E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106th CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 146 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2000 No. 125 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was H.R. 3454. An act to designate the United Maryland, as the ``Everett Alvarez, Jr. Post called to order by the Speaker pro tem- States post office located at 451 College Office Building.'' pore (Mrs. BIGGERT). Street in Macon, Georgia, as the ``Henry H.R. 4517. An act to designate the facility McNeal Turner Post Office''. of the United States Postal Service located f H.R. 3909. An act to designate the facility at 24 Tsienneto Road in Derry, New Hamp- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO of the United States Postal Service located shire, as the ``Alan B. Shepard, Jr. Post Of- at 4601 South Cottage Grove Avenue in Chi- fice Building''. TEMPORE cago, Illinois, as the ``Henry W. McGee Post H.R. 4534. An act to designate the facility The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Office Building''. of the United States Postal Service located fore the House the following commu- H.R. 3985. An act to redesignate the facil- at 114 Ridge Street, N.W. in Lenoir, North nication from the Speaker: ity of the United States Postal Service lo- Carolina, as the ``James T. Broyhill Post Of- cated at 14900 Southwest 30th Street in fice Building''. WASHINGTON, DC, Miramar, Florida, as the ``Vicki Coceano H.R. 4554. An act to designate the facility October 10, 2000. Post Office Building''. of the United Sates Postal Service located at I hereby appoint the Honorable JUDY H.R. 4157. An act to designate the facility 1602 Frankford Avenue in Philadelphia, BIGGERT to act as Speaker pro tempore on of the United States Postal Service located Pennsylvania, as the ``Joseph F. Smith Post this day. at 600 Lincoln Avenue in Pasadena, Cali- Office Building''. J. DENNIS HASTERT, fornia, as the ``Matthew `Mack' Robinson H.R. 4615. An act to redesignate the facility Speaker of the House of Representatives. Post Office Building''. of the United States Postal Service located f H.R. 4169. An act to designate the facility at 3030 Meredith Avenue in Omaha, Ne- of the United States Postal Service located braska, as the ``Reverend J.C. Wade Post Of- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE at 2000 Vassar Street in Reno, Nevada, as the fice''. A message from the Senate by Mr. ``Barbara F. Vucanovich Post Office Build- H.R. 4658. An act to designate the facility Cheek, one of its clerks, announced ing''. of the United States Postal Service located that the Senate has passed without H.R. 4447. An act to designate the facility at 301 Green Street in Fayetteville, North of the United States Postal Service located amendment bills of the House of the Carolina, as the ``J.L. Dawkins Post Office at 919 West 34th Street in Baltimore, Mary- Building''. following titles: land, as the ``Samuel H. Lacy, Sr. Post Office H.R. 4884. An act to redesignate the facil- H.R. 2302. An act to designate the building Building''. ity of the United States Postal Service lo- of the United States Postal Service located H.R. 4448. An act to designate the facility cated at 200 West 2nd Street in Royal Oak, at 307 Main Street in Johnson City, New of the United States Postal Service located Michigan, as the ``William S. Broomfield York, as the ``James W. McCabe, Sr. Post Of- at 3500 Dolefield Avenue in Baltimore, Mary- Post Office Building''. fice Building''. land, as the ``Judge Robert Bernard Watts, H.R. 4975. An act to designate the post of- H.R. 2938. An act to designate the facility Sr. Post Office Building''. fice and courthouse located at 2 Federal of the United States Postal Service located H.R. 4449. An act to designate the facility Square, Newark, New Jersey, as the ``Frank at 424 South Michigan Street in South Bend, of the United States Postal Service located R. Lautenberg Post Office and Courthouse''. Indiana, as the ``John Brademas Post Of- at 1908 North Ellamont Street in Baltimore, The message also announced that the fice''. Maryland, as the ``Dr. Flossie McClain H.R. 3030. An act to designate the facility Dedmond Post Office Building''. Senate has passed bills and a concur- of the United States Postal Service located H.R. 4484. An act to designate the facility rent resolution of the following titles at 757 Warren Road in Ithaca, New York, as of the United States Postal Service located in which the concurrence of the House the ``Matthew F. McHugh Post Office''. at 500 North Washington Street in Rockville, is respected: N O T I C E Effective January 1, 2001, the subscription price of the Congressional Record will be $393 per year or $197 for six months. Individual issues may be purchased for $4.00 per copy. The cost for the microfiche edition will remain $141 per year with single copies remaining $1.50 per issue. This price increase is necessary based upon the cost of printing and distribution. Michael F. DiMario, Public Printer b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H9507 . VerDate 02-OCT-2000 02:44 Oct 11, 2000 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 8633 E:\CR\FM\A10OC7.000 pfrm01 PsN: H10PT1 H9508 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE October 10, 2000 S. 1756. An act to enhance the ability of the several fronts has been so overwhelm- which was forced to defend itself in a National Laboratories to meet Department ingly rejected. war, which gained some territory in of Energy missions, and for other purposes. We had the spectacle of an Israeli those self-defense wars, and is now vol- S. 2686. An act to amend chapter 36 of title withdrawal in Lebanon which the Arab untarily giving up much of that terri- 39, United States Code, to modify rates relat- ing to reduced rate mail matter, and for states had long called for being treated tory, I do not think there is an exam- other purposes. almost as if it were a further error by ple in history of a nation forced to de- S. 2804. An act to designate the facility of Israel. The effort by Israel to be concil- fend itself and picking up adjacent ter- the United States Postal Service located at iatory there brought the worst kind of ritory being as conciliatory as the 424 South Michigan Street in South Bend, In- brutal reaction. Israelis have been. And if in fact this diana, as the ``John Brademas Post Office''. With regard to the Palestinians, let approach, such a willingness to make S. 3062. An act to modify the date on which us be clear what the situation is. Fifty- peace, is so bitterly rejected, if in fact the Mayor of the District of Columbia sub- two years ago, when the U.N. declared what we are seeing, and we are told mits a performance accountability plan to that there should be two states in the Congress, and for other purposes. this is not just anger over Sharon, S. Con. Res. 145. Concurrent resolution ex- area, a Jewish state and a Palestinian anger over a particular this or that or pressing the sense of Congress on the pro- state, the overwhelming reaction of the the settlement, but a frustration and a priety and need for expeditious construction Arabs was to reject that and to seek to rejection of the whole notion of peace, of the National World War II Memorial at destroy the Jewish state. Over the en- then that is a sad lesson we have to the Rainbow Pool on the National Mall in suing years, Israel was forced time and draw. the Nation's Capitol. again to defend itself. In the course of I think the policy of the United f that effort, it grew. It grew to try to States government ought to be very MORNING HOUR DEBATES get more defensible borders; but in clear: Israel has a right to exist. It has every case, it was acting in self-de- a right to make policies in the peace- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- fense. making process that leave it defensible ant to the order of the House of Janu- What then happened was the govern- and that protect its right to maintain ary 19, 1999, the Chair will now recog- ment of Prime Minister Barak decided control and sovereignty in Jerusalem; nize Members from lists submitted by to build on previous peacemaking ef- and, if in fact, as good a settlement as the majority and minority leaders for forts of the government of Begin and of Barak offered is met with this sort of morning hour debates. The Chair will others and tried to make an ultimate rejection, our response should be to be alternate recognition between the par- agreement with the Palestinians, and totally supportive of the government of ties, with each party limited to not to the Barak government went further in Israel's position. exceed 30 minutes, and each Member, its offer than anyone thought it was except the majority leader, the minor- possible for the Israeli society to sup- f ity leader, or the minority whip, lim- port. Israel is a democracy, and you ited to not to exceed 5 minutes.
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