-J -L. .. r-j X* .’1 Averajfe Daily Net Pres* Run ''iii iiliiiM For the Week Ended v The Weather f - ' FoDMMt of tl. S. WMtfcw Baiwa SATURDAY, JUNE 52^1, 1952 June 21, 1952 ‘ llanrlpilipr femne Imittr 10,593 IncreMlng eloudiiMM toalgkt. Member of-the Audit Fog toward mpralar. Mlnlnmm GO. Borewi of Olronlattaai Oloii'd)'. ehaaoe of raid tom onoir. this that says ther* aren’t enough Manchester— A City o f Village Charm young men around for a young El^ctMosler About Town lady to latch onto, and most girls, Dupfe-Gagnon Nuptials Outtell th» we Suppose, still prefer young men next five H e a r d Along Main Street leading VOL. LXXI, NO. 225 (Clawlfled Advertising on Pago U) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 23, 1952 Mias Janet M/ Mostonl o t^Mc- for husbands. ^ Temple Head (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE 1)1VB CENTS Now, one reason advanced for. braridt Kee street and Clyde H. PlcKri combined. Jr., will be nsarrled this aftemonn And on Some of Manchester'» Side Streets, Too the predominance of males over at 2 o'clock in the South Method­ females in the western states is Will Aflsume Duties in ist Church, that, ip the past-, when, -we sup­ Band Concerts eral brief tours around the town pose, ' men were men and there September; Sueceeds Cop Quells the car was halted at a traffic were more of them, they pioneer­ The Manchester Choral Society, The mail slot has drawn a blank t Judge John S. Rottner light. Every eye was focused on ed,'un-wlfed. the then unexplored Raw Material qf which Warren D. Wood is di­ on your suggestion two weeks ago about the revival of band concerts | this magnificent example of the regions to the westward, which rector,, wilt hold Its annual picnic automotive Industry with Its pur­ .Sidney Moaler of 194 Parker M aniac in tomorrow at Shady Lake, Som In the park, but we have heard built up a pool of bearded bachel­ f -r many comments on it. From what ring motor and sleek line.s. ors tn .the hinterlands but ral^sed street was elected president of ers. The irrpup will meet at the The light changed to green. Gur Temple Beth Sholom at a meet­ Second Congregfatlonal Church- at we have heard, we are convinced, hob with the boy-glrl ratio back our thoughts were coinciding'with , friend confidentl.v stepped on the home. ing held at the temple last Sun- Crisis Looms New HaYcii J p, m.----------------- ........................... thdie of others aha 'blir- attempt y gas- pedal.-fufty expecting- the ad.- -What- -is-rrmre, - tHr s^tlstlctanir tray.'H* aubewd* Judga-Johtn -S.- G-. vertt.sed surge of power to sweep has not been In vain. 1 say that this Internal " migration Rottner. Washington, June 23-—(/P)—Av presidential board today The.mariiat^e of Misa Klaine Only last week we were talking his new chariot away from the still exists, though "the disparity Mr. Mosler, who will take office N?w Haven, June 23— (/P) Tedford of Academy street to with a music teacher In the high j throng of lesser vehicles. between men and women migrants in September, has sbrved as exec­ recoinmentied that the United States scrap laws which pre­ —A powerfully-built fornier Walter N, Weir of Glastonbury school who brought out that our i Unfortunately the surge of has been greatly narrowed." utive vice president for a number vent other nations from selling America the raw materials \vill be solemntezd this evening at patient at the Middletown school Viusic prograrn Is .one of the power didn't materialize. The car See. It's the law of supply and of years. He is one of the charter ehe needs for war and peace. The United States should make 7 o'clock in the Center Congrega­ moat projrressive In- the state. But, Just staye(l there under the hot demand, like everything else. members of the temple and has State Hospital created a near­ tional Church. mm. Friend tried ajrain, this time ............................. .. .............. MODII 4002 ■---------- ^------------------------^----------------'a cellar-to-attlc search—at home what happens to these .young mu- Right now, there are more men been active in the office of the and abroad— for sources o f ma- panic in the center of New ' "SlIJIitHir'Wlrerr th ey 1e*\'e -sehool-?- csmBTeyatlon- ainco. ,4tS‘ - incttpftlac -H»veik-4ht»-fy9imtng-when-4te^.i to whip the stalled engine to life Luther Leaguers of Bmanufl Unless they turn out to be dance demand for women. B)it In a In 1937. President's Materials Policy com- seized a policeman’s reyplyci', ' Lutheran Church will hold their "No soap. No life. The motor re­ short while, this disparity will be Judge Rottner, who has served hand' musicians, they must find LASSEN miasion. and tussled with hipr, as the Taft Pins Tail on Donkey— for Fun(d} last meeting of the season tomor­ a source to further enjoy their mu­ mained silent. wiped out in the west, by husband- as president of the congregation This country already la unable Party Tiff row in the vestry at 5:30 p. m. sic out of town. And, dance hands Ever been In a situation like hunting girls, and that section of for the past two years, %yill con­ clihriax to a weird “ ride." Giant Raid that? One moment you're ma.sler to supply her own needs, the Following an Important huslnesa are not In great demand around the count)-*' will he even more tinue to serve as a member of board said, and by 1975 may be The gun went off during' the fu­ meeting, which will Include the of the universe with all eyes gaz­ over-stocked with women than the the temple executive board. PETROLEUM Makes Test rious struggle, but np one was in­ here. ing In admiration at your pres­ compelled to Import one-fifth of Broils Over election of officers, the'group will Trumpet, horn, baritone, trom­ ea.st. and then where’ll you be? Other officers elected are execu­ BOLTON, TEL. 2-0121 the material it consumes. The re­ jured and Patrolman Wllliatn Idn- Blacks Out leave <for Center Springs Park for ence. The next moment finds you you'll be buying another train tive vice president, Nat N. Schwe- rola and three other men were able bone, Boxophone, clarinet, ptccolo rapidly diminishing In size as port recommended that stockpil­ a baseball game and. hot dog and bass mualctans who Want to ticket, this time back ea.st. ■stel; treas-.irer, Julius Fradln; vice ing be put on a permanent basis. to subdue the ex-mental patient. roast. The program' will close some little gremlin hacks away nresidents: Memorial Park, George Run to N. Y. The incident sent dozens of peo­ continue playing martial or con­ at your ego. Shon-s Concern GOP Slates with Bevotlons by Earl Modean. cert band work either seek ad­ Mall Rag Marlow; religious, Philip Harri- The c o m m i s s ion. after 18 ple inmning for cover. Women Huge Area All Leaguers are urged to attend "Tbe sun broiled down on the •aop; school, Sidney Brown; wel­ New York, June 23—(^)— _____ ______ __________ _____ screamed. Heavy traffic at the in­ mittance to an.organizatton else­ open .convertible. Friend sweated Always glad to.hear from our months research, said it is serious- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and to bring their friends. where or their instruments be­ readers, we found this week's let- fare, Jay Rublnow; committee The superliner United Staies.i ly concerned—but not "alarmist tersection was halted for five min­ and fumed with the starter and chalrmeni athletics, Emanuel Sol­ utes. Seoul, Korea, June 22ii—i/ P ) come dust collectors In the clos­ the raucoua ho-.na of lesaer cars lei-8 Interesting and, In our hum­ America’s new queen o f the| —over the shrinkage of America's A front-running JJemocrat ^ Foremen of Hose Company. No. et. What about the female musi­ ble opinion,, constructive. The omon; InterfaiUi, Philip Bayer; natural resources. The man who grabbed Patrol­ called it a "bar-room slug- — Five hundred Air Force, bleated in/renzy. He waa altghtly membership, Leon Kramer; memo­ Asmnr, passenger .sea lanes, was wel­ 2, MFD, will hold their annual cians who learn to play these In­ emha rrasaed, two topics discussed in the letteis In the face of foreseeable de­ man Idarola's revolver, as well as fest." A leading Republican Navy and Marine planefi to- outing at Villa Louisa, Bolton, struments? They become lost tn a are the teat air raid alert held rials, Max Glatber; progam, Sol comed to her home port of mand for the next 25 years, the his night-stick, was identified as 'fhia lasted for a full 10 mln- warned -that 4 <k» - m ue h bicker* day knocked out five major —Sunde r J une 28,-Oaavihg_the_flre fteid monepollBed-by men,- unlasa litpx'TtinTng—which- time tlir iinrp'. -Ihia-week -a-mt-the-msHer of--dou­ Oohen;.--ynuth. JJerbert. LcJh, .and New - York -"today with • a- report- satd,'Thli-ah rTnkSgiS Ts" a "d'e" J0h"H A cABBO,-'^. oT - 1S4- • FbFbSf S temple properties, Arnold Law­ Communist hH ro~-eTedw e house at 10 a. m. ■ Members and they are exceptionally talented proud owner of -the aleek. new car ble versus single feature theater throaty symphony of blaring finite threat to the nation's living avenue. He was examined later In ing can lose the election for _ friends are requested to Inform and undertake music as their chos­ pt-hgrams.
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