49284 1 ., <_ *i** 4 tft i?'V S&wbifytfoL CUnhfL QhsuL. Sinai, 1856 September 20,1973 118th year 30 Pages ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN 48879 Vol. 20 Residents hear little about i\ By Jim Edwards Angell did not appear at the meeting, said the matter should be discussed at a County News Editor but was represented by Jonn Hays, an regular meeting and not at another attorney with the Lansing law firm of special meeting. DEWITT TWP - DeWitt Twp Hall Farhat, Burns and Story. It was made obvious at the, outset of was packed with township residents Hayfi told the Township Board there the meeting by Supervisor Emerson Monday night, but they probably didn't ha'd not been sufficient time to prepare that any audience discussion about the say or hear what they intended to at the salary and benefit requests with Angell controversialiring of Angell at the last special meeting of the board. because he had not received notice of meeting would not be allowed. the meeting until Saturday. Prior to getting into the business of The meeting had 2 functions - to the meeting, Emerson made the discuss pay and benefits due fired BOTH SUPERVISOR Dale Emerson following'Statement: police chief Bruce Angell and to move and Trustee Eileen Corr disagreed with "The purpose of this meeting is 2- on street light improvements in the Hays and said that Angell had fold. First, to act upon the com­ township. requested the meeting himself. pensation due to Mr Bruce Angell, Those present at the meeting ap­ Second, to pass street light resolutions peared little interested in the subject of After some discussion, it was agreed for the street light districts within the street lights, but they heard little to by the board to discuss the matter at1 township/ concerning the Angell matter. a later date. However. Trustee Corr "THIS IS a special meeting of the township and, by law, only those items us that appear in the notice of a special St Johns Rotary meeting may be discussed. Some of the items that will be discussed concerning Mr Angell's compensation include: sick pay, vacation pay, retirement pay, to sponsor travel , holiday pay, work for the month of September and severence pay and Although 3 persons were sent to the hospital following this Friday morning accident at the intersection of Park and injury expenses. Wight in St Johns, no major injuries were reported sustained. A car eastbound on Park St, driven by Richard Gregory, 18, "Mr Angell has been asked to be here 308 N Traver, St Johns, was reported struck by a northbound car on S Wight, driven by Rose Marie Tarr, 61, 508 Wight. and adventure series and present the.bills he has from his She was hospitalized along with Coleen Woodhams, 17,609 W Park, passenger in the Gregory car and Barbara Karber, 14, injury. He spoke with me over the a pedestrian on the curb struck after the autos collided. ST JOHNS ™ The St Johns Rotary narrated, in person, by the adventurer weekend about waiting on a settlement Club is presenting its 1st "travel^and or explorer who filmed the picture. on these items until he has received all adventure series," which will include 6 By attending the "Travel and Ad­ of his bills. I informed him that this was nationally known adventurers and. venture Series," area residents may acceptable to me but was a board explorers who are artists in the view faraway places, such as these / decision. Shooting brings $400 fine travelogue field. included for this season: Belgium, '-'This board has made a commitment They appear on such major platforms Bolivia, London, Austria, Taiwan, Hong to Mr Angell regarding any expenses he as National Geographic, Washington, Kong, Singapore and California. incurred related to his injury. It is the DC; Twon Hall, New York; Orchestra i position of this board that any ex­ Randall A. Weeks of 4938 Skyline Dr, office, which authorized the arrest of at Carson City Hospital the night of the Hall, Chicago; and Town HaU, San COMPLIMENTARY tickets are traordinary expenses he incurred, Perrinton, was assessed $400 in fines Weeks, also authorized the arrest of the incident, Sept 3 and the other, who Francisco. being given for the 1st program on Oct related to the injury, not covered by his and costs by Judge Benjamin Franklin, 5 youths involved in the incident for received over 80 pellet wounds, was Each is a professional photographer 10 while a season ticket for 5 insurance, township/ insurance, Work- visiting judge for 65th District Court in simple larceny, malicious destruction treated extensively at the hospital fdr with many yeqrs experience in mo,pXflompe.Dsation prither. policies, .several* days. ^ ^ .*^^^„ travelogues is oFtafidibijIs! The Oct.lO, Jth&ca, Thursday, SepLt Ja^^^ •of.pr.ope£ty.. „ ^-„*„ > ti lw traveling and filming* the tnany*! travelogue will be in'the St Johns High** be paid'by thetdwnshipr*"'—""""" " Weeks was fined for discharging a The 2 adult youths have been told to beautiful and interesting places around ! School auditorium at 7;30 pm. "I have asked Mr Tom Hoyt to be firearm without malice with intentional ARRESTED WERE Douglas Allen appear in District Court on their the world. * Proceeds from the travelogues will here this evening in order to answer aiming or pointing of the firearm. He charges when notified. Vanderstow, 18, Mead Rd, St Johns, with man years experience in traveling aid in Rotary Community involvement any questions about either the in­ had pled guilty to the charge following and Mark Betz, 18, 519 Robinson Rd, According to the police report, the activities. More information may be> surance or retirement monies.-Mr Hoyt an incident in which 2 youths were hit and filming the many beautiful and Perrinton, and 3 juvenile youths, in­ youths admitted stealing muskmelons interesting places around the world. obtained by calling ticket chairman, is our representative on both of these by pellets, allegedly fired from Week's cluding the 2 that were wounded. and throwing them at houses and into a Bill Langeland at 224-8011. matters. gun. pool in the Middleton - Rainbow Lake The all-color motion pictures are Of the 2 youths wounded, one was "There has been much speculation in The Gratiot County prosecutor's treated for 4 pellet wounds and released area. They also told police that they did malicious damage to Week's property the press and from others as to the including breaking and removing a DeWitt names reasons for Mr Angell's dismissal. The Bloodmobile coming night-light. *" * meeting this evening was not called for the purpose of discussing this matter and, by law, the matter cannot be to Ovid Friday WEEKS ALSO reported damage to a discussed. Therefore, the board has no trailer on his property and said that Councilman, 1 position comment on this issue this evening. after he was aroused by the noise he The Red Cross Bloodmobile is and served by the Women's Fellowship checked his property and found no one visiting the Ovid - Elsie area for their of the Ovid United Church. so he decided to stay in his trailer with a '*! WOULD ask the people here to semi-annual visit Friday, Sept 21 from All residents of the Ovid - Elsie area shotgun. refrain from commenting or asking noon until 6 pm. who are capable of giving are urged to still is vacant questions about the dismissal of Mr* attend. The youths said they returned to the Angell at this meeting." They will be stationed at the Ovid Weeks property and were going to Veteran's Memorial Building. DEWITT - Keith Blizzard was ap­ Geneva Shores II expressing their The reference to Angell's injury remove some driveway markers when concerns an incident when Angell was The refreshments will be furnished the shot was fired, striking the 2 boys pointed to fill 1 or 2 vacancies on the interest in having a sewer installed in DeWitt Council Monday night. their development and "that part of apprehending a person allegedly in the and hitting their vehicle. act of stealing his motorcycle. Weeks told officers that he heard The vacancies were created by the Riverwood that could be economically resignations of Councilmen Wayne serviced." Angell was struck by the individual, someone on his property, came out of who in turn, was wounded when the New doctor the trailer and yelled at them and the (Gus) Wilcox and Ronald Mull. The council also appointed Mrs Wilcox resigned because he is moving Donald Schaibley to the library board former chief reported he shot at him in gun was discharged as they turned and self-defense. ran to their vehicle. Weeks told the outside the city limits and Mull has said officers later that he tripped as he tried he is resigning because of lack of time in St Johns to get out the trailer and the gun to devote to the position. discharged accidentally. Blizzard had been serving as interim ST JOHNS-Dr T Chuntarasupt, MD, councilman following an earlier recall a native of Thailand) has joined the St election that removed the mayor, vice- Johns medical staff, mayor and 1 councilman. Fowler Blizzard had served on the council He will have his office with Dr prior to the regular election in Laumber and Dr Shane at 105 S Ottawa November, when he chose not to run for in St Johns. volunteers fight re-election. He, his wife, Sue, and 2-year-old son, IN OTHER action the Council Johnny, are now residing at the North * received a petition from residents in Scott Road Apartments. Cystic Fibrosis Residents of the United States for the past 6 years, they haye spent the last 2 l FOWLER - Fowler community Its football months in Thailand visiting family and volunteers' will be marching Sept 18-19- friends.
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