Jlumll. 3 71 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1949 WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1949 REGISTER OF MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS 72 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 3 Regi.ster of Medical Practitioners Office of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 21st ,January, 1949. N pursuance of section 31 of the Medical Practitioners Act, 1914, a certified copy of the names, qualifications, and residences entered I in the Medical Register of New Zealand is published for general information. In accordance with subsection (8) of section 11 of the Finance Act, 1932-33 (No. 2), the holders of certificates of registration for year ending 31st March, 1949, are shown with an asterisk (*) before the entry. Subsections (2) and (8) of section 11 of the latter Act are published for general information :- " (2) Subject to the provisions of this section, every registered medical practitioner commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five pounds for each day during which the offence continues who, at any time after the thirty-first day of March, nineteen hundred, and thirty-three, not having obtained from the Director-General of Health under this section a certificate which is then in force to the effect that he is registered under the principal Act, practises medicine or surgery, or any branch of medicine or surgery, under the style or title of a physician, surgeon, doctor, licentiate in medicine or surgery, bachelor of medicine, or medical practitioner, or under any name, title, addition, or description implying that he holds any diploma or degree in medicine or surgery, or in any branch of medicine or surgery, or is otherwise specially qualified to practise medicine or surgery, or any branch of medicine or surgery." " (8) The copy of the register required by subsection one of section thirty.one of the principal Act to be published in the Gazette shall indicate with reference to every person whose name appears therein whether such person is the holder of a certificate for the then current year, and the absence from any such copy of any such indication with respect to any person shall, until the contrary is proved by the production of the certificate or a copy thereof certified by the Director-General of Health, be sufficient evidence in all judicial proceedings that such person is not the holder of such a certificate." M. B. HOWARD, For the Minister of Internal Affairs. REGISTER OF MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS Date of Registration. Name. Qualification. Postal Address. *1946, Feb. 18 Abbott, David Hartley l\I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1946 453 Manukau Road, Auckland. 1927, June 6 Abbott, Eleanor Kathleen M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927 C/o R. A. Abbott, 11 Upland Road, Remuera. *1920, July 8 Abbott, William Norman l\LB., B.S., Univ. Melb. 1920 453 Manukau Road, Epsom, Auck­ land. *1924, Nov. 26 Abernethy, Duncan Roy l\f.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 99 Trafalgar . Street, Onehunga, Auckland S.E. 5. *1947, Nov. 12 Abraham, Sydney Perry L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Edin.) 1940, L.R.F.P. and Forresters Buildings, George Street, S. Glasg. 1940 Timaru. *1903, July 10 Acland, Sir Hugh Thomas Dyke, M. 1898, F. 1901, R.C.S. Eng. L.R.C.P. Loud. 51 Brown's Road, St. Albans, Kt., C.M.G., C.B.E. 1898 Christchurch. *1940, Feb. 14 Adams, Albert Burman J\II.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1940 21 Ruatangi Road, l\It. Eden, Auckland. *1945, Mar. 28 Adams (see Morrison), Daphne M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1945 21 Ruatangi Road, Mt. Eden, Phyllis Auckland. *1908, Jan. 25 Adams, George Joseph l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. Edin. 1907 287 Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. 1936, Dec. 16 Adams, George Potter M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z., 1936 4 7 Ingestrc Street, Wanganui. *1941, Mar. 19 Adams, John Lewis l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1941 No. 2 Flat, 2 Hawker Street, Wellington. *1901, May 6 Adams, Robert Noble J\'I.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1901 South Terrace, Picton. *1907, Apr. 2 Adams, Russell Gerald William L. 1903, M. 1906, R.C.P. Edin. L. 1903, F. 1905, 23 Maxwell Road, Blenheim. R.C.S. Edin. L.F.P. and S. Glasg. 1903, M.B., Ch.B., 1904. M.D. Univ. Edin. 1906 1936, Dec. 16 Adams, William Edgar J\II.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1936 C/o Medical School, Dunedin. 1940, June 5 Addison, John Raymond M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1940 C/o Bank N.S.W., Wellington. 1906, May 24 Aickin, Roland Thomas Graves J\II.B., Ch.B., 1903, M.D. 1904, Univ. Edin. Bank of N.Z., 1 Queen Victoria D.P.H., R.C.P. and S. Irel. 1906 Street, London E.C. 4, England. *1927, Sept. 1 Aiken, Melville Huia J\II.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1927 Dominion Bldgs., Cathedral Square, Christchurch. *1943, Mar. 19 Aitchison, William Ross M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1942 Lucknow Street, Wairoa. *1946, Feb. 18 Aitken, Ashley Morton M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1946 Cnr. Wharfe and Arnn Streets, Oamaru . *1937, Apr. 6 Aitken, Leicester Hammond .. M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1937 41 Ingestre Street, Wanganui. *1924, Apr. 10 Aitken, Robert Finlay M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1924 26 Ganges Road, Khandallah. 1923, Aug. 3 Aitken, Robert Stevenson l\'LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 Public Hospital, Dunedin. 1939, Feb. 24 Aitken, Sydney Graham l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1939, M.R.A.C.P. Public Hospital, Palmerston North. *1919, Nov. 5 Aitken, William l\LB., Ch.B., 1918, M.D. 1919, Univ. N.Z. 85 Dyers Pass Road, Cashmere Hills, Christchurch. *1923, Mar. 5 Aitken, Zealanda (see Marshall) M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 Kurow, North Otago. *1941, Dec. 5 Akel, Richard Nicols M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1941 P.O. Box 111, Whakatane. *1916, May 19 Aldred, Bertram Frederick M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1916 354A Lambton Quay, Wellington. *1944, Jan. 26 Alexander, Colin James M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1943 3 Parkside Street, St. Relier's Bay, Auckland. 1937, Apr. 6 Alexander, Harold Bazil M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1936 C/o Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minne­ sota, U.S.A. *1939, Feb. 24 Alexander, Ivan Allan M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1939 Dickens Street, Napier. 1928, Feb. 22 Alexander (now Burnett), Jessie *1925, Aug. 26 Alexander, William Arthur YI.R.C.S. Eng. 1909, L.R.C.P. Lond. 1909 Mangonui. 1943, Mar. l9 Alexander, William Stewart J\II.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1942 Medical School, Dunedin. *1932, Mar. 4 L All D ld y { M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1932 1939, July 5 f an, ona oung · · M.R.A.C.P. 1938 . : : }Box 68, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay. *1923, June 1 Allan, Robert Findlay M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1923 . • 80 Queen's Drive, Musselburgh, Dunedin. *194.3, llfar. 19 Allured, Alan Joseph M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1942 121 Richardson Street, St, Kilda, Dunedin. JAN. 26] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 73 REGISTER OF MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS-continued Date of Registration. Name. Qualification. Postal Addre.ss. *1945, Mar. 28 Allen, Chalmers M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1945 Waikato Hospital, Hamilton. *1940, Feb. 14 Allen, Dennis Newton i\lI.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1940 461 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. *1935, Apr. 11 Allen, Edmund Peter l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1935 C/o Hospital, New Plymouth. *1919, Oct. 24 ""\_ fi\lI.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1919 .. ""\_Kelvin Chambers, The Terrace, 1922, Mar. 16 !Allen, Ivan McDonald ·" ""\_M.D., Univ. N.Z. 1921 .. f Wellington. *1947, Mar. 19 Allen, John Douglas M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1947 Public Hospital, Auckland. *1902, Sept. 16 J (M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z., L.R.C.P. Loud. 19051 109 p d ·h St t N I"l · )> Allen, Sydney Chalmers .. ~ M.F. 1905 R.C.S. Eng. ( · ~~ e, am ree , ew y- 1920, July 8 j l 1\1.D., Univ. N.Z. 1905 .. J mou · *1944, Jan. 26 Allen, William Birch i\lLB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1943 Seddon Street, Pukekohe. *1948, Aug. 25 Allison, Anthony James Charles M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1948 150 Fendalton Road, Christchurch. *1923, Mar. 5 Allison, Hazel Rebecca Bryan .. l\LB., Ch.B., Univ. 1923 150 Fendalton Road, Christchurch. *1920, July 8 Allison, Percy Errol M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1920 150 Fendalton Road, Christchurch. *1946, Nov. 13 Alstad, Karl Severin M.D., Glasg. 1944. M.R.C.P. Edin. 1946 36 Queen Street, Dunedin. *1916, May 19 Anderson, Alan Douglas M.R.C.S. Eng. 1914. L.R.C.P. Lond. 1914 . 2.5 Armagh Street West, Christ­ church. 1926, May 26 Anderson, Catherine Ellen Wep­ i\lLB., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 192.5 Department of Health, Napier. pener *1919, Oct. 24 Anderson, Colin Campbell M.B., Ch.B., Univ N.Z. 1919 78 Don Street, Invercargill. *1896, May 27} J h W.ll. JM.B., C.M., Univ. Edin. 1894 1903, Mar. 16 Anderson, 0 n 1 ,am · · 1... i\lI.D., Univ. Edin. 1902 :: }4o Wicksteed Street, Wanganui. 1921, Oct. 19 Anderson (now Gow), i\1Ioana Maru 1931, Mar. 11 Anderson, Patrick Clarence .. M.B., Ch.B., Univ. N.Z. 1931 40 Wicksteed Street, Wanganui. *1947, Mar.
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