May 17-23, 2012 Your Neighborhood - Your News® FREE THE NEWSPAPER OF KEW GARDENS, REGO PARK, MASPETH, GLENDALE & MIDDLE VILLAGE Forest Hills blocks Summer priciest in borough GuideG id tot FunF Page 4 Pages 27-31 Burned body Koslowitz rips train line at CB6 found by road Rockaway branch in Forest Park SET TO SPIN AGAIN! would be bad for BY JOE ANUTA residents: Elected Police and firefighters dis- covered a charred body in Forest BY STEVE MOSCO Park Saturday morning after re- sponding to a brush fire call, the Community Board 6 con- NYPD said. vened for its monthly meeting last Just before 6 a.m., officers week with two topics dominating responded to a call of a fire in the the majority of the conversation: foliage 30 yards off of Park Lane the possible revival of the Rock- South near the corner of 86th away line of the Long Island Rail Street. Road and a planned four-story de- After the fire was extin- velopment on 102nd Street in Rego guished, responders made the Park. grisly discovery. City Councilwoman Karen A man who was not identi- Koslowitz (D-Forst Hills) railed fied was found severely burned May 9 against the proposed re- and pronounced dead at the scene vival of the Rockaway line, argu- by medical personnel. ing the commuter rail that bisects By the afternoon, police and parts of Forest Hills would be the medical examiner had put the disruptive to residents who have man in a body bag and removed built homes in the area since him from the scene. the line shut down more than 50 Police and emergency per- The Forest Park Carousel will reopen by Memorial Day after the city Parks Department announced a new operator years ago. sonnel found the body near a was found for the famed ride. See story on Page 2. Photo courtesy Woodhaven Residents Block Association “It will affect the neighbor- shopping cart, paint buckets and hood in an extremely negative Continued on Page 18 Continued on Page 18 A CNG Publication • Vol. 16, No. 20 56 total pages east 34th street long island city greenpoint north williamsburg south williamsburg brooklyn bridge park/dumbo wall street governors island Explore. Experience. Enjoy. 1.800.53FERRY eastriverferry.com FACEBOOK.COM/eastriverferry TWITTER.COM/eastriverferry Funding provided by NYS Dept. of State Environmental Protection Fund 2 WE Adored ride gets operator Putnam Ave. man COM . City Parks says Forest Park Carousel will reopen by Memorial Day ran chop-shop: DA BY STEVE MOSCO stem from a search by po- TIMESLEDGER BY STEVE MOSCO lice at the defendant’s home A Ridgewood man al- April 25, which yielded six A long-shuttered fea- legedly set up his own mo- motorcycle frames that ture of Forest Park will torcycle chop-shop in his had been reported stolen in spin again. basement complete with Queens between 2007 and 17-23, 2012 2012 17-23, The city Parks Depart- hundreds of bike parts, ac- 2010. AY ment has selected a new op- cording to Queens prosecu- Police also recovered , M erator for the Forest Park tors. seven frames with defaced EDGER L Carousel in Woodhaven The Queens district vehicle identification num- and the famed attraction attorney announced that bers and hundreds of other IMES T will be welcoming riders Phillip Dietrich, 43, of 60-91 motorcycle parts, includ- again by Memorial Day, ac- Putnam Ave., was arrested ing rims, gas tanks, front cording to the Woodhaven and charged for operating end forks, fenders, mirrors Resident’s Block Associa- the illegal shop May 10. He and high-end dismantling tion. was arraigned on a crimi- tools. “The carousel is part nal complaint charging In addition, police of our community’s iden- him with first-degree auto recovered 15 methadone tity,” said WRBA President stripping and other crimes pills. Ed Wendell. “We couldn’t for allegedly running a mo- “At least six of the mo- be happier that the Parks torcycle chop shop out of torcycles allegedly found in Department has done the his basement. the defendant’s basement right thing — something “This defendant’s al- had been reported stolen — we’ve requested for years leged actions will not be tol- leaving the rightful owners — and gotten a deal done erated in Queens County,” deprived of their property,” so that our community can DA Richard Brown said. Brown said. “In addition, enjoy it again.” “Auto theft and related this type of illegal opera- New York Carousel crimes are at historic lows tion has no place in a resi- Entertainment, which was and we must be vigilant in dential neighborhood.” also chosen by Parks to run The hand-carved works of a renowned artist are set to resume rotating after city Parks announced keeping them from rising.” Dietrich was arraigned the Flushing Meadows Co- an operator for the Forest Park Carousel. Photo courtesy Woodhaven Residents Block Association According to the dis- in Queens Criminal Court rona Park Carousel, could trict attorney, the charges Continued on Page 18 not be reached for com- ousel was moved to Forest “The ride is a beauti- concessionaire who prom- ment. Park in 1972. The carousel ful work of art, a historic ises to restore it to its for- Final terms of the li- in Flushing Meadows was specimen that embodies mer glory,” Thomson said. censing agreement have originally designed for the our community’s heritage, “This is a real victory — not yet been finalized, but 1964 World’s Fair and was and a form of entertain- not just for the people of the company has a work created by Marcus Charles ment that has amused Woodhaven, but for all of permit to begin cleaning Illions. generations of Woodhaven New York City. Our Forest and conducting necessary The block association residents,” said Wendell. Park Carousel is back for maintenance work at the took on the task of rallying “We’re overjoyed to have it everyone to enjoy.” site, according to a Parks to save the carousel after back.” Workers from the new Department representa- it closed when the former Maria Thomson, ex- carousel operator are ex- tive. operator, New York One, ecutive director of the pected to begin prepping The historic carousel let its contract with Parks Greater Woodhaven Devel- the ride in the next couple dates back to more than 100 expire. Since then the as- opment Corp., said the car- of days, according to Parks. years ago, when its color- sociation has engaged in ousel deserves much better ful menagerie was hand- letter-writing campaigns than the treatment it has Reach reporter Steve carved by artist Daniel Carl and organized rallies with received over the last few Mosco by e-mail at smosco@ Cops busted a Ridgewood man in an alleged attempt to sell sto- Muller. Originally situated elected officials to make the years. cnglocal.com or by phone at len motorcycle frames and parts from an illegal chop shop in his in Dracut, Mass., the car- carousel operational again. “Finally, we have a 718-260-4546. home, according to the DA. IN THIS ISSUE HOW TO REACH US Police Blotter ........................................................8 Focus on Queens ................................................33 MAIL: 41-02 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY 11361 Editorials & Letters .......................................10-11 QGuide ............................................................35-39 PHONE: Display Advertising: (718) 260-4521 — Editorial: (718) 260-4545 FAX: Editorial (718) 224-2934 — Display: (718) 224-5821 Dishing with Dee .................................................12 Business .................................................................41 Classified: (718) 260-2549 Political Action ....................................................12 Sports ............................................................43-46 E-MAIL: Editorial: [email protected] Our History ...........................................................13 Classified ...................................................... 49-55 Display Advertising: [email protected] Summer Guide ..............................................27-31 Classified: [email protected] TO SUBSCRIBE: Call (718) 260-4521 Copyright©2011 Queens Publishing Corp. FOREST HILLS LEDGER RIDGEWOOD LEDGER HOWARD BEACH TIMES (USPS#025128) is published weekly by News Community Newspaper Holdings Inc., 41-02 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY.11361, (718) 229-0300. The entire contents of this publication are copyright 2011. All rights reserved. The newspaper will not be liable for errors appearing in any advertising beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Periodicals postage paid at Flushing, N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Forest Hills Ledger Ridgewood Ledger Howard Beach Times C/O News Community Newspaper Holdings Inc. 41-02 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, N.Y. 11361 3 Ridgewood touts artistic sensibility during gallery crawl WE T IMES Walking tour highlights uniquely Queens characteristics and increasing demand for real estate L EDGER BY JOE ANUTA with hotdogs and beer at six-stop route. One of those go up,” said Fred Valen- , M the historic Vander-Ende stops was a DIY gallery tine, who nevertheless said AY The Queens Museum Onderdonk House, which called Small Black Door the crawl was a success 2012 17-23, of Art wanted to make sure sits near a border that once run by Matthew Mahler and had his small gallery everyone on a recent gal- caused violent disputes and Jonathan Terranova packed with curious pa- lery crawl knew which bor- between the largely Dutch out of the basement of a trons all day. ough they were in. population in Brooklyn and house. The last stop of the day TIMESLEDGER The event was called the predominately British The growing
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