DISTRICT STATISTICAL HANDBOOK 2017-18 PUDUKKOTTAI DISTRICT STATISTICAL OFFICE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS PUDUKKOTTAI 1 Thiru. S. Ganesh I.A.S., District Collector, Pudukkottai. FOREWORD Imbued with the objective of presenting a factual and integrated picture of the socio economic milieu of Pudukkottai District, the District Statistical Hand Book 2017-18 has been brought out by the Department of Economics and Statistics. Being a fertile resource book, it will meet the diverse data needs of Government and stakeholders in the context of planning, decision making and formulation of policies. The extensive yet explicit information contained herein encompasses the key indicators of demography, agricultural and non-agricultural segments of the District. Even a cursory reading would offer high quality data which would be especially vital in monitoring the District functions and thereby devise appropriate developmental strategies. It is pertinent to observe that comparative and time series data have been published in relevant tables thus lending a bird’s eye view to the discerning reader. The brief historical sketch covering a time line of two millennia tracing the multifarious aspects of the district makes the Hand Book topical, timely and lively. I heartly appreciate the efforts of the Deputy Director of Statistics, Pudukkottai and his dedicated team for ferreting out precious data and offering it in an eminently readable format. My Best wishes to them. Date : 20.12.2018 PREFACE This District Statistical HandBook of Pudukkottai District 2017-18 present detailed data and key statistical information, at District and Block level in the form of 185 tables. This hand book seeks to throw light on the development activities in the district. The information presented in this Hand Book has been collected from various State and Central Government Offices, Local Bodies, Public Sector undertakings and Private Institutions etc., in the district. A brief note under the caption, salient features of the district as well as block at a glance together with the 185 tables were presented by the Department of Economics and Statisitcs given in a nutshell including the socio- economic aspects of the district. Due care has been taken to incorporate all relevant available information about the district. I express my thanks to all various government officials and other department in this district who extended their co-operation in furnishing relevant data / information in time for preparation of this Statistical Hand Book. I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to Assistant Statistical Investigators, Statistical Inspector / Block Statistical Inspector, Statistical Officer and Divisional Assistant Director of Statistics of this District in collecting the required information from various sources preparing this year District Statistical Hand Book and heartly thank them for I hope this Statistical Hand Book will be much usefull to the Government Planners and Research Scholars. Comments and Suggestions for improvements of this book are welcome from the users of this Hand Book. Station : Pudukkottai Deputy Director of Statistics Date : 20.12.2018 Pudukkottai OFFICERS AND STAFF ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PUBLICATION Overall Guidance and Advisors Thiru. ASISH VATCHANI, I.A.S., Secretary to Government, Planning, Development and Special Initiative Department Thiru. ATUL ANAND, I.A.S., Commissioner Department of Economics and Statistics, Chennai. Thiru. S.GANESH, I.A.S., District Collector, Pudukkottai. TECHNICAL GUIDANCE Thiru. E. SINNAMARI M.A. B.L., Regional Joint Director of Statistics, MADURAI. Thiru. K. JAYASANKAR,M.A., Deputy Director of Statistics, Pudukkottai. DATA PROCESSING UNIT District Statistical Office Staffs, Pudukkottai. PUDUKKOTTAI DISTRICT - TALUK MAP PUDUKKOTTAI DISTRICT - BLOCK MAP PUDUKKOTTAI DISTRICT - POLITICAL MAP STATISTICAL TABLES STATISTICAL TABLE CONTENTS Table Items Page No. No. District Profile - 2018 1. AREA AND POPULATION 1.1 Area, Population, Literate, SCs and STs Sexwise by Blocks,Town Panchayat,Census town and Municipalities. 1.2 Population by Broad Industrial Categories of workers 1.3 Population Religion by Religion 1.4 Population by Age Groups 1.5 Population of the District-Decennial Growth 1.6 Salient features of 2011 census – Block wise 2. CLIMATE AND RAINFALL 2.1 Temperature at Selected Stations 2.2 Month-wise and Season-wise Rainfall During the Year 2017-18 2.3 Time Series Data of Rainfall in seasons. (last 16 years) 3. AGRICULTURE 3.1 Soil Classification 3.2 Land Utilisation (2007-08 to 2017-18 for 10 years) 3.3 Area and Production of Crops for 3 years (2015-16 to 2017-18) 3.4 Agricultural Machinery and Implements 3.5 Number and Area of Operational Holdings 3.6 Consumption of Chemical Fertilisers and Pesticides 3.7 Regulated Markets 3.8 Crop Insurance Schemes 3.9 Sericulture 4. IRRIGATION 4.1 Source of Water Supply with Command Area – Block wise 4.2 Actual Area Irrigated (Net and Gross) by sources. 4.3 Area Irrigated by Crops 4.4 Details of Dams, Wells and Tanks 5. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 5.1 Livestock Population 5.2 Veterinary Institutions & animals treated 5.3 No. of Veterinary Hospitals 5.4 Dairy Development 5.5 Poultry Development 5.6 Fisheries Development & Production 6. BANKING AND INSURANCE 6.1 No.of Commercial Banks 6.2 Insurance Schemes 7. CO-OPERATION 7 Co-operative Societies 8. CIVIL SUPPLIES 8.1 No.of Fair Prices Shops 8.2 Quantum of Essential Commodities distributed and their retail prices 8.3 No.of Ration Cards (Rural and Urban) 8.4 Quantity supplied 8.5 No.of LPG Connection 9. COMMUNICATION 9.1 Post Offices doing Postal Business only 9.2 Post Offices doing Post and Telegraphic Business 9.3 Telegraph Offices 9.4 No. of Telephone Exchanges , Capacity and No. in Use 9.5 No. of P.C.Os attached to each exchange 10. ELECTRICITY 10.1 No. of Power Stations 10.2 Quantam of power purchased 10.3 Power Consumption Sector wise 10.4 Peak Demand and Energy output 10.5 Revenue from Electric Schemes and Cost per Unit 10.6 Transmission and Distribution of Electricity 10.7 Capacity of Transformers 10.8 Rural Electrification 11. EDUCATION 11.1 Universities, Students and Teachers Courses Offered 11.2 Colleges for General Education, Students and Teachers 11.3 College for Technical Education, Students and Teachers 11.4 Colleges for Professional Education Students and Teachers 11.5 College of Education Students and Teachers 11.6 Nursing College, Students and Teachers 11.7 School for General Education Students and Teachers 11.8 Institution of Professional Education, Students and Teachers 11.9 College of Agriculture / Diploma in Agri. Students and Teachers 11.10 Schools for Special Education, Students and Teachers 11.11 Institutions for Other Professional Education, Students and Teachers 11.12 College for Special Education, Students and Teachers 11.13 Computer Training centres 11.14 Hostel and Inmates by Community 11.15 Scholarships to Students by Community 12. FISHERIES 12.1 Fisheries Development 12.2 Estimated M.F. Production / Inland Fish Production 12.3 No.of Families engaged in Fishing 13. HANDLOOM 13.1 No.of Focal Centres with Location Details 13.2 No.of Scoieties and Variety-wise Production 13.3 No.of Power Looms and No.of Employees working 13.4 No.of Families engaged 13.5 Handloom Particulars 14. HANDICRAFTS 14.1 Name and Address of Handicraft 14.2 Articles available in the Handicrafts 14.3 Value of articles Produced and value of Articles Sold 14.4 No. of families engaged in Handicrafts 15. HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE 15.1 Hospitals, Dispensaries, Bed Strength, Doctors and Nurses 15.2 No. of allied Pathological Units available 15.3 District wise Patients treated 15.4 Distribution of Medical Personnel 15.5 Progress of Family Welfare Programme 16. HOUSING 16.1 Plan Sanctioned ,Building Completed under Public Sector 16.2 Plan Sanctioned ,Building Completed under Private Sector 16.3 Amount Invested in Housing, Building Activity under Public Sector 16.4 Construction activity of T. N. Housing Board 16.5 Construction activity of T. N. Slum Clearance Board 16.6 Index numbers of buildings cost in urban centers 16.7 Labour charges for Construction Workers 17. INDUSTRIES 17.1 Results of Annual Survey of Industrirs 17.2 Estimates of Output and Value Added Manufacture Based on ASI 17.3 Industrial Production 17.4 Production of Handloom Cloth 17.5 Small Scale Industries 17.6 Khadi and Village Industries 17.7 No. of Photo Copy (Xerox) Centres 18. FACTORIES 18.1 Registered and Working Factories 18.2 Employment in Working Factories 18.3 Trade Unions, Industrial Disputes by Strikes, Lockout and Gheraos 19. LOCAL BODIES 19.1 Municipal Bodies Area and Population by Grades 19.2 Municipal Bodies By Taluks 19.3 Panchayat Union, Village, Town Panchayats 19.4 Revenue Divisions Taluks, Firkas and Revenue Villages 19.5 Tax Collected by Municipality / Panchayat Union / Town Panchayat 19.6 Rural Development Activities 20. LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT 20.1 No.of Persons registered during the year and Total No.of Persons waiting upto the end of the year as per Live Register 20.2 No. of Placements during and upto the end of the year 21. LEGAL SERVICE 21.1 Judicial Divisions and Original Jurisdiction 21.2 Results of Civil and Criminal Cases in the Court of Original Jurisdiction, Civil Suits, Regular. 21.3 No. of advocates Practicing in Court 22. LIBRARIES 22.1 A List of Head and Branch Libraries inthe district with details of Members, Books available and Readers 22.1 B No.of Libraries Branch Libraries, Village Libraries& Part time Libraries 22.2 No.of Library houses in Government Building/ Rental Building 22.3 No. of reading rooms 23. MINING AND QUARRYING 23.1 No.of Mining and Quarrying units in the district. 23.2 Classification-wise production during the year 24. MANUFACTURING SECTOR 24.1 Number of Food and Allied Manucturing Units in the District 24.2 Number of Non Food Manucturing Units in the District 25.
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