Official Organ of the Irish Tourist Association Vol. XIV. J. o. 3. DECE... 1BER, 1938. omplim ntary A Country Road, near AchUl, in Mayo. I RI S HTRA VEL December, 1938. Su9t~! FISHGUARD to CORK Leave Paddington *5.55 p.m. Every Tues., Thurs. and Sat. LIVERPOOL to DUBLIN Leave Euston *6.5 p.m. SaiII0.15p.m. Nightly (Sun. ex.) LIVERPOOL to BELFAST Leave Euston ·6.5 p.m. SaiII0.15p.m. Nightly (Sun. ex.) GLASGOW to BELFAST Direct. Sail from Glasgow 10 p.m. t Nightly (Sundays eX.1 GLASGOW to DUBLIN Direct. Mon. Wed. Sat. 5.15 p.m. via Greenock. Fridays at 1 p.m. GLASGOW to DERRY via Greenock. Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday t Saturdays 10.30 p.m. -. ~:.,., . :Jhis UJ intet" 5 Gt"eatesr ~. Ct"uise ~f; .~I~··I-I.llitff~t,;'I~ti~al~ ~ t\'\.. 5UU5bib~;. --,_ ~_",_~_~:~_._ •• .!~ ";~-::;.=.:.~W ,~,~~... f6,OOO"lUilcz5 of CANARY I LES, AFRICA BANK OF IRELAND (Senegal), SOUTH A fERICA, ESTABUSHED 1783. PANA fA, WEST INDIES, BAHM1.A.S, FLORIDA, MADEIRA FACILITIES FOR TRAVELLERS b.'1 the !av9w'ilc cmisi?lg liner AT .. LACONIA" (20,000 ions) Head Office: COLLEGE GREEN,DUBLIN From Liverpool JAN. 26 BELFAST •• CORK •, DERRY From Southampton JAN. 28 AND 100 TOWNS THROUGHOUT IRELAND; 52 days from 100 gns. Apply to your local agent or Ounard White St§LT Ltd. Dublin, Oobh, Liverpool. '" EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE ... ., BUSINESS TRAj\";ACTED ON ARRIVAL OF LINERS BY DAY 011 NIGHT AT COllH (QUEENSTOWN) AND GALWAY DOCKS. l Cuoard White Star ,. IRISH TRAVEL December. 1938. Wbolesale from lbe SUBSCRIPTION : Irlsb Tonrlsl Assoclatlon 5/- PER ANNUM. and from Posl Free. Bason & Son. Ltd. COPIES FREE IRISH Relall Irom TO ALL MEMBERS all Newsagenls and OF THE Irom Ibe ASSOCIATION AND Irlsb Tourlsl AssocIation OF ITS ASSOCIATE PrIce 3d. DEPARTMENT. TRAVEL Official Organ of the Irish Tourist Association, Dublin No, 3. VOL. XIV. DECEMBER, 1938. CHRISTMAS IN IRELAND At Christmas, Christmas in Ireland long ago ,It Christmas, Christmas in Ire'!and to-da)' Without the wind might bluster and without They keep the festive season in the the wind might blo'll', same old-fashioned way Within was peace and friendship and the kind .1nd greet both kin and stranger with word word to and fro, and welcom.e gay At Christmas, Christl1UIs in Ireland long ago. Lit Christmas, Christmas in Ireland to-do)" HRISTMAS in Ireland! The done for hundreds of Christmases, work hop, field or office to meet at climate there is mild and the to guide the stranger and the way­ home together for this one day of C winter green is vivid: tradi­ farer to the Open Door offering, the year. And the home, bedecked tion still holds its place in the hearts helter to the lonely and homele s. with the red and green of holly of men and women and grand old. Peace and Goodwill !--many and ivy, its tah1es weighty with the good cheer of Christmas fare, sparkles customs are honoured in their another Christmas custom shine observance. brightly upon this hidden pathway. in the gay garb of its festivity. Here will be found "Peace and Carol singers fare forth like Good Christmas in Ireland! Where Friendship and the kind word to \Venceslas of old, upon a mis ion t.he Old Year draws to a warm and fro"; here will be seen the of charity, Wherever possible, the friendly close and the Tew Year, lighted candles burning in the far-scattered members of the Irish about to emerge from Winter dark­ unshuttered windows, as they have household lay aside the cares of ness, is awaited with wise serenity. ~~~~~~ "'~. .' ~~~ ~~~:~ ~-~,~ . OU,. Wisb fO,. , ,. :' ~rincipal qtonttnts ~i~ PAGE, Cb,.istmas " Notes and News .... .... 46'" Christmas in Ireland 47 ~.',. Short Story fCl Christmas: Paddy at ~omt &: ~btrStas ~ McShane's Goose !' ,. 1938DECEMDER938 I By F. R, Casserly 49'1 SiotcA1n 18 ~UN THU FRI SAT ~ ':!'I~"~:": MON TUES WED ~, CuriositiesWhat D.S.AroundLikesIrelandAhout Us .... 5521 SUA1nceAS _, ' By H, Sheehy Skeffington """'- ~ 1"::, "">. 1 2 3 .q'. :>Iountair 'ring in Ireland-&­ CnOl'Oe ~,b: Dingle, Cork and Beara 4 5 6 7 8 q 10 .~ By Ctaude IVa!l 54 ~ : (PEACE AND JOY) ~ 16 17 ;:~:e:;~~;~ ~i~ ~nb ~an!, ~app!, 11 12 13 14 15 " '. Limerick inBy r;. a;.d 39 I I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Radio Eireann 61 ~: ~ I J;lolibaps in 31rtlanb ~ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 A Directory of Irish Hotels .... 63:. :.N:~~~~~~~~'~ ~:~~~~~~~ ,.~ ~7fr-4Gtr~~~p:J1)~~.p:-~ ~7':~J?:':itfJff!':'¥l~ .. ~~~ 45 IRiSH TRAVEL December, 1938. NOTES AND NEWS Still more Questions .. Beauty by the Wayside Still More Questions. Beauty by the Wayside. TILL the questions come, and are welcomed on Visiting motorists-and their numbers are increasing all si~es. Our first " Questions" feature evoked every year-have nothing but praise for Irish roads S such mterest among readers of November Irish and Irish scenery. They are attracted by our smooth, Travel that we have been asked to make the December uncrowded highways and by the beauty and variety feature a competitive one. So, in this issue no answers of the landscapes through which they pass. will be given to the questions but the first all-correct The Local Government Authorities have recently put ~et opened by the LT.A. on 19th December will entitle into operation an experimental scheme designed to Its sender to receive Irish Travel every month during render Irish highways still more attractive. :Many vistas of remarkable beauty are at present hidden from 1939· our roads by walls, banks, or hedgerows. The intention Send in your replies to reach us before the 19th is to have such obstacles removed wherever possible. December to" Questions," The Irish Tourist Association, In all districts roadside views of distant scenery will Dpper O'Connell Street, Dublin. be improved in this manner. ~or this purpose small grants, totalling £5,000, are reland Loses a Good Friend. bemg made to County Conncils throughout the country. \\'e announce, with deep regret, the recent death The works to be carried out under these grants will be of an American Patron of the IRISH TOURIST completed before the opening of the next Tourist Season. ASSOCIATION-Mr. D. F. Kelly, veteran state merchant and Civic Leader of Chicago, D.S.A. He was President of the Fair, Chicago Department Can You Answer? .... store chain, from 1925 until April, 1938, when he retired, but continued to act as Director. He was also an I.T.A. Leading Questions incorporator and trustee of the Century of Progress Exposition and a director 1. Over what Gate in Ireland were these lines in numerous Corporations, inscribed :- as well as a promoter of " From the furious 0'Flaherties many civic activities. Oh Lord, deliver us"? He was a true friend to 2. What happened at Killala, in 1798? Ireland. He granted the LT.A. facilities for a Tourist 3. Where are these places situated:­ Bureau in the main building Ballydehob, Mullinavat, Knockcroghery, Bettys­ of the Fair store and gave town,. Virginia, Tinahely, Sixmilebridge, generously of his time and Hosp~tal. sympathy to every move- 4. In what poem and written by whom do these The Jale D. F. Kelly or ChIcago. ~ent directed towards. ~he lines occur? Improvement of the pOSItIon of Irish people in D.S.A. or to the welfare and prosperity " Powerfulest preacher and tinderest teacher And llindliest creahtr~ in Old Donegal." of Ireland and the Irish at home. He is survived by his wife (formerly Miss Irene 5. What and where are any two of these:­ Sullivan), his daughter and his son-in-law Mr. and Mr . (a) The Devil's Mother; (h) The Gates of Charles Vogel and their children, Philip and Mary Vogel. Glory; (c) The Grey Mare's Tail? Mr. and Mrs. Vogel spent a long holiday at Carna, 6. \¥hat important Irish railway junction has a Connemara during 1937 and attended the Irish Tourist girl's name? Association Annual Lunch and Meeting at Dublin in the fall of that year. Answers next month-in Jamlary, 1939 Irish Travel. The sender of the first "all-correct" Appreciation. reply opened by the LT.A. will be forwarded I1-ish Travel for a period of twelve months " Eire of to-day has changed out of all recognition beginning January, 193CJ. ' in recent years. Its scenic charms remain lmspoilt, .E~tries will be opened on December 19th and all but its hotels have been modernized and the visitor WIShing to compete must have their answers in may see the country in comfort.... before that day. Post or hand them in addressed " The greatest tribute to its charms, perhaps, is that to "Questions," The Irish Tourist Association the tourist invariably desires to make a return visit." O'ConneIl Street, Dublin. ' (The Times (London), September, 1938). 46 December, 1938. I RI S HTRA VEL DECEMBER 1938 "Be merry all, be merry all, With hvll'J deck the festive hall. Prepare the feast, the song, the ball To welcome .V[erry Christma." HOTEL ARRANGEMENTS FOR CHRISTMAS. Royal Marine, Dun Laoghaire.-Golf, Bridge s always, many Irish Hotels have made arrange­ and Billiard , Carnival ments to celebrate with their guests the festivities Dance, Horse Racing, Fancy A of the gay season of Christma. The coming Dre. s Cabaret, &c. En feast for.1938 will find the spirit of tradition as strong Pension rates: 21/6 per as usual m Ireland and the old customs will be observed day (all in) for not less as faithfully as ever in our unhurried pace of life.
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