Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1952-53 The thI acan: 1950/51 to 1959/60 12-12-1952 The thI acan, 1952-12-12 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1952-53 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1952-12-12" (1952). The Ithacan, 1952-53. 7. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1952-53/7 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1950/51 to 1959/60 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1952-53 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Christmas Coneert Dee. 17, 8:15 KRIS KRINGLES' KAPERS CHRISTMAS VACATION Tonight, Ithaca Hotel Dec. 19 to Jan. 5 \[qc 1Jt4aran 8-12 Adm. $1.25 Vol. 241 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1952 No. 7 Adelphi To D0no1• ~Now HERE THIS', SCAMPERS Students At Banquet SHOW BEGINS JANUARY 13 Scampers of 1952, entitled Now Ithaca Hotel, Dee. 13 Hear Th.is, will open on Jan. Prof. Donald Bube to Direct Choir, 13, at the College Theatre. Curtain Adelphi, the freshman honorary time will be 8: 15. This year's pro­ society, has scheduled its annual Chorus for Christmas Concert Dec. 17 duction of Scampers has been built banquet for Sat., Dec. 13. It will fourteen Ithaca College upon the theme of an ocean voyage. be be ld in the Ithaca Hotel at 6: 30 The Ithaca College Choir and a· nose, That Yonge Child, with a The setting is abroad the luxury p.m. The guests will include Presi­ S!edenls Nominated lo girls' chorus, under the direction solo by Vina Nadwodny; Balulalow, liner, Tropical Queen. There will dent and '.\frs. Leonard B. Job, Dr. of Professor Donald Dube, will pre- with a soprano solo sung by Alice be many colorful scenes with var­ and :'IIrs. Howard Dillingham, :'\Irs. American College Leaders sent a concert of Christmas music Babcock; As Dew in Aprille, This ious stagings from the Main deck Helen H. Hood, and Mr. Robert in the College Theatre Wed., Dec. Little Babe, In Freezing Winter Fourteen Ithaca College students to the Engine Room. Scenes from Rice. 17 at 8: 15 p.m. The mixed choir will !\'ight, with soloists Suzanne Law- have been named for the 1953 edi- open the program with the well- rence and Vina Nadwodny; Spring a French cafe and a loading dock Each year those freshmen who tion of "American College Student know "Adcste I·'idelis." Following Carol, a duet by Joanne l\lanwiller in Africa will add the exotic touch. have attained a 65 index or better Leaders" publication. Those honor- this will be "Hodie Christus .Nat us and Diane Benbow; Deo Graclas A ballet will climax the first act. and who have demonstrated favor­ Directors for the individual able character are initiated into the ed Jn the ranks of collep;e leader- Est," a motet for double chorus by and Recessional. Palestrina; "Wassail Song," ar­ scenes In Act 1 are: T. Walter Car­ society. The banquet, which is open ship were chosen for their out­ rang"d by R. Vaughn WiJliams; lin, James Parisi, and Jean File. to both new and old members, fol­ standing initiative displayed in "Bethlehem Night" by Warrell; an- Act 2 will be directed by Bert De lows the formal initiation. campus activities. other "Wassail Song" arranged by Rose, Joyce and John Kontrabecki. James Clark, president of Adel­ Student Council head and Oracle Williams; "The Innocents" a Rus- Jewish Women's Choreography will be done by Jean phi, will award the Book Scholar­ president, Bob Rice was among sian Carol; "Down in Yon Forest" File and Judy Shaler. Music Di­ ship. Other officers include Joseph (English Carol) ; and "Rise Up rector is Robert_ Moss. David Dick those selected; as were Senior and Essay Contest Palmieri, vice-president, :'\larilyn Early in the '.\Iorning." A group of is Chorus Director and music ar­ Kaplan, secretary, and Joseph .Junior Class presidents, Douglas familiar carols will be sung-"The Deadline Dec. 31 rangement will be under the super­ Salvato, treasurer. The initiates Begal and John McGreevy. First Noel," "God Rest Ye :\lerry vision of Ray Lowery, Script Edi­ will be welcomed by :\frs. :'\Iarion Pat Tanner headed the list of Gentlemen," "Away In A Manger," Talk about worry... Ever offer tor is John Kontrabecki and Busi­ Miller, faculty advisor to the or­ organiational presidents, as W.C.C. "It Came Upon A :\lidnight Clear," to give away $6,000? If not, you nes Manager, Richard Warner. Pro­ ganization. "Hark the Herald Angels Sing," don't know what worry is, accord­ duction Manager for the show is Candidates for Adelphi include chairman. Others included presi- and "O Little Town of Bethlehem." ing to the sponsors of an essay George Smith. Other members of the following: Patricia Ackerman, dents: Norman Hall for I.D.E.O.; William Walton's arrangement of contest for college seniors on "The the production staff are: June Bil­ Phyllis Arsenault, Alice Babcock, Jim Clarke, Alelphi; and Paul the old English Carol "Make ,ve :\leaning of Academic Freedom." lings, Publicity; James Clarke, Re­ Sally Breit, Mary Burton, Robert Thomann for Varsity Club and Joy Now In This Fest" will also be Hear them tell it: hearsal Co-ordinator; and James Caliel, Vincent Castelli, Marlene on the program. Alice Babcock will "The deadline for entries is De­ Delta Kappa. Parker, Programs. Stage Manager Cooper, Frank Damiano, Joanne sing a soprano solo In '"I Sing of cember 31-only a few weeks off. will be Ted Sehreppel. Deislg, Frank Delio, Jean Devin, Scampers chairman Jac"k Eaton a :\laiden." The program will con- We are on pins and needles.... Larry Douglass, Nancy Edgerton, and Frank Battisti accepted their tlnue with the Irish Carol "Now :\faybe seniors have forgotten about Ellison Elmer, John Fako, Beverly nomination along with Scampers Christmas Day Is Come"; two Ne- the contest! Or maybe they will Glory? ~faybe he expects to be so I•'ontana, Richard Frederick, Liset­ production director, George Smith. gro spirituals-";\lary Had A Baby" start their essays too late and famous he is above mere nation­ ta Gardoni, David George, Carol and "Go Tell it on the Mountains"; miss the deadline! Al Cahill -was honored for his "And the Trees Do ;\foan," "A "When we first announced the wide recognition. Competition? Hammon, Gloria Haywood, Lilith '.\Iaybe he thinks more than one is untiring work as head :\!en's Coun- Gallery Carol," "Lulay ::\ly Liking" contest, we had a difference sort Hye, Jacqueline Kelly, Donald La­ a crowd. Academic freedom? Maybe selor at Freshman Camp. He was by Gustave Holst, "Benedicamus of worry.... ,Vith $2,500 as a first I•'avor, Pauline Lambert, Roger he doesn't value his own views on Leadley, Joel Levy, Joan Lippner, also station mana-ger of ,vIT.J. Domino" by Peter Warlock and prize, what is to stop all the sen­ the subject. Robert Little, Joanne :i\Ianwiller, :\larian Segal, president of Sigma Pranz Gruber's "Silent Night." Also iors in all the colleges, thousands "'Ve worry, too, that maybe the Lois '.\foClure, Martha Palia, Rob­ d woman's on the program will be "Round the and thousands of seniors, from senior is a worrier. Maybe he ert Parr, Marjorie Peck, Louis Alpha Iota, was ilea Glory :\!anger," a Negro spiritual in swamping our eminent judges with thinks: wh)" should I take the time Piantodosi, Joseph Polansky, :\lar­ counselor. which David Dick will sing a tenor essays? to dash off up to 2500 words of garet Roberts, Melvin Schorr, Janet Althoup;h new to I.C. last year, solo. "But now we wonder... Is any. clarity, brilliance, perhaps great­ Schwartz, Patricia Shiner, Robert .Jean File was also selected for The Girls' Chorus will sing "A body out there in the audience? Is ness on academic freedom? Who Simmons, Joan Sta.uh, Richard Ceremony of Carols" by Benjamin anybody writing? ,viiat moves a her work as Secretary-Treasurer will read it? Strangers? They may Strauss, Leo Sweeney, Charlotte Britton. This is a recent work, pub- senior? $2,500? :\laybe he expects to of the W.C.C~ along with her pre­ not even understand it! Tayntor, Annette Thomas, Charles Jished in 1942. It consists of: Pro- make millions next year and isn't Watros, .Nancy Widin, Kathleen ( Continued page 6, col 1) <:>ession, ,volcum Yole, There Is No interested in such a paltry sum. "We hope the senior does not Zizzi. have this worry. His essay will be superbly understood, because con­ test judges are Supreme Court U.S. AIR FORCE OPENS NEW .Justice William 0. Douglas, Dr. Willard Straight Ralph Bunche, Xobel peace prize winner, former Attorney General Musical Offers OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUTHS Thurman Arnold, '.\!rs. Douglas 1 Wushlngt.on, ]),('..-New oppor- ulate the imagination. In each integral calculus. Qualified grad­ Horton, former president of Welles­ Verdi s Othello tunities for young men and wo- day's news we hear of new ad- uates or seniors should write to ley College and Dr. Abram L. Among the Willard Straight men with sc.:ientific or technical in- vances in thermonuclear energy, Headquarters, Air Weather Serivce, Sachar, president of Brandois 'Gni- musical offerings this season is a terests to enter the United States supersonic speeds of aircraft, Washington 25, D.C., for the re­ versity. · recorder opera series on Sunday Air Force tor the purpose of receiv- longer ranges for aircraft, and quired application forms." "But does the senior know what evenings at 8 p.m. This series is ing training as weather officers re- many other advances which were Dlembers of the Air Force ROTC kind of essay is wanted? :\Iaybe he given in the Music and Art room at ceived additional empha:sis from unfamiliar to us a few years ago.
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