THE nsamm entertainer^ guide, mentor and friend THIS ISSUE ONTAINS 31 PER CENT ADVERTISING AND 69 PER CENT READING MATTER MORE WOUC FOR THE FOUR-MINUTE MEN, FOR THE CHAUTAUQUA TALENT, FOR THE SCREENS AND FOR I THE PIDFESSION GENERALLY-WORK AS IMPORTANT AS ANT OF THE WAR DRIVES-EVEN MORE SO. We must uake thrift habitual and permanent for several years to come Saving wa glorified during the war. Everybodj saved religiously. Stimulatel by the constant appeals of the actors, managers and four-minute men in the theaters nd motion picture palaces, the people proved paragons of economy and thrift. This pracfce must not be abandoned. On the coitrary it must be made a lasting and enduring national asset. We have geater need of it now than during the war. We are nily-willy going to handle' the world's trade and be the world's banker. We must hive the capital with which to do this business, ten, twelve, fifteen times greater in volumi than our business grossed before the war. “Must" is the word. The need i: imperative—vital. And of the vital thing needed to be done we are justified in saying that it must be done. I No longer nustt it be said that France is the thriftiest nation on earth. From now m that proud distinction must be America's. Thrift is a :wo-fold protection to the wage earner and salaried man. It not only leads to easy circims^nces and comfort, but, accumulated in the hands of the banks, building associattons and savings institutions, it provides the capital upon which the nation's industrits depend. Thus it kesps the wheels turning and insures the continuation of wages and salaries. We have much money in America. But, especially just before the war, we had comparatively little accumulated money. We are immensely better off in this respect now, but we need to be still more so. Everybody must save more—save more and put it in bank—save more and invest it. To keep savings up to the present rate is not enough. We must exceed it. We must find and institute new frugalities. It is of vital importance to us as a nation. The propaganda and appeal must be kept up. Organized effort to this end must be sustained. We are sure that the pro¬ I fession will see the g.eat and pressing necessity and respond to it. I WANTED MED. PERFORMERS All Vinter's wcilt. ftoot ind Dance Rkeuh Teem, all cnnilit) Of life aixe flgures, formeely at Eden Mu¬ around rooedlan, good act worker. Norettr Man, Pl¬ VICTORY BAZiUR AND INDOOR FAIR seum, ir York; also four large War Brtnes, with ano Player. Beat d ereothme I pay all after lolnlnf aulub'lstntines, or ctaultkr olacing aaroe at btirh Btata all In Irat letter ED P. care Hotel nr pa^ percentile basis. Can be seen at 114 Barmttate, Grand Rapldi, Mlchlfan. NEWBERN, NORTH CAROLINA linvorgfw York City, or write manager. TOM PEOeL-E WANTED TEN BIQ DAYS AND NIQHTS-JANUARY 8 TO 18—ON THE For Palmer'e Uncle Tom'a Company. Man frr Trm. to double Harris, Man for Marks. Man for Pblneaa. ‘'MAIN STEM’’ IN THE HEART OF TOWN to double Lecree, Woman for Ellxa with child for /r LIBERTY I>a. Hbnw pays all after lolnint. Pleased to hear from old friends, aiddreu WM. REAP. Cobourg, WANT IMMEDIATELY and for alxive dates: Freaks, Pit and Platform Ontario. Canada Orc^tra Leader (Violin). Arrange. Attractions; any show that can operate “indoors;” legitimate Concessions. Doui Trombone or Trombone B. & O. Ham, Fruit, Pillow and Bear Wheels open. Ft SALE—Baritone Sax., Bufescher, Want 6 or 8-Piece Band WANT IMMEDIATELY: Colored Minstrel Performers doubling brass. Piano lOW tch, silver-plated, gold bell, case, Player, Drummer and Dancers for Dance Hall, Concession Agents i^d Free AcL 185. i bargain. - , , E. W. MARSH, and Colored Musicians WANT, TO OPEN APPIL 28 IN A RED-HOT MONEY SPOT IN WEST I 132$harlotta, Kansas City, Mo. that Double Band. Stare and Orchestra, and Minstrel VIRGINIA: SHOWS, CONCESSIONS and RIDES. A long season in pros¬ People In all lines Wire what you are. salary, etc. DELMAK SHOWS Corpua ChrlstI, Tessa. perous territory now being booked. Will furnish outBts for real money-getting LT LIBERTY attractions. No GrifL A-HUSICU DIRECTOR UNO PMNItT Write or wire. Tell it all in first. Address HARRY E. CRANDELL, C ri.gitory graduate. Alio hare Mua. B. degree Can WANTED playt 'bing ThoriHigbly eiiierlermfd In beat taude- Wilmington, N. C., until Jan. 4; then Newborn, N. C. vi.;e$ui.cs and on road. Layoff cauaed by draft. FOR MARR & WILLIAMS PUYERS Am gy diacharged and do not want my old poat- l‘poi)ls In all lines. Heavy Man. Character Woman. ll'>nil*refer good mUalcal comedy playing rauSe- Siiubrette. Young Ingenue. Piano Player, Chorus miafrie WUl cooalder other good |>aaiti>.n. Muat Girls. Specialty People preferred Name lowest sal¬ be gl If eo I ran pHn at once. A K of kl ary Send photos Address MAKR A WILLIA.MS. 108 Ad.ti MUSICAL director. Lickdale, Pa North Nineteenth St. Philadelphia. Pemuylrania. VERNE A. WILIAMS AT LIBERTY WABTED-COMEDIAN Why don’t you come home, or that cm ling md werfc itrilght or comrdy In acts and changy for two wwkj H. T. MORAN, 111 Faarl write me? I have, as you can see from St., Trenton. New Jersey the accompanying picture, met with i-1 Trombonist Tt, bghly Mperlmred. Can fumlah refaranrs. Bas- a serious accident, which will inca¬ !i>r tearing here conSdrntlal. One year hare un¬ WANTED—COMEDY ci. ryU leader. B H CULLCf. cars tlippodr><me BAR PERFORMER pacitate me from w’ork for some time, Tlije. Joplin. MlaaourL FOR TRAMPOLINE ACT. and I need your assistance. A' i iDrOTV MUSICALDIRCCTOlIlPI- Addreat FRANK SULLY. 8 We*t 105th St., N. T C. T uinl. Specialty. Musical Anyone knowing the whereabouts t ■‘«ly, Vauderllle, Burlreque, Pictures. Eiptrlrnce. years. Union. JEhRY JERRELO. 120S WANTED —TENT VAUDE- of Mr. Williams will confer a great IlC’ U'n SI , Holyoke, MaciMchuselta. VfLLE PERFORMERS favor by communicating with me at who can drlre and care for Ford Car Steady work. AT LIBERTY Salary aure. Write all and be ready to loin on wire. once. Address MRS. ANNA WILLIAMS, HI Baritone: eai<erleBred Would life* to gat In miller BROS ' SHOW, Syleralrr. Georgia. w| quartette or trio. FRANK DIET&K& W. 1640 DODGE CT., CLEVELAND, OHIO C« 8ib A Main Sts . Flat 1. ClnrlnnaU. Ohio. WANTED ALIBERTY-MYRRUTLE VETLEdO.N. Plano and FOR “TEN NIQHTS IN A BAR ROOM’ IiriUFs; D. F COFFEEN. Violin md tieneral Pual- nt Sperlalllet. Joint only Anything with re¬ Good Wildcat Agent md Plano Plarer to play small nte cnmpmy considered. 826 E. Lincoln Am.. part or double band. People in all lines write. Long 5't>araliio. Indiana aesaon Scailb MAY UPTON l■LAYEHH, BrUlcl. Pa Wanted the K. G. Barkoot Shows Two more real shows and one Platform Show. Want legitimate Conces¬ AT LIBERTY MARCH 1 WANTED-PEOPLEIN ALL LINES HDE THUMIIO.NE. Prefer reliable circus. Lota of for One-NIghter: General Business Man and Woman, sions of all kinds. All pthers save stamps. No exclusives, except lunch. crrieni-o md pep. Tell all In first letter. FRANK H.-D Soubrette; preference to those Doubling Plmn. IiY. 408 N. Errrgrccn Are.. Los Angeles, OallfonilA Also Uro Agent Tell all In first letter. JACK LA BOX. klir Ole md New Wife Co., 626 So. 19tb, Omaha, Nebraska WANTED, A real baad of 10 or 12 pieces, at oece. STORE SHOW FOR SALE Jie Dreg Sea Wonders, four big Feaiurea, all f«a- t/UAMTpD Exnertmcrd Una-Fon OrgmIaL Address all mail and telegrams to K. Q. BARKOOT, Manafwr K. Q. Barkoot 6ed In one box cabinet. 5x2x2 ft.: wrigbl. 150 Iba. female Salary. $35 to Ire, 8.50 00. Lola of other atulT. NElg*ON 8l’P- 846 per week. T hours one day and 6 hours the next Shows, Atlanta, Qa., week December SO, 1911; La Qran{e, Qa., week January 1,1111. tT STORE. 514 E 4ih. S Boston. Matamhuartta. OEO PBKRAS, Oreamimd Theatre, Columbus. O. WAIinD-TLitEE A-1 OUTSIDE MEN CENTRAL SCENIC STUDIOS bSO. store open all winter. T. O. STEER, care HUNTINGTON. WEST VIRGINIA. WANTED FOR BIG TIME ACT niboard. ClnrlnnaU. Ohio. Scenery In Wilrr Color. Oil or Dye Cirrus md Side Show Renners Show Fronts and Panels for Carnlrala Dwarf (not midget); experience not necessary. Giro aye heirht, weight Good satarr Send photo if my. WANTED. FOR THE SEASON 1910. OUR LEADERS—9x12 Drops, ealy $12.00; 3x12 W. BRADLEY. P. 0. Box 25. Freapert, L. L. N. Y. ome good Frrik aulteble for Pltlform. also Trung Maalla Banner, four colors. $1.75. ady to tell Forlunei or Inrlstble Writing. En route Anything from a Sign to a Portrait. A deposit with Ith Greet White Way Shows. Call on or address all orders iEO W. MATHIS. i:i9 Koowlion SL, Ctnclnoatl. WANTED FOR COLEY’S GREATER SHOWS Ihlo. SCENERY Manr-Go-Rosind that cm open Monday night. Shewra md Ccnceaalnns that don't confllrL Colored Musicians to atrmglhen Colcred Band, also Cabaret Girlt. This show stays out all winter. CAN USB useful people in all ornet, Trombone and Juba SHOW BANNERS lines. Will also buy 35x70 Tent If .heap for rash. E. J. Sears, srrtte. Week of Dec. SO. Vmre. S C : week Get our prices. of Jm. 6. Camemn, S. C. Write or wire.
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