Eastern Illinois University The Keep Masters Theses Student Theses & Publications 1971 James Hamilton, Third Earl of Arran: A Study of Scottish Relations with England and France (1559-62) Harvey Joe Inman Eastern Illinois University This research is a product of the graduate program in History at Eastern Illinois University. Find out more about the program. Recommended Citation Inman, Harvey Joe, "James Hamilton, Third Earl of Arran: A Study of Scottish Relations with England and France (1559-62)" (1971). Masters Theses. 3960. https://thekeep.eiu.edu/theses/3960 This is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Theses & Publications at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in Masters Theses by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PAPER GER TIFiCA TE TO: Graduate Degree Candidates who have written formal theses. SUBJECT: Permission to reproduce theses. 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February 18, lJ7l Date Author I respectfully request Booth Library of Eastern Illinois University not allow my thesis be reproduced because ----------------- Date Author ILB1861.( 57XI572>C2/ 1ll\¥ilLI'ON, THIRD EARL OF JAMES AiIBAR A STUDY OF 3COTTI:>H NlTH ENG.LA.ND AND FAANCE REI,:\'rIJN3 (1559-62) {TITlE) BY HARVEY JOE: INMAN - - 8. s. in Ed., Eastern Illinois University, 1968 THESIS SUBMITIED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF OF MAS!SR ARTS TN HISTORY IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL, EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY CHARLESTON, ILLINOIS 1971 YEAR I HEREBY RECOMMEND THIS THESIS BE ACCEPTED AS FULFILLING THIS PART OF THE GRADUATE DEGREE CITED ABOVE ADVISER "2-\1R\ \'\I\ �ATE am I indebted especially �o ch�e peoplo !or aa�istance in this theais. Dr. me writing ��rge Jon�s. my advisor, h�a eiven re:se'!rcn an·i c:onstruot� valuable a!lsista.noe 1n all st·q;es of on and has !1elp.;:.i "'° to avoid innumare.ble Mistakes. Mr. Fr!lnk Mlller s chose ( forotarly of :·:a.starn' :ii story Depa��t·:Jent) th<l tf>pi.c. I �ire, wh� wish to express gratitude to � SRrved faithfully as •� e the typist \>f the rli r drn.fts. La.!'ltly• I °'u.st thank U•1i t.8d rae the St.cttltla Air Force for grantil'\i the ti�10 to coNpl�te paf)'&r• ii OF TABLE CON f:.;NTS AC JC.llj 0'4LS OOM��T'} • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i 1 I: • • • • • CHAPTSR HJTftODIJC.:'flON • • . 1 i'leaknes!!I of the Scottish monarctf importance of th• Hamil­ and tons in Sootland; Ch�t•lherault Beaton; th� Rough �ooing; a5sassin�tion of Beaton; Franco-Scottish relations; regency of Mary of Guis•; status of the Scottish Church; of importance John Knox• formation of th• Lords of th• Congregation; Protestant agit�tion ROI..& IN JCOl'LANJ) 15 ARRAN' .3 (1559-60) • • • • • • • Arran•s early life; effect of Arran•s ?rotestant con­ version; C�t.lh•rault's position; Arran's esca� from France; Knox's negotiations with the English; Arran•s arrival in Scotland; leaders of th• Congregation; d•posit1on of th• Queen Regent; comparison of the French and 3cottish ar:-ii•s; course of t� war; Arran•s bravery; glizabeth•s aid to the Congregation; Treaty of Berwick; E t peace negoti-tion9; Treaty or Edinburgh; ffec s of the pe&ce; Scottish Parliamentary Reformation; Kary's refusal to ratify tho peace; Arran's activities CHAPTL!.:R III: . 40 Precedent r.or th• m.arrisge; Scottish support of th• marriage; early hints of th• match; Arran's meeting 'Aith m.m s Arran•s Zliz�b9th; the Sc�ttish co ission defioi.encies; Bl1zab9th• s rejection of Arran; effect on the Congregation IV: MARY • . CHAP'f�tl rm!: &\RL ()ft' AR;:\AN AND QU�::W 47 Arran•s early relations with Mary; Arran•s conversion and escape; Arr,n•s suit; �lizabeth's support of Arran; Arran•s deficienciess Mary's raject1on or Arran; Mary's return to Scotland; A�ran's prot0st; his absence at court; Arran•s aotiviti�s; 0l"!ll1ston affair; Alison Craig affair; reconciliation of Arran and Bothwell; Arran•s confession to Knox; he writes Mary and Moray; his escape; evaluation of Arran•s insanity; alt.rnate •X?lanati ons; evaluation of the conspiracy; Arran•s accusation of Both�•ll; Arran's confinement iii CHAPtt::R V: rHE }!;A I{L 0F A «.1.AN IN T!Ll LIGHT' Oi<" • • H1s·roRY • • 71 Arr'n• r � Littl• written on A r n•s personality; Arran as leader of the Congr•g�tioni Ar�an•s ambitionsi th• Arran-Elizabeth matoh: th• �rran-Mary suit; the Arran-Both·..:ell consµir•CYi importance of tho period S3LeC£c;D oIBLIOVl!Af'UI • • • • • . 77 1.v CHAPTER I INTROoocnos While lnglatld wa& beoo).Uif1'� a centralized moni&rohy through th• errorts ot the Tudors 1n th• sixteenth e•ntur.1. th• Scottish were nobility remained stronger than the ling. Although tti. barons continually fighting each other, Scotland produced no war or the Ro••• to deoi11Ate the noble ranks and encourage the growth ot a 1trong monarchy. Scotti ah biatoey is plagued by a nW1lber of regenci•• which reduced the power· and prestige ot the monarch. The regent• were barons vho were more interested in acquiring the •poil• or o!fio• at the expense or th•ir r1vals than in un1.tying the realm around the person of the king. The Scottish nobles or the sixteenth century ware tar more important polit1oally than their English counterparts, who were subjeot to a powerful sovereign. With the death of b&r father James V, Mary Stuart became Queen ot tha Soots in J)e0911ber 1542. Since she was only six days old, her reign entailed another long regency in which U. nobles played a si.gn1t1oant role 1n deteridning both internal pJ!>l1t1cs and f'oreign polioy. M&ry•s tirst regent was James Hamilton, the second garl ot Arran and tatber ot the third Earl. known as the Mastel" ot Hamilton until 1.5.50. Th• Bantilton• bad been an i11pol"tant noble family in Scotland for a contur)". Sir Jamee Hamilton or Cadzov was admitted to tJw peerage -2- ir-: 144.S. Be began adding lands to the family h�ldinga near the town of Hamilton with acquisition or Finnart in Ren!'r9w&h1re in 1455. Tb• tirat Lord Bandlton also placed hi• deaeend&nta in the royal eucoea211on tdtl\ hi• m&rrt.ag• to lt&ey, d&ughtAl" ot ./&Ml II, in 14?4. Lord llamilton•a elcht•t son became tb9 tir•t larl or Arran in 1503. The Karl became the sheriff of Lanark in 1489 and rr.ddod Dumbarton Castle (1517), Caaaillia and Bvandal• (1S26), and the lord.­ ship ot Bothwell to the raail.y holdings. the ling appointed the first Earl to tti. position ot lieuwnant ot TeY.l.otdale, Lothian, Stirling­ shire, a nd L1nl1thgow in 1.522. Tb• ••oond Earl or Arnn (th• IWgent) ... &8 added tbt castles or nnneu and Linlitbgov well the duoh,y or A Cbatel.herault in France to bis peraonal holdings. the Hand.ltons also held illportant eooles1aatioal oftioe• in 3ootland. John Hamilton. halt bl"oth•P of th• second larl ot Arran (hereafter oall•d the Duk• ot C�t.lberault), beoa,.. in nooess1on tbe abbot or Paisley, the abbot ot Arb110at.h, and th9 �rohbiahep ,,r St.• And?"swa. TM A>ua•a 7ounpr 1on1, Claud and John, held the abbeys or Paisley and l911de• theii- walth in land, the Bamiltons deriv.d powr from their claim to the th�one. Although this ola.im went back only three generations tPOll the third Earl o! Al"l"an, it was the best claim among Stuart.. th• noble• aft.er Qu9en Mary Tm Hamilton• were reoocnized aa be1r• to th• throne by the Soott1•b parliament until the birth ot Mar;y'• eon ill 1'66. The beatolai• to the throne after the B&lliltons -3- w:a.3 that of Matthew Stewart, &&rl of Lennox, vho was descended frooi a daughter or Princess M>iry and Lord Bal1lilton. To enhance �is own claim to the throne, Lannox cl&i.'n8d an irngularity 1n Earl th& marriage >i tte :1rst of Arran. This irregularity, which was not proven, would dial:ih•rit tr. Hamilton• if' enr 1 ac cepted by th& nobles . C Since th• Duke or hit.E! lherault was reeognieed by all except as eir to the earldo of J\rr&n and to the ta"111y claim Lennox h m . to the throne, parliament on tii.\rch 1J, 1;4) made C�telherault .tl&me Regent in the of Queen Mary a.�d recognized his position as reaL.111. t and second person of the Ch1telherault was a Proteata.n leaned towards friendly relat1ons ld th Anglioan England. The Duke was not, howev.t", a strong ruler. "TiT.idity and irresolution wer. his predominant tailings; the one occasioned by his natural constitution and the other arising fro� a conac1ouaness that hie o wealth and eynast1c p s1t1on to statitp out oppoaiti on, the Duke be allowed himself to uaed by hia enem1e a.
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