Agenda For enquiries on this agenda, please contact: Henry Yellop tel: 020 8547 5846 e-mail: [email protected] This agenda is available on: www.kingston.gov.uk Published on 1 December 2020 Development Control Committee Date: Wednesday 9 December 2020 Time: 7:30 pm Place: An online meeting that can be viewed on the Council's Youtube page Members of the Committee Councillor Malcolm Self (Chair) Councillor Kim Bailey (Vice Chair) Councillor Roy Arora Councillor Mark Beynon Councillor David Cunningham Councillor Lorraine Dunstone Councillor Simon Edwards Councillor Lesley Heap Councillor Rebekah Moll Councillor Stephanie Archer Councillor Dave Ryder-Mills Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting This agenda is available to view on: www.kingston.gov.uk You can also access this agenda through the Modern.gov app or by scanning the QR code with your smartphone. Agenda APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND ATTENDANCE OF 1. SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS 2. Minutes To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting and any outstanding minutes. 3. Declarations of interest Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests and any other non-pecuniary interests (personal interests) relevant to items on this agenda. 4. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Appendix A To consider the following planning applications: · 20/02213/FUL - Roupell House, Florence Road & Land To The Rear Of 37-40 York Road, Kingston Upon Thames KT2 6JS · 20/02216/FUL - Land To Rear Of 204-210C Cambridge Road, Kingston Upon Thames, KT1 3LU 5. Urgent items authorised by the Chair To consider any items which, in the view of the Chair, should be dealt with as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances in accordance with S100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Welcome to this meeting. Webcasting of the meeting This meeting will be webcast live on Council's Youtube Channel and a recording will also be available to watch back a few hours afterwards. Recordings are accessible for a period of 12 months. Contact for further information - For further about Council Committees and meetings please contact: Henry Yellop 020 8547 5846, e-mail: [email protected] Speaking on Planning Applications, Enforcement, or Tree Preservation Orders There is a registration scheme for residents wishing to speak on planning applications, tree preservation orders or enforcement cases to be determined by the Committee. The arrangements for speaking on applications are based on both sides having equal time to make their points to Councillors. To make sure that the meeting runs in a way which is fair to everyone, these arrangements will be followed without any exceptions being made. The full scheme is on the Council website at the ‘Council and Decision making’ webpages. Everyone wishing to speak on an application, Enforcement Action or Tree Preservation Order must have registered THREE days before the meeting. Objectors must have responded to the consultation on an application Registration deadline: 10:00am, Monday 7 December 2020 To register please contact: Henry Yellop tel: 020 8547 5846 , e-mail: [email protected] Time for speaking - FIVE minutes is allowed for each side on each application. This time has to be shared by however many there are on each side. If there are a large number of speakers people must decide amongst themselves on a spokesperson or some other arrangement. The Chair of the meeting has no discretion to extend the time limit. Speakers may find it helpful to have made some notes on what they want to say, so that they make the most of the speaking time. The notes attached to the original consultation letter from the Planning Officer will have explained the things that the Committee can't take account of - loss of view, property values etc. The order of speaking is: Planning applications Enforcement/Tree Preservation Orders 1. Planning Officer to present item Planning Officer to present item 2. Objector(s) (5 minutes) Land/property owner (5 minutes) 3. Applicant (5 minutes) The Council as applicant and/or supporters of the action proposed (5 minutes) 4. Questions from Committee: Questions from Committee 5. Objector(s) (5 minutes) Land/property owner (5 minutes) Applicant (5 minutes) The Council as applicant and/or supporters of the action proposed (5 minutes) 6. Sweep up by Planning Officer 7. Questions from Committee to Officers 8. Debate and decision by Committee A1 Appendix A DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 25/11/2020 REPORT BY Assistant Director of Strategic Planning & Infrastructure INDEX ITEM REGISTER ADDRESS DESCRIPTION RECOMMENDATI PAGE NO NO ON NO A1 20/02213/FUL Roupell House, Partial demolition of PERMIT Florence Road the existing Roupell subject to planning & House building and conditions and the completion of a Land To The erection of a part Service level Rear Of 37-40 3-storey, part 4-storey agreement between York Road, building comprising the relevant Kingston Upon 23 residential units Directors. Thames with associated KT2 6JS landscaping, refuse and cycle storage, public pathway improvements to the eastern boundary and landscaping improvements to the existing communal amenity space to the rear of 37-40 York Road (Dale Court). A1 A2 A2 20/02216/FUL Land To Rear Erection of 5 storey PERMIT Of 204-210C building comprising of subject to planning Cambridge 18 self-contained conditions and the Road, Kingston completion of a residential units (8 x Upon Thames, Service level KT1 3LU one-bedroom, 9 x agreement between two-bedroom and 1 x the relevant three-bedroom) with Directors. associated landscaping, car parking (8 x car parking spaces), refuse and cycle storage Page A2 A3 REPORT BY THE Assistant Director of Strategic Planning & Infrastructure PLANNING APPLICATIONS Background Papers Item A1 Background Papers Application Reference 20/02213/FUL All Background Papers are available on the Council's website for review KSS-RH-A-P10-001 Red Line P01 KSS-RH-A-P11-GF Proposed Ground Floor Plan P01 P02 KSS-RH-A-P11-001 Proposed Typical Floor 1F to 2F P01 P02 KSS-RH-A-P11-002 Proposed 3F 1: P01 P02 KSS-RH-A-P11-003 Proposed Roof Plan P01 P02 KSS-RH-A-P12-001 Proposed GA Section P01 P02 KSS-RH-A-P13-001 Proposed South Elevation P01 P02 KSS-RH-A-P13-002 Proposed North Elevation P01 P02 KSS-RH-A-P13-003 Proposed East Elevation P01 P02 KSS-RH-A-P13-004 Proposed West Elevation P01 P02 KSS-RH-A-P10-002 Proposed Block Plan P01 DAS P02 Landscaping Plan ref: 31345 LC01 Rev D dated 27/11/2020 Energy Report v.3 dated Nov 2020 Sustainability Report v.3 dated Nov 2020 TVIA v1.3 dated Nov 2020 Daylight and Sunlight Report dated 23 November 2020 Item A2 Background Papers Application Reference 20/02216/FUL All Background Papers are available on the Council's website for review KSS-CR-A-P10-001 Red Line P01 P02 KSS-CR-A-P11-GF Proposed Ground Floor Plan P01 P02 KSS-CR-A-P11-001 Proposed Typical Floor 1F to 4F P01 P02 KSS-CR-A-P11-002 Proposed Roof Plan P01 P02 KSS-CR-A-P12-001 Proposed GA Section P01 P02 KSS-RH-A-P12-001 Proposed GA Section P01 P02 KSS-RH-A-P13-001 Proposed South Elevation P01 P02 Page A3 A4 KSS-RH-A-P13-002 Proposed North Elevation P01 P02 KSS-RH-A-P13-003 Proposed East Elevation P01 P02 KSS-RH-A-P13-004 Proposed West Elevation P01 P02 KSS-CR-A-P10-002 Proposed Block Plan P01 P02 Fire Strategy Statement ref: EL7109/ks/15bw Arboricultural Method Statement ref: 05440 Cambridge Rd AMS Rev A Tree Protection Plan ref: 05440 Cambridge Rd AMS Rev A Landscaping Plan ref:31345 L05 Rev A Ecology Report ref: 1005906 EcoApp Cambridge Road vf3/CG/JB, and dated 27/11/2020 Daylight and Sunlight Report dated 27th November 2020 Transport Statement v2.0 dated November 2020 Outline Travel Plan v2.0 dated November 2020 Page A4 A5 Register No: 20/02213/FUL Address: Roupell House, Florence Road & Land To The Rear Of 37-40 York Road, Kingston Upon Thames, KT2 6JS (c) copyright of applicant [Please note that this plan is intended to assist in locating the development; it is not the site plan of the proposed development which may have different boundaries. Please refer to the application documents for the proposed site boundaries.] Page A5 A6 Ward: Canbury Description of Proposal: Partial demolition of the existing Roupell House building and erection of a part 3-storey, part 4-storey building comprising 23 residential units with associated landscaping, refuse and cycle storage, public pathway improvements to the eastern boundary and landscaping improvements to the existing communal amenity space to the rear of 37-40 York Road (Dale Court). Plan Type: Full Application Expiry Date: 18.12.2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning permission is sought for the partial demolition of the existing Roupell House building and the erection of a part 3-storey, part 4-storey building comprising 23 residential units with associated landscaping, refuse and cycle storage, public pathway improvements to the eastern boundary and landscaping improvements to the existing communal amenity space to the rear of 37-40 York Road (Dale Court). ● The proposed development would be “Car Free” with no on-site car parking spaces proposed with no access to car parking permits allowed. ● A total of 46 cycle parking spaces would be provided. ● The proposed development consists of a part three-storey, part four-storey building comprising 23 residential units ● The 23 dwellings would all be affordable units (100% London Affordable Rent). ● The proposed unit mix would be as follows: ○ 1x3 bedroom flat - (4%); ○ 13x2 bedroom flats - (57%); and, ○ 9x1 bedroom flats - (39%).
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