14 FRIDAY , OCT O BER 9, 2009 ARTS & ENT E RT A INM E NT VALENCIA HIG H SC hoo L TED KENNEDY : AN AM ERCIAN ICON living member of his family. A long time advocate protects those with whose views we disagree.” His By Madison Tang of health care reform, Democrats adopted the new first major bill was the Immigration Act of 1965, Reporter rallying cry, “Let’s win one for Teddy” following which served as a vital turning point in immigra- On Tuesday, August 25, 2009, Senator Ted Kennedy his death this past summer. Despite this, Kennedy tion policy by effectively eliminating discriminatory died of brain cancer at his home in was a tremendously competent quotas favoring Europeans, and he has continued Hyannis Port. He was 77 years old, legislator, and even Republicans to support significant legislation since then. Ken- and the youngest brother of Presi- referred to him as the “Lion of nedy’s family, including his wife Victoria, his sister dent John F. Kennedy and Senator the Senate.” The Senator was a Jean Kennedy Smith, and his three children and two Robert F. Kennedy. Throughout pinnacle of justice and action, lay- stepchildren, are admirably coping with their loss, the course of his career, he was ing claim to almost every major and have recently spoken publicly, thanking every- elected into the U.S. Senate nine piece of social legislation since one who supported him in his “tireless march for times, serving a total of 46 years 1962. He strove to give the power- progress toward justice.” They, along with the rest as Massachusetts’ Democratic less a voice and a sense of equal- of the world, surely agree that Ted Kennedy was a Senator. The third longest serving ity, and lent his aid to the various noble man, who reached across party lines in order to senator in U.S. history as well as causes of health care reform, edu- achieve necessary public purposes, and whose dedi- the second most senior member, cation, gay rights, unions, civil cation in politics will not be forgotten anytime soon. PHOTO COURTESY : TIME MAGAZINE Kennedy was known for his bi- rights, the disabled, women, and im- “We have learned that it is important to partisan efforts and inspiring public speeches. From migrants. He once said that, “the Constitution does take issues seriously, but never to take our- 1968 and on, Ted Kennedy was the most prominent not just protect those whose views we share; it also selves too seriously.” – Ted Kennedy LES PAUL PA T RICK SWAYZE DJ AM By Madison Tang By Nathaly Romanes By Palmira Muniz Reporter Reporter Reporter The sound, image, and culture of rock and Born August 18th 1952 in Houston, Texas, Adam Michael Goldstein, known as DJ roll would not have been possible without the Patrick Swayze was known as a provocative AM was born on March 30, 1973. He was electric guitar. One of the first solid-body elec- dancer who won over millions of fans. His heart an American club DJ and musician who was a tric guitars to have been invented was Les Paul’s was full of passion for his art and along the way member of the rock band Crazy Town. Some of captivated the hearts of others with his touch- Gibson in the 1930s. Since then, his guitars have the artists DJ AM ing per- formance w o r k e d with are remained p o p u l a r , i n Ghost and P a p a R o a c h , with mu- sicians like m a d e w o m e n Ma- d o n n a , Eric Clap- ton playing melt for his mas- and Will S m i t h , them in c o n c e r t s . c u l i n e yet sexy a m o n g o t h e r s m o v e s in Dirty In ad- dition to and ap- peared on Danc- ing. Thou- s e v e r a l television being an innovator, s a n d s of his fans s e r i e s , and Les Paul was also a Pho T O CO URTE S Y : Goo GLE .C O M / Pho T O C O URTE S Y : DREAM of ARLEQUIN .C O M starred in PHOTO COURTESY : JEWISHJOURNAL .C OM h i s recording IMAGE S producer, own, Gone Too Far, a drug intervention reality se- musician, and songwriter. He is credited with were devastated to hear about his loss to can- ries that was set to premiere on MTV early this year . the modern recording essentials of overdub- cer on September 14th 2009. He was a fighter, Unfortunately, the evening of August 28th for he fought with pancreatic cancer for twen- bing, delay, phasing, and mulitrack recording. 2009, Goldstein was found dead at his New ty months before he succumbed to the dread- York City apartment at around 5:20 p.m. on His music was groundbreaking in the genres ful disease. He stated this when he appeared Friday, August 28, 2009, after friends, un- of jazz, country, and blues, and has inspired in his last television interview in December able to reach Goldstein for a few days, be- numerous techniques still used today. Les 2008, “One thing I’m not gonna do is chase came concerned and called police. Sourc- Paul’s death on August 12, 2009 marked the staying alive,” Swayze said. “You spend so es have speculated that the cause of death much time chasing staying alive, you won’t passing away of a truly irreplaceable pioneer may have been a result of a drug overdose. live.” He was a strong and tender individual DJ AM brought new and innovative mu- of music in its entirety. Les Paul left behind. and he shall be remembered as one of our leg- sic to the world, and will be greatly missed. MICHAEL JACKSON FARRAH son was still extremely popular after all these years. FAWCE tt By Dominique Riutort & Michael Jackson proved to be the most talent- Farrah Fawcett was born on Feburary 2, 1947 Shekhina Rivera and died in June 25, 2009. She is most remem- Editor & Reporter ed and famous one out of his siblings. In 1979, he released his first, solo album “Off The Wall.” bered for C h a r l i e s On June 25, 2009, at approximately 2:26 pm, The first hit, “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough,” A n g e l s in 1966 Michael Jackson, the legendary King of Pop and proved to be a great success for him. Album and for her unique perhaps the greatest performer of all time, was sales went through the roof, sky-rocketing Mi- hairstyle that made pronounced dead. This news sent shockwaves chael Jackson’s fame to an international scale. her an interna- around the world. Websites such as Google expe- Four years later, in 1983, the world-renowned al- t i o n a l sex sym- rienced crashes, AOL’s AIM system was down for bum “Thriller” was released. In just over a year of its bol in the 1970’s over 40 minutes, and Twitter reportedly received release, “Thriller” became—and continues to be— and 80’s. F a r r a h hundreds of thousands of Tweets in a span of min- the best selling album of all time. With over 51 mil- was di- a g n o s e d utes. Fans mourned all around the globe, in a va- lion copies sold worldwide, Michael Jackson proves w i t h cancer in riety of ways. Some visited Jackson’s Hollywood to be one of, if not, the most popular artists in history. A Fallen Angel. Photo From: www.wordpress.com star, others surrounded the UCLA Medical Center. It is no shock then, that Michael Jackson’s 2 0 0 6 and be- Perhaps the biggest shock was the fact that Michael death made such an impact on a global scale. gan chemothearpy. On her 60th birthday she was Jackson’s long awaited “This Is It” Tour was only a Music and dancing styles was forever changed diagnosed cancer free but four months later she few, short weeks away, beginning in July. In February, thanks to this incredible performer. Madonna was told she had another polyp. Fawcett died when the tickets went on sale, they were sold out in a summarizes it perfectly: “Long Live the King.” in Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica. matter of hours, thereby being proof that Michael Jack-.
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