Your Local Connection April 21, 2005 SentineNorth Brunswick * South Brunswick l 500 • Record-setter South Brunswick's Ayeni shatters county mark in discus Page 28 JERRY W0LKOWITZ staff Marchers walk In the annual Humanity March sponsored by the South Brunswick Domestic Violence Task force on Sunday. See story, page 17. Medical S* Brans* school levy Choices No, Bruns- budget April 24-30 is National fails by slim margin Infant Immunization Week heads to council Page 19 17.6-cent increase for Lhe gen- raised the school tax rate to South Brunswick eral fund. The second question School officials, $2.26 per $100 of assessed valu- voters re-elect centered on maintaining non- candidates unhappy ation. School taxes for the Quote of the week: mandatory transportation, This owner of a home assessed at 2 of 3 incumbents transportation includes early with low turnout $155,700, the township aver- "As I was making calls, the morning bus rides, music runs, BY MELISSA CIFELLI age, would have increased by residents were very frustrated. BY .IENNI PER AMATO Staff Writer and after-school/late runs for a $280, according to Assistant They are tired of the tax hikes." total of $657,597. Staff Writer Superintendent for Business outh Brunswick voters The first question on the —Melanie Liebennan orth Brunswick rest- Marshall Sigall. cover story defeated the 2005-06 overall budget was defeated by dents defeated the Only districts 7, 11, 17 and Sschool budget by five five votes, receiving 1,470 yes 2005-06 school budget, 23 voted to approve the budget. votes, only the third time a votes and 1,475 no votes. The N which would have raised the The last time the budget was budget has been defeated here second transportation question tax rate 15 cents on Tuesday. defeated was in 2002. in 12 years. received 1,330 votes of yes and According to the unofficial "This puts all of our pro- The 2,945 voters who turned 1,506 votes for no. Meanwhile, results, 946 residents voted. grams in question. Now we Index out at the polls also ve-clected Abschutz received 1,485 votes, against the $70,225,900 school have to resolve this with the board members Martin Speesler received 1,451, and budget, which called for a local Township Council. The council Classified/Employment .34 Abschutz and Matthew DeFalco earned 1,144 votes. tax levy of $55,563,425, and 768 has demonstrated ii is very sup- Entertainment 16 Speesler, and elected newcomer These unofficial numbers, residents voted in its favor. portive of education, so I am Opinion 10 Atillio DePalco. according to Township Clerk "I am disappointed," said confident they will not make Real Estate 29 Voters defeated the proposed Barbara Nyitrai, include absen- Schools Superintendent Dr. excessive cuts," said Rimmer. $119 million budget, which tee ballots but not provisional Sports 28 Robert Rimmer. "I think some- Tentatively, the Board of would have increased the tax votes. Education will give its presen- Spring Home & Garden .28 times we put these things up to rate by 19 cents, a 7 percent "I certainty was happy to get the public vote and we ask peo- tation of the budget during the increase from last year's budg- support from voters," Speesler ple to keep endorsing raising Township Council meeting" at 7 et. said. our taxes. We passed a very suc- p.m. on Monday. The meeting is The budget, which was Speesler said he was disap- cessful referendum in January. open to the public and will be appi'oved by the board in late pointed, however, that voters Some people just feel financial- televised. March, included two questions. failed to approve the budget, ly strapped." "Since the budget was just www.gmnews.com The first question regarded the (Continued on page 12) The budget would have (Continued on page 12) •••1 SENTINEL,April21,20O5 A.CAAQQRE s^ NO ONE DOES ARTS, CRAFTS & FLORALS BETTER! 96*11 Solid "colorl Tealights „„,.7,.,^CardStotk «.,: Natural 4Pk.Wmr4Pl.DiY All Royal Open Stock Special Selection Leather Handle Ready-To-finish Stam s P lSt Topload Foam Bricks Artist Brushes Rubber Stamps Laundry Stool or Bud Vase Scrapbook *Seleclions Basket Wood Tray vary by store $191 9 $121 3 49 $T49 Reg. $3.99 Reg. $2.47 Reg. $6.99 Reg. $14.99 Bliiii Paper Bag of Mini 8 Ounce Sheer Bags 9 Yard Transfer Sewing Glue Sticks Spanish Moss Ribbon Log PaPe"\ Machine 3x4 $ 99 All Rendy-To-Finislil $549 4 62< Chip & Shaker All Terracotta 34' Reg. $9.99 69* Reg. $10.99 Boxes • Clay Pots Reg. $1.39 Reg. $1.24 Reg. <)•)( :—-^ , 2 Lb. Handmade Paper or 1 Pound Bag of Regular or Neon Kappa Coloring Colony Crafts 5.5 lb. Bag of 12 Pk. 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Excludes custom framing coupons. to find the store nearest you a hours of operation ,'h" % off soles ore resirided from offer % off sales do no) include clearance items or visit our website at viwvi.acinoore.com Auction raises funds for 9/1.1 memorial Corrnick attended the auction for York, and with the help of Lee Ielpi Phase three two reasons. , and the- New York Fire of construction "One, I am part of the commit- Department, we were able to tee. Two, I came to help out with acquire the two pieces," now under way the memorial because it is a good Department of Parka, Recreation BY JENNIFER AMATO cause," he said. & Community Services Director Staff Writer He brought along his two Lou Ann Benson said. NORTH BRUNSWICK - daughters, who liked a painting of "Last year we had a beautiful Township Councilwoman Cathy a little girl as an angel and a three- ceremony for phase two. We have Nicola exclaimed "I got the girl!" dimensional egg-with a tiger paint- granite tablets with, [all of the vic- She had just won the bidding ed on it. tims'J names on them. As a country on her favorite piece of the night at "We'll see what the starting bid we were united so we wanted to is," he joked. involve everyone's family. It was a the September llth Committee's * . art auction on Friday at North Mayor Francis "Mac" Womack strong, emotional decision," said Brunswick High School. came to see the artwork, Benson. "It is called The Visitor. It is a "I've never been to an auction. I Committee member Roni little girl knocking on a door," she think it's nice. My daughter is into Salkin lost her brother during the said. art history so I have to read about terrorist attacks. The auction was a benefit for it. I want a couple of pieces of art," "When we talked about the phase three of the memorial con- he said. memorial design in the beginning, ; struction. Approximately 40 resi- Fred Martin, of Monroe, came we wanted it to be closely directed *: to the tragedy. We did not want to dents turned out for the event. because he has a personal attach- : Albert Mink was invited to the ment to 9/11, just single cait [township resi- > auction by committee member Dan "I was in New York that day, I dents!, It doesn't look like a small • DiStefano. was close enough to see it," he said. township memorial, it looks like a "It is neat to see what is going "Also, some of my relatives are state memorial," she said. on," he said. ivolved with planning," The September llth Mink's favorite piece was a ie memorial is located across Committee was created by former painting of Noah's Ark. Mayor David Spaulding. Benson is "I am willing to spend $100," he the lead representative from the said. Department of Parks, Recreation Committee member Dawn and Community Services. She lost Holubiak thought an art auction her friend, Jeremy Glick, who was would bo appropriate to hold in a passenger on United Airlines honor of 9/11. Flight 93 that day. "When my daughter was a jun- Sponsor plaques hang in the lobby of the municipal building for ior here, there was an art auction. PHOTOS BY MIGUEL JUAREZ sti It was a great idea," she said. Above, an autographed lithograph of the Brooklyn Bridge by all residents who donate money to Holubiak's favorite artist of the Leroy Neiman was auctioned off at the art auction to benefit the committee. night was Brodinsky. North Brunswick's September llth Committee on Friday. Ar "Every donation is critical "I've done this before. I get very right, John Reif Welz bids for a Renoir lithograph because it helps us to keep the competitive; I don't like to be out- part of the proceeds to be donated Brunswick to go see honor of these lives lost," Benson bid," she said. back to the community. the memorial, sit and said. Marlin Arts provided the art- "We get 100 percent of the tick- contemplate," he The Friends level is for dona- work for the fund-raiser.
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