Agriculture Growth Program – Agribusiness and Market Development (AGP-AMDe) QUARTERLY REPORT October 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014 AGRICULTURAL GROWTH PROGRAM- AGRIBUSINESS AND MARKET DEVELOPMENT (AGP-AMDE) PROJECT USAID/ETHIOPIA CONTRACT NUMBER: AID #663-TO-11-0000 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................................................... 1 SUMMARY OF INDICATOR PERFORMANCE RESULTS .............................................................................. 4 SUCCESS STORIES (OCTOBER – DECEMBER 2014)..................................................................................... 5 COMPONENT I: IMPROVE VALUE CHAIN COMPETITIVENESS .............................................................. 8 Coffee Value Chain................................................................................................................................................ 9 Sesame Value Chain.............................................................................................................................................22 Chickpea Value Chain.........................................................................................................................................39 Honey Value Chain..............................................................................................................................................47 Wheat Value Chain..............................................................................................................................................58 Maize Value Chain................................................................................................................................................71 Input Supply...........................................................................................................................................................82 COMPONENT II: IMPROVING ACCESS TO AGRICULTURAL FINANCE AND INVESTMENT....94 COMPONENT III: IMPROVING AGRIBUSINESS ENABLING ENVIRONMENT.................................105 COMPONENT IV: GRANTS TO STIMULATE INNOVATION AND INVESTMENT ........................108 CROSS CUTTING ACTIVITIES .........................................................................................................................116 Summary of Capacity Building.........................................................................................................................116 Gender..................................................................................................................................................................120 Nutrition ..............................................................................................................................................................129 Behavior Change Communications (BCC) ..................................................................................................135 UPCOMING EVENTS (JANUARY – MARCH 2015)....................................................................................138 ANNEXES (SEPARATE VOLUME) ....................................................................................................................140 USAID AGP-AMDe Ocober – December 2014 ii | P a g e List of Acronyms ACDI/VOCA Agricultural Cooperatives Development International/Volunteer Oversees Cooperatives Assistance AFCA African Fine Coffees Association AGP-AMDe Agricultural Growth Program-Agribusiness and Market Development AGP-LMD Agricultural Growth Program-Livestock Market Development AMSAP Advance Maize Seed Adoption Program ARARI Amhara Region Agricultural Research Institute ARC Agricultural Research Center ATA Agricultural Transformation Agency B2B Business to Business BA Barrier Analysis BCC Behavior Change and Communication BDS Business Development Services BoARD Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development CAADP Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program CBE Commercial Bank of Ethiopia CBO Cooperative Bank of Oromia CIG Common Interest Groups CLU Central Liquoring Unit CPA Cooperative Promotion Agency CQI Coffee Quality Institute CSA Central Statistics Authority DAs Development Agents DCA Development Credit Authority DRRW Durable Rust Resistance in Wheat EAB Ethiopian Apiculture Board EAGC East African Grain Council EBA Ethiopian Beekeepers Association ECEA Ethiopia Coffee Export Association ECEI Ethiopian Coffee Export Initiative ECGPEA Ethiopian Coffee Growers, Producers and Exporters Association ECX Ethiopian Commodity Exchange EFC Ethiopian Fine Coffees EHBPEA Ethiopian Honey and Beeswax Producers and Exporters Association EIAR Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research EMA Ethiopian Millers Association ENGINE Empowering New Generations to Improve Nutrition and Economic Opportunities EPOSPEA Ethiopian Pulses, Oil Seeds and Spices Processors and Exporters Association ESE Ethiopian Seed Enterprise FCA Federal Cooperative Agency FCUs Farmer Cooperative Unions FMHACA Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration Control Authority FOG Fixed Obligation Grant USAID AGP-AMDe Ocober – December 2014 iii | P a g e FtF Feed the Future GAP Good Agricultural Practices GAIN Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition GoE Government of Ethiopia GRAD Graduation with Resilience to Achieve Sustainable Development GTP Growth Transformation Plan HRC Holeta Research Center ICT Information, Communication Technology JARC Jimma Agricultural Research Center JRIS Joint Review and Implementation Support KFBPMFCU Kaffa Forest Bees Product Marketing Farmers Cooperatives Union KHSPSC Kafta Humera Seed Production and Sales Cooperative LC Letter of Credit MFIs Micro Finance Institutions MoA Ministry of Agriculture MoFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Development MoT Ministry of Trade MOU Memorandum of Understanding MSP Multi-Stakeholders Platform MT Metric Tons NBE National Bank of Ethiopia NCA National Coffee Association NGO Non-Governmental Organization OARD Office of Agriculture and Rural Development P4P Purchase for Progress PCs Primary Cooperatives PEPFAR President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief PERSUAP Pesticide Evaluation Report and Safer Use Action Plan PFS Partners in Food Solutions PHH Post-Harvest Handling PLC Private Limited Company PMP Performance Monitoring Plan PRIME Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement and Market Expansion RCA Regional Cooperative Agency SACCO Saving and Credit Cooperative SCAA Specialty Coffee Association of America SHF Smallholder Farmer SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises SMFM Sell More for More SNNPR Southern Nation Nationality and Peoples Region SSRWE Sustainable Support for Rural Women Entrepreneurs TARI Tigray Agricultural Research Institute TMF Tigray Marketing Federation TOH Taste of Harvest ToT Training of Trainers USAID AGP-AMDe Ocober – December 2014 iv | P a g e TWG Technical Working Group USAID United States Agency for International Development USD United States Dollar VC Value Chain WFP World Food Program USAID AGP-AMDe Ocober – December 2014 v | P a g e EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report covers the quarterly report period of October 1 to December 31, 2014 and describes value chain market development results and activities including access to finance, enabling environment and grant as well as cross cutting activities. During the quarter, 29,795 smallholder farmers benefited, of which 17,000 were training beneficiaries and USD 8 million facilitated for farm gate sales of and export of USD 8 million. The results are highlighted by valuechain and components as follows. Coffee: continued efforts of the AGP-AMDe resulted in sales of USD 1.5 million at farm gate and USD 2.9 million in exports as well as generated 70 new jobs through coffee seedling nursery activities. AGP-AMDe partnered with the Ethiopian Coffee Exporters Association (ECEA) andcoffee industry leaders and the Ministry of Trade to host the 3rd Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Coffee Exporters Association (ECEA) under the theme “Towards Quality and Traceability”. The event welcomed more than 375 participants of which 60 participants were from abroad. For ECX coffee traceability project, registration of processing stations for Sidama A coffee type has been completed bringing the total number registered processing stations to 475 and the registration of processing stations will for Jimma A and Limmu coffee types will be undertaken in next quarter Sesame: 8,296 MT of sesame valued USD 12.8 million was purchased from smallholder farmers through their primary cooperatives and USD 4.3 million is exported (2,055 MT). Sesame farmer cooperative unions and federations accessedUSD 19.2 million loan from banksincluding the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE), and the Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO) for sesame production and marketing activities following AGP-AMDe technical assistance inin business plan preparation and negotiation organized between selected the financial institutions and nine FCUs, and for two Marketing Federations. Capacity building trainings in SMFM – PHH TOT, on managing grading equipment and cascading training was provided to 3,050 participants (600 Female), and in management to 34 ( 2 Female) FCU and PC Managers and Board Chairmen for ofive FCUs and eight PCs in six woredas in Amhara, Tigray and Oromia The popularization and technology transfer of improved seed multiplication of Humera I, and Setit 1, application of blended micro nutrient fertilizer and row planting was supported by Field days on selected demo sites at Metema and Humera. There
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