Public Notices PAGES 21-32 PAGE 21 MAY 22 - MAY 28, 2020 SARASOTA COUNTY LEGAL NOTICES FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION Public sale for unpaid towing & stor- Notice is hereby given that BIG JIM NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the permit application number and be NOTICE TO CREDITORS age charges only per FS 713.78 @ SELF STORAGE I, LLC intends to sell (Summary Administration) Southwest Florida Water Manage- received within 14 days from the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR 9:00am - Vehicles at: - 6 E Broad- the personal property described be- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ment District has received Envi- date of this notice. If you wish to SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA way Fort Meade 2015 Hyun Accent low to enforce a lien imposed on said SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA ronmental Resource Permit applica- be notified of intended agency ac- PROBATE DIVISION 4D Blu KMHCT4AE6FU931136 property under the Florida Self Storage PROBATE DIVISION tion number 800208 from Pinecraft tion or an opportunity to request an File Number 2020-CP-001829 SC 2003 Toyt 4Runner 4D Gry JTE- Facility Act statutes (Section 83.801- File No. 20-CP-000535 Community Center, Inc., 1099 Graber administrative hearing regarding the IN RE: ESTATE OF ZU14R638008308 2005 Hond Accord 83.809). On or After June 11th, 2020 Division PROBATE Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34237. Applica- application, you must send a written JOHN V. CHOLANKERIL, 2D Blk 1HGCM81685A007817 2004 @ 12:00 PM, 2020 at BIG JIM SELF IN RE: ESTATE OF tion received: March 9, 2020. Pro- request referencing the permit ap- Deceased. Volv S60 4D Blu YV1RS59V942379212 STORAGE I, LLC 5109 Diventi Ct, BARBARA N. WATSON, posed activity: Community Center. plication number to the Southwest The administration of the ESTATE OF 2010 Merz C300 4D Dbl WDDGF5E- Sarasota FL 34232. Deceased. Project name: Pinecraft Community Florida Water Management Dis- JOHN V. CHOLANKERIL, deceased, B7AR109336 1997 Toyt Tacoma Pk Mike R. Whalen, TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS Center. Project size: 1.35+/- Ac. Lo- trict, Regulation Performance Man- whose date of death was March 23, Red 4TAWN72N9VZ299998 1995 E-324, Household Goods OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE cation: Section(s) 28, Township 36 agement Department, 2379 Broad 2020, is pending in the Circuit Court Ford Crown Victoria 4D Grn 2FALP- Katalina Groh, ABOVE ESTATE: South, Range(s) 18 East, in Sarasota Street, Brooksville, FL 34604-6899 for Sarasota County, Florida, Probate 74W3SX132714 2011 Toyt Camry 4D 3309, Household Goods You are hereby notified that an Or- County. Outstanding Florida Water: or submit your request through the Division, the address of which is P.O. Gry 4T1BF3EK0BU129771 - 6025 S TDA Global, Anthony Driscoll, der of Summary Administration has No. Aquatic preserve: No. The ap- District’s website at www.watermat- Box 3079, Sarasota, Florida 34230. The SR53 Madison 2007 Infi G35 4d Red C-110, Business Inventory been entered in the estate of BARBARA plication is available for public in- ters.org. The District does not dis- names and addresses of the personal JNKBV61E47M707997 - 1968 Custom TDA Global, Anthony Driscoll, N. WATSON, deceased, File Number spection Monday through Friday at criminate based on disability. Anyone representative and the personal repre- Drive Fort Myers 1977 Chev Grum- C-111, Business Inventory 20-CP-000535; by the Circuit Court Tampa Service Office, 7601 Highway requiring accommodation under the sentative’s attorney are set forth below. man Tk Red 93373KMC7716G Sale Sheri Beth Kuntz, for Sarasota County, Florida, Probate 301 North, Tampa, FL 33637. Inter- ADA should contact the Regulation All creditors of the decedent and oth- On 6/8/2020 at 347 S Seaboard Ave E320, Household Goods Division, the address of which is P.O. ested persons may inspect a copy of Performance Management Depart- er persons having claims or demands Venice FL - 1968 Custom Drive Fort May 22, 29, 2020 20-01018S Box 3079, Sarasota, FL 34230; that the application and submit written ment at (352)796-7211 or 1(800)423- against the decedent’s estate on whom Myers 2013 Infi G37 4D Sil JN1CV6AP- the decedent’s date of death was May 8, comments concerning the applica- 1476, TDD only 1(800)231-6103. a copy of this notice is required to be 3DM715028 2012 Chev Captiva Ut FIRST INSERTION 2019; that the total value of the estate tion. Comments must include the May 22, 2020 20-01020S served must file their claims with this Whi 3GNAL1EKXCS630785 Sale is $500.00 and that the names and ad- court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER Notice Under Fictitious Name Law On 6/15/2020 at 347 S Seaboard Ave dresses of those to whom it has been as- FIRST INSERTION OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME Venice FL According to Florida Statute signed by such order are: OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF May 22, 2020 20-01019S Number 865.09 Name Address NOTICE TO CREDITORS file their claims with this court WITH- THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Creditors: NONE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY undersigned, desiring to engage in busi- Beneficiaries: SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. FIRST INSERTION ness under the Fictitious Name of Acro NATALIE A. WATSON, TRUST- PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE. All other creditors of the decedent Fit Gymnastics located at 4015 Clark EE OF THE BARBARA N. File No. 2020 CP 1818 NC ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN and other persons having claims or Notice Under Fictitious Name Law Road in the City of Sarasota, Sarasota WATSON REVOCABLE TRUST IN RE: ESTATE OF THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH demands against the decedent’s estate Pursuant to Section 865.09, County, FL 34233 intends to register DATED MAY 6, 1985 CLAYTON O. MCINTYRE IN FLORIDA STATUTES SEC- must file their claims with this court Florida Statutes the said name with the Division of Cor- 23161 Rosedale Drive #101 Deceased. TION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that porations of the Department of State, Estero, FL 34135 The administration of the estate of BARRED. DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION the undersigned, desiring to engage in Tallahassee, Florida. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE CLAYTON O. McINTYRE, deceased, NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME OF THIS NOTICE. business under the fictitious name of Dated this 19th day of May, 2020. NOTIFIED THAT: whose date of death was March 16, PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN Funkodoobiest located at 2845 61ST Inspire Through Sport, LLC All creditors of the estate of the 2020, is pending in the Circuit Court CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ST in the County of Sarasota, in the City May 22, 2020 20-01050S decedent and persons having claims for SARASOTA County, Florida, Pro- MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S IN FLORIDA STATUTES SEC- of Sarasota, Florida 34243 intends to or demands against the estate of the bate Division, the address of which is DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. TION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER register the said name with the Division FIRST INSERTION decedent other than those for whom 2000 Main Street, Sarasota, FL 34236 The date of first publication of this BARRED. of Corporations of the Florida Depart- provision for full payment was made (Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3079, Sara- notice is May 22, 2020. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME ment of State, Tallahassee, Florida. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Order of Summary Administra- sota, FL 34230). The names and ad- Personal Representative: PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY Dated at Sarasota, Florida, this 19th IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR tion must file their claims with this dresses of the personal representative LESLIE TSIBULSKY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR day of May, 2020. SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS and the personal representative’s attor- 5 Highland Green MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S Harrison Sherry PROBATE DIVISION SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF ney are set forth below. Victor, New York 14564 DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. May 22, 2020 20-01051S File No. 2020 CP 001588 NC All creditors of the decedent and oth- Attorney for Personal Representative: IN RE: ESTATE OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE. The date of first publication of this ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS er persons having claims or demands JOHN A. MORAN, ESQ., Attorney Notice is May 22, 2020. HERBERT E. COCKS, against the decedent’s estate on whom Florida Bar Number: 718355 Deceased. NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER Personal Representative: FIRST INSERTION BARRED. a copy of this notice is required to be DUNLAP & MORAN PA THOMAS CHOLANKERIL The administration of the estate of served must file their claims with this P.O. Box 3948 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE NOTWITHSTANDING ANY c/o 1515 Ringling Blvd., 10th Floor Herbert E. Cocks, deceased, whose date court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER Sarasota, FL 34230 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PE- Sarasota, Florida 34236 of death was November 26, 2019, is OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME Telephone: (941) 366-0115 Big Jim Self Storage intends to sell the RIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO Attorney for Personal Representative: pending in the Circuit Court for Sara- OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF Fax: (941) 365-4660 personal property described below to (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE RICHARD R. GANS sota County, Florida, Probate Division, THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER E-Mail: [email protected] enforce a lien imposed on said property DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS Florida Bar Number: 0040878 the address of which is 2000 Main THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY Secondary E-Mail: under the Florida Self Storage Facility BARRED.
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