.fb.me/1pkSz5q N/A @Webbfor10 bit.ly/1FIGKsZ 26173 6. Olga Bautista olgabautista.com on.fb.me/1AZ2HS5 N/A @OBauti N/A N/A 7. Juan Huizar juan4ten.com on.fb.me/1tegXHj N/A @friendsofHuizar bit.ly/13eXhcd 26118 1 11th Ward 38 precincts N 2 3 1 2 3 2014 Statement of Commee Financial Interests ID 1. John Kozlar johnkozlar.com on.fb.me/1t56JHI N/A @JohnKozlar bit.ly/1uZCfbV 27268 2. Patrick Thompson patrickdthompson.com on.fb.me/1wVg8QN linkd.in/1omYvol @PatDThompson bit.ly/1uEGapJ 26197 3. Maureen Sullivan sullivan11thward.com on.fb.me/1uF6KEj linkd.in/1t7uWLK @Sullivan11Ward N/A 26079 1 12th Ward 23 precincts ERSB N unopposed 1 2014 Statement of Commee Financial Interests ID 17290 18408 1. George Cardenas (i) 12thwardchicago.com on.fb.me/1tXZyAA linkd.in/1kkqvgW @georgeacardenas bit.ly/1uAj8Fg 26056 1 13th Ward 48 precincts unopposed 1 N 2014 Statement of Commee Financial Interests ID 1. Marty Quinn (i) madigan-quinn.com N/A N/A N/Abit.ly/1CKJ5Hz 23282 1 14th Ward 31 precincts ERSB N unopposed 1 2014 Statement of Commee Financial Interests ID 1. Ed Burke (i) N/A on.fb.me/WabZwJ N/A N/A bit.ly/1t06gUk 4410 1 2 3 15th Ward 24 precincts ERSB 1 2 4 5 6 6 3 5 N 4 2014 Statement of Commee Financial Interests ID 1. Adolfo Mondragon mondragon4alderman.com on.fb.me/1t7xyJz linkd.in/1oZ6vkm @eldragonchicago bit.ly/1wuMnHD 22242 2. Raymond Lopez electlopez.com on.fb.me/1uWvCGH N/A @RLopez15thWard bit.ly/1q04siH 23079 3. Rafael Yanez rafaelyanezforalderman.com on.fb.me/1oDHo7s linkd.in/1Am81R4 @VoteYanez bit.ly/1qDaW7B 25892 4. Eddie Daniels eddie4alderman.com on.fb.me/11ABDyi N/A @Eddie4Alderman bit.ly/1uteesc 27317 5.
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