TT ft it . j bSmvBI xbBri isR bBs Srp Telephone 2365 Star Business Office SECOND EDITION. VOL. XIX. TWELVE PAGES HONOLULU, HAWAII, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1911. TWELVE PAGES. No. 5973 CITY BARRACK: OVERSIGHT MAY PEACE TALK PLAN RUSHED MAKE AN EXTRA DOES NOT STOP IN GONGRES THE FIGHTING oooooooo oooooooo o (Associated Press Cable to Star.) o . It looks highly probable that thero do this, it is said, legislation will be The o WASHINGTON, MAY 19, 1011. JUAREZ, May 19. General Madero Is about to start for Sonora but special session-o- necessary. OF COMMERCE, HONOLULU. will havo to bo a f will await tho seating of Do la Barra. Ho disregards tho rumor CHAMBER Tho amount Involved Is in the of a plot o BILL PASSED SENATE, REMOVING LEILEHUA BARRACKS the Legislature for tho purpose of for his assassination. TO ARMORY SITE. CABLE INSTRUCTIONS. amending tho appropriation made for ' Hard Fighting Under Way. or J225.300 for tho period ending ttie GEORGE McK. McCLELLAN. CUERNAVACA, May 19. A sanguinary battle is progressing In o tho payment ot school teachers from mst of N0vembor. tho streets, which aro strown with dead and wounded. o July 1 to November 30. Governor Frear Is looking into the Rebels Shoot Their Own Men. oooooooooooooooo oo oooooooooooooooo A rumor was current on the streets mattor, but had nothing to say m by many Will More Property. NACO, May 19. Tho rebel garrison hero wounded six rebels, mistak- Tho above cable is taken Take this morning the would ' that teachers tho subject this morning other than ing them for federals. tq mean, that the War Department Tho, plan, as stated In The Star havo to go without their money tern- - that this and similar questions of ar- ago, news Bandits In Sonora. lias decided on the drill shed, or some months when the porarily owing to neglect on the part finance would bo gono into shortly. IMURES. Sonora, May 19. Bandits have eight mory lot, as a site for military bar- was first reported here of an Inten- of tho Legislature to state what Conkllng also murdered Chinese and Territorial Treasurer wounded three others, looting their stores. racks and Is pressing the bill In Con- tion to take tho drill shed site for fund tho money appropriated for .showed an Indisposition to bo quoted by gress. Tho haste with which the barracks, Involves the acquisition their remuneration was to come from, on tho matter. - sur- - AN INSANE WITNESS. measure has ne through the Sen- tho Federal government of land The rumor Is true. The way Meanwhllo tho various schoolmas V oxf PITTSBURG, May 19. James Elliott, tho lronworkor, who was ato Indicates that tho administration rounding the present drill shed lot. that tho teachsrs can get their ters and schoolma'ms faco tho novel for porjhry in dynamite cases, Is mentally deranged. is anxious to have It passed as If tho bill passes Congress there money is for tho auditor to draw war-- if disconcerting prospect of having quickly as possible, In which event, will be condemnation suits at once. rants against current funds, and to to whistle for their money. it is said, there is little use in Hono- to acquire a large area. of property AFTER THE LUMBER TRUST. lulu attempting opposition." around, tho drill shed lot. for bar NEW YORK, May 19. The government has sued ten companies and 150 individuals alleged to bo implicated v Opinions Are Divided. racks, and tho Territory will have to in a lumbor trust. Charges aro a gigantic There is considerable difference seek another site for an armory. BOARD OP MM HOPES made of conspiracy Involving prices and blacklists. jf opinion among local business men Prefer Fort Shatter. GiT Tecarding the desirableness of tho It is reported this afternoon that COMMISSIONER OF NAVIGATION RESIGNS. downtown barracks. It Is thought there will be a strong movo here to WASHINGTON, May 19. Commissioner of Navigation Chamberlain L EB has resigned. ' . that tho retail merchants would Influence Congress to change the NO STEAM EIO probably profit a good deal by the plans from tho drill shed lot to the ELLIOTT DEAD. change, but on the other hand there Pore Shatter site. It is claimed PHILADELPHIA, May 19. Frank S. Elliott, of the Na- arc many who think the proposed that the latter is near enough fo I IMMIGRANTS TO HAWAII tionals, Is dead. barracks would bo much better situ-- town to answer all the needs of the HEARING DALTON WITNESSES. ated a little farther out. The Cham- - military, but is not so central that OAKLAND, May 19. Tho grand Jury is hearing Dalton witnesses. ber of Commerce and Merchants' As- - tho men will be crowded, or will bo eoclation members are trying to get immediately adjoining a purely res! It Is by no means probable that the growth ot this trade would naturally MORNING CABLE ABSTRACT. together with some sort of instrur-- dence section. There may be an next batch of immigrants from Spain be a matter of interest to Portugal, CITY OF MEXICO, May 19. President Diaz may resign May 24 or. 25. His health is better. ' tlons to McClellan as to whether he effort to "get together" hero on a and Portugal will leave Gibraltar in "Hawaii would, In my opinion, benefit shall oppose1 the measure la tho request that the Fort Shatter site bo SAN DIEGO, May 19. General Bryce, an American from Lower Cal- - ' July as has been stated, according ., t. t lfornla, has been arrested at the government Houso or noL chosen. instance of tho Mexican m to Dr. Victor Clark of tho Bureau of sUghtly greater tha under prcsent for violating tho neutrality laws. ii Immigration. condltions. It Is possible that none may sail un- "With a permanent line we would M'QiD FILES DIVORCE SUIT til it has been ascertained If arrange- possess more sources of immigration ments can bo made for Hawaii's fut- - than at prcsent and It It were found LOS ANGELES MARKET EXPERT IS ure immigrants to be carried by a expedient to dq so laborers might be SENSATIONAL CHARGES regular line of steamers. This would brotteht her. from the Inw countrlpn mean that smaller parties would .come'" and from, England, iveland and Sco't-a- t TO BE SENT FOR 01 HAWAII m sot-b- y F a time, which is greatly desired land, with a view of having them v the Bureau of Immigration, and tie where they could carry on the in-- William M. McQuaid, whose domes libellant and libelee at the corner of that thosteamship people who learn dustrles incident to small farming, The 'Governor was closeted for an tic troubles brought him into a serious KaLakaua and Oahu avenues. Many through, continual carrying, tho best and help out occasionally during confer with his fellow farmers on thet agricultural. shooting affray with Volney C. Driver times in 1909 and 1910 are also de- way 10 nunuio uie immigrants, wnicn rush .ecason on the plantations, hour this morning with Dr. E. V. Wil matters on Fort street some months ago, has clared as occasions of criminal trysts would bo greatly to the latter's bene- - "Tho main reason for trying to get cox, director of tho Hawaiian Experi- This morning tho organization and functions of tho agency wero discuss- brought a cross libel for divorce Kept, tho places designated being a fit. immigrants from as many sources as ment Station, and Dr. Victor Clark. ed and tho concensus of opinion against Charlotte E. McQuaid, whose cottage on Punchbowl street, the Ha-su-lt "Dr. Clark had the following to say possible is that tho work of securing The matter under discussion was seems bo against him has been some weeks lelwa Hotel, a rooming house on Union ci. tho subject this morning: immigrants could continuo regularly to be that It will well to tho marketing agency, pro send to tho Coast for an expert along "pending. He prays for custody of street and the home of the McQuaids "A lino of steamships will shortly in case of temporary Interruption in vided for by tho Legislature and call particular lino who will remain their two minor children as well as pt Makikl street, to run from London to Pacific Coast Spain and Portugal, such as might bo this ing for tho appointment of a market- hero a month accting in an advisory a' decree of absoluto divorce. Long Story of Trouble. ports via Antwerp and If thero is caused by political disturbances, epl-- ing superintendent whoso duty it will capacity, going over tho work in all It Is set forth in the libel that they Troubles when they lived in Kona enough business to warrant the steam- - demlcs of disease or through hostile bo to teach the small farmer to dls-pos- its features with thoso directly Inter- were-marrie- on November 23, 189S, are detailed how when McQuaid had ers may bo diverted to Hawaii. It has legislation. Wo ought to tako every of his produce to the best ad ested. by the Rev. Tompkins, and lived to- - to come to Honolulu his home In his been suggested that the Portuguese posslblo opportunity to explore new vantage after having grown it. The This individual will, In all probabll-lt- y gether until about November 4, 1910. absence was frequented by Driver, for hero would welcome such a service sources of immigration, though pros' small farmer is to bo shown how to bo N. T. Sarrett of Los Angeles, a Two female children were born to whom his wife had purchased a large as it would enable them to secure pects indicate that Portugal and ship, storo and transport his produce; man who has had vas(.
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