Thursday's flight r mmm mmmmmmsm-- q ® Water Usage a Energy Conservation C-9 ® Tuesday, ech5 Tuesday, March 5 Guantanamo Bay 1:40 p.m. * Goal: 90oK Roosy Roads 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Goal: 315,000 KWH ® Storage: 6.9 MIL - 64% NAS Norfolk, Va. 8:15 p.m. Cost $39,375 Production: 962 K Usage: 223,000 KWH See pap3 ® Consumption: 1.2 MIL Cost: $27,875 mmmimmmmmmmmmmmm Cost in Norfolk: $16,725 Guantanamo Daily Gazette ol. 47 -- No. 043 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Wednesday, March 6, 1991 Gitmo's new Desal Units ready for test phase cies," he explained. "We have Engineering. The quality of be used. This is a new system. ByJO3 S. VELAZQUEZ had some minor leaks but it's Gitmo's water will be about Not too much information is expectedin this type ofproject. the same as it is now. "Gitmo available forusto study. We're Iraq - Saddam Hussein contin- Guantanamo Bay's Desali- We haven't had any major III produces outstanding wa- basically dealing with new nation ues to battle growing domestic Plant will soon raise its problems yet. They won't be ter," Nye said. "The most effi- technology here. But effi- violence in the aftermath of the water production capabilities. ready for use until the middle cient mannerto run ourplantis ciency ratings of the new units Persian Gulf War. Reports from New Multi-Effect the Middle East and Washington Distillation or end of this month. When to use one of the units and the are high." Units indicate major uprisings in at least will increase production they are operational it will take reverse osmosis unit That's Condition Bravo was set nine areas of southern Iraq, includ- from 1.3 million gallons per about four months to ensure based on our average thekey industrialportofBasra. usage." from 12 a.m. Tuesday until 12 day (GPD) to 3.3 million that the units ports say forces loyal to Saddam are properly Nye continued, "With a.m. this morning. "The reason appear to have regained control in (GPD). tested an functioning effi- these new units, we'll be able for this 24-hour Condition some cities and towns, but anti- According to Chief Joe ciently." to make more potable water Bravo government was because we needed demonstrations con- Nye, Desalination Plant man- The Desal Plant received tinue in other areas. per gallon of sea water. It also to make some critical pipe ager, the units will go through the Multi-Effect Distillation works at lower temperatures connections to the new units," four months Saudi Arabia - Two Red Cross of testing. "We Units the week of Oct. 10. The and pressures. Therefore, it is he said. "Right now, Gitmo III planes left Saudi Arabia today to must operate them in order to contractor working carry on these more economical for opera- is running great," Nye con- 294 Iraqi prisoners of war to test capabilities Baghdad. Theplanes are to pickup and efficien- units is Israeli Desalination tional uses and less energy will clude. 35 Allied prisoners captured in the Gulf War. They include 15 Ameri- (4.,e000 cans and will be the second group Bush addresses Congress of prisoners of war freed by Iraq Organs of cyanide poisoning this week. UPI - President Bush a strong welcome from the goes before a joint session of lawmakers on Capitol Hill. victim used as transplants Kuwait - Congress British Prime Minister tonight, at 9 p.m. They voted in January to au- UPI - Organs of one are no danger to the recipi- John Major flew to Kuwait today, EST, to unveil postwar plans thorize whatever means nec- victim of the first Washington ents. He said, "Cyanide head of government of an for the Persian Gulf region. essary I Allied nation to visit since for the U.S.-led coali- State's cyanide poisoning poisoning should in no way the Per- The sian Gulf War. Major flew from president is expected tion to drive Iraq from Ku- were transplanted to five affect the safety of organ Moscow where he talked with to restate his desire to bring wait. people, but authorities say donations." Mikhail Gorbachev. Major will home the more than 500,000 Bush, whose popularity there is ro danger. At least discuss two Washing- Britain's role in postwar U.S. troops stationed in the has soared in recent weeks in Within hours after Stan security with Kuwait's Crown ton State deaths are linked to Gulf as soon as possible. McWhorter died Prince. public opinion polls, has Feb. 18, his possible Sudafed tamper- It's expected that some heart, liver, lungs placed the festering problems and kid- ing. Medical examiners (Continued on page 3) U.S. peacekeeping forces will neys were used in trans- of the Middle East at the top of have sent a blood remain in the Middle East plants. It was learned later sample his postwar agenda. from a third dead person to a Bush told a news conference McWhorter's death was In his remarks to Con- laboratory last week, "There will be a caused by cyanide from a to be analyzed. gress, he is expected to re- USA United States presence" and tampered package of Su- Government inspectors perhaps a role for a United count the history of the Gulf dafed 12-hour capsules. found a tampered package News Nations force or an All-Arab conflict and outline the ad- Dr. Christopher Blagg, yesterday in a store in a peacekeeping force. ministration's goals for lasting head of the Northwest Kid- Tacoma mall. Italsois being Los Angeles - The wife of the Bush is expected to receive peace in the region. ney examined for man whose violent arrest by Los Center, says the organs cyanide. Angeles Police was captured on videotape says her husband suf- fered a broken leg, facial injuries and bruises. The tape made by a Popularity polls, Gitmo housing in Navy news bystander shows police kicking NNS and beating a black motorist with -- Highest-ever ap- gress and 22 percent for the was providing homemade The commander of the nightsticks. The incident is being proval - Public opinion in press. baked goods for troops along Naval Facilities Engineering inveatigatedby the FBI, Los Ange- favor of the president and the Forty-two percent les Police and said way from home passing their Command, Rear Adm. David the Los Angeles military soared to record highs District Attorney. The suspect Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, way to the Navy ships and E. Bottorff, stressed the need in the wake spenttwodaysinthehospital.He's of the decisive Gen. Colin L. Powell, should shore units inthe Middle East for nearly $660 million for the victory in the been booked for investigation of Persian Gulf run for the Oval Office, with 88 Sigonella has been the Medi- Navy and Marine Corps mili- evading police officers and a pa- War, according to recent polls. percent saying they wouldlike terranean logistics hub for tary construction program to role violation. President Bush's approval to see Gen. H. Norman Sch- military forces, mostly Navy, replace aging facilities and rating is the highest of any Iasington - The Senate Ethics warzkopfin the White House. serving in the Persian Gulf constructnew bachelor hous- president since World ntee has given SenatorAlan War II. Air station sweeties - region. Since the beginning support activities According ing, family anston until March 28 to tell if to a Feb. 28 poll While the war for the libera- of August, more than 50,000 and a religious education facil- he will fight finding that he acted done for USA Today, 91 per- tion of Kuwait raged in the Desert Storm personnel have ity. The request also focuses improperly in helping Charles cent of Americans polled ap- deserts Keating. Cranston of the Middle East, transited through Sigonella. on correctionof environmental says he is unde- prove highly cided. Cranston was criticized be- of President another operation in support Operation Desert Cookie and safety deficiencies at ex- cause of contacts with Federal Bush's performance during of the troops fighting Opera- was started in late January in a isting facilities. Bank examiners investigating the the war. The highest past tion Desert Storm was quietly show of goodwill for the sail- The requestfor17 bachelor case. approval rating for a president underway at Naval Air Station ors, airmen, and Marines on housing/mess hall projects was an 87 percent rating to Sigonella, Sa Frandsco- An Army Sicily. their way to the Gulf. would provide more than medi- Harry Truman cal supply clerk was convicted shortly after This unique operation did More housing - Commit- 2,700 new or modernized liv- World War II. yesterday of refusing to serve in not involve armed soldiers and ment to the maintenance, re- ing spaces and six new or Operation Desert Storm. Special- Americans also continue tons of military equipment, pair, and construction of new modernized messing facilities ist 4 Ellenora Johnson told a court high confidence in military instead it centered around Navy family housing top the for shore-based sailors. The martialinthoPresidio in San san- leaders. The survey said 78 cisco her fundamentalist concerned members of the Navy's fiscal year 1992-93 Navy is also asking for $13 beliefs percent of prevented her fhrm serving. Americans "have a Sigonella community armed military construction budget million for five new Child great deal of confidence" in with several hundred pounds request, discussed before the Development Centers. An- (Continued on page 3) the military contrasting with a of flour and sugar. House Appropriations Com- rating of 25 percent for Con- "Operations DesertCookie mittee, Feb.
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