Avcrag^ikittjr'^Cirdiialion For the Moatk of March, 1941 \ , Member of the Audit 4 Bureau of -drculatloua. Monche$ter—‘A City of Village Charm ^ it ftt •Jitot (daaalfted AdTcrtMug on Page 19) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRil- 11, 1941 (TWENTY PAGES) VOL. LX., NO. 164 Tele^ain That Told Herald of Ayer Awanl erald ^ins First ^ Nazis Take Yanilza; STMBOU In Class for Ayer CLMIMSDlVICi TKlt Id • l«n*»9dff WESTERN Ttltaram •« CebW* KT*0***«4^T*hitro« mem itnkw lid As- Threaten Left Wing; f m * i cKaracdM b tow ICwDobm iChUe 4ks0s4 W • ewItoMe M T ^ C k H i NbtM U noe Typography Award ee*d«dws4*wfc NNWeOMffi eANLTOM. {’ CMAMklMM •#-■ ff1--- Yugoslav^ Destro Given First honorable BAP9.1 V t ? lW mok« YtLtkR tU Mention for Excellence _ ^ m r • TI-iCI.;AS FERGUSOM.QEN Iv’-GR* " x . - Geruu|ns Strike Towaril' From Among News-1' jp Of* I \ O S l t t ^ MANCHESTER EVEKI NG HERALD MANCHESTER C0N(^* A.lvan<-e in North Jg papers'of Country of, iJctcriHiiicn 9 \.^niRh Right Wing Anclior of ; Under 10,000 Circula-i Huge Shetls PLEASED TO INFORM YOU THE MANCHESTER EVEN ING HERALD HAS BEEN Several Yugoslavia Di-. , \British-Greck Main De*; Put In Safe tion; 575 in Contest. AWARDED FIRST HONORABLE MENTION IN THE LESS THAN 10,000 visions in Center; 10,- iriise Line; British Re»: 000 Prisoners Taken port Stiffening Re*| Ammunition to Roll Off CIRCULATION CLASSIFICATION IN THE 11TH AYER EXHIBITION OF Class Again The Herald has been ad­ sistaii^ Against Naxiflj Lines at Rate of Three On Central Front; Sur- judged first in its class of NEWSPAPER TYPOGRAPHY, PLEAS'E HOLD CONF IDF.NT IAL AS RESULTS reniler of East (i.rfek In SoiHhem Yugo^ newspapers of less than 10,-1 Every Minute as Im ­ American Vessels Will\ 000 circulation from among a mense Pressure Used. WILL NOT BE RELEASED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT UNTIL FRIDAY TO GIVE Arinv ‘On" Selieclnle’. Be Permitted to Go All slavia Ai^a Today* total of 1,038 entries in the Of Way to Sue* Canal 11th Annual Exhibition of ALL WINNING PAPERS TIME TO ARRANGE SPECIAL HANDLING. COt.iPLETE Beilin, April 11.—(/P)—Au­ Athens, April - II.—(/PV—J Toccoa, Ga., April 11—(JP)—Big j British expeditionary tfooplil Newspaper Typography con­ STORY AND PICTURES thorized Gentian quarters de­ Since Egypt Neutral. sheila "nosed” by a new method I BEING SENT YOU WEDNESDAY. CONGRATULAT IC.NS' have clashed with Adolf Hit-j ducted by N. W. Ayer & Son, will soon begin rolling' from the j clared today the Yugoslav Inc,, the country’s leading ad­ J H BHEIEL N W .AYER'6. SON INC. Army ia being "systematical­ Washington, April 11.—(45— ler’s blitzkrieg invaders \for^ LeTourneau lines here at the rate i \ the first time’ in northernl vertising agency, it was an­ of three a minute. ly wiped up or even blotted President Roosevelt today reopen­ nounced today. This newspa­ R. G. LeTourneau, evongelist- out” as the high command ed the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Greece, it was officially an­ induatrialist Who developed the IB COUFAKT WILL APFRBCUTB M iCCB.'m OFd PROM IT* fATl.OVA CON'ClRMXfl IT* ►BRV|C# to American vessels. nounced today, and the Bkttle | per was given first honorable told of the total destruction mention in the third class machinery, U id 155 mm. ammuni­ The chief executive announced of Greece apparently is devel-| tion ia nosed under a pressure of of Serb forces in the south, a which includes standard-size determined German advance at a press conference that he had oping. Striking toward the 6,000,06 pounds a square inch. taken out the stopper from the right wing anchor of the Brit-; papers with daily circulations Steps Up Production in the north an(l the crushing mouth of the waterway so.that Heated to 1,000 degrees,, consid­ ish-Greek main defense line,; up to 10,000. Rolling Attack of several Yugoslav divisions American vessels now may enter , Entries were received for ered comparatively cool for shell General M otifs Given It. in the vicinity of fabled making, the steel loses none of Its in the center. Ten thousand the exhibition from all oyer original properties and makes fur­ new prisoners were reported The ships will be permitted to Mount Olympus, the (Germans the United States. In the class ther machining unneceaoary, Le- Made by Nazis go all the way to the Suez Canal, were reported to have cap-; taken on the central front. since Egypt is neutral territory. in which The Herald was ad­ Toumeau said, hence stepping up Notice Strike Looms (A subsequent anhouncement tured Yanitza, 48 miles due production several fold. While American vessels are not judged, the winner there were broadcast b; the official Berlin permitted under the neutrality act north of the Olympus range,.. The plant, already working on At Birmingham radio sold that a previous haul of to carry war supplies to belliger­ OtJjM Nazi columnz were re-; 575 entries. a defense order from the Army Union Workers Plan to 20.000 priaonera In southern Yugo­ porte<inirying to push through the ' Nq other.newaiaper- in the aUta calling for nearly a million shetiat Magyar Army ents, the president made it clear Walk Out If New Con­ slavia had, been doubled, thus mak­ that cargoes destined for a neutral BitolJ (Monaatir) pass, in south-; was Included oniong thli yeor’a is expected to hit production peak Raiders Numbering Sev­ ing the total claim of prisoners weat Yugoslavia, threatening the: Ayer awkrd winners and the only in Auguat. The manufacturer hoa country could be carried :ip the Br tish left wing In a drive to-'; other winner among the newapa- inatalled two of the new machines tract Not Negotiated, captured 50,000. \ Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. eral Hundred Bias! Acts to Take ("About th ^ fighting which led ward Phlorina, Greece. r pera of New England was the Capa which he hopes will enable him to Labor .^gency Told.' to the annihilation of the enemy WUI Not Question Destination Headquarters of the British Ex­ Cod (Hyannis, Maas.) Standard- complete ''the contract in 13 City and Other Tar­ forces In south Serbia by the Ger­ And, he indicated, there will be peditionary Force reported stif­ Time* which la in the 10,000 to 50.- montha. Yugoslav Area man troops, we haye just learned no tendency on the part of the fening reaistance agoinal the Ger-: 000 class. LeTourneau also operates plants gets in Night Assault. Bulletin! that the number of prisoners has government to explore the ques- mans in southern Yugosls'ria^^ The New York Herald-Tribune in Peoria, 111., and Stockton, Calif, Detroit,, April II,—.<i<P)— been doubled, that ia, '{.ncrehsed to where Nazi armored columns wen^^ was awarded the F. Waylond Ayer which he visits in his own trans­ Berlin, April 11— (JP) — Luft­ 40.000 and the booty Amounts to (Continued On Page Sixteen) said to be rolling southward from ; Cup, the highest recognition, os port plane. Gov. Murray D. Van Wagoner Hungarians Seek to Re- waffe raiders numbering "several 200 guns ill all,” the annoUncenilent Prilep, Yugosla^ds, toward Phlor* ; being the beat newspaper in the hundred” blasted Birmingham and announced today that offi­ claim Region Lost in aald, as transcribed In N w YoVk ins, northern Greece. country, typographically. The ex­ Slavs Fight VoUaiitly other targets in central and south- cials of The Ford Motor C^om-' by CBS.) hibition was open to all English- pany and the United Automo­ Worlfl War; ^ross Bor­ Surrender ‘on Schedule’ Refugees arriving from Yugo-- language dailies. In 'the* United Two Midland *ern Engtiuid In rolling attacks Italian Forces slavia sold that the Slav forcM State*. The awards are made on bile Workers (CIO) had The surrender of the eastern lasting several hours, the German der , at Two Points. Greek Army, pirtthed off when the the bosia of excellence in typo­ reached an agreement set­ (Ooutinued On Page Tea) graphy, make-up and presswork. Cities Chief high command announced today. blitsHrleg struck to Salonika, ia Cbntinue Drive In lost year’s contest The Her­ "The effects of the raid were ob­ tling the lO-day strike at the Budapest, Hungary,. April 11— , “proceeding on schedule," the high ald was among the finalists but Rouge plant. (45—The Hungarian Army has command aald, and “the number vious,” a war bulletin oe.ld. “Good of prisoners and the amount of was not cited for an award. Thla Nazi Target visibility permitted observation of marched Into Yugoslavia to re­ Iii^ugoslavia year *1716 Herald goes to the top numerous ccufiagratlons.” claim territory lost in the World booty still cannot be estimated." By-The Associated Press The dally communique said of newspapers throughout the The high command said other War. Flashes! country in its circulation class. Nazi zir units striking at British The Federal Labor Depart­ crossings of the Drava river - In Occupy^^ Lbngatico' and (Late BuUetlas of the (45 WIM) Class Awards Cloventry, Birmingham shipping, sank a 3,000-Jon mer­ ment announced today re­ An Army report said Magyar ni.rtnen.rthern Yusonlavia had been troops had crossed the Trianon forced and troops under Col. Gen. Honorable m en tio n s were Attaeked in Raids in chantman wl^h a direct hit about ceipt of word from "the Gen­ frontier between the Danube and Advance Down Sava to Firemen Overcome' ..awoitled to 12 papers in the four 124 miles west of the Hebrides and Baron Von Welch* were rushing daioiged another large vessel eral Motors Corporation that Ttsa rivers, os well tie in the tri­ forward despite “difficult terrain Valley Towalri Ljubl­ New York, .\prU 11.—(4 5 *-T om circulation and format groups os Which Damage Heavy angle in Baranya between the and weather cohditiona” In an ad­ firemennreiDcn werewer overeome by emeka follows: northwest of the Shetlsnds.
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