RICHARD H. BARSTO'vJ <0O, n'egesoaal., ot. JU'st, ~ '8 Near Penzance, Cornwall, England. V.A.T. No.132-7852-67 .' ORDER ING INFORMATION Mail orders are promptly filled and despatched on a 7-day examination basis, subject to approval. Immedlate refund guarante~l on return of specimen(s), in good condition. Please quote the name and the number of the specimen(s) required, and enclose P.O./~heque with order. All pri~es are inclusive of V.A.T. No charge is made for postage and packing, except for oversea .. customers and postage over 50p. We reserve the right to make slight substitutions, if necessarJ, unless advised to the contrary. Special requests and ",··ants lists" are \llelcome. We hope that we may be of some service to you, and assure you of our best attention at all times. DECEMBER 1974. 1. ADULARIA variety of Orthoclase. Val Cristallina, Graubunden, S\llitzerland. Specimen A-A large, sharp, glassy, translucent twinned sin,le crystal, with odd smaller crystals attached. 2xl:,xl~". £4.50; Specimen B-A group of three sharp, translucent, crystals in parallel growth, each crystal being approx. 1" in size. 2+xl:r". £3.25; Specimp.n C-A single complexly twinned crysta~ with a slight frosting of greenish Chlorite. lixlxl".£3.25. 2. ALASKAITE. Alaska Mine, Poughkeepsie Gulch, Silverton, San Juan Co., Colorado, U.S.A. Rich, silvery grey, metallic masses intergrovTn vlitn white Barytes.lxl". £3.2;:'. 3. ANATASE. 1e Bourg d'Oisans, Isere, France•. single, very sharp, lustrous bla~kish crystal 3 rom in size, implanted on Sc -listose matrix 'ilith odo small !l.dularla ;;rystals in association. 2txlt". £1.65. 4. G1ESITE. Monteponi, Iglesias, Sardinia. A group of very sharp and well formed, terminated, water clear crystals, with odd small masses of Marcasite. The largest crystal is approx. 1 cm. in size. lxl". £13. 5. APATITE variety FRM~~OLITE. Fowey Consols Mine, Tywardreath, ~ornwall. Snall, translucent, aggregates of hexagonal crystals richly encrusting Quartz veinstuff. Specimen A ­ 3xH". £4.50; SpeClmen B- Hxl". £1.65. 6. ARAGONITE variety TAhNOWITZITE. New Glencrieff Mine, Wanlockhead, Dumfries. Thick, creamy white, lustrous, botryoidal crystaline mass associated with metallic cleavages of Gale::la. 3x2't". £3.25. 7. ARAGONITE. Frizington, West Cumberland. Sharp, milky white, translucent, elongated hexagonal crystals to I" in lengtr_, thickly intergrown on a matrix of light brown Ankerite crystals. Superb fluorescence/phosphorescence under u.v. light. 2ixltxl~", £7.75. 8. NATIVE ARSENIC, St. Andreasberg, Harz, Germany. Choice, ricl" grey metallic botryoidal mass asso~iated with a little Galena, CalCite, sLlvery micro crystals of Safflorite and small vlhitish crystals of Arsenolite.2x2{-xlt". £8.75. -2- AF,SENOPYRITE. United Mines, Gwennap, Cornwall. Bright, sharp, silvery crystals to 5 rom. in size, richly scattered in cavities in crystaline Quartz/~hlorite veinstuff with odd masses of blac..\dsh Chalcocite. 3x2". £5.50. 10. OPHYLLITE. Catcairn, Dundrod, Co. Antrim, N.Ireland. Lustrous, sharp, translucent crystals to til in size, richly encrusting Basalt matrix. 4x2t". £7.75. 11. APOPHYLLITE. ussig, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia. Sharp, lustro~~) whitish translucent crystals to 1 em. in size scattered on small Quartz crystals with odd sharp octahedral crystcls of pale green Fluorite covering a Gneissose rock. 3tx2". £4.50. 12. AXINITE. Obira Mine, Oita Prefecture, Japan. Choice, pure mass, of sharp, lustrous, terminated ~love brown crystal~ to ~" in.'-tize middy'. encrusting massi. ve Axinite. 3x22 x2t". £22. 13. AZUHITE. Ting-Tang Mine, Gwennap, Cornwall. Rich, bright blue, crystaline masses intergrown with dark ~rey Chalcocite and a little greenish Malachite. 2 4 x2". £2.27'- 14. BARYTES. SettlingstonffiMine, Hexham, Northumberland. Fine, sharp, mili,y coloured wed~e shaped crystals, mostly around 1 em. in size, thickly encrusting massive Wither_te matrix. lttx2". £7.75. 15. BISMUTHINITE. East Pool Mine, Illogan, Cornwall. Rich, silvery metallic, bladed crystals thickly~gregated in Quartzose matrix. An old label is attached to the specimen. lxlxi". £3.25- 16. BROOKITE. M3gnet Cove, Garland ~o., rkansas, U.S.A. Superb, sharp, doubly terminated, blackish crystals to It ~n. in size, scattered over a group of crude hexagonal smoky Quartz crystals. 31xl!xn·". £8.75. 17. ,;iU.(;ITE. Ne\o/ Glencrieff Mine, 'Iianlo~khead, Dumfries. A choice group of milky coloured 'dog tooth' habit ~rystals showing much paraTIel growth and with a fine dusting of small brassy Pyrites. The crystals range in size up to 2" in length and the specimen is excellent for display. 5x4x2t" • £11. 18. ~LCITE. Herodsfoot Mine, Lanreath, Cornwall. Unusual, aggregates of miliW white nail-head crystals to til in size thickly encrusting a crystalised Quartz matrix with minor Galena in asso-:iation. 2~-xltxlt". £6.50. 19. CARPHOLITE. Schlaggenwald, Bohemia, ~.S.S.R. Rich, crystaline, fibrous ra iated, straw yellow masses covering Greisen matrix. ltxlt". £3.25. 20. CASSITEhITE. Kinta Valley, Malaya. A superb, and unusual, crystaline mass of white Cassiterite with patches showing a light brown zoning and odd masses of greenish Apatite. Some crude ~rystal faces are developed around the edge of -/ the specimen. 6xltx2t" - weight approx. 7 Ibs. - £22. 21. CASSITEF,ITE variety "Sparable Tin". viheal Metal, Breage, Cornwall. Well formed, lustrous, elongated, terminated needly crystals thickly encrusting cavities in Quartz/ Cassiterite/Slate matrix. Specimen A- Rich vein sectio~ ­ 2tx2xlt". £7.75; Specimen B- 2x2". £3.25. 22. CASSITERITE. Kit Hill Mine, Nr. Callington, Cornwall. Bright, lustrous, sharp blackish crystals to It rom. in size linjng cavities in coarse crystaline ~assiterite. l~xltxH'''' £5.50. -3- cASSITEF.ITE - Alluvia1 "Wood Tin~. Bej owans Tin-Stream Works, Sancreed, Cornwall. Pure, dark brown, pebbles 8nd botryoidal masses of fibrous "Iyood tin"; these Here collected during the midd~e of the last century. A lot c~ 9 pebbles varying in size from t" - I". £4.50 the lot. 24. CERUSSITE. Broken Hill, N.S. vlales, Australia. Choice, pure, mass of lustrous I bright, snow Hhite, sharp, reticulated crystals. 3xltxl:.... '. £11. 25. CHP.LCOPYnITE. Treece, Cherokee ~o., Kansas, U.S.A. Sharp, brassy, sphenoidal crystals, some with a slight irridescGn~ tarnish, mostly aroun 4 rom. in size, thickly scattered over curved saddle shaped crystals of Dolomite encrusting Chert rna trix. 5xJ~-x2". £13. 26. SrlAL-':OPYRITE. camp Bird Hine, OurDY, Colorado, U.S... Fine, very bright, bassy metallic t\Vinned -::rystals to t" in size, scattered over small sharp, lustrous, termin3ted, translucent Quartz cryst81s, with odd masses of brownish Sphalerite in association. 7x2t". £13. 27. CHALCOPYRITE. ~rn BiGa Mine, Illogan, -':ornwall. Small, sharp, slightly tarnished, crystals scattered on a matrix of light brovTI lenticular Siuerite Grystals, with oda small cubes of rlJorite a~d small sparkling black plates of Specularite. 11,-xli". £1.25. 28. CHALCEDONY. Pedn-an·-Drea Mine) F,edruth, Cornwall. Choice, translucent, botryoidal, tubose mass of interesting shap; and form. 2txl~xl". £3.25. 29. CHILDhENITE. George & ':harlotte Hine, Nr. Tavistock, Devon. Specimen A- S' all, lustrous, sharp, coffee brown crystals, richly aggregated anu sGattEred on a dark slaty matrix. 21,-x2t". £5.50; Specimen B- Very bright, sharp, trans­ parent coffee brolm crystals mostly around 1 mm. in size, richly aggregated o~ Quartz/Pyrite veinstuff. Itxlt".£4.50. 30. CINN AR. almaden, CUidad Real, Spain. Deep red, rich, mass intergrown \Vith Quartz. ThGre are odd sharp micro crystals of Cinnabar in plaGes and globules of silvery NATIVE MEhCURY. 51,-xJt". £8.75. 31. NATIVE COPPER. Copp r Falls Mine, Keweenaw Pen., Michigan, U.S.A. Choice, bright, metallic, hackly platy mass associated vlith small translucent crystals of CalGite enclosing Native Copper, on B3salt matrix. 2tx2xli". £5.50. 32. NATIVE COPPER. hite Pine Mine, White Pine, Michigan, U.S •• A superb, metal~ic, ribbed, thick sheet like plate of pure Native Copper with very minor ~ragments of adhering Slate. Excellent fpr display, 12x4" xt" thick. £16.50. v/ 33. CUPRITE. Burra-Burra, Yorke Pen., S. ustralia. A choice veir section cJns~ing of pure deep red massive Cuprite betweEn \Valls of bright green, lustrous, Chrysocolla with a ~ittle Malachite, 31,-x2xl" thick, I-lith an old label a-::companyin,3; the specimen. ;.4.50. 34. CUPFo.ITE.variety "Ttle Ore". Phoenix Mine, Linkinhorne, Cormrell. Itich, bricle red, masses thickly intergrOlYn Iyith small. fragments of Quartz and a little blackish !'1elaconitco 3X2tx2". £3.25. -4- CUPnITE. 'IIheal Virgin, GHemlap, ";ormlalL a s..lperb, rystJli eC: mass cJnsisting of brl t, deep red, octahedral crystals of Cuprite thickly in;;e~ rown '.lith a little metallic Native Copper to farm a large plate like cellular mass 8x5'xl" thick. This specimpn I'!JS colle.::ted during thE. hE.' day of Cornish copp .1' r. ining early l:Jst ~entury. £33. 36. DANBUEITE. Charcas, Son Lui Potosi, HexLco. A choi.::e group of sharp, lustrous, whitish elonbated terminated cryst,l~ mostly aroun ~." i h,.'lgth and asso<.:iated with odd brassy, sharp, crystals of Ch.Jlcopyritc. 2~x2". £lI. 37. DESCLOISITE. Berg AukflS. a a"i, S.',;. fr' a. SpE.dmen A- n unusual cellular pipe like mass of sharp, lustrous, brOlmish black cry::;;31s to 1;" in size. 4" long x H'xH·". £8; Specimen B- a flate of sharp, lustrous, lifht brown spear sh3ped crystals to t" in length. 2xl..". £3.5'0, 38. DOLOMITE. 'i'sumeb, Otavi, S.\I. l!.fri a. strange and interestin? long geode of brigh-:';, sharp, rhombic creamy white crysc'lls mostly ar'Jund til in size, completely lining an elongate cavity. The outs~da cf the spe imen is also completely encrusted l'lith .::rys~als anti trere :1:ce 'oc nnsses of neealy green Mala chite cry3t.<11s in ph ces. 4--~x3txl-}" - with ~he cavity being appro:', ~).2xl}" in size - £lI. 39. EMBJLITE. Bro~en Hill, 1•• \'la1es, ustralia. Very rich oli'le green, lU.trous, .rrstaline m~sses thickly en.::rustin blackish Psilomclana matrix.
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