Balgowlah North Public School 10 Manning Street, North Balgowlah, 2093 T: 9949 4499 E: [email protected] W: www.balgowlahn-p.schools.nsw.edu.au GENERAL ENROLMENT PROCESS LOCAL STUDENTS Welcome to the Northern Beaches Learning Alliance (NBLA) and neighbouring schools. NBLA Schools Balgowlah Heights Public School Balgowlah North Public School Beacon Hill Public School Brookvale Public School Curl Curl North Public School Dee Why Public School HarborD Public School Manly Vale Public School Manly Village Public School Manly West Public School Narraweena Public School Seaforth Public School Other Local schools include Allambie Heights Public School Cromer Public School LOCAL ENROLMENT APPLICATION Balgowlah North Public School accepts applications for enrolment from local students (resiDing in our school’s intake area). An enrolment application can only be accepteD if the proof of adDress confirms the chilD as living in our school’s intake area. Please note: Norfolk IslanD permanent resiDents anD New ZealanD citizens holDing a current New ZealanD citizen passport anD resiDing in our school’s intake area may be admitteD in the same manner as Australian permanent resiDents. An application for a local enrolment can only be processeD if parents can proviDe eviDence of: 1. Proof of stuDent's local address - originals of Different Documents such as your council rates notice or resiDential lease anD electricity bill, Driver’s licence, statutory Declaration (100 point adDress checks may be conDucteD at the time of enrolment. See ResiDential ADDress Check on page 2. 2. Any family law or other relevant court orDers (if applicable). 3. A student's birth certificate or iDentity Documents 4. An immunisation history statement baseD on the Australian Immunisation Register Balgowlah North Public School 10 Manning Street, North Balgowlah, 2093 T: 9949 4499 E: [email protected] W: www.balgowlahn-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Residential Address Check (as per DoE Enrolment Policy) Document showing the full name of the child’s parent Points 1. Only one of (i.e. no adDitional points for adDitional Documents): 1.1. Council rates notice 1.2. Lease agreement through a registereD real estate agent for a perioD of at 40 least 6 months or rental boarD bonD receipt 1.3. ExchangeD contract of sale with settlement to occur within the applicable school year 2. Any of the following: 2.1. Private rental agreement for a perioD of at least 6 months 20 each 2.2. Centrelink payment statement showing home adDress 2.3. Electoral roll statement 3. Any of the following: 3.1. Electricity or gas bill showing the service adDress* 3.2. Water bill showing the home adDress* 3.3. Telephone or internet bill showing the home adDress* 3.4. Drivers licence or government issueD ID showing the home adDress* 15 each 3.5. Home builDing or home contents insurance showing the service adDress 3.6. Motor vehicle registration or compulsory thirD party insurance policy showing home adDress 3.7. Statutory Declaration stating the chilD’s resiDential adDress, how long they have liveD there, anD any supporting information or Documentation of this. (*) up to three months olD Balgowlah North Public School 10 Manning Street, North Balgowlah, 2093 T: 9949 4499 E: [email protected] W: www.balgowlahn-p.schools.nsw.edu.au NON-LOCAL ENROLMENT APPLICATION Welcome to the Northern Beaches Learning Alliance (NBLA) and neighbouring schools. NBLA Schools Balgowlah Heights Public School Balgowlah North Public School Beacon Hill Public School Brookvale Public School Curl Curl North Public School Dee Why Public School HarborD Public School Manly Vale Public School Manly Village Public School Manly West Public School Narraweena Public School Seaforth Public School Other Local schools include Allambie Heights Public School Cromer Public School NON-LOCAL ENROLMENT APPLICATION In most instances our school will be unable to accept enrolment applications from stuDents residing outside the school’s intake area. As a matter of process any enrolment application from an out of area student will be referred to the student’s local designated Public School. A request for an out of area application may then be submitted for consideration by the school’s enrolment panel. (9.4.3) Please note: Most schools significantly restrict the number of “Non-Local Enrolments”. NON-LOCAL ENROLMENT APPLICATION PROCESS 1. Parents in the first instance are requested to make an application for enrolment at their designated local school (accorDing to school intake maps) 2. Parents may make an application for a Non-Local Enrolment for a school other than their local Public School baseD on the Department’s enrolment policy guiDelines for ‘out of area’ applications to be consiDereD by the school's enrolment panel anD accorDing to the Department's policy. 3. Criteria for non-local enrolment applications must be DocumenteD anD cannot be unlawfully Discriminatory. Criteria may include: 1. Siblings already enrolleD at the school 2. Proximity anD access to the school 3. MeDical reasons 4. Safety anD supervision of the stuDent before anD after school 5. Compassionate circumstances 6. Structure anD organisation of the school 7. Recent change in the local intake area bounDaries. 8. Family law/ Court OrDers Balgowlah North Public School 10 Manning Street, North Balgowlah, 2093 T: 9949 4499 E: [email protected] W: www.balgowlahn-p.schools.nsw.edu.au The principal may establish a panel consistent with section 9.4.3 (DoE Enrolment Policy) to Determine anD prioritise the criteria. Priority shoulD be given to siblings of currently enrolleD stuDents, where possible. Please note: Submission of this form does not imply acceptance of the enrolment. APPLICATION FOR NON-LOCAL ENROLMENT StuDent’s full name Date of birth Male/Female ResiDential adDress Home phone Parent 1./Carer Name: Mobile: Work: Parent 2./Carer Name: Mobile: Work: Allambie Heights Public School, Balgowlah Heights Public Please circle your School, Balgowlah North Public School, Beacon Hill Public local designated School, Brookvale Public School, Cromer Public School, Curl Curl school North Public School, Dee Why Public School, Harbord Public School, Manly Vale Public School, Manly Village Public School, Manly West Public School, Narraweena Public School, Seaforth Public School Present school or pre-school Current grade: Other schools applieD for I have attacheD a letter clearly stating reasons to support my application baseD on the criteria for enrolment of non-local stuDents (page 3) I have contacteD my DesignateD local Public School SigneD _________________________________ Date _______________________ OFFICE USE ONLY Date receiveD Place available ____/____/_____ Parents adviseD on Notes Balgowlah North Public School 10 Manning Street, North Balgowlah, 2093 T: 9949 4499 E: [email protected] W: www.balgowlahn-p.schools.nsw.edu.au TEMPORARY RESIDENTS ENROLMENT APPLICATION Welcome to the Northern Beaches Learning Alliance (NBLA) and neighbouring schools. NBLA Schools Balgowlah Heights Public School Balgowlah North Public School Beacon Hill Public School Brookvale Public School Curl Curl North Public School Dee Why Public School HarborD Public School Manly Vale Public School Manly Village Public School Manly West Public School Narraweena Public School Seaforth Public School Other Local schools include Allambie Heights Public School Cromer Public School For holDers of visitor, DepenDent stuDent, briDging or other temporary resiDent visas - enrolment enquiries shoulD be DirecteD to NSW government schools - Temporary ResiDents Program. Phone: +61 1300 300 229 Email: [email protected] Website: DEC International temporary resiDents Temporary residents Temporary resiDents must submit an application to the Temporary ResiDents Program to enrol in NSW government school in accorDance with the Enrolment of Non-Australian Citizens- ProceDures anD Eligibility Temporary resiDents may be enrolleD at a school if the school can accommoDate the enrolment. If a school is near capacity, temporary resiDents must be referreD to the next available school/s with capacity. International stuDents anD temporary resiDents seeking to enrol from another NSW government school, a non-government school or from outsiDe NSW must be referreD to DE International anD the Temporary ResiDent Program. Prior to the enrolment, these stuDents require an Authority to Enrol (ATE) anD payment of fees (if applicable). .
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