—U- TH E PLYM OUTH M AIL FIRST SECTION THE HOME PAPER SIXTEEN PAGES VOL. XL, NO. 40 , PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1928 $1.50 PER YEAR H FAMILY Many Attend • Washtenaw County Plymouth Schools Open Tuesday, September 4th I Fair Opens August 28 REUNIONS HELD L a w n . P a rty OFFICERS AT DETROIT HOUSE ( NEIGHBORING COUNTY F A IR SEVERAL GATHERINGS OF FAMI­ f OF CORRECTION HOLD AN- j PROMISES TO BE BEST EVER MANY FORMER PUPILS GATHER LIES HAVE TAKEN FtACE , NUAL PARTY WEDNESDAY j HELD IN ANN ARBOR. AT SCHOOL BUILDING LAST IN THIS VICINITY DUR­ SATITIDAY FOR ANNUAL EVENING. | Preparations for the Washtenaw ING PAST WEEK. ! County Fair which will open August REUNION. The sixth annual lawn party given j 28th and will continue August 29. 30. MAYNARD REUNION. by the officers of the Detroit House 31 and Soptoinlter 1. a re about com­ About sixty were in attendance at The fourth annual reunioir of the of Correction farm last Wednesday pleted. and the exhibition promises to the Patchin school reunion Saturday Joseph and Sarah E. Maynard family evening was largely attended and a be tbe best one ever held in our afternoon. August 18. Twenty-four of was held at Davisburg park. Oakland most enjoyable event. Len Thomp­ neighboring county. the earlier arrivals sat down to a pot- county, on Sunday. August 19th. son's Moon Beam orchestra furnished In addition to the regular premiums luck dinner under the maple trees. A pot-luck dinner was served at excellent music for dancing on the offered in every department of the Visiting filled tlic time till Fred Geney, noon to about 150 guests, who were pavement. A band concert by the De­ Washtenaw County Fair there are president <>f the association, called to present from Davisburg, Flint. De­ troit Police Department band was many sjHK-ial premiums being offered order in the upper school room. A troit. Fowlerville. Cleveland, Stark. greatly enjoyed, as was also the songs this year, making tin* contest for patriotic program was given, varied Wayne and Plymouth. of the Dixie Eight and Alfredo and honors very interesting. The banks of by other selections. Much credit is The meeting was held early in the Sylvia, violin aud accordion numbers. the county have contributed a total of due to ’William Smith and James afternoon. Mrs. Nellie McDonald Refreshments were served. $300.00 for livestock sweepstakes, the Norris for their fine readings. Officers was appointed president to succeed sum being divided ns follows: Horses. were re-elected and plans made to hold Mrs. Rose Sieting: Mr. and Mrs. $45.(Ml: cattle. $110.00; sheep. $70.00: the reunion again next year on the Howard Johnson, secretary, to suc­ SEWARD F. NICHOLAS. ASSISTANT and lings. $75.00. *Then there are Saturday nearest the 15th of August. ceed Mrs. Louise Johnson and Mrs. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, AD- j special premiums being offered by the A movement which was started last Nettie Egloff: after which there were DRESSES KIWANIS CLUB. American Jersey Cattle Club, the Ary- year to honor the soldiers of tbe Civil dialogues by the Hutchinson children. sliire Breeders’ Association, the Ameri­ war and of the later wars who went can Guernsey Cattle Club, the Ameri­ from this school district is still in the Music was furnished by the I. O. O. Through the courtesy of Hr. Wm. O j can Poland China Record Association. hands of the committee, because the F. Triple Link lodge of Detroit, whichJennings. Assistant Prosecutor Seward | Chester White Record Association. list of names is incomplete. A col­ was enjoyed by all. F. Nichols spoke to the local Kiwanis j American Shorthorn Dreader's Associa­ lection was taken, making over $25 in All departed at a late hour, hoping club at their regular luncheon las; j to be present at the next reunion, tion and l iahy others. J11 addition in the treasury. Tuesday on "Some Aspects of L aw j these sjieeial premiums every township ! Among those present from a dls- which will be held in August. 1929, Enforcement." Mr. Nichols has had in the county offers‘special cash prizes j ktimce were Mr. and Mrs. Harry at the same place. eight years' experience in the i>rnso- for products of the farm grown by Wriirht. of Gulf Port. Miss., and Miss eutors office and displayed a kt* *n FREEMAN REUNION " any resident of the township. | Brown, daughter of Dr. Leroy Brown. interest in and knowledge of the work | of St. Paul. Minn. The children, grandchildren and The now horticultural building will of tlie law-enforcing agencies. 1 The committee in charge of the great-grandchildren of the late August­ have a wonderful exhibit this year, it soldiers’ memorial is Mrs. Fred Geney, us Freeman gathered lust Sunday at is believed, and all who have fruit Miss Bertha Warner and Mrs. Ralph the home of Charles Freeman. Frain’s ROTARIANS HEAR JAMES E. and 1 lowers are urged to. make an ex­ Take, for a reunion. After a J>ounte- hibit so the new structure can lie Raymo. They will lie glad to receive CHENOT. additions or corrections to the follow­ ous picnic dinner a business meeting filled to overflowing. It is a handsome in g list of soldiers’ names: was held, and it was decided to make and commodious building aud the ex­ James K. (’heuot. chief assistant [ Civil War Veterans. the reunion an annual affair, to meet prosecuting attorney, was the speaker hibit there will l>e one of the most in­ the second Sunday in August each teresting and attractive on the grounds. J Thomas Ballou, Co. C.. 24 Mich. In- at the Rotary club luncheon last Fri­ I fantry. year. The following officers were day. Mr. Chenot gave a most interest­ Tuesday will he children's day when children under 15 years of age and Lemuel Blount. Co. A., 1st Mich. elected: ing talk on crime and the now criminal Cavalry. President—Mrs. Charles Freeman. hoy and girl club members will be law. During the seven years that Mr. Jasper Brown. 5th Cavalry. Vice-President—Ida Freeman. admitted to the grounds free. Wed­ Chenot has been in the prosecuting Renl>en Brown. 5th Cavalry. Secretary and Treasurer—Mrs. Cora nesday will Ik? judging day and fair attorney's office he has had a wide ex­ Ohauncey Bunyen, ICth Infantry. visitors interested in this feature of Austin. perience in the handling of criminal George Bunyea. 16th Infantry. There were sixty-one present, coming cases and he is especially well the fair arc invited to witness the The time for the opening of school is Orchestra. Glee Club, Vocational Clubs. No community can long enjoy suc­ Lucius Chubb, Co. C., 24th Mich. from Ypsilanti. Wayne, Detroit and qualified to speak upon this subject. same. Ringside seats will be provided rapidly approaching and parents and Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Campfire Infantry. Bear Lake. His talk was greatly appreciated by cess unless each succeeding generation •in tbe west, side of the midway, where pupils are beginning to number the Girls, Girl Reserves, Torch and Hi Y, uses completely the opportunity pro­ Orville Chubb, surgeon. all the members and guests present. a new judging ring has been construct­ PASSAGE FAMILY REUNION. days before another year's routine be­ all designed to develop teamwork along vided for them by each immediately Charles Gibson. 1st Mich. Cavalry. Mr. Chenot was introduced by ed. Thursday will be known as home­ gins. The opportunity for an all- with specific-training of each organiza­ preceding generation; and for that Thomas Hunter. 4th Mich. Cavalry. The family reunion of the Passage Rotarian John S. Dayton. coming day aud it is expected the family was held at the home of Mr. around development is abundant in tion. - tt -* reason we urge each hoy and girl to crowds will be great from early morn­ John Herr. Co. G., 1st Mich. L. A. Enoch King. and Mrs. Luther Passage on August every modern school. The community of Plymouth has al­ find their place in some school this ing until late at night. James King, Co. B„ 12th Mich. In­ 18. Tables were spread on the lawn ANNUAL SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC. Along with the purely academic ways been most liberal in supplying fall. If you are to be ready to meet Friday has been designated as mer­ fantry. and a bountiful 6 o’clock dinner was work is training in Music, ^rawing, educational opportunity and each suc­ the challenges of life you must be pre­ chants and clubs day and one of the Millward King. Co. C., 9th Mich. Home Economics. Manual Training, ceeding year gathers a large return in pared. special attractions will lie a musical served to 46 relatives. , The annual picnic of the Presby­ Cavalry. Those from out of town were: Mrs. Business Training and Physical Train­ having a remarkably law-abiding, The teachers will all be happy to see contest. Saturday will be the last and terian and Methodist churches will William King. Co. D.. 4th Mich. Margaret Burns, Chicago; Mr. and ing. In the later elementary and high beauty-loving, industrially efficient, you when you return Tuesday, Septem­ closing day. Each afternoon and eve­ take place at Island Lake Wednesday. Cavalry. Mrs. Wm. Slater, Marshall; Mr. and August 29. Conveyances will be pro­ school are many clubs such as Band, happy and devout citizenry. , ber 4th. Will you be present? ning there will be special free attrac­ Mrs. Orra Passage and family, of tions in front of the grand stand aud Clarence Martin. 5th Mich.
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