■. j iiaudipstpr Cold Fair and very cold WEATHER tonight. Details on page 2. Vol. C, No. 105 — Manchester, Conn., Tuesday, February 3, 1961 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER • Since 1881 • Single Copy 25c • Winter’s wrath wrecks vehicles Nearly an hour later, at 9;40 a.m., By MARTIN KEARNS On town roads, a corresponding a second report that a jacknifed trac­ number of minor accidents resulted Herald Reporter tor trailer truck had pinned a Euro­ in the damage of one police cruiser MANCHESTER — This morning’s pean compact car beneath it and tied up police personnel for most unexpected snowstorm caused two —prompting a 12-car accident —was of tho "inrnini?. major multi-car accidents along radioed in to the district dispatcher. Interstate 86 in Manchester and Ver­ With two of its rescue trucks Officer William Daley was taken to non, stalling traffic for miles but already committed to the first calami­ Manchester Memorial Hospital this resulting in only minor injuries. ty, the district requested and morning after he sustained minor in­ State police phones were jammed received the cooperation of the South juries to his head and elbow in a two- this morning with reports of ac­ Manchester Fire Department, which car accident along East Center cidents along area highways, and a also sent units to the tangled east- Street, Capt. Henry Minor this mor­ spokesperson said time didn’t allow bound lane of 1-86. ning was awaiting a report on the in­ her to detail the 30 accidents she es­ When fire personnel and apparatus cident, and information was not yet timated had occurred east of the arrived on the scene, a person who complete. Connecticut River. had earlier been reported pinned The first major accident was beneath the trailer had already been Although the suddenly slippery reported at about 9 a.m. today, when taken by ambulance to a local roads caused a drastic increase in the Eighth District Fire Department hospital. the number of accidents, Capt. Minor was dispatched to a 10-car pile-up in Information was incomplete this said most were “ fenderbenders, ” the westbound lane of 1-88, between morning, and the victim’s condition and had not accounted for serious in­ >..i r..| l.M..,-- exits 94 and 95. juries. Grasso not awake long serious to critical. HARTFORD (UPI) - Advanced worst condition since she was ad­ “ It throws off the metabolism liver cancer has left former (Jov. mitted to the hospital Dec. 8. enough so it creates an unconscious Elia Grasso conscious “ only for “ There are states that are worse,” effect,” He said. "The overall illness minutes at a time” for a second day, he said. “ Fully comatose, for in­ has just deteriorated to where she's says a Hartford Hospital spokesman. stance.” com atose. She is com fortable. Spokesman James Battaglio said He said doctors could give no There’s no pain.” Mrs. Grasso regained consciousness prognosis on her chances of Mrs. Grasso was scheduled to un­ twice Monday. regaining consciousness for any dergo a fifth phase of chemotherapy “ She was alert, sharp, recognized length of time. this week but Battaglio said her con­ people, taUted, but she’s not awake “ We don’t have a beat on that, as long,” Battaglio said. “ She wasn’t far as how likely that is,” he said. dition would determine whether she awake for 20 minutes or anything. It Mrs. Grasso, 61, who is suffering was given the treatment. was only for minutes at a time.” from cancer of the Uver and in­ “ If, at the scheduled time, she is conscious and capable of taking this, Battaglio said at 10 a.m. today that testinal tract, had been fully alert if she’s strong enough and if she still Mrs. Grasso was still sUpping in and since entering the hospital, but wants it then obviously the patient’s out of^onsciousness, was fully aware became semicomatose Sunday mor­ ning. - request will be met,” Battaglio said. whe'n^wake,~but was only conscious Battaglio said the loss of con­ “ Her hope is our hope that the for five to 10 minutes at the most. sciousness was caused by the liver chemotherapy will arrest some of “ She makes a lot of sense, she malignancy and led doctors on Sun­ this tumor and ultimately sustain recognizes people,” he said. day to downgrade her condition from life,” he said. He said this was “ definitely” her Cartographer’s dream • - ■•'fT V ■& spawns flourishing career M BRUNSWICK, Maine (UPI) - When he was 7 years old, Wayne ■- ■ -*v‘ Mahar started drawing weather maps like those he saw the late Bob O’Wrill display on Portland televi­ This morning's unexpected snow storm autos were involved in a chain reaction ac­ sion. And then he dreamed about being a television forecaster. caused hazardous driving conditions on cident. The cars piled up on 1-86 westbound Today Wayne Mahar and Interstate 86 and as a result, more than 20 near Exit 93. (Herald photo by Pinto) Associates provides up-to-date weather information to customers ranging from radio station WLVC in the remote northern Maine town of Scope of austerity Fort Kent to West Mountain, a ski resort in Glen’s Falls, N.Y. The Boston Globe, Bath Iron Works, Central Maine Power Co. and 13 municipal highway departments is the big question are among his clients. Last March, the 25-year-oId Mahar WASHINGTON (UPI) - The scope "Basically, ” said Speakes, strength of our torces in uie Pueilic realized his dream of being a televi­ of the budget austerity President “ Thursday night’s speech will be an area,” Reagan told Chun. sion weatherman, becoming Reagan will announce to the nation overview. It will be an appeal to the A senior State Department official weekend forecaster for WGAN-TV in Thursday night remains unclear, but American people. It will contain iater said the two men did not discuss Portland. administration officials say the some of the things he wants to do. Korean political dissident Kim Dae He started very young. At age 7 whole process still is undergoing in­ “ On the 18th, there will be more Jung. Reagan, as president-elect, and for the next three years Mahar tensive review. specifics. This will be the economic appealed to Chun to commute Kim’s spent his paper route earnings on While some proposed cuts have' program the president announces.” death sentence to life Imprisonment. weekend bus tickets to the National been leaked to reporters, budget Reagan, said Speakes, believes he Although the announcement of Weather Service forecasting station planners insisted Monday no final must “ go to the American people and Chun’s U.S. visit roughly'coincided in Portland. decisions have been made. 'call on them to do their part.” with commutation of Kim’s At 11 he was forecasting the When he was seven years old, Wayne Mahar started to draw Indeed, they said the process is un­ On foreign matters, the president sentence, the State Department of­ weather for a Bath radio station. weather maps. Now 24, Mahar has a private forcasting ser­ dergoing its 12th review in prepara­ Monday welcomed South Korean ficial said the two developments Five years later Mahar and some vice run from the basement of his homo In Brunswick, tion for Reagan’s televised address President Chiin Doo-hwan to the were unrelated. high school friends started the state’s Thursday night and the more specific Maine. (UPI photo) White House. Reagan said he Reagan also met briefly with first private forecasting company. State of the Unlpn speech he will promised not to withdraw U.S. troops former Secretary of State Henry By the time Mahar graduaM from deliver Feb. 18. from the Korean Peninsula. Kissinger. Kissinger, who recently Brunswick High School, the Reagan was to meet with members “ I hope you understand the United travel^ to the Middle East, said he forecasting service, housed in an old of the U.S. Conference of Mayors this States will remain a reliable Pacific told the president the situation is barn in Brunswick, boasted 63 morning at the White House, with partner and we shall maintain the “ extremely volatile.” clients. economics expected to dominate the Tuesday “ We knew all about the weather, discussion. A meeting with the but we had no idea about how to run a Congressional Black Caucus was business,” Mahar said. sch^uled for afternoon. Country “ None of us knew anything about Whalers bow in <)a«bec.’ Los In advance of Reagan’s 30-minute divided I n management and our prices were Mmter - “ I bid IM No. I spot in speech on the economy, one official ridiculously low,” he said. 'RMidwts of He afflwMit F«d^ Page 14. described the decision to go public in All that has changed. fMd CMinfy ndwrb of (kcwnrich such a high profile, prime-time on taxes What hasn’t changed is the fascina­ have wetor cotninf out of their manner as an exercise in “ consensus , budget tion Mahar holds for meterology. The .tsiw, biR tor 1 » « 8.. ' building.” NEW YORK (UPI) - A large One exception is food stamps. The firm,' now equipped with teletypes imido today He pointed nut the Washington’s majority of Americans prefer a nationwide poll of 1,512 adults inter­ that constantly report the latest Buateess....... ................... .*11 Birthday congressional recess falls balanced budget to a large tax cut, viewed last week showed that 47 per­ nationwide weather trends, operates h a y o f f d Classified......... .21-22 between the two speeches, giving but there is less enthusiasm for cuts cent of the Americans want a from a remodeled office in the.base- Oomici.........................
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