Oral Roberts University Digital Showcase Oracle: ORU Student Newspaper Oral Roberts University Collection 2-16-1973 Oracle (Feb 16, 1973) Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalshowcase.oru.edu/oracle Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, and the Higher Education Commons rhe VOLUME 8, NUMBER I8 ORAI ROBERTS UNIVERSITY, TULSA, OKLAHOMA FEBRUARY 16, 1973 Stokes to speok in chopel Awqreness week to stress blqck cultulê, fosh¡oh, food by ruth fui lots more." Student art by Mat- "Commentator for the men's tie Thomas, Lora Wilkins, and clothing is Howard Grimes, own- Hey man, it's Black Aware- others will be displayed in the er of The Mantique shop," said ness Week at ORU! Starting cafeteria throughout the week. Marvin Stewart. Monday, February 19, Black Tim Thuston, moderator for Providing special music for Magic will be casting its spell Wednesday's chapel, will intro- fashion night are Pam Bogard, over the carnpus, but this is a duce student speakers Ladora Sam McKimey, and Debbie good type of black magic! Sanders, Sylvia Jones, and Eu- Sharp with Ernie Lewis on bon- A magic that has been in the genio Raphael and special music gos and Floyd Wiley from "The planning since last year, magic by Claressa Moore and Sam Mc- Ghetto Singers" at the organ. involving ORU black students, Kinney. "The chapel topic will CarI B. Stokes will be the their art, music, fashions, food- be 'Fulfillment of a Dream'," guest chapel speaker on Friday. everything about them! Can you explained Tom. "It's based on Born in Cleveland, Ohio, Stokes dig it? what Martin Luther King said, was a high school dropout he Tom Farley, coordinator of 'I have a d¡eam'. Now we a¡e entered the service, came back the week's activities, said, "We awakening to that dream. We and got his high sohool diploma, took a long time to plan it all, so have the opporhrnities and fa- then a law degee, became an I hope everybody comes out. cilities as blacks to increase our attorney, set up his own firm, Look for the advertisements.!" education and develop our went into politics, and was eleot- Monday evening is "Black Ex- knowledge. ed mayor of Cleveland n 1969. perience Night" in Zoppelt Audi- Wednesday evening is fashion IIe now works as a newscaster torium. Admission is free, and show night in Zoppelt Auditori- for NBC. from 7:30 till 9, black poetry, um from 7:30 till 9:30. Headed "Ou¡ finale of the week is the music. and draina will be fea- by Marvin Stewa¡t and Char- Gospel Festival, directed by tured. lotte Hall, ORU students will be Carlton Pearson," said Farley. Tuesday is Soul Food dinner modeling clothes from Stewart's, "It \pill feature a group oalled night at Saga. But what is Soul Miss Jackson's, Topper's, Or- "Bill Moss and the Celestials." Food? bach's, Exodus, The Globe, Ex- They sing Gospel and a little bit "Soul food is what my mama tension, The Odd Box, New of ¡ock. The Festival ús $t cooks," said Tom Farley. "Pinto Breed, and The Mantique, with for students, faculty and staff, beans, cornbread, cabbage, and accessories from Gray's Jewelers. and $1.50 for all others. "Velvet pows, moke velvel pows!" Androcles (lorry Morbitf) is embroced by his new found lion-friend (Almo Golder). But even friendly clows hurt. Tickets for Bernqrd Shqu/s comedy, Androcles ond fhe Lion, ore ovoiloble free from Corson Aftrc¡ctions with student l.D. Pom Compbell crowned queen soÌire Mixture of force ond by margaret crider but that's just part of trife, hav- jects, all our love!" and 'You ing disappointments and losses. It are tnrly a beautiful person and qnd Pam Campbell was crowned was a thrilling game." the love of God shines through Androcles the Lion, 1973 Homecoming Queen by The Homecoming Court in- you always." Pam believes the President Oral Roberts during troduced during the half-time most important thing for her half-time of the Homecoming consisted of Queen Pam Camp- here at ORU is "maintaining my next drqmq production basketball game last Saturday bell escorted by Ed Jolly, senior love affair with my Lo¡d." With the largest cast ever for the play to be. I believe it will night at Mabee Center. But for class sweetheart Chisty Reisch any ORU drama production, really cause many Christians on Pam it was not a totally new escorted by Carlton Peatson, junior Debbie Androcles and the Lion will be campus to think seriously about experlence. class sweetheart presented February 2I, 22, 23. their religious beliefs." Pam has been in ORU's Eden esoorted by Dan Dillon, cast will Major roles will be played by Homecoming Court for tåree s op'h omor e class sweetheart The 24-membe¡ Present Ken Bernard Shaw's renovated fable Alma Golder, La.ry Morbitt, Bob consecutive years. Previously, Kandy Wallis escorted by she represented her class as Ba¡ker, freshman class srveet- in Timko-Barton Hall at 8 P.m. Butcher, Judy Gleason, and Brian sophomore class sweetheart and hea¡t Andrea Ames escorted by de- Burnett. The controversial comedY as junior class sweetheart. Randy Wallis, and 1972 f{ome- picts Christians in the Roman Supporting roles includes per- "I don't think I can say why I coming Queen Lind,a Mix who with the lion who was be- formances by Sandi Marti¡, Dav- a¡ena conti¡ued to be elected. Any presented the class gift. friended by Aadroceles in the for- id Shull, Mick McCabe, Jerry Beth honors that you get and the val- Commenting on her court, est. Wade, Robert Galloway, Smithers, Dan Carlson, Jim Fitts, ue of those honors, come from Pam said, "I think if I had to Director of the play is Lisa Dennis Whaley, Tom Butler, and the persons who elect you. When choose the girls in my court, I Johnson, new staff member of the Alex Corbitt. a bunch of really fantastic kids couldn't have chosen a better all- Communications Arts DePart- Associate Director of the play who really love the Lord elect around bunch. They are all very Ð ment. Miss Johlson is a 1969 is Anita Stump, a¡d costumes a¡e you to something, then it's really sweet girls, very pretty inside a¡d graduate of ORU and was as- designed by Sandi Ma¡tin. an honor. Ifs a very humbling out, and I was proud to be able theatrical production, Antigone. thing because you know you're to stand among them." She also directed the school's fi¡st really not worthy of it, but you According to Pâm, ORU has two children's theatre productions, Juniors & seniors! just thank the Lo¡d that He has meant a lot to her. One of the Peter, Pefer, Pumpkin Eater, and All juniors and seniors who seen fit to let you get tbis. You most fantastic experiences she Rumpelstilfskin. have not taken the JUNIOR know that the glory goes to has ,trad is being R.C. of fourth "Although the play is a com- PROFICIENCY TEST should Him." floor yellow wing. Her girls pre- t edy, it is a mixture of farce and plan to take the test on Wednes- Commenting on Marshall sented her with a pocter featur- satire. In many places, the ,audi- day, February 28 at 6:30 p.m. University's win in overtime ing Snoopy a¡d much commen- ence \ilill not know whetfier or in LRC 236. This exam will not play, the quoen was disappoint- tafy on her sucgess such as, Af leost someone won ol lost Sol- not to laugh," said Miss Jobnson. be given again this year. ed. "It is a shame that we finally "Queeny, we're proud to be urdo¡/s gome-l 973 Hornecoming "This is the way Shaw intended sistant director of ORU's fi¡st had to lose on our home court; some of your very humble sub- Queen Pom Compbell. Poge 2-THE ORACLE, Februory 16, 1973 Sick troy pol¡c\ft in need of heq¡ing Contraly io popular ignorance, students at Oral Roberts Uni- versiiy clct get sick. And when they do, ORU's existing sick tray policy does not always facilitate the healing process. For those who have had enough faith or good fortune to avoid illness, the policy is this: sick trays consist of liquid only, no solid foods. Accordini¡ to a Student Health Services representative, "We work on the premise that if a student is well enough to eat solid food, he is well enough to walk to the cafeteria." ,{drrittedly. there are isolated cases where this policy is valid. However, there are many more where it is not. It seems in this case, the exception has become the rule. These are not all personal opinions, for they have been confirmed by dietitians from two Tulsa hospitals. Most people with the flu are not too eager to eat anything. I know few people who enjoy throwing up. No problem there; liquids are sufficient. "STUDY¡NG CAN GO ON FOREVER, ond become F¡oggy, qn qssociole of the newly elecled "Pro- But what about those who are ill, yet do not have accompanying very exhousling!", we reod in the book of Ec- fessor Wrcg" is taking o well-eorned Sobboticol. nausea? A liquid diet tends to weaken them even more, or it clesiqsles. Do you suppose wise Solomon hod en- Con you find Froggy in the piclure? He thonks ORU visioned the desk of ORU's history professor, Dr.
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