THE· OCTOBER· 1938 ALUMNI· MAGAZINE PAUL GRAHAM Congratulations to . .. The INDIANA ALUMNI MAGAZINE, the University's newest publication ... and to the Alumni who have made it possible. Watch our column each m01tth 01t page 29 INDIANA UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE INDIANA MEMORIAL UNION Alumni: Make the Union your home when you return to your Alma Mater. GUEST ROOMS CAFETERIA BARBER SHOP BILLIARD ROOM LOUNGES rrWe'll Meet You at the Union" Letters to the Editors Facts, Opinions and News from Readers Among the Graduates and Former Students [The following fifteen letters are e:rcerpts from 850 replies from graduates to the question, in effect, ((Do you approve the change from the Quarterly and the Alumus to a new monthly magazine? If so, what are your suggestions'!" The store that good Nine out of ten approved the change, not as many had suggestions.-EDITOR.] merchandise and SIRs- Best wishes for the success of the new magazine. It will certainly help satisfaction built! alumni to keep in touch with their new and greater University. New York City. LEWIS VICTOR MAYS, '21. SIRS-. believe the monthly magazine is a good idea. I'd like news of all kinds and alumni opinions on present-day problems . ... I suggest these: "Is social Ii fe over-emphasized at 1. U.?" "The desirability, advantages and need of the University's own placement bureaus." "The value of a personnel department for care of freshman problems." "Alumni suggestions for a better 1. U." MARY ESTHER SMITH, '38. Terre Haute. The store that can SIRS- [Suggest] a forum on present-day problems with opinions of leaders. always show you the Sponsor a questionnaire of alumni on political, religious and moral questions. newest styles! Charlestown, Ind. VERA KENNEDY, '34. The November issue will reveal the M :ICAZINE'S proposed Survey of Alumni Opinion. -ED. SIRS-I have known many business men who were successful in a four-story building who went broke when they tried to expand into a tw'elve. Ithaca, N. Y. F. M. SMITH, '99. SIRS-Why change? Washington, D. C. H. G. BADGER, AM'3S. The store that carries Because 89.5 per cent of the graduates returning the survey cards wanted the change.-Eo. the merchandise that =..... clever shoppers want! SIRs-I trust the once-a-month publication can keep evenly in pace with news of the university and alumni. GEORGE ADE, honLLB'28. Brook, Ind. For more news of Mr. Ade see "In Closing," page 32.-EO. ~ ~Rs-Be sure to include a Vox Pop column, so that we can let off steam in praise and denunciation. CLAUDE E. HADDEN, '23, MD'2S. Indianapolis. The store you'll want SIRS- ... the new magazine [should] contain a letter box for words of gratitude, approval, or constructive criticism from the alumni group.... your daughter to Russellville, Ind. ANNA R. CLARK, 'IS. patronize at school! SIRS- ... a "Voice of the Alumni" column would noJ; be amiss. Let us express ourselves. \VILLIAM G. Moss, '29. Benton Harbor, Mich. This is it. Go ahead.-Eo. ~ SIRs-[Have] write-ups for a few of the "under-dogs." Not every graduate is sitting on top of the world and is still a part of it and interested in other small fry. DENSIE OLIVER NOYER, '11. Muncie. Bloomington's SIRs-There are too many [alumni] doing good work about whom we hear Leading nothing. All can not be lawyers, doctors or merchants, Miami, Fla. MRS. EDGAR L. RICKARD (Nannie Merker, '05.) Department Store All graduates and former students, on top of the world or elsewhere, of any occupa­ tion. are invited to send in news notes which will be written up.-Eo. 2 The October INDIANA ALUMNI MAGAZINE SIRs-Invite alumni with literary talent to write for the magazine. Indianapolis. ISADORE FEIBLEMAN, '93. They are invited; two are in this issue, two more will appear in November.-Eo. ~ SIRs-Have at least one serious article of broad general interest written by graham an alumnus in each issue. DALE Cox, '24. Chicago. H OTE L Mr. Cox, former newspaperman in Florida and Ohio, now with the International Har­ vester Company, having been asked to write "one serious article' of broad general interest" P. C. GILLIATT, Proprietor for an early issue, is considering it.-Eo. ~ Bloomington SIRs-Have more pictures . as they often tell Illon: than volumes of Indiana words. G. L. MURPHY, '31. Scotia, N. Y. There are over fifty pictures in this issue. Mr. Murphy, as are all alumni, is invited to send in pictures of himself or other 1. U. folks doing inte'resting things.-En. ~ SIRS-Choose a highly appropriate name. Employ best possible paper qual­ ity, type and printing style to give character and dignity of appearance. Sullivan, Ind. JOHN S. TAYLOR, '10, LLB'I1. Among other names considered were Grad: The Magazine of 1. U. Alumni alld Former Students; The Hoosier Alumnus, and Indiana Alumlli News. Paper, type and printing are SOUTHERN INDIANA'S the budget's best.-ED. FINEST HOTEL SIRS-I paid $1.00 for the Alumnus . last April. I didn't get my year's subscription-don't you think I'm entitled to at least one issue of the new magazine? REBECCA \NHITTINGTO N, 32. Crawfordsville, Ind. Miss Whittington is entitled to the INDIANA ALUMNI MA GAZ INE until April, 1939, for as the prospectus read, "Those of you who have unexpired SUbscriptions to the Quarterly or the Alumnus will receive the new magazine month for month until your present sub­ scriptions expire. Your check now for renewal will extend your subscription and your ':1e~?ership [in the Alumni Association] for one year from your present date of expira­ tIOn. -ED. ~ Sms-The only note about myself is a sad one and not news ; that I ca n not subscribe for the INDIANA ALUMNI MAGAZINE for lack of means. .Men at 82 can not earn money. Sorry. Know it will be a great magazlIle for all who attended old I. U. , ex'79. ----ville, Ky. Hereafter, each month this alumnus, a retired attorney, will receive a complimentary copy of the INDIANA ALUMNI MAGAZINE, to keep him informed of the campus he knew so well nearly sixty years ago.-Eo. =e SIRs-I graduated from Indiana University in June, 1938. I have been in­ formed ... that I would receive the INDIANA ALUMNI MAGAZINE free of charge for one year. Please advise me. KARL DICKE.N , '38. Dana, Ind. Mr. Dicken and all ho lders of first degrees from the University in the class of 1938 will receive the MA GAZINE free of charge for one year, may se'nd in th eir renewal remittances at allY time.-Eo. = KEEPING PACE SIRs-Congrats on the comlllg INDIANA ALUMNI MAGAZINE. Merrettee WITH Irene Hesscnauer, AM'3I, and I are twoing it in or near the above address. [Helmsburg, Brown county, Ind.] In fact, we are now threeing it. Have a red­ THE PROGRESS OF hot fullback prospect for "Bo" McMillin as soon as he gets about IRo mort: pounds on him. INDIANA'S And do you put this new magazinc on the exchange list, or what in the way of sorghum molasses or heating wood will you accept as illegal tender in lieu GREAT UNIVERSITY of cash? How about an article on "Brown County Keeps in Step?" or some­ thing similar for a future issue ... ? GLENN LONG, ex'2I, Helmsburg, Ind. Editor and Publisher, Beanblossom Vallev Bllilder. The editors, unable to agree on an equitable division of sorghum or stove wood, will tender Mr. Long and spouse an exchange subscription when and if the article on Brown county is received and printed.-ED. THE OCTOBER· 1938 INDIANA ALUMNI MAGAZINE Cont£Jluz'ng the Ind£ana Alumn£ !f<..uarterly and The Ind£ana Alumnus Volume I Number 1 STAFF GEORGE F. H EIGHWAY (?ontentj Editor Cover ROGER A. HURST PAUL GRAHAM, '39, VARSITY FOOTBALL CAPTAIN 111a llogi'ug Editor IVY L. CHAM NESS A ssocinte Editor News 1. U. OPENS I 15th YEAR . Thomas Buck 5 EDITORIAL BOARD A Campus News Digest E. Ross Bartley NEW FACES AT 1. U. .. 8 Ward G. Biddle Walter S. Greenough Illtroducin.Q New Staff Members Mrs. Al ta Brunt Sembower THE UNIVERSITY AFIELD John E. Stempel 9 R eview of Off-Campus Activities INDIANA UNIVERSITY REAL ESTATE FELLOW NAMED ......... 10 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION A lbert E. Dickens, '30, H olds Research Grallt President, NfATTHEW vVINTE.RS, 'IS, AI".')7, . I I Indianapolis "lVIEETING CALLED TO ORDER" .. Vice-P,·es., J O HN S. TAYLOR, '10, LLB'l1, 1. U. Alumni Club News Sullivan Secrctay)', GEORGE F. HEIGHW"\', LLB'22, GRADUATE GIVES BOOKS TO LIBRARY Bloom ington F. M. Smith, '99, Donates Collectioll Trctulfrcr, \V ARD G. BJDDLE , '16, Bloomington John Robert Moore 15 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL "I KNEW HIM WHEN". ... ...... 22 1936-39 Alumni N ews Noles by Classes "UN" E. ALLEN, ')6, AM'24, South Bend l\iRS. KAl'HARI N E CAOAN GREEN O UGlI, '11, Indianapolis Features DONALD A. ROGERS, LLB'27, Bloomington REFLECTIONS ......... William Lowe Bryan 4 )937·40 LE~IUEL A. PITTENGER, '07, AM'08. "Muncie THE "CRACKED" PROFESSIONS . Don Herold 7 '?\'[RS. ALTA BRUNT SEMBOWER, '01, Bloomington WA'-T ER E. TREANOR, ')2, LLB' 22, JD'23, OXFORD SPORTS ARE DIFFERENT. Harlan Logan 13 Chicago 1938-41 CAMPUS-TRAINED STATE POLICE .... Pictures 16 DEAN L. BARNHART, '11, Goshen BENTON J. BLOOM. '07, Columbia City Sports l\iRS. OLIVE BELDON' LEWIS, '14, Indianapolis NEWELL H. LoNG, )28. School of Music alumni "FIGHTIN' HOOSIERS" George Gardner 18 DOUGLAS H. \VHITE, School of Dentistry alumni A lUll/IIi Secretary HIGHLIGHTS OF 1. U .
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