WES'l: RlDING YORXSHIRE. IS-Hi FARM B.ULU'Ps-.-contim.ted'. ~unt .Geotge (tiff ths t~ro'tt!. rof W:. Stoney"Tbomu (to Ja1ne1 Procler tsq.)t Ben~n Thomas (to Gt orgB Oaket t/1(1,), 1 Clark orq.), Old Goole, Goble Hetton, Skipton Thornhill edge, Dewsbury ;Hymas '1'hos. (ttJ Lady Mary Vyner), Stours John (tO' T, C. Wilkin&On esq. Blackburn ,Jarnfs Ho CflptJ Ro/Jert Newby Hall frm. Newby Boro'bddlTe .J.Po.), Cliftun, .Newall, Otley John Parker), Barlow, 8elhy nl!'ram Samuel (to Lorrt'Houghto;;) Sykes I;Ienry (to 1'homas Taylori'.JJq.), Boot~ R;dph, (to J)harlf!l C.ll11pman Wheldale Ca.qtleford Norman,ton ' Hemmgfield, Barnsley esq. Carlt>coats),Dunfor(j ,Bdg.Sbeffid ' " ~,,. Taili David (to P. B. Davielf•Cooke Bottomleyh {At·{«- S. Learoyd. ~q,}, nm!ln.lot (to Rev._ G~rye mi.Lvll~Jtrm esq.), Holme, Owston~Donca11ter Meltham moor,l\;leltha~V, Huddt·sfid (lthorPe M.A..), D•pmngtoq,Rothrbm Tantield Thomas<to Bev, D. M. Alez- Bowater Thoma~ (to ,fohn Barmforth lackson George (to G. F. Uyle esq.), .ander);.Bilton~ Harroi!Bte · uq.), HarlingtoQ,. Doncaster ~nolth, Selby Taylor Edward (t~ Ralph CreyktJ esq. Bowcock 1'hoJVa!l (to :I'homu lleap · ewett William (to Edward Muscroft .J,PJ,. M.P.)1 lbwclitfe, 8elby esq. Skipton), Conoolfy. Leeds j esq.), Pontefract park, Pontefract 'raylol' Henry (t<J Co(omt Gunter)~ Bradley Geor~e (to ·"'i-r.A11drew Fair- ordan George (to S. Hirst esq.h Kel• W,.therb.v bairn),cA.'!kham Richard. York lington; Normanton Thackray Wllliarn (to >the Lmo Noor Bray Thomas (to C,.. S. A. 1'hellusson Jubb Charles(to WilliamHenry Oliver Iron t.:a.), 314 Rooley lane, Hradford esq.), .Brod11wortb- Uonca~ter I BBq.), ~ykehouse~ Selny TbompsonJohn (toW. Bracewell esq.), BrocklesbyJohn (to John Skelseye.~q.), Killingheck Thomas (to iJohR. POJJkit Barnoldswick1 Leeds Hatfield, Doncaf,'ter esq. ), He:nsall, Se! by Tbompson Joshua ( tfJ Samuel Exley Candlin William (to W.T. W.Spmcer- Kirby Christopher (to w, Johnson e11q.), Menstont"~ Leeds · Stanhopee/fq,'J .'J' ),Cawtborne,lJrnsly esq.), Little Ou:;eburn 1 Yurk Walk~r Williarn. (ill Thomas. 7'hwaite~ Carnall ThoruHs (to Mrs. Cadman), ~mh~rt :Benjamin (~o W, Bracewell nrq.), Pannal, Harrogate Watb .. upon·DParue~ Botherha~ L esq.), Contes, Leeds. Ward George (to Joli.n Bray eaq.), Cay11ill Gruby (to L. W. W1Ckham pawson. William (to Mrs. William llral\.1 Selb)" • 'eSq. 1,. Boston Spa, Ta•lcaster Jlfaki11), Burton Salmon, Sth. Milford Wat!lon Samud (to Franci(l Henry Chapman Septimus (toJn.Cravmt (Mq.,), ~a\'COC'k Martin (to 1'. E. SJJLith esq.), EadtJn e~q4 of FuiJ'ord), Whitley, High hall, A.ppletreewick,: Skiptou Bllckcliffe, Keighley Pontefract Clar~ T. (to S~rnl. Shinnert:sq~),Aston, Lister Edward (to John SharD esq.), Wt-lloc~ John (to John .Martindale- Rotherham Purston J aglin, Pontefract e.~q.), Stirton, ~kipton Cooke WiUiam (tt) :r. Dymond uq.), List~r Frank (to Fra'l/.Ci6 Clate.t f:8q.), Wells John (to J. A. Brooke esq.); Sykehoul!lt!, s~Iby Awkley, Doncaster Almond bury, H ulider:;fidd CoJt Thomas (to James Hanson Gart- towtller George Vt1 Lord J-onrht~-o Wnitelv llenry (to Charl11s .Berbfrt side esq.), Upper mill, Manchester borough \t the r~pre.~entatives o.f thu Hudson Mq.), Sandal! grove. Kirk Crackles Arthur (to T. Bladworth lrtre Lady E. Moore), 15 St. Jarnes' Sandall, Dq&caster esq.), Whitgift. Goole I terrace, Selby Wood Charles (to Mrs. Sundl'f"land~ Dixun WilliHm (to Sir Clulrles Hugh McKie John (to TitlM Salt esq.). IJarnsley), Woodhall farm, Dartield, Lou;ther hart.), Swlllin~too, Leeds ! Milner field, Bingley Harnsley . , Dolphin Mathew (to An.thony florner lMarshall John (to Jame& Yatea esq.), WoodPr::ter (to HenryWillunn StnrM- esq. Co.!h hou.~e), Foxup, 8kiptdn Oakwood frm.Moorgate rd.Rotherltm .f~ld ~q, s.P.), Flockton. Wakefield Dou~la!l John (to Lndg Hawke) Wo- Masol'l!JQhn (to Mrs. Wells), Airrvyn, Wratball Hober' (to Bernard .Lodge tnerslev 1 Pontefract ' Howden ./iatb.mell1!8q.), Hawkswick, Skiptll Durham" James (to H. Dury e3q.), ¥atthewson Alhany (to Marmaduke Wright. James ~t9 th.B Jiofl. E. W. Harrogate hall, Bilton1 Harrogate · Wyvill esq.), Denton, Otle.t Lascellt's)1 M)d~lethorpe, ~ork Earle Georl{e (to MtJssr6. Briggs, Son Mimmack Frederick (tQ Thomas Ed.. Yll.teM Gffirge (to George Wrzght esq.h ~ Cu.), Whitwood, Normanton ward Tayloresq.), Dodwrtb.Harnsly Hatfi~Id, Doncaster Feather John (to George Smith esq.), ~orley Robert (tp John Watson ftSq.), FARRIERS Easthurn; Leeds Roscartl, Selby . • . Fisher Tho01 a8 {to Charles Wright Mo{es George ((to Colonel W. H. Se~J Smtths, Blac/f&~Li/.hs ~ FarrterJl. esq . .l.P.), N ortb Anstonr Rothf'rham Cromptrm.--Stansfield), Yeadoll, Lds , Frost Charle!\ (to Jl. ]f.J Wtightson ~ewby \'\ illiam (to A. Fau:kel ~:sq.), FARR:J:ERS KNI;FE MANFRS. esq.), Warmsworth, D .. r.ca1der I Le_Mhley, Otley . See Cutlery. Gains J. (to Miss Rawson)\Nidd,Leeds Ormtston James (to R, Wtnn esq.), Garland John (to John Foster esq.), W_rugby, Wakefield , . FEATHER CLEANERS. Fockerhy, Goole Palhster Thomas (to J. D. 8llu e.sq.), Burton Miss Eliza Jane, Bank street, Gledhill Charles (to MessTl!. T. An- Tburnscoe~ Rother!1am O!c~Sett, Wakefield drewa ~ Co.)l Wortley, Sheffield Parker George (to Ji. B. Frank esq.}, Griroes Mrs. KatP, 3 St. Charles street, Haigh John (to Henry Fou11tain esq.), I Campsall, Donca.ster Attercli1fe Sheffield Neythorpe frm. Kexhorough, Barn-!y ~IJ.rker John (to Jo,qeph Crmvth'ff 1 Hanson Thomas ~toR. J. Streatjield \ e.Yq.), ~!a~ Houghton, Normanton FEATHER DRESSERS. esq_.), Rol!l'ington. Doncaster Pawson\\ ~llamHoColonel Wombwell), Hnll Miss Sarah, Nortltgate, Wakefleld Hams Samuel (to John Harvey esq.), Boston ~~a, Tadcaster Wilkinson Robt. 192 Qua.rrv hill, Leeds. Blaxton~ Hawtry Pearse W1lham (to JJ. Leethem esq.), 'f Harris William £to J. Walbankl Chil- 8ykehouse, 8elby FEATHER BED PURIFIER & ders esq • .J.P.), Cantley,..Donca~ter Pollard :Stead (to J. GiJl uq.), Men- RENOVATOR Harl'is William (to YiscountHalijaz), etone, Leeds ' Hickleton, Doncaster Pool William (to Pder Rhodes esq.), HaywoodGeo,37 Tusmore st.'Rotherharn Hayton .Robert (to William Wood eaq.), I Weardley, Leeds FELLMONGlj:RS .Foxllnles, Methley,_ Leeds . Popple~on 'William (to Thomas GetJrge • Haywood Wm. {trJ·'Jdhrl Foster esq. D1ckmson esq.),WestHatldlesey,Seltly Alsop John Thos. Tba Carr, Doncaster tielby), Tllorpe Wllloughby, St-lby Preston tiamuel (to J. B. Dewhurl!t Ashton Thomas, .Lingarus, Huddersfield Hepstou~ William (to F. Ltwroyd esq.), esq. J. P. ), Gargrave road, Skip ton 11arke~ Ed\Vit~ D. Old mill, Harn~ley Woodnook, Wilshaw, Huddersfidd lladford Thoma11 (to William Henry Barker George, E~tholt, Leeds Hill WilliaiJI (to R. H. JfJnel esq.), I 1'kornton esq.), Thornhill, Dewsbury Barker Thomas, Hondgate, Otley Bads worth Puntefract Reld William (to J. D. Dent eaq. J .P.), Cuttell John, Reg.-nt mill,. 23 Cros8 H;ilton William (t9 Frederick Learoyd I Washford, Wetherby Stat•1ford 11treet, Leeds esq.}, Honley Scruton Williarn (to Richard Armi- DickinsonEdmnd. Lofthousegt. \\-'akefld Ilindle WilJiflm (to JV .-. Fiao'lt e11q,), tage esq. j, Farnley, Leeds GatesAlfred, Philadelphia leather work11, Wood Head, Leeds ~edgwick Aothony(toW,T, W.Spencer- N~psend lane, ~hetlield e&q.), ~carutnonden, Hudd.-rslie:Jd ford Bridgey Sbeffield moor,. Dewshury Hisleby T.bomas (to ,Mra. Brockton), hackleton Htmry (to Herbert Salt l Holman Richard, Ball Bridge works,. Tudworth green, Hatffeld, Donral'ter esq.). Bell bu~k" Leeds [ Ball ,.treet portb, ~hefiield, Holmea Jo,bn {to Sir John Gouldi.ng), f?imp!IOD William (to .Mrs._ Dawson)f Nickoh Ric~ard ~ ~opa, Joppa 871 &. Nun Monkton,. York. I Weston, Otley Wellington tannery lill, Kirkstall Horsl«ly John (ttA..JOIIeph Sykes esq.), Sparlinfl Joseph (ta G., L. FQ:;c ~Jtq.), road~ Leeds Park Riding,- Houley, Hutlder,fielt.l I 6rllmQaml Tadcast~r< j Pearaou Mis11, Wellington street, Ripon audd1e8tulll Richard (to John Boomer $tainton John (to B. Shaw uq. J,P,), t'ltune11 Geo.South Baileygate, Pootefrc~ esq.), Edlington, Rotherham Cowick, Selby. Thompson Edward, Cawood, ~dby . M.A..), Rossingtone J)OJ:lcastel"' Q-osland hi. Ctosland moor~ H<ldrt~ d. Walker Geo. Soutl.& Elwsall, Doncutef .
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