The one great rule We will serve no group or party but of composition is to will hew hard to speak the truth. the truth as we find Ot.loto it and the right as —Thoreau Ohotrurt we see it. An Independent Liberal Weekly Newspaper Vol. 48 TEXAS, JULY 25, 1956 10c per copy No. 14 State Offices on Line Saturday AUSTIN Monday night television program that The Democratic voters of .Texas Shivers-Daniel Meeting, Money, was presented on stations all over the go to their school .houses and fire state. stations SatUrday to 'vote for the W. Lee O'Daniel boasted he'd win men they want to run Texas govern- CIO's . Role Are Hotly . Debated without a runoff. "When I sell thein ment and politics for the next two they stay sold,". he said "I learned in areas of public ethics, labor-man- "He was driven to the back door of that ixi the f tour business." years. agement relations, state taxation, so- the Governor's Mansion that night. Precinct conventions will decide cial welfare, states' rights, and inte- He conferred with the Governor Daniel asked hoW "a man" (O'Dan-, whether the loyalists who won the gration of the schools: (Shivers) alone. He left at night and iel) "can say he's running on the Golden Rule", and then "seem to be' Presidential • conventions of May. or Most voters have probably made up was flown out of Austin. Shortly trying tomake it appear that . I'm still the forces that have been led until re- their minds, but the candidates -let fly thereaftcr he announced for Governor cently by Allan Shivers will control I know this because the man Who a member of the Veterans' . Land With last-minute - sensations, nonethe- Board.", 0 'the..Texas. Democratic Party. In . the less. took him told me so," Haley said. backgrourtd is the question of the re- The Observer contacted Haley at Reuben Senterfitt charged' that placement of the Shivers-appointed J. Evetts Haley charged that Price Odein, and he said he was certain that Daniel "sold out" Texas conservatives State Democratic Executive Commit- Daniel flew into Austin in a "private the report was correct. "Daniel still to get the backing of Lyndon Johnson tee at the Septeiriber ,state convention. corporation" plane and conferred with has plenty of time to deny it, but all by avoiding "any mention" of the At the stake in the first primary is Governor Shivers at the Mansion, Texas knows by now he hasn't got the May or July political conventions. the direction of the state government leaving the 'same night. guts," Haley said. Senterfitt said he had been ap- Ralph Yarborough spoke to 1,500 proached by agents of the highest- followers' at Fort Worth and was in- spending candidate (Daniel) trying to terrupted 15 times for applause. He get him out of the race. He said he Belden. Sells His Poll noted the Daniel billboards advertis- refused. • J. J. Holmes said he knows 'who --Mg the "junior senator" as "b9st for DALLAS has not offered the poll to any news- Texas." "They made a mistake there," killed Sam McCollum III in the car- The Observer has learned that papers in the last three weeks and Yarborough said. "They Should have bombing at Brady. He also said he is Joe Belden sells his "Belden Poll" that whoever buys it is prohibited said 'best for the Texas Company'." for integration of the schools. Con- from publishing it. tacted about this at Mathis by the Ob- on the governor's race to private in- Daniel said at Kerrville that "Wal- "Two months before the election server, he added : "But I'm not trying terests, including politicians, and ter Reuther and the northern and to be the candidate of the nigger race." will not publish another one before. we stop doing anything publicly," Bel- Eastern . CIO" are trying to elect den told the Observer. He said the Several Rotarians walked out on the election. their candidate for governor," who, he Haley at Beeville when he . said the newspapers can't pay enough for it, said, "is the. same one the CIO sup- It is also understood here on good and "there is a great demand for it Supreme _Court integration decision authority that the last BeIden Poll, ported last time." He also showed his • is "pure blasphemy." Others ap- commercially, and a greater opportun- workers in Kerrville a photograph of completed about two weeks ago, ity for a profit." plauded. showed Ralph Yarborough first, W. Reuther presenting a check for $75,- The head of the Young Democratic Lee O'Daniel second, and Price Dan- He said he sells it to candidates or - 000 to the N.A.A.C1P. Clubs of Texas, Rep. Edgar Berlin, iel third.' people interested in candidates. "We- Yarborough charged Daniel has a announced the group asked all candi- A reporter quoted a Daniel sup- ye done lots of work for Allan Shiv- $1,250,000 - fund with which he is dates for governor if they would sup- - porter as saying that a Belden Poll ers in years past and for Senator blanketing state radio and television port the DemOcratic nominees: "Ralph (as of 30) had been bought by a Johnson ... they've bought it thein- the last week. Daniel said the figure Yarborough was the only gubernator- privte party and showed Daniel first, selves." Had Senator Price Daniel was incorrect and is actually $12,500. ial- candidate who gave us an unquali- Yarborough second, and O'Daniel bought it this year ? he was asked. Daniel had Fess Parker, the Texas fied pledge," Berlin said. third. Joe Greenhill, Daniel's cam- "We'll have to let him tell you 'yes actor who played Davy Crockett in (See pages 4, 5, and 8 for other paign manager, said Daniel didn't buy or no'," Belden replied. the movie and on television; on a details.) it,• and he, Greenhill, knows nothing about it. - . • The Observer understood that this poll was offered to some daily news- Ralph W riorough, papers and was rejected for publica- tion, but Belden has an entirely differ- ent explanaticin. An Editorial Belden says categorically that he . AUSTIN sifts through the stacks of notes for example, Historian Haley, who Drouth Aid Awaited For four years Ralph Yarbor- and cliPpingS. for the essential ele- knows a fact frorn a fancy and does ough warned the people of the ment,, a real - love .of the people is not confuse them, revealed that AUSTIN- Austin corruption. At some points -still the best, decisive trait in a Daniel .flew into Austin in the .dead Farmers and ranchers across .Texas even his friends thought he was candidate. Never, at any pOint of night to confer with Shivers, are waiting' to see what U.S. Depart- since the race took form, .has.,there sneaking out of town the same ment of Agriculture officials will do too insistent, too persistent... The been the faintest doubt that Ralph night a n d announcing shortly about a drouth :relief program for the veterans' land and insurance scan- state proposed by the newly appointed dals, permanent stains on the his- Yarborough is the people's candi- thereafter. Daniel is , the approved Dropth Emergency. COmmittee. tory of Texas, have finally con- date. Shivers candidate,- there is no Kenneth L.. -Scott, U. S. D. 'A. di- vinced all right-thinking people Price Daniel, who joined Shiv- doubt about that. rector of agricultural credit service, that Ralph Yarborough was right. ers in . supporting the Republican This isia time for Texas.citizens the:plan' Which calls for nominees in 1952, says he is "best to right, at the ballot box, the is 'studying When the people went to their aid to TeXas farmers . in purchasing • for .Texas',". and Yarborough. quite wrongs that have . been stored up conventions last May, they had to feed and roughage. The prOposal • is accurately insists that he should in their Austin government. They that certificates for .$1 or More be choose between Allan . Shivers and have said, ."best for the Texas cannot do it by voting for the Shiv- his corrupt . administratiOn on one granted for each 100 pounds of feed Cotnpany." W..Lee O'Daniel says ers-heir Or the demagogue O'Dan- or -roughage needed, with county corn-. hand and Lyndon Johnson and the he's' the "Cointhon citizen's candi- ,iel. In this hot and dusty summer mittees - todetermine those eligible and loyal Dernocrats of. Texas on the' date," he who tried to burden all of 1956, Ralph Yarborough, a their needs. other. They rejected Shivers and The proposal was sent to Scott by the people of Texas with' a two Christian gentleman,' the only all his cohorts by a margin some perCent sales tax on everything steady • Democrat in the race, a Agricultural Cornmissioner • John say was ten to one. White with a letter saying that "long- they bily, he who voted Republican friend of workers, farmers, and range emergency credit is needed deS- Standing. with the people in this in the Senate more often than any small business, the champion of a perately.....we need more than just decisive verdict was one, and only Democratic .senator from 1942 to fine, progressive program f o r enough to keep our livestock alive. one, of • the six gubernatorial can- 1948. Reuben Senterfitt wants the Texas, is the symbol and the per- The farmers and "ranchers must have didates. His name again was Ralph support of the oil millionaires but sonification of this state's future. extended credit and loans or they can't .
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