954.509 B562 Betrayal of trust; the sikh tragedy in free India. Patiala, Guru Nanak Dev Mission, n.d. 33p. 5001 070.50954 D722P Dase Gowda, H R, ed. Publishing industry in South Indian languages; convention of South Indian language publishers held at Bangalore on 29th & 30th June 1996. Bangalore, Karnataka Pub.Assocication, 1996. vii,139p. 21cm. 5002 346.0482 B151T Bahri, U.S., ed. Translation and copyright. New Delhi, Bahri Pub, 1996. 113p. 21cm. 5003 378.155 G981 Guru Nanak Dev University;a profile. Amritsar, Guru Nanak Dev University, 1994. 188p. 5004 2Si2.092 A218NL Narain Singh The life-sketch of Guru Amar Dass ji;Anand Sahib incorporated. Amritsar, Bhagat Puran Singh. 198p. 5005 294.3 O12SN Obermiller, Eugene Nirvana in tibetan Buddhism, edited by Harcharan Singh Sobti. Delhi, Classic India Pub, 1988. xvi,76p. 22cm. 5006 954 A635BH Antonova, K. A history of India, by K. Antonova, G. Bongard- Levin and G. Kotovsky. Moscow, Progress Pub, 1978. 342p. 22cm. 5007 Book-2 920 G195A Gandhi, M.K. An autobiography or the story of my experiments with truth. 2nd ed. translated from the original in Gujarati by Mahadev Desai. Ahmedabad, Navajivan Pub.House,, 1958. xvi,392p. 21cm. 5008 2Si2.01 S631P Sher Singh Philisophy of Sikhism. Amritsar, Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, 1980. 269p. 24cm. 5009 2Si2.01 H255F Harbans Singh The faith of the sikhs. New Delhi, Guru Nanak Foundation, 1989. 20p. 21cm. 5010 2Si2.092 P985T Puran Singh The Ten masters. Amritsar, Chief Khalsa Diwan, 1969. xv,151p. 22cm. 5011 2Si2.01 D 633 P Doabia, Harbans Singh Introduction to the philosophy of Sikh religion,based wholly on devine hymns God,Maya and Death. Chandigarh, The Auhtor. 184p. 19cm. 5012 2Si2.092A S 579 O Sikka, Ajit Singh Odes to great sikhs. Ludhiana, Sikka Publishing House, 1997. 58p. 21cm. 5013 920.054 K 45 B Khushdeva Singh Biographical sketch of Dr. Khushdeva Singh. Patiala, Guru Nanak Mission. 38p. 18cm. 5014 954.83 K39 Kerala through the ages. Trivandrum, Department of public relations, 1976. 131p. 20cm. 5015 891.42092 V 813 GB Guleria, J.S, ed. Bhai Vir Singh, the sixth river of Punjab. New Delhi, The Author. 132p. 22cm. 5016 2Si2.092 N175NG Narain Singh Guru Nanak Dev's view of life amplified. Amritsar, Bhagat Puran Singh. 655p. 18cm. 5017 2Si2.06 J 375 SP Jarnail Singh Proceedings of the Sikh Conference 1979. Ontario (Canada), The Sikh Social and educational society, 1979. 163p. 21cm. 5018 954.509 G 195 S Ganda Singh Some confidential papers of the Akali movement. Amritsar, Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, 1965. 320p. 22cm. 5019 2Si2 L886S Lou Singh Series; understanding sikhism sikhism the way for me. Selangor(Malaysia), The new approach mission for occidental sikhism, 1990. 192p. 22cm. 5020 2Si5.31 S131GS Sahni, Ruchi Ram Struggle for reform in Sikh Shrines. Amritsar, Sikh Ithas research board (SGPC), n.d. 226p. 21cm. 5021 2Si2.01 G475H Gill, Pritam Singh Heritage of Sikh Culture; society morality,art. Jullundar, New Academic Publishing Co., 1975. xiv,240p. 22cm. 5022 2Si2.111 S531D Sharma, M.L. Divine Communication;Siri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Siri Japji sahib. Ludhiana, Rajindra Publications, 1997. 82p. 22cm. 5023 2Si2.092 N175AB Mcleod, W.H., ed. The B40 Janam - Sakhi. Amritsar, Guru Nanak Dev University, 1980. 271p. 25cm. 5024 2Si2.01 H 657 P Himat Singh The philosophical Conception of Sabda. Patiala, The Author, 1985. v.p. 22cm. 5025 823.83 D547D Dickens, Charles David copperfield. London, University of London Press, 1959. 192p. 18cm. 5026 2Si2.092 G575DL Doabia, Harbans Singh Life story of Siri Satguru Gobind Singh ji Maharaj and some of his hymns. Chandigarh, The Author. v.p. 24cm. 5027 2Si2.112 N 175 TA Teja Singh Asa di var or Guru Nanak's ode in the asa measure. Amritsar, S.G.P.C., 1968. 144p. 18cm. 5028 954.5 M696A Mohinder Singh The Akali struggle. New Delhi, Atlantic Publlishers, 1923. 272p. 23cm. 5029 2Si2.15 A719SF Sikka, Ajit Singh First martyr of Sikh faith. Ludhiana, Sikka Publishing House, 1998. 92p. 21cm. 5030 378 M249R Malhotra, Ved Prakash, ed. The Ravi. Jullundur, B.S.Bahl, 1970. v.p. 24cm. 5031 320.9545 A 485 P Amarjit Kaur The Punjab story. New Delhi, Roli books, 1984. 199p. 21cm. 5032 824.3 B 129 SB Selby, F.G. Bacon's essays. New York, Macmillan, 1895. 300+4p. 17cm. 5033 2Si2 H 282 S Harkishen Singh The sikhs;tents and tremors. New Delhi, Pbi pess. 239p. 22cm. 5034 2Si2.09 S131D Sahota, Sohan Singh The destiny of the Sikhs. 2nd ed. Jullundhur, The Author, 1974. 167p. 22cm. 5035 B K185SG Sandhu, Jasdev Singh Giani Kartar Singh. Patiala, Jasdev Singh Sandhu Foundation, 2001. xiv,365p. 22cm. 5036 2Si2.09 G978P Gurdev Singh, ed. Perspectives on the Sikh tradition. Amritsar, Singh Brothers, 1996. 455p. 22cm. 5037 2Si2.09 G659H Gopal Singh A history of the Sikh people (1469-1978). New Delhi, World Sikh University Press, 1979. 644p. 24cm. 5038 2Si2.063 K45MF Kharak Singh Fundamental issue in Sikh studies. Chandigarh, Institute of Sikh Studies, 1992. xx,259p. 21cm. 5039 915.45 E96 Extracts from the district and states gazetteers of the Punajb (India). Lahore, Research Society of Pakistan, 1978. v.3, 752p. 25cm. 5040 915.45 E96 Extracts from the Districs and States gazetteers of the Punjab (India). Lahore, Research Society of Pakistan, 1979. viii,641p. 25cm. 5041 V.IV Ambala District 1923-24. B T163P Tandan, Prakash Punjabi century. Delhi, Hind Pocket Books, 1961. 274p. 17cm. 5042 B F 253 GG Ghai, Charan Dass God's man; a biography of sant Fateh Singh. Ludhiana, Lahore book Shop, 1969. 114p. 18cm. 5043 954.5074 L166F Lafont, Jean Marie French administrators of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Delhi, National Book Shop, 1986. viii,136p. 22cm. 5044 2Si2.04 T266S Teja Singh Sikhism; its ideals and institutions. rev. ed. Amritsar, Khalsa Brothers, 1970. viii,142p. 5045 315.4 P 984 F Facts about Punjab. Chandigarh, Director information and publicity, 1975. 90p. 18cm. 5046 5047 c.2 2Si2.1 T146S Talib, Gurbachan Singh Selections from the holy Granth. New Delhi, Guru Nanak Foundation, 1982. vi,209p. 18cm. 5048 2Si2.092 S115S Sahota, Kartar Singh The Sikh Gurus; brief life story of the ten Sikh Gurus. Bangkok, Sri Guru Singh Sabha, n.d. 208p. 19cm. 5049 891.43 C 157 E Callewaert, Winand M., ed. Early hindi devotional literature in current research. New Delhi, Impex India, 1980. 243p. 25cm. 5050 327.5957 B198S Bilveer Singh Singapore; foreign policy imperatives of a small state. Singapore, Heinemann Publishers Asia, 1988. 45p. 24cm. 5051 2Si2.09 T829TE Trilochen Singh Ernest Trumpp and W.H.Mcleod as scholars of Sikh history religion and culture. Chandigarh, International centre of Sikh Studies, 1994. xxxiii,418p. 22cm. 5052 491.425 S531S Sharma, D.D Syllabic structure of Hindi and Panjabi. Chandigarh, Publication Bureau Panjab University, 1971. xxvii,229p. 25cm. 5053 954.5074 G841BC Grewal, J.S Civil and military affairs of Maharaja Ranjit Singh;a study of 450 orders in persian, by J.S Grewal and Indu Banga. Amritsar, Guru Nanak Dev Universitiy, 1987. 244+v.p. 22cm. 5054 2Si2.092 N175DR Darshan Singh The religion of Guru Nanak. Ludhiana, Lyall Book Depot, 1970. 144p. 18cm. 5055 954.5 S819P Steinbach, Henry The Punjab being a brief account of the counrty of the Sikhs. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1976. xxxiv,183p. 5056 map 2Si2.111 A235KJ Adi Granth-Jupji Guru Nanak's Jupji, translated by Khushwant Singh. Chandigarh, Anant Singh. 38p. 14cm. 5057 954 H945B Hunter, William Wilson A brief history of the Indian people. 19th rev. ed. London, Trubner and Company, 1889. 224p. 19cm. 5058 181.45 R166F Ramayan Das, Swami S.D. First steps in Yoga. London, L.N.Fowler. n.d. 77p. 18cm. 5059 954.5 D213P Darbara Singh The Punjab tragedy 1947. Amritsar, The Author, 1949. 306p. 17cm. 5060 2Si2.092 G575GG Grewal, J.S. Guru Gobind Singh's a biographical study, by J.S. Grewal and S.S. Bal. Chandigarh, Panjab University, 1967. xviii,280p. 19cm. 5061 2Si2.092A J24F Jagdish Singh The founders of sikh religion; selected episodes from the life history of ten gurus. New Delhi, Guru Nanak Foundation, 1982. 38p. 24cm. 5062 954.509 G841A Grewal, J.S. The Akalis;a short history. Chandigarh, Punjab studies publications, 1996. 232p. 22cm. 5063 291 D213MM Dara Shikuh, Muhammad Majma-UL-Bahrain or the mingling of the two oceans, translated by M. Mahfuz-ul-Haq. Calcutta, Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1929. 144p. 26cm. 5064 2Si2.111 N175NJ Narain Singh The jap of the name. Amritsar, The Author. 213p. 18cm. 5065 927.92 C521MN Cherkasov, N. Notes of a soviet actor, trnslated from the Russian by G. Ivanov-Mumjiev and S. Rosenberg. Moscow, Foreign Languages Publishing House. 228p. 22cm. 5066 954.0843 M696S Mohan Singh Soldiers contribution to Indian independence. New Delhi, Army Educational Stores, 1974. xxii,426p. 21cm. 5067 954 N396D Nehru, Jawahar Lal The discovery of India. London, Meridian Books, 1956. x,592p. 18cm. 5068 2Si2.01 W359P Wazir Singh Philosophy of Sikh religion;a bunch of eleven studies. New Delhi, Ess Ess Pub, 1981. vii,127p. 22cm. 5069 2Si2.09 G261H Gill, Pritam Singh History of Sikh Nation;foundation assassination resurrection. Jullundur, New Academic Pub, 1978. vii,380p. 21cm. 5070 291.09545 W377P Webster, John C.B., ed. Popular religion in the Punjab today. Batala, The christian Institute of Sikh Studies, 1974. 149p. 22cm. 5071 613 B575SE Bhatia, Bihari Lal Elementary hygiene, by Bihari Lal Bhatia and Prem Nath Suri. 18th ed. New Delhi, Orient Longman, 1970. 142p. 18cm. 5072 2Si2.063 K45MF Kharak Singh, ed. Fundamental issues in Sikh studies. Chandigarh, Institute of Sikh Studies, 1992.
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