Smamt cement limited Ref. No.: BB/EC/MoEF lF01 165 Dated: 12.06.2018 To, The Regional Officer (CWZ), Ministry of Environment & Forest, Ground Floor, New Secretarial Building, Civil Line NAGPUR (MS)- 440 OO1 E-Mail : apccfcentra [email protected] n Subject: 1. Half Yearly Environmental Clearance Compliance Report of our Cement Plant (2.5 MTPA), Captive Power Plant (40 MW) at Risda & Dhandhaniand Limestone Mine (3.17 MTPA, 395.05 Ha) at Risda & Kukurdih villages of Tahsil Baloda Bazar, District Baloda Bazar-Bhatapara (GG) for the period of 01.10.2017 to 31 .03.201 8. 2. Halt Yearly Environmental Clearance Compliance Report of our Clinker Expansion Project (Expansion from 1.98 to 3.2 MTPA) and installation of Waste Heat Recovery Boiler (09 MW) at Risda & Dhandhani villages of Tahsil Baloda Bazar, District Baloda Bazar-Bhatapara (CG) for the period of 01.10.2017 to 31.03.2018. Ref.: 1. Environmental Clearance Letter. No. J- 11011137212007-14- ll (l) dated 31.10.2011. 2. Environmental Clearance Letter. No. J- 11011130912013-lA- ll (l)dated 08.09.2016. Dear Sir, Please find enclosed herewith the Environmental Clearance Compliance Report for Cement Plant (2.5 MTPA), Captive Power Plant (40 MW) at Risda & Dhandhani and Limestone Mine (3.17 MTPA, 395.05 Ha) at Risda & Kukurdih villages of Tahsil Baloda Bazar, District Baloda Bazar-Bhatapara (CG) the period of October' 2017 to March'2018. We are also enclosing herewith Half Yearly Environmental Clearance Compliance Report for Clinker Expansion project (Expansion from 1.98 to 3.2 MTPA) and installation of Waste Heat Recovery Boiler (09 MW) at Risda & Dhandhanivillages of Tahsil Baloda Bazar, District Baloda Bazar-Bhatapara (CG) forthe period of October'2017 to March'2018. The Soft file is also being sent by E-mail to [email protected]. Thanking you, Authorized Signatory Encl.: Environmental Clearance Compliance Report Copy for information to: 1. CPCB, 3rd Floor Shahkar Bhavan, North TT Nagar, Bhopal-462003, [email protected] 2. Member Secretary, CECB, Paryavas Bhawan, North Block, Sector-'l9, Raipur (GG), [email protected] 3. Regional Officer, CECB, Commercial Complex, Kabir Nagar, Raipur (GG), rocecbraipur2)[email protected] 4. Office Copy. o Regd. Ofiice : Acropolis Mall, 1Sth Floor, 1858/1 , Rajdanga Main Road, Sector 1 , East Kolkata Township, Kolkata S-7OO'107, LL No. : 033-6627,1300 r Works : Vill. Risda, Suhela Road, PO & Distt. Baloda Bazar (C.G.) 493 332, email : [email protected], website : www.emamicement.com CIN : U26940W82007PC11 16503 . Raipur Office : Unit No. B-2, B-3, 3rd Floor, C. G. Elite Complex, Near Mandi Gate, Pandri, Raipur (C.G.), Telefax : 0771-49009gg Compliances of various conditions of Environment Glearance vide letter No J-l1011130912013-lA ll (l) dated08.09.2016 granted for Expansion of Glinkerization Gapacity from 1.98 MTPA to 3.2 MTPA & Installation of 9 MW Waste Heat Recovery Boiler (WHRB) at villages Risda and Dhandhani, Baloda Bazar (GG) As on 31.03.2018 S. No Conditions Action for Compliance Gompliance to Specific Conditions I The project proponent should install24x7 air monitoring Online CEMS and CAAQMS are already installed and devices to monitor air emission, as provided by the CPCB connected to CPCB and CECB servers. and submit report to Ministry and its Regional Office. I The Standards issued by the Ministry vide G.S.R. No. Complied with 612 (E) dated 25th August 2014 and subsequent amendment dated 9th May, 2016 and 10th May, 2016 regarding cement plants with respect to particulate matter, SOz and NOx shall be followed. ll All utilization of hazardous waste in the cemenUclinker Agreed. The utilization of hazardous waste in the clinker kiln for the propose of burning be subject to permission kiln will start after getting the permission from from CPCB. CPCB/CECB only. Online application submitted to CECB dated 09.06.2018 IV The details of item wise and year wise implementation of Please find the details of the implementation of ESC ESC activities as described in the EIA shall be activities as Annexure- 1. implemented by the project proponent and report submitted to the Ministry's regional office along with 6 monthly compliance report. V The details regarding trace elements of fly ash should be Test report of the Trace elements of fly ash is enclosed conducted and submitted periodically by the project as Annexure-2. orooonent. vi Continuous stack monitoring facilities to monitor gaseous Agreed. Continuous stack monitoring facilities to emissions from the process stacks shall be provided. monitor gaseous emissions from the process stacks is After expansion, limit of PM shall be controlled to meet already installed and regular calibration of the prescribed standards by installing adequate air pollution instrument is being done. Low NOx burner is also control viz. Electrostatic precipitators to clinker cooler, provided to control NOx emission and parfly raw meal bag house to raw mill/kiln and bag filters to coal mill and fed in Sth Cyclone to reduce excess air. cement mill. Low NOx burners shall be provided to control NOx emission. Regular calibration of the instruments must be ensured. vtl Efforts shall be made to achieve power consumption of We are continuous efforts to achieve the said target. 70 units/tonne for PortlandPozzolona Cement (PPC) and 95 units/tonne for Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) production and thermal energy consumption of 670 Kcal/Kg of clinker. vii The NationalAmbient Air Quality Standards issued by the The National Ambient Air Quality Standards issued by Ministry vide G.S.R. No. 826(E) dated 16th November, the Ministry vide G.S.R. No. S26(E) dated 16th 2009 shall be followed. November, 2009 is being followed. Please find Ambient Air Quality Monitoring report as Annexure- 3. IX AAQ Modelling shall be carried out based on the specific Complied. The AAQ vtooettingffi mitigative measures taken in the existing prolect and EIA study, based on the specific mitigative measures is proposed for the expansion project to keep the emissions already taken up to keep the emissions well below well below prescribed standards. prescribed standards. X Secondary fugitive emissions shall be controlled and Agreed. An effective dust suppression, vacuum suction shall be within the prescribed limits and regularly system and effective APC devises are installed to monitored. Guidelines/Code of Practice issued by the control the fugitive emissions at sources itself. Regularly CPCB in this regard shall be followed. monitor and will keep the record for the same in accordance with the guidelines / code of practice issued by the CPCB. xl A statement on carbon budgeting including the quantum Agreed. The study on the COz budgeting enclosed as of equivalent COz being emitted by the existing plant Annexure- 4. operations, the amount of carbon sequestered annually by the existing green belt and the proposed green belt and the quantum of equivalent COz that will be emitted due to the proposed expansion shall be prepared by the project proponent and submitted to the Ministry and the Regional Office of the Ministry. This shall be prepared every year by the project proponent. The first such budget shall be prepared within a period of 6 months and subsequently it should be prepared every year. xtl For the employees working in high temperature zones Agreed. lt will always ensure that no employee will work falling in the plant operation areas, the total shift duration more than 4 hrs. in high temperature zones in the plant would be 4 hrs. or less per day where the temperature is operation areas. The personal protective equipment is more than 50'C. Moreover, the jobs of these employees being provided to the employees working at such areas. will be alternated in such a way that no employee is subjected to working in high temperature area for more than t hr. continuously. Such employees would be invariably provided with proper protective equipments, garments and gears such as head gear, clothing, gloves, eye protection etc. There should also be an arrangement for sufficient drinking water at site to prevent dehydration etc. xill Arsenic and Mercury shall be rnonitored in errrissions, Agreed. The report of Monltorlng for Arsenic and ambient air and water. Mercury in water and stack is conducted, the copy of the same is enclosed as Annexure- 5. xiv The coalyard shall be lined and covered. A covered yard is made for Coal storage. XV The project proponent shall prepare a report on impact of The report is already sent vide letter no. BB/EC/MoEF/F project on surrounding reserve forests within six months 0'l | 1 25 dated 26. 12.201 6. and will get it approved from the State Forest Department. A copy of the same should be submitted to the Ministry and its RegionalOffice. xvi The project proponent shall take all precautionary The Conservation and Protection Plan of Wild Fauna is measures for conservation and protection of wild fauna already sentvide letter no. BB/EC/MoEFlF 011125 dated spotted in the study area. A Wildlife Conservation Plan 26.12.2016. specific to this project site shall be prepared in consultation with the State Forest and Wildlife Department plan shall be submitted to the Ministry and its RegionalOffice. xvii The project proponent will also provide the latest status Enclosed as Annexure-6. of the environmental compliances in respect of its existinq plant, XVIII Efforts shall be made to reduce impact of the transport of Being complied. the raw materials and end products on the surrounding environment including agricultural land by the use of conveyors/rail mode of transport wherever feasible. The company shall have separate truck parking area. Vehicular emissions shall be regularly monitored. xix Efforts shall be made to further reduce water Emami Cement Limited is lnstalled air cooled consumption by using air cooled condensers.
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