H EA DLIG HT. 3 HEADLIGHT, A periodical devoted to the interests of railroads and LITTLE TRAVERSE BAY, rail road centers. HEADLIGHT ENGRAVING COMPANY, Petoskey, Bay View, We=que=ton=sing, Roaring Brook, PUBLISHERS . BATTLE CREEK, DETROIT. Harbor Springs, Harbor Point. Car. McCamly and Canal Sts., - Battle Creek, Mich. Suite 17 Whitney Opera H ouse Block, Detroit, Mich. WM. C. GAGE, Managing Editor c, l 1· EAR the northern ex­ specific for "hay fever." Thousands of / ~ tremity of the lower people come here every season to find SUBSCRIPTION,.... $3.00 per annum. ~ peninsula of Michi­ relief from the torments of that malady, " in Foreign Countries 3.50 11 Single Copies, 25 cents. lf) gan, its western shore and remain until the autumnal frosts have i li · is indented with a made it safe for their return home. Were This issue of HEADLIGHT, its mid-summer !D. charming bay, which this the only advantage of a sojourn here, • umber, is devoted entirely to the interests has received the it would account for a large measure of its : summer resorts, than which nothing name of Little Trav­ celebrity; but when to this are added the 1ld be more appropriate. While the erse, as distinguish­ other features which have , been n,i,med, .Jular r eaders of this magazine are for a ing it from the larger there is ample reason for its increa,:ing time making business matters secondary bay, a few ler. gues p_opularity. to rest and recreation, it seems fitting that south, and known as The bay itself is a delightful sheet of the journal itself should give its space Grand Traverse. These na.mes were be­ water, about five miles by nine in ex·bent, largely to interests of a similar character, stowed by the early French voyagers, who surrounded by an 'amphitheatre of hills subordinating the commercial feature of discovered them and gave the titles, La and bluffs, upon which ar.·e perched the the publication, for the time being, to the Petit '1.'rm,ers and La Grande '!.'ravers. In towns and villages which have become more attractive and entertaining one of contrast with the latter, in point of size famous as the temporary dwelling-places attempting to set forth, by description and alone, the smaller bay may be "little;" but of the summer visitors, and the permanent illustration,the charms of LITTLE TRAVERSE in all that goes to make up an attractive homes of a population by no means incon­ BAY, one of the most delightful localities summer resort, its every feature is of the siderable in number, and of sterling worth for a summer sojourn to be found in first magnitude. Rarely can there be as citizens and business men. America. While conscious of many short­ found so peculiar a combination of scenic ACCESSIBILITY. comings in the effort to describe its attrac­ attractions, favorable climatic conditions, In the matter of transportation facilities, tiom;, the work has been, to the editor, a and hunting, fishing and bathing oppor­ this region is highly favored. Th,3 Grand labor of love, as successive visits to the tunities, as have given such fame to this Rapids & Indiana Railway, with its impor­ place, covering several seasons, have served region of Little Traverse Bay. tant connections, has contributed largely to reveal new charms and suggest greater One of its chief characteristics,- perhaps to its development, and aided, by its ex­ possibilities in the development of this its most noted,-is the lrealthfulness of its tensive advertising, in spreading its popu­ already famous summer resort. climate, which is known far and wide as a larity in every direction. As a direct line I 4 HEADLIGHT. its two boats, the "Petoskey" and " City of Charlevoix," giving four sailings weekly between Chicago and tbe resorts of north­ ern Michigan, the route of the latter term­ inating at Mackinac Island, and the former at Harbor Springs. Both boats touch ut important points en route, and the line is deservedly popular, both on account of the attractions of the route traversed and the excellent management which insures the safety and comfort of its patrons. f The Lake Michigan Division of the L. M. & L. S. Transportation Co. also maintains a tri-weekly service between Chicago and I Mackinac Island, and intermediate ports, by means of its swift, safe and commodious st eel steamer, "Manitou." The boats of the "D. & C. Linc," al­ though n ot entering the bay, Janel a large number of visitors at Mackinac Island whose objective point is P etoskey, Bay View or Harbor Springs, the journey being PETOSKEY STATION OF G. R,.'& I, RAILWAY. completecl by crossing the straits to Mack­ inaw City, thence by the G. R. & I. Railway extending father south than any other fully conserves the inter ests which are thus to destination. wbicb reaches these northern resorts, it made mutual by vigilant watchfulness in [ The Mackinaw Division of the Michigan annually brings thousands to this locality, meeting the needs of the traveling public. :Central Railroad is also tributary to these being tbe great highway of travel from The Chicago & West Michigan Railway, /r esor ts, tourists coming to Mackinaw City, southern points. Its very complete with its branches, and the allied lines of / thence by the G. R. & I., or st opping off at through train arrangements, with excel­ the Detroit, Gr and Rapids & Western, is a j Topinabee, and completing the journey by lent parlor and sleeping-car service, also comparatively new candidate for the , the "Inland Route," comprising river and give it gr eat advantage, and by r eason 0£ patronage of the traveling public in their lake to Oden-Oden, thence rail to destina­ its important connection with other lines, journeyings to this resort, and has com­ tion. This route will be found described it brings a large volume of western busi­ plet ed its track to Petoskey and Bay View. elsewh er e in these pages. ness as well. Connecting at Mackinaw It seems to enjoy a fair share of public The palace steamers, "North-Land" and City with the Michigan Central, and with favor. "North-West," plying b etween Duluth· and the ferry from Mackinac Island, also by a In addition to the railwny facilities for Buffalo, calling at important intermediate spur or branch to Harbor Springs, and reaching this section, the navigation com­ ports, bring many tourists having Petos­ passing Bay View by its main line, it is panies are active competitors for business. key, Bay View or Hurbor Springs as their objective point. Tlwse are landed at Mack­ easy to see that these r esorts are largely The Northern Michigan Transportation inac Island, coming then ce as indicated indebt ed to this line, which in turn, care- Company maintains an excellent service by a l.Jove. G. R, & I. RAILWAY PARK .A.ND STATION, PETOSKEY. HEADLIGHT. PETOSKEY, FRO}! THE IIOW.A.RD STREET HILL. PETOSKEY. Indian has not, indeed, been entirely century civilization. Its location is grandly This quaint Indian name is known far eliminated, the tourist who visits Petoskey magnificent. From the sheltered and com­ and wide a8 that of a noted health resort, for the first time is surprised to find a moclious harbor, the hills rise in a lieauti­ and to many, doubtless, its cognomen sug­ flourishing city of 5,000 inhabitants, with ful amphitheatre, and upon its slopes, gests aboriginal inhabitants, and, possibly, fine business blocks, elegant residences, terrace upon terrace, the city has been wigwams and council fires. While the and all the aspects of a modern, nineteenth built, as it has grown from the simple PETOSKEY FBOM THE BAY, SHOW ING C. & W. M. STATION. H e A b L It; H i'. Bear Lake, 9t miles south, is famous as a fishing resort, and has a delightfully pic­ turesque shore line of over forty miles. A steamer, the "Walloon," plies upon its waters, and meets the trains at the dock, the ride by rail and steamer making a delightful trip. The northern extremity of the lake is but a mile from Little Traverse Bay, yet its mean level is 130 feet aliove that of the bay. Oden-Oden, eight miles north, is an­ other' fishing resort, and a very popular excursion point. Crooked Lnke, near the railroad station, abouncls in fish, and it has an excellent bathing beach. It is also the water terminal of the celebrated "In­ land Route," which will be found more fully described in another column. Douglas Lake.- This resort is reached by rail to Pellston, 16 miles from Petoskey, BEAR RlVER, A FAVORITE TROUT STREAM, PETOSKEY. thence by carriage four miles. The visitor Indian tracling post of a quarter of a Excursion Facilities. may "camp out," or find shelter at adjacent century ago to the important city of the As the center of a very large resort terri­ farm-houses, as no hotel accommodations present day. tory, the 6pportunities for pleasure excur- are to be had. The fishing is unexcelled, It may readily be inferred that the and the stories of approach by water pn,sents a picture of catches from this lake rare beauty, especially by night, with the are almost fabulous. electric lights gleaming from the hotels The writer saw a lit­ and residences, blending with the sparkle tle girl of less than a of the stars in the clear atmosphere, the dozen summers suc­ whole picture repeated in the reflection cessfully land a ten­ from the water, broken and shimmering in pounder at this re­ the ripples of the bay. sort, and the party The town was named from the famous of three, of which she Indian Chief, Pe-to-se-ga, who was the was a member, cap­ original owner of the land where the city tured nearly° one now stands.
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