October 2009 Autumn arrived on September 22. We all Bob Paterson, a club member, has been know what that means. Not just football contracted to remove several dead trees. in Tennessee but cooler temperatures and Several new pylons will be installed on the return of steady breezes. It also means Dave’s and the West docks. time to get your work hours before the The Long Range Planning Committee end of the year. Following is a list of pro- and sub-committees are finalizing the pro- jects to help you complete your work hour posal for a new west dock system. Details requirements while improving the clubs will be available in the near future. The appearance. Hurry, now’s your chance! plans for a mast hoist/ladder system to as- Work cards will be tallied November 15th. sist members for making repairs to their This past spring we were rained out on masts without removing it are still in the one “official work Saturday”. As a result design stage. Details will be available in several projects were not completed. To- the near future. wards the end of the week of October 5th, PLEASE TURN OFF ALL LIGHTS, AP- a large dumpster will be located near the PLIANCES AND FANS AND LOCK west ramp. This is for depositing all the THE DOORS BEFORE YOU LEAVE shoreline debris that has accumulated over THE BUILDINGS. the summer from the rain swollen river and all the shrub cuttings from work pro- As always, if you have any concerns or re- jects. Members are asked to pick a project pairs to be made, that meets their ability. Many of the pro- please contact me at jects involve a truck, chain saws/heavy your convenience. duty weed eaters and ability to move the debris and scrub brush to the dumpster. I will lead a work party on October 24th for those who are available. Rear Commodore [email protected] Club House Project Description Repair Details/Suggestions Kitchen Counters near sink & stove Re-glue laminate Parking Lot Scrape gravel at repair site Patch w/asphalt cold patch Downspout on South Install new straps Straps located in Smith’s Shed Flag Pole Replace sheave for US Ensign Rent Hoist @ United Rentals, Kingston Pike. See Jerry/Dwight Guinn 1st October 2009 No. 453 2 Club House Project Description Repair Details/Suggestions Gutters Clean the outside of all gutters Dwight Guinn has cleaning strategy Shake Siding Clean with Armor All Dwight Guinn has cleaning strategy Leaf Removal Collect all fallen leaves Last job in Late Autumn Concrete Deck Project Description Repair Details/Suggestions Tables & Benches Repair/Scrape/Paint as needed Concrete Joints Scrape joints and caulk Bunker Project Description Repair Details/Suggestions Caulk cracks Use backer rod & acrylic caulk Bushes Trim as needed Bath House Project Description Repair Details/Suggestions Walkway Canopy Lights Replace as needed Flower Bed Landscape timbers @ West End Replace All Bathrooms Add Motion Senor Lighting See Jerry deLaurentis 1st Doors Install door closures w/5lb pull See Jerry deLaurentis 1st Boat House Project Description Repair Details/Suggestions Roof peak @ both ends Open vents allow birds to enter Close opening w/screening Pres. Washer Shed Project Description Repair Details/Suggestions Work Area Paint peeling/siding loose Secure siding/pressure wash/paint CSC/JY Sails Bldg Project Description Repair Details/Suggestions Base Plate Rotten Replace 2x6’s w/PT Lumber Bulletin Board Replace Buy new or build new/prime & paint Exterior Lights Add Motion Sensor Disconnect switch Shingle Missing Replace Opti Dock Project Description Repair Details/Suggestions Storage Box Electrical outlet Rewire per code West Dock Project Description Repair Details/Suggestions All Many loose boards Replace loose nails w/screws Main Ramp Missing/loose rungs Screw loose one’s, replace missing Main Walkway Several bad planks Replace 2x6x8 nr #3, several 2x6x5 Main Walkway @ 11/12 Bad Plank Replace 1ea, 2x6x12 Main Walkway @ 29 Bad Plank Replace 1ea, 2x6x12 Finger #6 & #8 Bad Planks 2ea, 2x6x8 Finger #9 & #11 Bad Plank Replace 1 ea, 2x6x8 Finger #14 & #16 Sideboard coming loose Re-attach sideboard Finger #13 & #15 Bad Plank Replace 1ea, 2x6x12 #32 Broken L-Bracket, Main dock Replace L-Bracket to finger attachment October 2009 No. 453 3 West Dock Project Description Repair Details/Suggestions #33 & #30 Loose Slip Numbers Install screws in metal plates Finger #38 & #40 Bad Plank Section, can probably Replace 1ea, 2x6x3 cut out bad section Hose Bib Leaks Replace washer Dinghy Dock Attach end sections securely Attach w/chain or cable Work Platform near Shore Place dinghy on Dinghy Dock Move work platform to shore line on opposite side of the work dock Dave’s Dock Project Description Repair Details/Suggestions Sunfish Dock @ beginning End joist has broken loose on Reconnect or replace 2x10x16 of Main one end Main Walkway 3 warped planks Replace 3 planks, 2x6x6 Dinghy Dock Carpet loose Re-tack carpet JY Dock Replace 2 to 3 planks, rotted/broken Replace 3 planks, 2x6xvariable Main Walkway Loose fasteners on plastic sections Tighten fasteners, need Torx driver. Slip #31 Finger end piling retainer broken Rebuild end piling retainer or convert to chain type RALPH “R.G.” SMITHSON COMMODORE CYC has lost Secretary, Bonnie McCormick as a Board member, but not the McCor- mick’s as club members. Recently, Mark took a job with a coal company in Bristol, Tennessee, and Bonnie re- turned to school full-time at ETSU. The McCormick’s are living in Johnson City during the week and Knoxville on the weekends. Feeling she couldn’t adequately fulfill her duties as Secretary, Bonnie reluctantly re- signed last month, just a few months shy of completing her second year on the Board. Sandra Ford Johnson agreed to step in as club secretary for the remainder of the year. We wish Bonnie great success in this new endeavor and thank her for all she’s contrib- uted to CYC over the years. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain October 2009 No. 453 4 Interim Secretary [email protected] Next Board Meeting will be Tuesday, October 13th - 7pm Daniel Leibman Don & Jackie Lesmerises Sailboat: MFG 19 Sailboat: None at the moment Interest: Racing, Cruising, & Day Sailing Interest: Racing, Cruising, & Day Sailing Steve & Rosemary Noe Ricky & Linda Summitt Daughter: Rachel Son: Eric Sailboat: Bayfield 25 Boat: Mirage 18 Interest: Cruising & Day Sailing Interest: Day Sailing Michael & Lucy Schaad Alex Folkard Children: McKinley, Harrison, & Boat: Helms 27 Lucian Interest: Cruising & Day Sailing Sailboat: Herroshoff Reproduction 21 Student Member Interest: Day Sailing Keen Wong Adam Bonomo Vade Scruggs Doug Toney Ervin Grove Brian Smith HB Urrutia Andrew Jones Alexander Stein Current Membership - 216 Active - 196 Honorary - 11 Student - 9 Inactive - 24 Board Meeting Minutes are kept in the Clubhouse Library. October 2009 No. 453 5 OctoberOctober 31st31st thruthru NovemberNovember 1st1st HorizonHorizon YachtYacht ClubClub ~~ BlueBlue SpringsSprings MarinaMarina CYC is formally invited for the Annual Fall Challenge Cup REGISTRATION DEADLINE: October 15th! Friday, October 30th there will be a meet & greet at the Club- house starting at 7pm. Please come and join us for appetiz- ers, beer, and a good chat. Saturday, October 31st 9:00am: Captains meeting will be held at the Clubhouse. 7:00pm: Costume Party, Dinner, & Entertainment Put on your best scares & join us for dinner and an evening of entertainment and fun. Don’t be late and remember...BYOB. Dinner Menu: BBQ Pork, Smoked Chicken, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Potato Salad, Potato Chips, Buns & Rolls, Iced Tea & Lemonade. Confirmation is required for dinner! Dinner RSVP to [email protected] Sunday, November 1st 10:00am: On the water with as many races as possible. 1:00pm: Awards Ceremony Questions regarding the regatta, boat accom- modations, or concerns please contact: Larry Luke, HYC Vice Commodore [email protected] October 2009 No. 453 6 OctoberOctober 31st31st thruthru NovemberNovember 1st1st Forms are due by October 15, 2009 Please confirm boat entry Racing: 3 Trophies in each of the 3 Fleets: Boat Entry Fee $15.00/Pre Register or $______________ $20.00/At Door $______________ ___ Each Meal @ $20.00 * $______________ ___ Each T-Shirt @ $20.00 each $______________ TOTAL: $______________ SKIPPER’S NAME: ________________________________________ BOAT NAME: ___________________________________________ TYPE & LENGTH: _________________________________________ SAIL #: __________________________________________________ SPINNAKER: Yes____ No ____ *Confirmation needed for dinner - RSVP Email to [email protected] Mail Form & Fee to: Horizon Yacht Club 3952 River Road ~ Ten Mile, Tennessee 37880 October 2009 No. 453 7 Brian Smith Commodore - UT Sailing Club [email protected] The University of Tennessee's Sailing Club woke up Saturday morning from their tents to meet nine visiting colleges (the most UT has ever hosted at CYC) and a steady 6-8 knot breeze on the lake to start the 2009 fall regatta. However, the wind stopped being so generous after only five of the necessary six races needed to complete the regatta. Fortu- nately, after a spontaneous game of ultimate Frisbee and slip-n-slides by the glassy lake we completed our last race in a light thermal breeze. UT fell to sec- ond place by only one point overall when Georgia Tech placed first in the final race. UT Sailing would like to thank Frank Larimer for being our P.R.O. and Fred and Libby Griffin for working Race Com- mittee. They did an amazing job getting off the six races required to constitute a regatta in difficult conditions. Also a big thanks to our judges Tom Hud- son and Elizabeth Schonagen, luckily we had a clean regatta with no protests.
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