Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, June 1, 2006 OUR 116th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 22-2006 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Westfield Honors Veterans At Memorial Day Parade By DAVID RIGGS should rededicate to our veterans.” Hogaboom introduced the Grand Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Similar to what he told the audi- Marshal, Command Sergeant Major WESTFIELD — Residents stood ence last Memorial Day, Mr. Eloyd Britt. He thanked everyone in- along East Broad Street and gathered Hogaboom also made the point that it volved in putting the parade together, around the World War I Veterans is important to support all veterans the residents for their support while Memorial Monument to watch the and those currently serving in Iraq he was in Iraq last year as a member annual Westfield Memorial Day Pa- and Afghanistan no matter where one of the 250th Signal Battalion and rade this past Monday. stands politically. Rather than be torn “most importantly,” all of the veter- The festivities began at 9 a.m. at apart by political differences on this ans of America’s many wars. the World War I Veterans Memorial day, he said that it is “a day when all “They served for our liberty,” said Monument. Peter Hogaboom, com- Americans join together.” Mr. Britt. “We will never forget them, mander of Post No. 3 of the American Mr. Hogaboom took time out of his for they never forgot us.” Legion in Westfield, served as the speech to remember Bill Brown, who Mr. Britt has been a part of several Master of Ceremonies. He opened directed and organized the parade Memorial Day parades, but this is the the day with a speech in which he lineup for many years before passing first time he has ever been named urged listeners to remember that away last week. At this year’s parade, Grand Marshal. It was a duty he was Memorial Day is a day of remem- John Cuzo took over this duty. “extremely honored and humbled” to brance, not of barbeques. After an opening prayer and bene- receive. “Today is about respect and rever- diction by American Legion chaplain “Emotionally I am overwhelmed,” ence for our veterans, but the mean- Al Riker and the Westfield High he later said. “It is truly an honor to ing of the day can be lost in commer- School Marching Band’s rendition of represent my soldiers like this. I am cialism,” he said. “This is a day we the Star Spangled Banner, Mr. indebted to Westfield for this.” Horace R. Corbin for The Westfield Leader Following the Grand Marshal’s HONORING THOSE WHO SERVED...Active and retired servicemen and women march in the town’s annual Memorial speech, Mr. Hogaboom introduced Day parade on Monday morning. his son Thomas who, for his Eagle Scout project, is working to raise money to create a World War II monu- WPD Officer Claims Innocence ment next to the Korean War Monu- ment across the street from the World War I Monument. Last year, the Ko- On Allegations of Sleeping on Job rean War Monument was erected for Kevin Devaney’s Eagle Scout project. By PAUL J. PEYTON monses he had written a few days Under cross-examination from Thomas has already raised two- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader earlier. Officer Kasko’s attorney, Julien Neals, thirds of the money needed for the WESTFIELD – A Westfield police During last Thursday’s three-hour both Lieutenant Brocato and Sergeant monument; he needs $10,000 more. officer faces six days suspension on hearing, Lieutenant Carmen Brocato Earl said they did not attempt to con- He said he hopes to dedicate the monu- allegations that he failed to back up said he became concerned when Of- tact Officer Kasko by radio. ment by Veterans Day. another officer on a motor vehicle ficer Kasko failed to respond to a 1:12 In rebutting Sergeant Earl’s testi- Mayor Andrew Skibitsky gave the stop and that he was sleeping in his a.m. backup call for a motor vehicle mony, Officer Kasko said he was con- final speech of the morning. He be- patrol car at a local cemetery. stop on North Avenue near Drug Fair. ducting radar operations and review- gan by welcoming Mr. Britt home Officer Greg Kasko, a 16-year vet- He said the department’s Global Po- ing summonses he had written from from Iraq and thanking him for his eran of the town’s police force, has sitioning System (GPS) showed Of- his previous workdays at the time of dedicated service to America. He also said he is innocent of the charges. He ficer Kasko’s car stationary at the the incident. called upon the citizens of Westfield said he never received the radio trans- cemetery. He sent Sergeant Todd Earl, Officer Kasko said he started to Horace R. Corbin for The Westfield Leader mission of the backup call and that he who was assisting at a motor vehicle respond to a later radio transmission A GRAND RIDE…Westfield’s Memorial Day Parade Grand Marshal Eloyd to take action and help veterans, fami- Britt rides through downtown as part of the parade. lies of veterans and families of cur- was conducting radar at the time and stop on South Avenue, to the cem- for an ongoing motor vehicle investi- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 reviewing and making notes on sum- etery to check Officer Kasko. gation for the same officer although Sergeant Earl said he observed he did not know the location because Sierra Leonean Court Delays Officer Kasko sleeping in his patrol he had not received the initial trans- car at Fairview Cemetery at 1:24 a.m. mission. “His head was back, his mouth was “I quickly said, what does he have Chemidlin Court Hearing open, and he was sleeping,” Sergeant because I never heard a car stop,” By PAUL J. PEYTON of Michael Chemidlin’s three sons, Earl said, adding that the officer’s Officer Kasko said. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times said during an interview at The eyes were closed. After starting to respond, Officer SCOTCH PLAINS – A Sierra Leader/Times office last Thursday that Lieutenant Brocato said Officer Kasko said he heard the officer call for Leone, West Africa, court hearing he first learned of his father’s arrest Kasko’s car was stationary at the cem- assistance from another patrol unit scheduled yesterday for a Scotch on May 15 from his aunt, Emmy etery for 40 minutes, while Sergeant that, he said, was assigned to a neigh- Plains missionary and former Na- Salerno of Edison. Earl put the time at an hour. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 tional Guard staff sergeant charged “I was concerned after not hearing with espionage has been postponed from him for awhile,” he said. His aunt until this Friday, June 2. told him, “Your father was arrested.” Council Debates Changes Michael Chemidlin, 58, was re- “You’re thinking the worst,” An- leased from prison on May 24 after drew Chemidlin said in recalling his posting the equivalent of $8,000 bail. emotions at the time. “We were just To Legal Expense Rates Mr. Chemidlin was originally ar- upset when we heard the charges. We By MICHAEL J. POLLACK mained flat, and saw no increase.” Specially Written for The Westfield Leader rested on April 29 for conspiracy while knew they were untrue.” Horace R. Corbin for The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Times First Ward Councilman Pete taking pictures of the United Nations The family has said that Michael A FAMILY’S ANGUISH…Andrew Chemidlin, the oldest son of Scotch Plains WESTFIELD –Following a budget- Echausse said during the 2004 operat- court complex. Chemidlin was an amateur photogra- resident Michael Chemidlin, is interviewed by Scotch Plains-Fanwood Times ary discussion on lowering the town’s ing budget cycle, former Fourth Ward A court dismissed all conspiracy pher who was taking pictures while assignment editor Paul Peyton last Thursday about conspiracy charges his father legal expenses, Town Administrator Jim Councilman Larry Goldman said the charges against Mr. Chemidlin on CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 has been charged with in Sierra Leone. Gildea spoke to The Westfield Leader rate the Westfield town attorney was May 15 and he was released. He was about the statistics Fourth Ward Coun- compensated, $100, was low in com- rearrested on espionage charges the cilman Tom Bigosinski presented in his parison to what an attorney would next day after going back to the prison Westfield Police Department Charges analysis on Westfield’s legal payouts. typically earn. The discussions led to to pick up his passport and belong- Councilman Bigosinski said at the the eventual raising of the rate, which ings. He is barred from leaving the council meeting that the town could save hadn’t increased since the early 1990s. country and faces 15 years in prison if Ex-Red Cross Worker With Theft of Services upwards of $47,000 on its estimated Councilman Echausse said there are convicted of the charges. By CASSIE LO til her arrest in May. Lewis allegedly According to Westfield Police Ser- $230,000 legal budget by amending the reasons for the spike in the approved He faces espionage charges for al- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader forged the signature of Mr. Jenkins to geant Scott Roger, the Tri-County Red hourly rates of attorneys working under legal budget from $168,000 in 2004 to legedly attempting to free former WESTFIELD – A Scotch Plains obtain a room at the Westfield Inn for Cross “never authorized her stay at the Township Attorney Bob Cockren and $230,000 in 2005 and 2006.
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