The Spec·1 es I · f North Am ~15 Group 0 __,,.,.,~~ er1 ca #41 Fall, 1988 pp. 1461 - 1500 SIGNA ~'P,E:C!ES .HUS ,.jROUP OF NO?.TH AMERICA Fall. 1988 Number 41 0FFICERS & EXECUTIVES CHAIRMAN~ Co lin Rigby 2087 Curtis Dr. Penngrove, CA 94951 VICE-CHAIRMAN: Lee We lsh 7979 W. D Ave . Kalamazoo, MI 49009 SECRETA RY ~ Florene:? StQut 150 N . Main St. Lornoa.rd'J IL 6 0 1 48 TREASURER: GEnce l) ?b::m i 732 Be ver l !:I Place B-erkeley,., CA 94707 SEED EXCHANGE : ?hcebe Copley 5428 Mu r dock St. L ou~s~ MO 63109 ROBIN D IRE C !'OR::: Darr. Hu~~sa..il,'. 3 227 So- F u l to.i. Ave·. Tulsa., OK 74135 SLIDES CHAI Rr<At-.: heig.a Anorews 11 Mapl e inr,e:w Sudoury, MA 0177 6 PUBLICATIONS S AL.. !E5: :. .;:\ l,~..-,. ."'llc Mw· trie .'.;::2 Calder,::;ir, ::r-e-scen b Wiliowdale, Om, :r·,a:1:- ·11.a, Canaca M2R 2ES SIGNA EDl TOR: .J,~.-n C:2<n!t!,elf' .2? .2 i-i. Ccu~--: ,y ~oad C ~os-s:vi l le,, MN 55113 PAST P RESIDENT:, E L i:niTH?. .nu libe r t: Rout1:.: 3 1 :Bo>. 57 F loyd, VA 2 4091 ADVISOR'~· EOt.-liiRO:~ :fa, ... t.eH1::1·~:l! Davidson~ Jeii:uT. Witt~ J!:,ru,.-ce Richardson CONTENTS Fal l , 1988--·No,. 4i. CHAIRMAN~S H£~t ·Col ::er> Rig byi 1461 ANNOUNCEMENTS::: Y1,,acl!,~ Jl.ssues, Neu• E!{ec:.;;, S eed E 'l:'clflange 1461-62 LET'S SUPPORT OUR SEED E XCHANGE Sharon McAlliste r 1463 PROPOSAL: A SEED :BANK Sharon McAllister 1464 PROPOSAL ON IRIS SPECIES PRESERVATION .Bo b Pr i e s 1465 SEED EXCHANGE EXfERIENCES Constance Hanson 1466 IRIS BUNGE! Franll< Kal i c h 1467 THE LOUI SIANA IRIS~ BOQK REVI EW Roy Davids on 1468 BOOK REVIEl4J:~ l R!S JB.\Y FHITZ i{OHLEIN .Jeam Witt 1469 EDITOR" S HA]l.. !!.O~ 1470-1471 CHINESE lRlS CWLE:t."!f"IN-G EXPEDITION James i..Saddick 1471 SOME L I TTLE HIMALAYANS TO TRY El.a1.ne Hulbert 1472 ROBIN NOT E'S 1474 NOTES ON SPEClES G!ROwI:Nt:; ! N NElJ ZEAL AND N..=:1r i o n Ball 1475 LAWYER,S BLUES Roy Davidson 1477 DISTRIBUTION OF IRJS LAEVIGA TA IN JAPAN Ak:.ra Harinaka 1478 DWARF IRIS SPECIES {. Cont. from Spring., 88> Walter~ 1.-Jel c h 1L~80 RO Y' S MAILBO, Roy Davidson 1496 SECOND CALL FOR 6000 SPECIES SLIDES 1496 IRIS TIGRIDI A and lRIS POTANINI New Zea: and lr:ii s St1c:i ety 1497 SIGNA MEMBERSHIP :~·rA.¥ 1499 EDITOR, S COMMENTS ,Joan ·.::ooper 1500 Dues for the Sa:r,ecll e=s .i: r i:. s Gi"' ()LtP of Nor ~-h i-\mer i :::.,1. a~"e p a yable to the Secre tary: :im:iii\-t :;;. dua:ts--$3. 50 annual, $9 trier.rual . $75 lifetime; Fami l y --$4. 50 aminua~. $10. 50 trienn i al . The re .ar .e no lif- etime fami­ ly memberships.. S16NA i s p1_1bl i shed tt~ ~~ ·tiun~fi.!·~;: Pt-:.",r· year,. f a l 1 and s pring. Your address labe l indicates yatt>"' CA~ .... r- <:.> nt dues sta t u s . 1461 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE Someone asked once: Where's Penn grove, I can't find it on the map. 11 Penn's Grove as it was called, started as a stage coach stop on the route that linked the ranching-farming communities of Northern California together. Later it became a meeting place for the local ranchers. A f.ew years ago, we got a new post office and a new fire station (no longer volunteer) but the town has changed little in the past several decades. The old-time inhabitants are trying desperately to keep it that way. Suddenly, Penngrove finds itself caught up in the crush of expanding towns and cities that serve as the bedroom communities of the north San Francisco Bay. Sound familiar? Suddenly, we too find ourselves caught up in a modern world, and those of us who 1i ke to garden find we no 1anger have the leisure time nor perhaps the space to carry out our interest to its fullest. We have to be more selective in what we plant and care for, planting those things that have, or can, withstand the changes that affect our 1i ves and the changes in the world around us. And when the pl ants flower, what pleasure and joy for our efforts. SIGNA is committed to the study and dissemination of the genus iris and to that purpose we dedicate the next short while. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of it. Colin Rigby October, 1988 Before Dec 31/88 $ l.50 After Dec 31/88 $2.DO Here's one Jast chance. After December 31st, all hack issues will be $2.00. If you are considering getting some back issues, NOW is the time to do it. We want to give you a final chance to buy at the old price. Order now before you find 1989 has already arrived. All back issues are available for $1.50 each. which includes postage. Also available is the Species Iris Study Manual for $5.00. Send orders to our Publications Chairman Alan McMurtrie (address inside front cover). Make cheques payable to SIGNA. 14f,2 NEW EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS COLIN RI6EY, o~r ~ e~ cna1rman , i s n o~ rea:. 1 '::.I :'\Eu.I to t~1e Exe cLtt i ve Board, aee~ SIENA s lide c na1~rn~, f.::r t~•. ,;:. !-'·,1st :-,ever.al years, but t1.se H e s ays t hat AIS is the f~~ s~ n at1cnai orga~i=ati~n he has Joined and stayed wi th WJ.thi airny \C.•(:;:rrs~ .;:;.r,·i?' '11C~ ::m•:] t:hat t hi·.s :iS- :di,,.:i-e 1~i.c1 the 111Jonder ful people !i'!: e -has 1ri-.-et ,or.t.;.~e:-~::ireo w1tr. ,r:2s:. He t,,a_s .:.or;:.,.1.es o'f SIGNA from 198 fB! so ~.~;;,s,tvi,1~eis in1ie- ,n,,~.<;;;. ,r.H·?,~.r.: .a. 1'llem,::i;,ew ;;~ ·t l e,&i~,;t t h,a It .h :1n9. S PCNI is 't!tliie (Qin .:,'!,!! 0-tlner A1S sec't.:a:a h e oelcng,s to 'but as librarian f or ~·d s lnir:.,,u::t. :ii.ir• :11 ~;;:. s«:)·t:·j:,e·b.:i: ,, r.e r,.as acce ss to ,:,111 S(l'.°'"'\ctJ on Publica­ tio ns. t-e t:;e.i!(Q11i9"S :Q tne Ro!:,•,;\ J Hort:1cultura.1. Soc;;e !ty and Pacific Hortic:ul-lrulf··e... ~J;s ~·;:n.ght add that he 1s cne o-f -the p,a:rtne r s in Porta­ b l e ti<'.1c:re:£,-.. a 'r.1'lu·n~s.:ell''':JJ· s.pe:cial1 z :ii ·ng 1n" n.e~~ me1 ~.-!\-1;1oi!d1 o·f!'· -::,h il ~~ping PCN iris i.l"' tui!:l!es. HELGA A~REWS , e :;:.,J:a,::1:s Co l in as Slid e Ch a .ir:t.a.'11'!. S ll11e is a fairly new membe..-.· o~· S ll.~~-~~~.1 -a oou-&:· three years~ b u t is def1:.n:r.. t e h; n ot new to plan ~.:-s .., Slh1re 11~-;, ,i~ i!",nrrme'f' Engl i sh tea,:'he.11~, IJ.: 1,:!'x-tboalk ij-::.--d itor, and c urrePtl:y ,~oll'' f.::s ~ts .a: nJ a nt propagator fo'!-' a nurser~~ S h e has been c:~air ~t..a.Tr., 'o f ·ti:-1re INiii:v.'.~':i.;;c!r,uset: t s c h apteY- o f· t~e Ame rican Rock Garden Societ~ andl s;ea-et:.a,r:,; "<::rt"' the Mass achuse·tt·s c ha:td"1:~r o·f the American Rhodord;;e ndb""ion SJ.:.1Jc::i.:et'i-!,i.. Althou1:h >-t e 1' b e-au"tj.fu) ,g,..a-~.e'!.'1 is not an o ff- :ici,. •1 ,J ,g ,l~IE.'1':st <;1~.1r-d:1el!:', f'~:iw t h e 1989 M·e-c1! ia1.111: i'''k~.s ·be,·.,. it wi ll be the host ~<::l~.. rl~n flOir a :wE(j ·c~!l'..e party a ftet' an opt-ior.:.al tour- .::>f" t:he Garden in t h e C~(O)t!idis. , O'.::l ~~rba.~·.a S chmieder) PHOEBE C1.)PLE'f',., ~-r 1. t:e s , ·1 f eel I h ave livre?d a lo:;J..~5.':.-.1 ~rr~ 1.d1 :r~.:-,ter~?~:;1: 1.n9 :,ite bi.~t d on't 1.,,;:1ve a lot to say aba.ut ~y;self'. fl~ ttau..~-s:ban d and I r,ad three ch.1 l jr, er. .and t h ree grand- c:hih:ir1en: .. rt-11:e d .1. <etdi .H1 198 4 . ~-.ih 1le I r ai.-:.e :t <:)i;.!lr c r,i l dren I did s e ve~..... i..l k:r..1--,d/:,s, <crdf '-!·1Ql.:J •:.im- t":'e:-~·· ~l.lQl""k . 1 nave h .a.,:f ··~,5.T-1'!:!f h o bb:es a nd have gardened s.1.nc:e t:l'le earl:! i 9 40s . l :-,a v e ?'"O.:.tr- ll'lc.any k'lnrls. of Plants ove't' the Y1ea.;rs ;3_n 1d .!l. k1'\.l'e ·the 1 r i -: sP•:?cies~ r aim ~app.y t o be working with S IGNA and -.~~ t ".) be a b l e-- w1 th my hel i:> er<:.,---t-o do a good job with t'he S eed !E:-:coa.nge.
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