AveraRe Daily Net Press Rnn For the Week Ending The XVeather Dec. eth, IBM roraenat of 0. S. Wenthnr Borane IncrAnalng cloudlnes* tonlghL 12,845 Low near 29. Tueaday, not quite M em ber of the AjlidU;, aa ooM, snow beginning early ' Bureau of Circiilntian Tiireday. High near 80. Manche9ter-—A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 58 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1958 (CiMalfled Advertising on Pago 16) PRICE FIVE CENTS Giant Snowfall ^ o h le Aide ‘No’ Buries ^PP«r prison ^ jyi ew ± ork i^tate •Rights Probers Hear On Berlin Plan By THE AS.SOCl.\TED PREHR r or Ferjury Swirling snow piled a thick peo-f l«?der of -Weiit Berlin and thus a Berlin. Dec. 8 — The white coat over the expanse strong eventual contender for the New York. Dec. 8 (/T)—■ pie of West Berlin gave an from tlie Plains to New York Mark Zborowski, convicted of emphatic no yesterday to West German chancellorship. He announced he wi go to today and subzero cold grip- per,jury for denying that he r Communist plans to drive the Bonn later this week to confer ped much of the Upper Missis- knew confe.a.sed Soviet spy Negro Vote Curbs western Allies out of their with Adenauer on future strategy. sippi Valley. .lack Soble, was sentenced to- city. But he declined to .say whether, O.swego, N. Y.. had a record one- day to a nia-itimuni 5-year But the resounding Communist with his strong parliamentary ma- day .snowfall of 33 inches far ex- defeat in the election of a new jority. he would not forr.r an all- ceeding the previous 24-hour mark prison tei-m., West Berlin parliament did not Socialist government or whether of 19.1 inches In 19011 There was Zborowski, a Rii.ssian horn an- kill the Soviet proposal to end the he would continue the previous a 44-Inch white snow burden which Ihropologi.st showed no emotion as Registered 4-,power occupation and turn West coalition with the Christian Demo- immobilized the city. Federal Judge John M. Cashin im- posed aenteiice. Berlin into a demilitarized free crats. In the last parliament, Schools were closed throughout which had only 127 seals, the clt.v. Red spokesman said the pro- the upstate New York area, and Zhorowski's attornev. Frederick 1 Socialists held 64 for a majority roads were drift-blocked hy tlic Nathan, had pleaded In vain for Totals Cited posal still stood. of one. a minimum term. Nathan charged West Berlin Mayor 'Willy record accumulRtlon. The deepest snow ever nccuniiilated before was tl'st the pro.'^eciitlon was guilty Brandt braced hU people for The Soviet Union is propo.sing .35 inches mcasined Fell. 9. 1912. of "extremely prejudicial re- shocks to come and warned of that the French, British and In Alabama American troops leave West Ber- Pulaski. N Y.. had a 24-Inch fall maiks." ' serious times ahead. lin within six months and turn It of 15 inches bringing the gioiind A jury of 10 men and two wom- No Communist candidates were into a free cit.v independent of cover to 24 inches. Wind.s of 30 to en convicted Zborowskt last Nov. I Mnntpnmcr.y, .Ala.. Dec. 8 elected in the election, which was both West Germany and Commu- 40 miles an hour off Lakes Erie 20 after throe hours' deliberation. (rPi— A Tii-skcgee Negro leader widely viewed ;.s i plebiscite nn nist East Germany. and Ontario wliipped up higli Zborowski. 51. i.s a former re- ' told the Civil Right.a Commis- Nikita Khrushchev’s proposal. The drilt.s. Plan Called Trick search assistant at Harvard ; Communists were the only ones At Ma.saena. N Y.. on Ihe St. ■sion toda,\ that nnl.v 4 per Brandt, Adenauer and Allied of- Umvei.sity. He admitted he was ! who supported the Soviet pro- I^wieme Seaway, zero weather Ci^iit of the -Negroe.s in his poeaLs. a Soviet agent abroad 25 yeara , 1 Rovie? tXk "'orUmen strove county are registered voters a Soviet trick They say West Ber-j ago. He came to this country In Brandt, leader of the SocialLsts, 1911 and was naturalized .six yeara '■ hn. .since it lies 110 miles mside, hut that the percentage was re-elected in a smashing per- later. i among white re.sidents runs as sonal triumph. His part.v got 78 UK . K .'.'•'■■r.""''"' T ”' ikhtion sea.son ahead of tonight's grabbed by the Oommiiiiisls. , ,|pa,ui„p , Zborowski told a grand jury he ' of the 133 seats in parliament, a high as 60-70 per cent. never knew Sohic, now serving a solid majority The remaining .55 Tlie nirisUfln Democrats l.uricd , Thirk snow dc.sren.lcd over William P. Milchrll. who rs- the political hatchet immediately | pm t.s of .se\ cn otlier states fn.ni fcdcial prison tenu. Later. Zlior'iu'- callrd that he w a.x rcjccisd as a went to the Chrl.stlan Democrats. after the election icturn.s came in, t the lowa-Nebl asks border sk' admittci] he knew Sohic hut prn.spcclivr voter until hr filed a West German Chancellor Konrad They announced they stood firmly through .soiiihoiii pm lion., of Wi.s- .said Soble was u.«ing an alias at court amt 13 years ago. wa.a the Adenauer's party. behlnd Brandi. During pre-election I consm and .Michigan and noUhern the lime first w-iinrsa CHllrd to irslify in 1.9% for Reds Soble. .55, was brouglit tieie from ' ---------- 1 sections of Illinois, Indiana and the commission's hisl'oric inquiry The Communist candidates were prison and tesiified he made 40 or; (Continued on Page Ten) Ohio. into Negro voting complaints In buried under an avalanchf of .50 eontaets wiUi Zborowski Soble ' the South. votes. They received a mere 1.9 descnbeil Zborowski a.s a henrli- The commission opened its first per cent of the vote, as compared man in a Soviet espionage ling in public hearing in a crowded U S. with 2.7 per cent in the la.sl elec- this country. Circuit Court of Appeal.a enurt- tion In 1954. They hav never won In addition to the maximum room. B_\’ <’oincidence. .lodge Rich- a parliamentary seat In West Leftist Holds Lead prison term. Zborowski could have , ard T, Recve.a. in wtxoae courtroom Berlin. been fined $2..500. There is no set the hearing m being conducted, Brandt, 44, a fighting anti-Com- minimum trim for the offense. No' represeniert Tii.xkegee registration miinist. became the undisputed line w'a.s iinpose'l. official.a in conle.xling .Mitchell'e In Venezuela Vote Zhftrowski. arrested by FBI lawsuit In 1945 That, of course, n'.;cnt.s al hi.s home at 10 Alton w-a.a before he Iiecaine a judge. Place ill Brookline .Mass., last A .showdow n wa-a dela.ved. mean- Surprise War Caracas, 'Venezuela, Dec. 8 f/Pf- • One expressed fear tlie Comnni- April 21. told the ^oiirl he had i while. on the threatened refuaal Romulo Betancourt, a veteran nisl.s would win scyen or more nothing to say,•W^r(*'^fenlcnctng. I nf defiant Alabar-a nffiriala to Leftist back from exile, was rim-' .seats that Democratic Action had .liidgc' Cashin told him: j Talk in Geneva ning out front and strong today; hoped to gel in the riiamber of prodiire voting rerorda from six "Let me make il a.s clear-to you | •Mabama eountiea which were with more than half the votes i Deputies, R hal^s All the F uss? as I can: Any .senteme 1 am go-1 subpoenaed for the hearing. The counted in Venezuela’s first free Figiirc.s of Ihe (’nmniunist vole ing to impose on you is for per-1 Ten-month-old \ ictoria Dola>sh vawns widely as she is cuddled b\' her jiaienls. Mi and .Mrs, Cj'ril commi.aaion .said it would hear Hits Dead End presidential election in a decade. v\'cu'c not availalilc because tlicy M. DeUiah of Washington, D. C,. after her lecoverv from a liaiw sitter who faces kidnaping jury nnd nothing else I made that leatimony from complaining Ne- Betancnnrt’s party ' rolled up were liim|ied witli others tor lari- charges. Tlie FBI accuses the baby sillci. .Mrs Dolly Zirk 2U. a former menial patient with tak- clear to the jury lliat you were! CJeneva, Dec. 8 lAh—The'Unlfbd 610,328 voles to 846.399 for chal- ^ razahat in many retiirns. But they gro witne.a.ses flrat. not being charged i tried i for j ing Victoria to the home of a second employer in siilnirban Ml. Ranier, ,Md , and representing her as States and Ru.ssia agreed today lengcr Rear Adm. Wolfgang Lai - were estimated al considerably her own. i AP Pholofax). However, Circuit Judge George espionage. that the 10-nation talks on preven- razabal In the 3-way contest.: less than 10 per cent of the na- C. Wallace nf Clayton, Ala . who tion of surprise attack have reach- Trailing far behind was Rafael tionwide total. A.s in the past then "It is this courfs opinion that ; ha.x Impounded voter registration Caldera of (he more Moderate! ed a dead end. strength was mainly in Caracaa. you had a fair trial, and il seems flies in two of the counties, failed Christian Socialists. He had 324.- ’ There was no sign, however, F^arlJ' leaders lenscly awaited to me that you couldn't help con- to answer when his name w-a« 760 voles.
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