SEM Newsletter Published by the Society for Ethnomusicology Volume 39 Number 1 January 2005 President’s Report 2004 SEM 2005 Atlanta: SEM 2005 Atlanta: By Timothy Rice, SEM President Call for Proposals Emory Welcomes SEM I want to begin my President’s re- By Judy McCulloh & Bruno Nettl, By Crystal Cheng and Tong Soon Lee port by thanking some of the people Program Committee Co-Chairs for the SEM 2005 Local Arrangements who have made this year such a suc- Committee The Society for Ethnomusicology cessful one for the Society for will hold its 50th annual meeting, No- Ethnomusicology. First, I would like to Emory University is honored to host vember 16-20, 2005, in Atlanta, Geor- th thank the annual meeting Local Ar- the 50 anniversary conference of the gia, at the Sheraton Colony Square. rangements Chair, Janet Sturman, and Society for Ethnomusicology in 2005. Our host will be Emory University. the Program Committee Chair, Larry Robert A. Paul (Dean of Emory College This meeting marks a very special Witzleben. We are fortunate that both and Charles Howard Candler Professor milestone, the 50th anniversary of the have been particularly creative: Janet in of Anthropology and Interdisciplinary her mustering of resources from the Society’s founding in 1955. Our meet- Studies), Stephen Crist (Chair, Depart- University of Arizona and the local ing in Atlanta will celebrate this anni- ment of Music), and the Local Arrange- community, and Larry in the creation of versary by reflecting on our history and ments Committee at Emory extend a a space for plenary sessions and his anticipating our future. We will also warm invitation to SEM members to imaginative construction of panels. I welcome the kinds of events and pre- come to Atlanta, Georgia. might add that the Program Committee sentations that members normally ex- The conference will be held in the had a strikingly international cast this pect at an annual meeting. Sheraton Midtown Atlanta Hotel at The annual Charles Seeger lecture Colony Square, November 16-20, 2005. year. th Besides conferences, the main mis- will be delivered by Anthony Seeger Come celebrate the 50 anniversary of sion of our Society is the publication of (University of California, Los Angeles). the founding of SEM in Atlanta, a bus- a scholarly journal and a newsletter. There will be a pre-conference sympo- Continued on page 5 Thanks are due to the Journal editor, sium on November 16, 2005, on the theme of “Race and Place: Invoking Peter Manuel, and the Newsletter edi- Call for Papers for New Music Identities” (more informa- tor, Tong Soon Lee. Both have the tion on the pre-conference will be an- Special Issue of Eth- magical capacity to make their jobs look nounced soon) easy when they surely are not. nomusicology The conference theme is SEM at 50, Continued on page 3 with the following sub-themes: By Peter Manuel, Editor, Ethnomusi- cology Inside (1) The history of ethnomusicology. This is part of our looking to the past, To commemorate the 50th anniver- 1 President’s Report 2004 tracing how we’ve gotten to where we’ll sary of the founding of SEM, the journal, 1 SEM 2005 Atlanta: Call for Papers be in 2005. This is admittedly a very Ethnomusicology, will devote one or 1 SEM 2005 Atlanta: An Emory Welcome broad topic, but one that should en- possibly two issues to articles reflecting 1 Ethnomusicology Special Issue courage an intriguing array of papers. upon various aspects of the field. While 4 2004 SEM Election Results (2) The history of SEM. This is also some of the contents will derive from 4 2004 SEM Silent Auction open-ended, ideally leading to varied papers presented at the 2005 annual 6 SEM Prizes & Awards kinds of papers as well. We might add, conference, in the interests of obtaining 7 Some Notes on Our Origins to the extent they have connections a great diversity of perspectives, we 8 People & Places in Ethnomusicology with SEM, the history of other learned hereby invite submissions from any 9 Announcements societies. SEM members who feel inspired to 10 Grants & Fellowships If looking backward is instructive, so is contribute. Articles need not be long or 12 ICTM: Music and Minorities “research”-oriented. The commemora- 13 Call for Papers looking around us at the contemporary scene. This suggests the following: tive issues, which would be jointly 13 Position Announcement: New Edi- edited by myself and two or three tor for Ethnomusicology (3) Areas neglected by SEM and ethno- others, would appear in early 2006 and 14 Obituary: José Maceda (1917-2004) musicology generally, such as ap- possibly late 2005. I sincerely encour- 17 2005 SEM Chapter Meetings proaches to research and analysis, or age readers to take this opportunity to 19 2005 Korean Music Workshop Continued on page 5 offer their thoughts on our field. 19 Conferences Calendar 2 SEM Newsletter The Society for Ethnomusicology and SEM Newsletter Guidelines the SEM Newsletter Guidelines for Contributors Editor, SEM Newsletter Tong Soon Lee Emory University •Send articles to the editor by e-mail or on a 3.5" disk with a paper copy. Department of Music Microsoft Word is preferable, but other Macintosh or IBM-compatible software 1804 North Decatur Road Atlanta, GA 30322, USA is acceptable. (Tel) 404.712.9481 (Fax) 404.727.0074 • Identify the software you use. (Email) [email protected] • Please send faxes or paper copies without a disk only as a last resort. (Website) www.emory.edu/Music The SEM Newsletter Advertising Rates Copy Deadlines The SEM Newsletter is a vehicle for exchange of ideas, news, and information among the Society’s Rates for Camera Ready Copy March issue.................. January 15 members. Readers’ contributions are welcome and Full Page $200 May issue ....................... March 15 should be sent to the editor. See the guidelines for contributions on this page. 2/3 Page $145 September issue ................ July 15 The SEM Newsletter is published four times 1/2 Page $110 January issue .......... November 15 annually, in January, March, May, and September, by the Society for Ethnomusicology. Inc., and is 1/3 Page $ 6 0 distributed free to members of the Society. 1/6 Page $ 4 0 Back issues, 1981-present [Vols. 14-18 (1981- 84), 3 times a year; Vols. 19-32 (1985-1998), 4 times Additional charges apply to non-camera-ready materials. a year] are available and may be ordered at $2 each. Add $2.50/order for postage. Address changes, orders for back issues of the SEM Newsletter, and all other non-editorial inquir- Internet Resources British Forum for Ethnomusicology ies should be sent to the Business Office, Society for Ethnomusicology, Indiana University, Morrison http://www.bfe.org.uk Hall 005, 1165 East 3rd Street, Bloomington, Indiana The SEM Website 47405-3700; (Tel) 812.855.6672; (Fax) 812.855.6673; British Library National Sound (Email) sem@ indiana.edu. http://www.ethnomusicology.org Archive SEM Membership The SEM Discussion List: SEM-L The object of the Society for Ethnomusicology International Music Collection: To subscribe, address an e-mail mes- is the advancement of research and study in the http://www.bl.uk/collections/sound- field of ethnomusicology, for which purpose all sage to: [email protected]. interested persons, regardless of race, ethnicity, archive/imc.html religion, gender, sexual orientation, or physical abil- EDU. Leave the subject line blank. Type ity are encouraged to become members. Its aims the following message: SUBSCRIBE SEM- Catalog: include serving the membership and society at large http://cadensa.bl.uk through the dissemination of knowledge concern- L yourfirstname yourlastname. ing the music of the world’s peoples. The Society, SEM Chapter Websites Ethnomusicology OnLine (EOL) incorporated in the United States, has an interna- tional membership. Mid-Atlantic Chapter Free, peer-reviewed, multimedia Web Members receive free copies of the journal journal. For more information, point and the newsletter and have the right to vote and http://www.macsem.org participate in the activities of the Society. Life mem- your browser to: bers receive free copies of all publications of the Mid-West Chapter http://umbc.edu/eol (home site) Society. Institutional members receive the journal and the newsletter. http://www.wku.edu/midwestsem/ EthnoFORUM, a.k.a. ERD (inactive) Student (full-time only) (one year) ............. $30 Niagara Chapter Individual/Emeritus (one year) Archive at: http://www.inform.umd. income $25,000 or less .............................. $50 http://www.people.iup.edu/ edu/EdRes/ReadingRoom/Newsletters/ income $25,000-$40,000 ............................ $70 rahkonen/NiagaraSEM/NiagaraSEM.htm EthnoMusicology/ income $40,000-$60,000 ............................ $80 income $60,000-$80,000 ............................ $95 Northeast Chapter International Council for Tradi- income $80,000 and above ..................... $100 http://web.mit.edu/tgriffin/necsem/ tional Music Spouse/Partner Individual (one year) ......... $35 Life membership .......................................... $900 Southwest Chapter http://www.ethnomusic.ucla.edu/ Spouse/Partner Life ................................... $1100 http://www.u.arizona.edu/~sturman/ ICTM Sponsored* (one year) .................................. $35 Institutional membership (one year) .......... $80 SEMSW/SEMSWhome.html Iranian Musicology Group Overseas surface mail (one year) ................ $10 Southern California Chapter http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ Overseas airmail (one year) ......................... $25 *Donated membership for individuals
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