THE COLOMA COURIER WHOLE NO. 1710 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15,1926 VOL 33 NO 12 MANY REQUESTS FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IHPROVEMfNT AT COUNTY PAW PAW AVENUE COLOHA SCHOOL TO PROVIDE PAW PAW TEAM TO PRISONER ESCAPED FROM TWO PRESENTED TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JAIL NEARLY COHPLETED OPEN TO TRAFFIC COURSE OF ENTERTAINHENTS GIVE LODGE WORK DEPUTIES ON WAY TO JAIL Will Make Possible Greater Effldenry Fine New Paved Way North of River Plan to Present Four Good Attractions Van Buren County Odd Fellows Will Man Arrested For Forgery Slugged One 8tal« Wants $5,000 to Test Catlle-W. I In Law Enforcement Branch of Nearly Completed. At the Coloma Theatre. Attend Watervllet Conclave Officer and Then Ran Into a Vine- C. T. U. Home, Children's Home Comity Government. The fine new countjr paved way along The Junior class of the Coloma higii Van Buren county lodges will be yard. Paw Paw avenue connecting Water- school announces that it has made ar- strongly represented at the big Odd Society, Memorial Hail and Tourist TOO SHALL FOR PRESENT NEED II. ('. Allen escaped from two deputy Alterations to the Berrien county Jail vllet and Coloma north of the river was rangements for a course of four enter- Fyllow meeting to l)e held in Water- which have been In progress for some sheriffs Friday night, while being & Resort Association Want to Put opened to traffic last week and the con- tainments to be given at the Coloma vllet on Monday evening, November H, time will he completed within the next taken to the county Jail from Buchan- tractor is now engaged in building the Theatre, beginning with a three-act says Russell Baumann, a member of J Forty-Nine Inmates Are Crowded Info thirty days, according to the contract- an. where .Inst ire A1 Charles l.ad Hands in Pocketo of Berrien County. shoulders, guard fences and private comedy by the Victor Sheldon Troupe, the committee in charge of the affair. 1 ors "making the Improvements. When placed h'im under bond charged Quarters Intended For 33 Persons driveway aniiroaches^ Tuesday, October 10th, and concluding The degree team of the Paw Paw 1 Berrien fomity's hoard of supervis- completed the improvements will en- This iil|!liwn.V llliiirovement, which in February with a nationally cele- with forging a check in payment for lodge, said to he one of the best in [ a car, SherifT Fred ('. Franz said Mon- ors will have to put the soft pedal on One of the Important matters that able the sheriff's office, which ranks has been under construction all sum- brated male quartet, "The Ithacans." Southwestern Michigan, lias accepted day. The escape was kept quiet Sat- the appropriations that are made at was brought before the Berrien county third in the state "f Michigan In the mer, not only furnishes a second paved A uniformly high quality of enter- an invitation to confer the first degree tirday In the hopes that Allen might the annual sawion which Is being held board of HU|>ervlsor8 at the October amount of criminal business fransact- road liefween the two towns, but also tainment Ik assured in these mimliers work which will be put on in the big he recaptured, he explained. at Ht. Joseph this week If they want to session, which convened at the court •tl. to operate even more efficiently. connects up the south shore resorts on by the fact that the company furnish- auditorium of the high school building. | For two nigliK Deputies Bert Lister keep down the taxes for the coiuIiik house this week was that of providing The alterations consist of a badly Paw Paw Lake with M-U and also ing the course caters especially to 1 and Guy Best lay waiting in the rain year. And the supervisors realize this additional quarters for the growing needed private office for the sheriff, with the pavement from Coloma around schools and churches, working on a co- While the meeting is the annual for Allen, who they expected to visit fact so well that the finance committee nuniher of ininates at the county in- new quarters for the turnkey, ami more the west and north shores of the lake. operative basis, the school or church monthly gathering of the Berrien Coun- a sweetheart at Galien. Friday night will so thoroughly analyze every re- firmary at Berrien Centre. adequate space for the finger-print The actual price for the entire road sharing in the proceeds. "The Cure ty Association of Odd Fellow Lodges, they were rewarded, and the car was quest made of them only those organ- The superintendents of the county identlfinit!on bureau which has grown improvement was approximately $100,- All," a three act comedy which will be on account of Watervliet's location and relurned to a Ituchanan garage. Al- izations that have real merit will share poor, including L. E. Merchant of St. in importance during Sheriff Franz's (KK), of which $75,000 is paid by local given us the first numlter Is an entire- the accommodations in the auditorium, len. who has worked In several villages in the appropriations. Joseph, (lien HaKslett of Buchanan, administration. taxpayers. ly new ylay, an uproarlng comedy, which will seat five hundred people in the galleries alone, a special invitation in the southern part of the county. Is and H. E. Whalen of Eau Claire, pre- Sheriff Franz has received much The section of road that has Just guaranteed to cure any and all cases Some of the Requests. said to have given a forged check for sented the matter to the board and favorable comment from state and been oiiened to travel, offers one of the of real or Imaginary despondency. has been extended to the Van Buren national ofiiclalA Interested In law en- Odd Fellows to Join in making the oc- $3(15 In payment. Requests for appropriations up to asked that an annex he erected at a most Iteautiful short drives to he found The sale of tickets for the course Is forcement and the efficiency of the casion one of the big fraternal The two deputies started to bring noon on Tuesday had reached the sum cost of approximately $50,000. in this section. Leaving M-ll at the being handled by the Juniors. If an Berrien county jail, for which Sheriff gatherings of the year. Allen lo the county Jail handcuffed. of $17,800 and two other Institutions big plant of the Watervllet Paper com- opportunity has not been given you to 11.Jick of Facilities Franz Is responsible, was a large fac- 5 Near Arden. they reported that he com- had asked for any amount that the pany, the drive angles west and south purchase a season ticket. do not miss Rehekahs Will Assist in Serving Supper tor In electing him president of the with the coating mill and new ad- the first number, hut come and buy plained of having cramps and asked to hoard might see Jit tc givo LncU of fBclHtl"" to -nro properly Mlchlcan Stale Association of Shei.lfs. ditions to the mills or. the left and the your season ticket at the door. Re- get out of the car. The sum of $5,000 was asked for cat- for the numlter of inmates now housed A feature of these monthly Odd Fel- Sheriff Franz has held this office since heaufiful parked grounds ot the miii low meeting- !u a uir o'elwk mippor After (lie deputies removed the hand- tle Inspection for tuberculosis. there. Is given by Mr. Merchant as the membet, thul in patronizing thU coursc last February and It Is the first time company on the right. The Paw Paw you are not only receiving four mim- and the local Daughters of Rebekah Clllfs, Alien is said In liute (struck The W. C. T. U. home In Benton iiasls for the request. In the history of the association that a river is crossed and then up the hill liers of high class entertainment at a will assist the Ovlatt Lodge members Lister a blow on the neck which knock- Harbor asked to)r $1,000. The poor When the infirmary first was con- man from this section of the state has into one ot WateftrUet's most delight- in preparing and serving and this is a ed him out, and then fled in a grape committee sought an appropriation of structed It was built upon the room nominal cost, hut you are aiding the held the office. ful residential sections. Many new juniors. guarantee that the feed will he worth vineyard, escaping in the darkness. $0,000. The temporary relief organlz- plan, with •'{.'! rooms, designed to care The alterations soon to lie completed Hesf fired his revolver at him to no tlon sought $2,500. The Mk-Mgan modern homes on the south and a sec- coming many miles to partake of. for 20 men and l.'l women inmates. will not Increase the Inmate capacity avail. Children's Home Society asked for $2,- At the present time there are 40 be- tion of Loveiand Acres, recently platted Those who attended the big Odd Fel- of the jail, which Is now capable -if by C. B. Hays, on the north aide of the low meeting in Watervllet a year ago Deputy Lister is still suffering from 500 to carry on Its work. The sum of ing cared for. 32 men and 17 women, housing about forty prisoners. The av- pavement. last spring know something about the a stiff neck, and both the officers are $500 was asked for (the upkeep of the he reports.
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