Zitteliana EmailÆzitteliana LrzUni MuenchenDe

Zitteliana EmailÆzitteliana LrzUni MuenchenDe

:ITTELIANA !Næ)NTERNATIONALæ*OURNAL OFæ0ALAEONTOLOGYæANDæ'EOBIOLOGY 3ERIESæ!æ2EIHEæ! -ITTEILUNGENæDERæ"AYERISCHENæ3TAATSSAMMLUNG FÔRæ0AæLÜæONæTOæLOæGIEæUNDæ'EOLOGIE -ÔNCHENæ :ITTELIANA !Næ)NTERNATIONALæ*OURNALæOFæ0ALAEONTOLOGYæANDæ'EOBIOLOGY 3ERIESæ!2EIHE ! -ITTEILUNGENæDERæ"AYERISCHENæ3TAATSSAMMLUNGæFÔRæ0AæLÜæONæTOæLOæGIE UND 'EOLOGIE #/.4%.43).(!,4 7/,&æ/(-%24 2ADIOLARIEN &AUNENæUNDæ/BERGRENZEæDERæ!MDEN &ORMATIONæ #ONIACIUMænæ3ANTONIUM æIMæ4LZERæ(ELVETIKUMæ/BERBAYERN æ ææææ $()2%.$2!æ+æ0!.$%9ææ&2!.:æ4æ&ä23)#( *URASSICæCORALSæFROMæTHEæ3HEMSHAKæ&ORMATIONæOFæTHEæ!LBORZæ -OUNTAINS æ)RANæ ææ 4(/234%.æ+/7!,+% 0ALAEOCLIMATICæIMPLICATIONSæOFæCONTINENTALæSALINEæANDæFRESHæWATER MOLLUSCæCOMMUNITIESæOFæTHEæ#ENOZOICæ)BERIANæ0ENINSULAæ ææ 'ä.4%2æ3#(7%)'%24 4HEælæRSTæCYCLOIDæARTHROPODæFROMæTHEæ,ATEæ*URASSICæ ææ (%,'!æ"¬2!æ"!24%,3 *Ê.3$Ê44)2 æ+!2%.æ,5)3%æ+.5$3%. æ*/!#()-æ3#(.&%,$ 353!.!æ,%"2%)2/ææ&!4)-!æ'æ!"2!.4%3 2ECENTæBENTHICæFORAMINIFERAæFROMæTHEæ4AGUSæ0RODELTAæANDæ%STUARY æ 0ORTUGALæMICROHABITATS æASSEMBLAGEæCOMPOSITIONæANDæSTABLEæISOTOPESæ ææ 3)-/.æ3#(.%)$%2ææ!,&2%$æ3%,-%)%2 !æSILICIlæEDæWOODæFROMæTHEæCHURCHæOFæ3Tæ,AURENTIUSæINæ:EHOLlæNGæ "AVARIA æ'ERMANY ænæANæUNUSUALæLINKæBETWEENæARCHEOLOGYæANDæ PALEONTOLOGYæ )NSTRUCTIONSæFORæ!UTHORS(INWEISEæFÔRæ!UTORENæ :ITTELIANA !æ æ3EITEN -ÔNCHEN æ )33.æ 8 %DITORS IN #HIEF(ERAUSGEBERæ-ICHAELæ+RINGS æ7INFRIEDæ7ERNER 0RODUCTIONæANDæ,AYOUT"ILDBEARBEITUNGæUNDæ,AYOUTæ-ARTINEæ&OCKE æ-ANUELAæ3CHELLENBERGER %DITORIALæ"OARD !æ!LTENBACH æ-ÔNCHEN "*æ!XSMITH æ-OBILE æ!, &4æ&ÔRSICH æ7ÔRZBURG +æ(EIIG æ-ÔNCHEN (æ+ERP æ-ÔNSTER *æ+RIWET æ"ERLIN *(æ,IPPS æ"ERKELEY æ#! 4æ,ITT æ"ONN /7-æ2AUHUT æ-ÔNCHEN "æ2EICHENBACHER æ-ÔNCHEN *7æ3CHOPF æ,OSæ!NGELES æ#! 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Abstract salinarer und Süßwasser-Molluskenvergesellschaftungen aus dem Känozoikum der Iberischen Halbinsel untersucht. Einige Spatio-temporal distribution pattern of continental saline thermophile Vertreter der Cerithioidea, welche rezent nicht and fresh water mollusc palaeocommunities of the Cenozoic mehr auf der Iberischen Halbinsel vorkommen und heute in Iberian Peninsula were investigated in order to detect palaeo- Nordafrika, dem südöstlichen Mittelmeer und Kleinasien ver- climatic implications. Several thermophilous representatives of breitet sind, zeigen warm subtropisches Klima an. Kontinentale the Cerithioidea, which indicate a warm subtropical climate, are aquatische Ökosysteme wurden zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten absent from the extant Iberian fauna and restricted to North des Känozoikums von verschiedenen Vergesellschaftungen Africa, the SE Mediterranean and Asia Minor. The fossil re- besiedelt: Verbreitungsmuster von Melanoides-Vergesellschaf- cord suggests that the different continental aquatic ecosystems tungen (Oligozän, Ebro Becken; Miozän, Albacete; Pliozän, were colonised at different times in the Cenozoic: distribution Barcelona; frühes Pleistozän, Guadix Baza Becken) und Pota- pattern of Melanoides palaeocommunities (Oligocene, Ebro mides-Vergesellschaftungen (Oligozän, Ebro Becken; Miozän, Basin; Miocene, Albacete; Pliocene, Barcelona; Lower Pleis- Duero Becken, Ebro Becken; frühes Pleistozän, Guadix Baza tocene, Guadix Baza Basin) and Potamides palaeocommunities Becken) und ihr sukzessiver Rückgang in den nordspani- (Oligocene Ebro Basin; Miocene, Duero Basin, Ebro Basin; schen Becken seit dem mittleren bis späten Miozän spiegeln Early Pleistocene, Guadix Baza Basin) and their successive die globale spätkänozoische Temperaturabkühlung wieder. disappearance since the mid- to Late Miocene in the northern Potamides-Vergesellschaftungen in der playa lake-Fazies des Spain basins refl ect the global Late Cenozoic temperature coo- Guadix Baza Beckens deuten auf ein semi-arides Klima hin, ling. Potamides palaeocommunities in playa lake-environments ähnlich dem heutigen Klima Nordafrikas. Phasen humideren of the Guadix Baza Basin indicate a semi-arid climate context, Klimas werden durch syntope Melanoides-Vergesellschaftun- similar to the modern North African climate. Humid intervals gen angezeigt, welche hyposalinare Ökosysteme besiedelten, are indicated by syntopic Melanoides palaeocommunities that ähnlich den aquatischen Ökosystemen zur Zeit der humideren colonised hyposaline environments, similar to the colonisation Klimaepisoden im Holozän Nordafrikas. Melanopsis-Verge- of aquatic ecosystems during the Holocene more humid climate sellschaftungen sind im Vergleich zu Melanoides- und Pota- episodes in North Africa. Melanopsis palaeocommunities are mides-Vergesellschaftungen durch höhere Temperaturtoleranz characterised by a greater temperature tolerance compared to gekennzeichnet. Die rezente Art Melanopsis praemorsa kommt the investigated Melanoides and Potamides palaeocommunities. in Spanien südlich des 42. Breitengrades vor; eine Verbreitungs- The extant species Melanopsis praemorsa is distributed in Spain grenze die etwa der +10°C-Januar-Isotherme entspricht. Das south of the 42nd degree of latitude, roughly coinciding with Verbreitungsgebiet kongenerischer miozäner Vertreter reichte the +10°C-January-Isotherme, while the area of distribution dagegen über die nordspanischen Beckensysteme hinaus. of the Miocene congeners extended the northern Spain basin systems. Schlüsselwörter: kontinentale Mollusken, Känozoikum, Spanien, Paläoklima Key words: continental molluscs, Cenozoic, Spain, pala- eoclimate 1. Introduction Kurzfassung The Cenozoic Iberian Peninsula has a rich continental sedimentary record, preserved in large depressions and smal- Zur Klärung paläoklimatologischer Implikationen wurden ler restricted basins, which predominantly formed after the räumliche und zeitliche Verbreitungsmuster kontinentaler Priabonian (Late Eocene) regression. The basin-systems arose *E-mail: [email protected] 76 induced by internal deformations of the Iberian micro-plate, Eocene). Evaporitic accumulations, which have been deposited coinciding with the formation of the Pyrenees and the Betic after the Pribonian regression, represent the terminal marine Orogene (BOCCALETTI et al. 1974; HSÜ 1977; RIBA et al. 1983; sedimentation. Oligocene and Neogene lacustrine fresh water PUIGDEFÁBREGAS et al. 1986; FRIEND & DABRIO 1996). A wide and athalasso-saline sedimentary successions were subsequent- variety of continental aquatic ecosystems and corresponding ly deposited in the context of an intracontinental basin without deposits established in these basins, which individual deve- marine connections (BATALLER 1929; RIBA et al. 1983; ANADÓN lopment was depending on the restriction of the basins or 1989). Similarly to the situation in the Ebro Basin, subsequent temporary or persisting connection with the Mediterranean to the Priabonian regression Oligocene and predominantly Sea, palaeoclimate, local ground water hydrology and the Miocene successions were deposited in the Duero Basin, the geochemical composition of the sedimentary basement. Apart south-western continuation, where the Neogene deposits from perennial and temporary fresh water palaeoenvironments, discordantly overly the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic basement athalasso-saline, i.e. continental saline ecosystems without (SÁNCHEZ-BENAVIDES et al. 1988, 1989). The northern margin marine connections, exhibited a broad spectrum of palaeoha- of the Duero Basin is characterised by fossiliferous athalas- bitats for the colonisation by fresh water and saline mollusc so-saline and fresh water deposits of Miocene age, which are palaeocommunities (ANADÓN 1989; KOWALKE 2006a, 2006b); particularly well-exposed in the Burgos/Castrillo del Val area see also BEADLE (1943), WILLIAMS (1981), and HAMMER (1986) (GONZÁLES-DELGADO et al. 1986; ANADÓN 1989; KOWALKE for general

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