Index of Handel's Works In this index and the one following references to tables are given in italics. Acis and Galatea, 168, 210, 213, 214, Concerti Grossi op. 3, 254-70, 271 217 Concerti Grossi op. 6, 57, 168, 261-2, Admeto, 95, 100, 115, 155 268,287-8 Agrippina, 5, 9, 63, 89, 90, 90 Concerto a due cori in B flat Hwv332, Alcina, 89, 95, 272 286 Alessandro (Rossane), 27, 98, 115, Concerto in D Hwv335a, 56 130, 150, 155, 161, 172, 177, 281 Concerto in F HWV335b, 56 Alexander's Feast, 85, 89, 272, 287 Concertos for organ, 168, 271 Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, Coronation Anthems (The King shall L', 21-2, 168, 170, 180 re;oice), 8 Almira, 90 Crude/ tiranno Amor, 29 Amadigi di Gaula, 15, 95, 115, 138, 156,257,259,264,281 Deborah, 266, 271 Apollo e Dafne, 1 Deidamia, 142, 165, 168 Arianna in Creta, 22, 89, 115 Dettingen Anthem (The King shall Arias, 9 German, 6 re;oice), 191 Ariodante, 10, 95, 179 Dettingen Te Deum, 73, 191 Arresta il passo, 90 Dixit Dominus, 11, 224, 229 As pants the hart (Anthem no. 6), 55, Duets, Chamber, 222-45 215, 217, 257, 259. See also Duets, Italian, 30 Chandos Anthems Atalanta, 88, 89, 167, 179 Elpidia (arr.), 150, 154 Athalia, 1, 7, 266, 271, 272 Esther, 7, 22, 210, 217, 266, 271, 272 Aylesford pieces for harpsichord, 6 Ezio, 10, 94, 95, 105-12 Berenice, 56, 95 Faramondo, 89, 114 Blessed are they. See Foundling Fireworks, Music for the Royal, 4, 56, Hospital Anthem 57 Brockes Passion, 11, 33, 258, 260, 261 Flavia, 100, 149, 154, 285 Floridante, 29, 31, 130, 150, 153 Cantatas, Italian, 16, 29, 246-53 Flute sonata in E min. Hwv379, 282 Cantatas, lost German sacred, 55 Foundling Hospital Anthem, 25, 55 Chamber duets: see Duets, chamber Fugue in B flat (keyboard) Hwv607, Chandos Anthems, 16, 27, 30, 31-3, 258 210, 216, 217, 257, 258, 259, 262, Fugue in G (keyboard) HWV606, 259, 264 262 Chandos Te Deum, 31, 258, 262 Fugues, Six, Hwv605-10, 33 Chapel Royal music, 16, 26, 51 Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline, Clori, Tirsi e Fileno, 13 55, 56, 87 291 HANDEL TERCENTENARY COLLECTION Gideon, 189 Rinaldo, 15, 16, 21, 89, 93, 95, 96, Giove in Argo, 167 102, 115, 120-33, 138, 218 Giulio Cesare, 10, 17, 42, 115, 151 Rodelinda, 15, 151, 154 154 , Rodrigo (Vincer se stesso e Ia maggior Giustino, 89, 95 vittoria), 15, 90, 144 Grand Concertos: see Concerti Grossi Roman Vespers, 17 Rossane: see Alessandro Hercules, 7, 89, 105, 173 Salve Regina, 282 Imeneo, 1, 19, 168 Samson, 2, 65, 89,171,180,182 Israel in Egypt, 48, 56, 73, 77 84 89 166 , , , Saul, 77, 89 Scipione, 27, 98, 155 Semele, 1, 7, 17, 89, 172, 173 182 286 , , Jephtha, 89 Joseph and his Brethren, 172, 182-208 Serse, 89 Silla, 36, 95, 96-8, 115, 116 130 131, 213 , , King shall rejoice, The (Coronation Anthem), 8 Sing unto God: see Wedding Anthem King shall rejoice, The: see Dettingen for the Prince of Wales Anthem Siroe, 98, 115, 155 Solomon, 4, 7, 56, 89 Sonata for Flute HWV379, 282 Laudate pueri in D, 227 Sonata for Violin in D minor Laud~te pueri in F, 47, 50, 53, 54 HWV359a,282,286 Lotarto, 42, 95, 98, 105, 112, 115 Suite in D min. (2nd Collection, no. 4) for harpsichord HWV437 52 Messiah, 3, 4, 8, 12, 23, 25, 28, 49, Suite no. 3 in D min. Hwv·h8 259 67,180,182,242 Suite no. 6 in F sharp HWV43i, 259 Muzio Scevola, 15, 63, 150, 150 Susanna, 7 Occasional Oratorio, 89 Tamerlano, 146, 151, 154, 164 Ode for St Cecilia's Day, 89, 168 Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne Te Deum: see Chandos, Dettingen, 33 , Utrecht Teseo, 5, 15, 18, 95, 115, 138, 213 Oratorium, The: see Esther Theodora, 89 Organ Concertos: see Concertos for Organ Tolomeo, 155 Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno, Orlando, 95, 105, 115, 119, 128, 266 Ormisda, 150 II, 145, 271 Trionfo del Tempo e della Verita II Ottone, 19, 98, 154, 259, 266 166 ' , Overtures, French, 281 Trio Sonata op. 2 no. 1 HWV386 288-9 , Parnasso in festa, 95 Trio Sonata op. 2 no. 2 in G min. Partenope, 149, 150 HWV387, 53 Pastor fido, II, 89, 95, 213, 259, 266 Tu fedel? tu costante?, 90 Poro, 95, 105 Psalm settings, 55 Utrecht Jubilate, 260, 261 Utrecht Te Deum, 220, 258, 261 Radamis~o, 16, 95, 98, 139, 140, 153 Resurreztone, La, 21 Ricardo I, 95, 98, 115, 155 Venceslao, 146, 149 292 Index of Handel's Works Vincer se stesso e Ia maggior vittoria: Ways of Zion do mourn, The: see see Rodrigo Funeral Anthem Wedding Anthem for the Prince of Water Music, 4 Wales (Sing unto God), 85 293 General Index Abbatini, Antonio Maria, 4 7 Arbuthnot, Robert, 214 Aberdeen: Marischal College, 214 Arena, Giuseppe, 176 Abraham, Gerald, 6, 85 Arianna in Nasso: see Porpora, N. Actus musicus auf Weihnachten: see Aria with 24 variations: see Krieger, J.P. Schelle, J. Ariosti, Attilio, 140, 243 Addison, Joseph, 68, 71, 113, 116, 123, __,Aquila Consolo, 154 133, 136, 146 __, Artaserse, 154 __, Rosamond, 131 __, Coriolano, 100, 140, 154, 164 Aitken, George A., 214 __, Daria, 154 Albemarle, Earl of, 142, 152, 155 __, Elisa (?arr.), 154 Alberti, Johann Friedrich, 56 __,Lucio Vero, 155 Albinoni, Tomaso Giovanni, 87, 132 __, Teuzzone, 150, 155 Alceste: see Lampugnani, G. B. __, Tito Manlio [doubtful], 95 Alessandro in Persia (pasticcio): see __, Vespasiano, 115, 154 Galuppi, B. (arr.) Aristodemo, tiranno di Cuma (pasticcio): Almahide: see Bononcini, G. see Pescetti, G. B. Alphonso: see Lampugnani, G. B. Aristotle, 68, 69 Amadei, Filippo, 144, 145, 146 Arminio (Anon.), 156 __ Arsace, 153 Arne, Thomas, 270, 275 __ Muzio Scevola, 153 Arnold, Samuel, 5, 15, 32 Amadis: see Lully, J.- B. Arnstadt, 51 American Handel Society, 26 Arrigoni, Carlo, 143, 159 Amersham, 209, 214 Arsace: see Amadei, F., and Orlandini, Aminta: see Tasso, T. G.M. Amor d'un ombra e gelosia d'un aura Arsace (Amore maesta): see Gasparini, (Narciso): see Scarlatti, D. M.A. Amore e maesta (Arsace): see Gasparini, Artaserse: see Ariosti, A. M.A. Astarto: see Bononcini, G. Amorevoli, Angelo, 170 Astianatte: see Bononcini, A. M., or Amari d'Ergasto, Gli: see Greber, J. Bononcini, G. Amsterdam, 44, 254 Astorga, Emanuele d', 66 Angelica e Medora: see Pescetti, G. B. August, Duke of Saxony, 45, 46 Anne, Princess, 268 Aylesford Collection, 24, 41, 264, 266 Anne, Queen, 120, 130, 131, 132, 133, 209,214,215,217,220 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, Annet, Peter, 191 11, 21, 45, 48, 49, 51, 52, 57, 66, Aquila Consolo: see Ariosti, A. 76,86, 87,246,275-6 Aragoni: see Arrigoni, Carlo __, Christmas Oratorio, 48 Arbuthnot, Anne ('Nanny'), 215, 217 __,Concertos, keyboard, 275-6 Arbuthnot, John, 152, 210, 212, 213, __, Fugue for organ on theme by 214,215,216,217,218 Carelli, B minor (Bwv579), 87 294 General Index __, Fugue for organ on theme by Blathwayt, Colonel John, 141, 144, Legrenzi, C minor (swv574), 87 145, 152 __, Fugues for keyboard on themes Blathwayt, William (jun.), 144 by Albinoni, A (swv950 and 951), Blathwayt, Sir William, 144 87 Blenheim, 188 __, Sanctus in D (swv241), 87 Bliss, Sir Arthur, 8 Bacon, Francis, 72 Blount, Thomas, 93 Bagnal, Mr, 143 Bologna, 148, 224 Baldassari, Benedetto, 148 Boniventi, Giuseppe, 247 Balfour, Arthur James, 74-5 Bononcini, Antonio Maria: Astianatte, Barenreiter, Kassel, 9 148, 150, 164 Baron [Michel Boyron], 184 __, Griselda, 150 Baroness, the, 134 Bononcini, Giovanni, 66, 132, 140, Barrow, Thomas, 24 143,145,162,224, 246,24G 248 Baselt, Bernd, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 77, __, Almahide, 134 78-9,251 __, Astarto, 146, 150, 153 Bath, 210 __, Astianatte, 150, 155 Bath, Marquis of, 70 __, Calfurnia, 15 4 Bath Journal, 135 __, Crispo, 150, 153 Bathurst, Lord, 158 __, Duetti da camera op. 8, 224 Baxter, Rev. George, 213 __, Etearco, 115 Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 158 __, Erminia, 150, 154 Beecham, Sir Thomas, 4, 7 __, Farnace, 150, 154 Beek, Graydon, 16 __,Griselda, 150, 153 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 2, 3, 5, 9, 13, __, Muzio Scevola, 153 61, 80, 84 __, Odio e /'Amore, L' (Ciro), 153 Beger, Andreas, 44 __, Trionfo di Camilla, Regina de Beger, Magdalena, 44 Volsci, II, 115 Beggar's Opera, The: see Gay, John __, Vi conosco occhi buggiardo, 35 Belgium, 145 Bordoni, Faustina, 17, 148, 150, 161, Bellini, Vincenzo, 17 164 Bennett, Joseph, 6 Borosini, Francesco, 147 Berenstadt, Gaetano, 100, 156, 225 Boschi, Giuseppe Maria, 147, 164 Bergamo, 15 Boston, Mass., 18 Berlin, 15, 242, 248, 251 Bothmer, Baron Hans Kaspar von, 143 __, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek Boutell, Mrs, 164 (formerly Konigliche Bibliothek), Boyce, William, 24 246,248 Brade, William, 44 __, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Brahms, Johannes, 80 Kulturbesitz, 246 Brandenburg, Electorate of, 45 Berlioz, Hector, 7 Brandenburg, Electress of: see Sophie, Bertholdi [Bertolli, Francesca], 143 Electress of Brandenburg Best, Terence, 16, 54, 266, 273 Branson, John, 158 Betterton, Thomas, 121 Britain, 2, 10, 11, 17 Bibiena family: see Galli-Bibiena family British Apollo, The, 115 Bigonzi, Giuseppe, 148 British Enchanters, The (Eccles et al): Bingley, Lord, 141, 142, 145, 152, 157 see Granville, G. Birmingham, 1 Brivio, Giuseppe Ferdinanda, 176 Bitti, Alexander, 145 Broadwell, Adlestrop, Glos., 209 Bizet, Georges, 4 Brockes, Barthold Heinrich, 50 Blackley, James, 214 Brome, Richard: The Jovial Crew, 149 Blainville, Monsieur, P.
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