THE TM 911 Franklin Street Weekly Newspaper Michigan City, IN 46360 Volume 31, Number 7 Thursday, February 26, 2015 A FANGIRL‛S DREAM Trip to Wizard World Comic Con Surpasses Expectations by Kayla Weiss Since 1964, Comic Cons Diego meeting hall in July have united those with of 1964, it was no more similar interests so they than 100 people and one can swap stories, trade case of soda. Creator comic books and other nov- Bernie Bubnis invited elties...and just have a good Tom Gill, artist for “The time. In recent years, they’ve Lone Ranger,” for a seminar exploded in popularity, entering the dubbed “Chalk Talk,” where comic mainstream. book fans learned the ins and outs of drawing for When the fi rst Comic Con was held in a small San comics. Continued on Page 2 Beacher correspondent Kayla Weiss stands with James and Oliver Phelps, best known as Fred and George Weasley from the “Harry Potter” fi lms, at the Wizard World Comic Con in Indianapolis. THE Page 2 February 26, 2015 THE 911 Franklin Street • Michigan City, IN 46360 219/879-0088 • FAX 219/879-8070 In Case Of Emergency, Dial e-mail: News/Articles - [email protected] email: Classifieds - [email protected] http://www.thebeacher.com/ PRINTED WITH Published and Printed by TM Trademark of American Soybean Association THE BEACHER BUSINESS PRINTERS Delivered weekly, free of charge to Birch Tree Farms, Duneland Beach, Grand Beach, Hidden 911 Shores, Long Beach, Michiana Shores, Michiana MI and Shoreland Hills. The Beacher is also delivered to public places in Michigan City, New Buffalo, LaPorte and Sheridan Beach. ‛ FANGIRL S DREAM Continued from Page 1 If You Go Visit http://www.wizardworld.com/ for more information on upcoming Wizard World Comic Cons. The fi rst glimpse inside the Wizard World Comic Con in Indianapolis. Today, multiple companies host various Comic From the moment I entered the Indianapolis Cons for all sorts of fans all over the world. Major Convention Center at 10 a.m. that Saturday, I was studios debut footage from upcoming movies and TV energized, ready to explore new things and meet shows. Q&A panels feature noted celebrities rang- new people who shared similar interests. I’d already ing from William Shatner (“Star Trek”), to Matt Smith (“Doctor Who”) to Norman Reedus (“The Walking Dead”). Family friendly, there are no age restric- tions to attend. Fans range anywhere from 6 months old to 80 — all starry eyed and thrilled to be in the presence of their idols, as well as countless other fans who hold a shared appreciation. Valentine’s Day weekend, Indianapolis had the honor of hosting its fi rst Wizard World Comic Con, featuring esteemed celeb- rities such as Shatner, Karen Gillan (best known as travel companion Amy Pond on “Doctor Who”), Michael Rooker (“The Walk- ing Dead”), Lou Ferigno (“The Incredible Hulk”), Carroll Spinney (the voice and life of Big Bird on “Sesame Street”) and James and Oliver Phelps, best known as Fred and George Weasley in all eight “Harry Potter” fi lms. Just one of the many booths selling Golden Age and recent comic books. THE February 26, 2015 Page 3 SAVE MONEY NOW WITH LAST YEAR’S PRICES! Purchase a brand new in-the-box Furnace at 2014 prices. Don’t wait until the 2015 price An artist autographs his work for fans. increase! Purchase your new 95% to poured over the Wizard World Indianapolis Comic 98% high-effi cient furnace at Con website to chart my course of action. Packed to the breaking point, attendees buzzed through 2014 prices. the various booths selling everything from vintage comic books, to fi gurines, to artwork, to autographs Yes, that’s right…Not only will you save from celebrities in attendance. money on the cost of your new furnace, I made my way through the aisles, getting my bearings and making notes of places to revisit, but but every month your new furnace is my fi rst object of the day was to redeem my photo- operating you’re saving on your gas bill. op ticket with none other than the Phelps brothers. You can’t lose! I have been a die-hard “Harry Potter” fan since fi rst discovering the books when I was 10, even winning Maybe you’re worried about your old a “Harry Potter” contest at 12 through The News- furnace breaking down on the next cold Dispatch and organized by Andrew Tallackson. So, day and investing money in that old beast. the chance to have my photo taken with the Weas- ley twins was too good to pass up. On the way there, Our new Lennox furnaces are backed by a weaving through the rows of booths and salespeople, 10-Year Manufacturer’s Parts Warranty and I couldn’t help but stop and admire every costumed our Exclusive 2-Year Labor Warranty. Plus, person I came across: Princess Leia, Aladdin, Prin- Special Financing Options are Available. Continued on Page 4 Act Now ... 2014 Prices End Soon! Call Today For A FREE Home Comfort Evaluation. SERVICE REPAIR $25 OFF repairs that are $50.00 or over. Excludes Diagnostic Fee. Not valid on prior service or with other offers. Offer good at Michiana Mechanical. 219-874-2454 219-926-2550 www.MichianaMechanical.com A local comic book shop owner talks with Erynn Ellsworth about “Iron Man” comics. THE Page 4 February 26, 2015 lan and Shatner, while I returned to the main con- FANGIRL‛S DREAM Continued from Page 3 vention area, coming across more die-hard “Harry Potter” fans dressed like various characters, includ- cess Jasmine and Genie, Marty McFly from “Back ing Luna Lovegood, Rita Skeeter and Nymphadora to the Future,” Wraiths from the “Lord of the Rings” Tonks. There was so much to see and do, between trilogy and Gryffi ndor Quidditch players. a Lou Ferrigno sighting and Quidditch matches, I While all my friends crowded outside of Shatner’s couldn’t decide where to go next...until I found it. autograph booth, waiting to glimpse the legendary The DeLorean. Capt. James Tiberius Kirk himself, I was herded into one of 13 lines of people feverishly awaiting their once-in-a-lifetime opportunities: meeting the Weasley twins. Kayla sits inside the DeLorean used in the “Back to the Future” movies. Fans dressed up as “Harry Potter” characters, including (from left) Luna Lovegood, Nymphadora Tonks and Rita Skeeter. The only time- machine vehicle I nervously chatted away with another die-hard still in perfect Harry Potter fan as the minutes slowly ticked by working condition and more people lined up, all craning their necks for from the “Back to a glimpse of the twins. Time dragged by at a nause- the Future” tril- atingly slow rate. I was only in line for 30 minutes, ogy, it travels to but it felt like half the day had blown by in anticipa- various Comic tion. Then, something magical happened. The lines Cons around the began to move. One by one, they fi ltered in and out country, raising of the photo-op room, bright lights and cameras money for The Mi- Inside the DeLorean, with dates fl ashing away. In no time, I was standing just be- chael J. Fox Foun- set for time travel. yond the curtain. Only a thin red barrier remained dation for Parkinson’s Research. The chance to sit in between me and two actors I have looked up to since the legendary DeLorean, to sit where Marty McFly the age of 11. and Doc Brown sat? How could I pass it up? Granted Finally, I was there. It was my turn. They waved access to the interior of the vehicle, I was given per- me over with warm smiles and friendly hellos. I mission to snap photos of the dashboard, complete sandwiched myself between them, feeling like a with alarm clock and fl ux capacitor! I didn’t want to pint-sized house elf. A sharp “ready?” from the pho- give up that spot, but the line waiting for the DeLo- tographer, a quick smile, the fl ash of lights and it rean was growing, and it was time to meet up with was all over. Quickly, I exited the room, but not be- my friends in the ballroom for the Q&A panel with fore the twins shook my hand, saying, “Have a great Gillan, known for “Doctor Who” and as Nebula in day, sweetheart.” “Guardians of the Galaxy.” The fangirl inside of me could have melted into a With her bright, smiling face and thick Scottish happy little puddle right there, but there was still accent, she had the room with her fi rst hello. Breez- too much to see and do. After a quick break and refu- ing through fan questions with comedy and grace, el, the rest of my group ventured to the ballroom to she entertained everyone with comedic renderings secure seats for the upcoming Q&A panels with Gil- of “Doctor Who” speeches and funny, behind-the- THE February 26, 2015 Page 5 scenes stories. “Bring a But when a lit- map. Bring a tle boy by the compass. Bring name of Liam supplies. It’s asked, “Why quite a hike,” do you come Shatner said to these Comic with a laugh Cons, espe- when he spoke cially this one of the distance in Indianapo- between the lis?,” the entire ballroom and room fell silent, his autograph waiting for the booth. answer to a With incred- question that ible stage pres- no doubt was ence, Shatner on everyone’s had no problem minds.
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