(turtal . 1ullrtin * PUBLZIlED DJ7ILY ander order of THE PlRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION 4GEORGE CREEL, Chairnan * * *OMPLETB Record of U. J. GOERNMENT JAcablame Voi. 2 WASHINGTON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1918. No. 441 Austria's Armistice Proposal Rejected; Vienna Must -FirstMake Terms With Czecho-Slovaks, Says President Wilson NEWS FROM BATTLE LINES NationExpected To Reach REPLY TO NOTE OF OCT. 7 FOR ALL THE WEEK GOOD, Liberty Loan Goal Today; DECLARES THEIR RIGHT TO ALLIES PRESSING GERMANS Billion Short Last Night BE THE JUDGES OF THEIR The Fourth Liberty Loan cam- paign entered upon its last day to- DESTINY AND ASPIRATIONS BACK ON 250-MILE FRONT day with the quota of one district, St. Louis, officially subscribed and GEN. MARCH'S REVIEW country-wide subscriptions of $3,- CONDITIONS CHANGED 938,589,000, approximately two-thirds OF WAR'S PROGRESS of the $6,000,000,000 sought. SINCE JANUARY SPEECH Subscriptions from all sources, Eight Big Cities in France both reported and unreported, last night probably were somewhere be- "The President No Longer and Belgium Are Retaken tween $4,500,000,000 and $5,000,000,- at Liberty to Accept Mere 000. The country must subscribe from Enemy - Efforts to more than $1,000,000,000 to-day to 'Autonomy' of Czecho- reach its prescribed quota. Get Information of the A telegram from St. Louis last Slovaks and Jugo-Slavs as Otranto's Missing-New night said that an oversubscription of possibly $20,000,000 might he rolled a Basis for Peace"-Bellig- System of Transmitting up to-day, but it was not thought that erency and Proper Au- the excess would be beyond this Casualty Lists-Location amount. thority of These Peoples of American Divisions. Recognized by U. S. Press statement by Gen. March, October ORDERS QUESTIONNAIRES SENT The Secretary of State makes public 19, 1918: the following: " The news during the week from all ALL REIAINING REGISIRANTS From the Minister of Sweden to the fronts has been increasingly good. Gen. Secretary of State: Foch has been continuing his pressure The War Department authorizes the upon the enemy at all points, giving him following: ITranslation.] no rest whatever. Provost Marshal General Crowder has " Last Saturday, when I spoke to you, LEGATION OF SWEDEN, directed that all Local Draft Boards Washington, D. C., October 7, 1918. the enemy was conducting a retreat along within the United States proeeed with a 60-mile front between the Oise and the the mailing of questionnaires to the re- EXCETLENCY: Argonne. During the week this retreat maining registrants of the class of Sep- By order of ay Government, I have the has extended so as to affect all but 15 tember 12, 1918, when the classification honor confidentially to transmit herewith miles of the line from the coast to the of the men of 19 to 36, inclusive, is prac- to you the following communication of the Meuse, a front of over 250 miles. tically completed, in order that the classi- Imperial and Royal Government of Aus- tria-Hungary to the President of the Where Americans Are Fighting. fication of the men of 18 to 19 and 36 to 45 years may proceed at once. The mail- United States of America: * While our American Army is fighting ing of the questionnaire is only for the "The Austro-Hungarian its way across the Kriembild line on the purpose of proceeding with the classifica- wooded hills between the Argonne and tion of the registiants below and above Monarchy which has waged the Meuse, in spite of a strong concentra- the ages of 19 to 36 and does not modify war always and solely as a tion of enemy divisions, the enemy has re- the plan for first drafting into military defensive war and repeat- treated rapidly from the St. Gobain high- service the men between 19 and 36. land, the Chemin-des-Dames, and the edly given documentary evi- Champagne as far as the Hunding line, dence of its readiness to stop relinquishing 800 square miles In that The new offee of the Official the shedding of blood and to sector in four days. This developed a U. S. Bulletin is on the fourth arrive at a just and honor- sharp salient in their line southeast of St. Quentin, at the fork of the Oise and floor of the Continental Trust able peace hereby addresses Serre Rivers. Renewed attacks by Brit- Building, Fourteenth and H itself to His Lordship the ish, American, and French forces south Streets NW. President of the United (Continued on page 5.) States of America and offers 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1918. to conclude with him and hig allies an armistice on every German Plot To Control Materials front on land, at sea, and in the air, and to enter immedi- For Manufacturing High Explosives ately upon negotiations for a peace for which the four- Exposed by Alien Property Custodian teen points in the Message Further disclosures of the efforts of naturalized American and a chemist of of President Wilson to Con- Count -on BernstoriT, Dr. Albert, and the Bayer Co., to prepare and carry out gress of January 8, 1918, and their fellow propagandists to prevent the plans which would prevent the shipment the four points contained in manufacture and shipment of munitions of carbolic acid t6 England, France, and to the allies are made by A. Mitchell Italy by converting it into salicylates, President Wilson's address Palmer, Alien Property Custodian. Mr. salol, formaldehyde, and aspirin. This of February 12, 1918, should Palmer revealed the workings of an or- plan also provided for keeping away serve as a foundation and in ganization known as the Chemical Ex- from American munition manufacturers which the viewpoints de- change Association which was organized the supply of carbolic acid available at by Dr. Hugo Schweitzer in 1915 to buy that time, so that they would be ham- clared by President Wilson up all of the available carbolic acid in pered and hindered in the manufacture in his address of September this country and prevent its manufacture of high explosives for the allies. 27, 1918, will als'o be taken into pieric acid, one of the most necessary into account." ingredients in the manufacture of T. N. T. Taken Over by Custodian. and other high explosives. The carbolic The Heyden Chemical Works, of 135 Be pleased to accept, etc. acid purchased by the Chemical Exchange William Street, New York, and the Bayer W. A. F. EiKENGREN. Association was converted into harmless Co., of 117 Hudson Street, New York, His Excellency, pharmaceutical products, thereby elimi- were the two chemical concerns through Mr. ROBERT LANSING, nating any possibility of Its use in the which Dr. Schweitzer arranged to carry Secretary of State of the making of picric acid. Large profits were out his plans. Both of these concerns United States, Washington. made by Dr. Schweitzer and his associ- ore now in the hands of the Alien Prop- ates. erty Custodian and are being managed by 100 per cent Americans. The Heyden FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE TO THE Results of Investigation. Co. was owned by the Chemiske Fabrik MINISTER OF SWEDEN. The story of the Chemical Exchange von Heyden, Radeubul, Germany, and DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Association was unearthed by Francis the Bayer Co. -Was owned by Farbenfabri- October 18, 1918. P. Garvin, Director of the Bureau of In- kenvormals Friedrich Bayer & Co., of El- Sin: I have the honor to acknowledge vestigation, in his investigation of the berfeld, Germany. the receipt of your note of the 7th instant German owned chemical companies in this country which have recently been Set Out to Corner Supply. in which you transmit a communication In 1915, when it became apparent that of the Imperial and Royal Government of taken over by the Allen Property Cus- todian. He found that Dr. Albert, in carbolic acid was a necessary ingredient Austria-Hungary to the President. I am the manufacture of high explosives, now instructed by the President to re- conjunction with Count von Bernstorff in arranged with Dr. Hugo Schweitzer, a Thomas A. Edison invented a synthetic quest you to be good enough, through carbolic acid, of which the American Oil your Government, to convey to the Im- & Supply Co., of Newark, became the sell- perial and Royal Government the follow- ing agent. Comparatively little carbolic ing reply: erency exists between the acid was purchasable at that time. Dr. " The President deems it Czecho-Slovaks and the Ger- Schweitzer immediately set out to control man and Austro-Hungarian this supply, and on June 22, 1915, entered his duty to say to the into a contract with the American Oil & Austro - Hungarian Govern- Empires and that the Supply Co. whereby this company agreed ment that he can not enter- Czecho-Slovak National to ship 6,000 pounds of carbolic acid each tain the present suggestions Council is a de facto bellig- working day from July 1, 1915, to De- erent government clothed cember 31, 1915, and 4,000 pounds each of that Government because working day from January 1, 1916, to of certain events of utmost with proper authority to di- March 31, 1916, at a price of $1.061 per importance which, occurring rect the military and politi- pound, cash, from July 1 to December 1, since the delivery of his ad- cal affairs of the Czecho- 1915, and $1 per pound, cash, for all suc- Slovaks. It has also recog- ceeding deliveries. This price was nearly dress of the 8th of January double the usual market price.
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