Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 383 Snapshot Level2nd International of Conference Principal on Social Science (ICSSEntrepreneurs 2019) Competency 2nd Husain Syam 3rd Haedar Akib 1st Basmin Mattayang line 2: Post Graduate Program Department of Public Administration Department of Public Administration Universitas Negeri Makassar Universitas Negeri Makassar Universitas Negeri Makassar Makassar, Indonesia Makassar, Indonesia Makassar, Indonesia email: [email protected] email: [email protected] [email protected] 5st Muhammad Syukur 4st Amiruddin Department of Sociology Department of Sociology & Universitas Negeri Makassar Antropology Makassar, Indonesia Universitas Negeri Makassar [email protected] Makassar, Indonesia [email protected] Abstract—The mastery of principals' entrepreneurial local government, including the transfer of secondary school competencies is directed at the realization of the main tasks management from district to district level province [17]. and functions of actors with entrepreneurial insight, as Therefore, there is a need for an approach to institutional stipulated in the Minister of National Education Regulation building programs [18], [19] and capacity building [20] in No. 13 of 2007 concerning Principal / Madrasah Standards. the spirit of transforming the governance of school This article explains the mastery of principals' entrepreneurial organizations [21]. Institutional building is implemented competencies in the Regencies of Wajo, Soppeng and Sidrap. through the application of the principles of good school The research method used is normative legal research, governance (GSG) and the actualization of norms or rules of observation techniques and documentation. Data were school organization [7] while capacity building is done by processed and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that opening opportunities and access for stakeholders or "school the level of mastery of school principals' entrepreneurial competencies in-public senior high schools (SMAN) in the residents" (students' parents, school committees, teachers, "owner" regency of Tempe Lake was classified as "high" principals, supervisors, students, alumni) to participate where the actors: were able to create innovations that were actively in the administration of education and schooling. useful for the development of school-led organizations; Work This article is a replication of the research results of hard to achieve making schools an effective learning Mukmin, Akib, Samad, Andi, & Amiruddin [22] explaining organization; Have a strong motivation to succeed in carrying snapshots of the level of mastery of principals' out their duties as School leaders; Never give up or always look entrepreneurial competence at the Public High School for the best solution to the obstacles encountered; Having an entrepreneurial instinct in managing school production / (SMAN) in the "owner" regency of Tempe Lake (Wajo service activities as a source of learning for students. Regency, Soppeng, Sidenreng Rappang / Sidrap) South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Keywords— Principal competency, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation II. THEORETICAL REVIEW This is an era of competence [23]. Shermon understands I. INTRODUCTION competence as a characteristic of someone who enables that The mastery of principals' entrepreneurial competencies person to show the best performance in a particular task or [1]–[4] is the essence and orientation of capacity building job, role or situation. Its characteristics are referred to as programs in educational organizations. The direction of its "attribute bundles" which include the domains of development was also inspired by the ideas of David knowledge, expertise, talent, social roles, self-image and Osborne and Ted Gaebler in the book Reinventing motives. The collection of attributes according to Shermon Government [5] and a guidebook titled Banishing is a competency at the individual level. Bureaucracy [6]. The results of these thoughts introduce the Principal Entrepreneurship Competency. Normatively, idea of change and organizational development in general school principals' competencies are regulated according to and inspire the transformation of school organizations in the Minister of National Education Regulation No. 13/2007 Indonesia to date [7]–[10]. concerning Principal / Madrasah Standards which include The basic idea offered in the context of educational five competencies, namely personality, managerial, organizational (institutional) governance or narrowly entrepreneurship, supervision and social competence [2]. schooling is the involvement of governance components Based on the explanations from the authors and researchers outside the country, especially the business (private) and the [1], [3], [24], [25] regarding the five principals' industrial and the community. The idea has been crystallized competencies, specific indicators of entrepreneurial in the principles of "Community Based Schools" [11], [12] competencies are described as follows: and "School-Based Management" [13]–[15]. Principal's entrepreneurial competencies include: Significance of mastery of school principals' creating innovations that are useful for school development entrepreneurial competencies [1], [3], [7], [16] in the (creative thinking, innovative actions); work hard to achieve management of education units related to the negative school success as an effective learning organization; have a impacts caused by the dominance of vertical agencies and strong motivation to succeed in carrying out basic tasks and XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©20XX IEEE Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). 990 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 383 functions as school leaders; never give up and always look research questions, 2) Designing the research, 3) Data for the best solution in facing obstacles faced by schools; collection, 4) Data Analysis, and Documentation. Analysis have an entrepreneurial instinct in managing school of the research data using descriptive statistical analysis production or service activities as learning resources for techniques. students [3], [14], [15], [17], [26]. In addition to the dimensions and indicators above, [7] state that the IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION entrepreneurial competence of principals is based on creativity and innovation in the context of learning The snapshot of the mastery level of entrepreneurial organizations re-actualized in the context of good school competence of principals based on the creativity and governance (GSG). innovation of actors at SMAN in Wajo, Soppeng and Sidrap regencies is "high" in terms of the following five aspects: III. METHOD The principal creates innovations that are useful for the Research sites in the "owner" regency of Tempe Lake development of the School. Principal innovation is (Wajo, Soppeng and Sidenreng Rappang / Sidrap) South understood as all forms of ideas, processes, press Sulawesi Province. The locus of this research was chosen on (environment) behavior that is "considered" new, unique, the grounds that Tempe Lake was revitalized as an different or beneficial in the school environment. Principals entrepreneurial-based tourism destination that was made the at SMAN demonstrate the ability to create high (good) focus and locus of contextual entrepreneurship learning for innovation. The said innovation is shown by the 34 principals of Public Senior High Schools (SMAN) and principals/headmaster who speaks and behaves according to their school residents. The type of research used is his "style or locus." The principal engages in activities with descriptive-qualitative [27], [28] with a focus on principals' the school community (teachers, students, staff employees, entrepreneurial competencies [1], [2], [7], [16], [29] based parents of students), both in intracurricular and the creativity and innovation of actors at the SMAN locus as extracurricular activities, as well as formally, non-formal learning organizations [30]–[32]. and informal, according to the type of education locus. The principals deftly create situations and conditions of the Entrepreneurial competence is understood as a variety of school's internal and external environment that are capabilities or abilities demonstrated by the principal in productive, fun and meaningful, both for teachers and carrying out his main tasks and functions, abbreviated as students as well as for students' parents and community "EMAS-LIME", namely Educators, Motivators, members. In other words, the creativity and innovation of Administrators, Supervisors, Leaders, Innovators and the principal are "entrepreneurial" to all parties. Manager with insights Entrepreneurship whereas creativity The attitude and innovative behavior of the head of the and innovation are understood as the ability possessed by the principal in thinking, dhikr and behaving creatively to SMAN in the "owner" regency of Tempe Lake has been give birth to something (ideas, modes/models, products, involved recently, because previously the school had not processes, and press/environment) of value, or something clearly seen its role, such as when the school principal new, unique, different or beneficial [4]. The mastery of brought "snacks", chips or snack products from local principals' entrepreneurial competencies is demonstrated communities whose raw materials
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