Board of Directors Time: 1310-1430 hours Venue Date: Wednesday, 31 October 2018 Room 3, 3rd Floor, Unit 2 (Battersea Studio 2), Battersea, London SW8 3HR1 Presenters are reminded to provide a succinct and focused introduction, highlighting the key questions and only things which have changed since the preparation of the report 1 Administrative and other priority items 1.1 Welcome, introduction and apologies: Angela Greatley Verbal 1310 2 1.2 Patient story Hilder Dewa Verbal 1.3 Written questions from the public3 Angela Greatley Verbal 1.4 Interests relevant to the agenda to declare and any new Angela Greatley Verbal interests 1.5 Minutes of meeting held on 20.09.18 and Angela Greatley Pages 3 - 4 27.09.18 Pages 5 - 9 1.6 Matters arising and action log Angela Greatley Page 10 1.7 Chair’s report Angela Greatley Pages 11 - 13 1.8 Chief Executive’s report Andrew Ridley Pages 14 - 23 1.9 Quality report – Q2 Charlie Sheldon Pages 24 - 79 2 Strategic items 2.1 Operational plan 2019/20 – timescales and planned Mike Fox Pages 80 - 91 1335 approval process / dates 2.2 Clinical strategy – refresh – aligned to organisational Joanne Medhurst Pages 92 - 105 strategy – agreed in March 2017 3 Operational items 3.1 Integrated finance and performance report M6 Mike Fox Pages 106 - 127 1350 Jitesh Chotai To be provided 3.1.1 FRIC report, 29.10.18 separately 4 3.2 Learning from deaths – Q2 report Joanne Medhurst Pages 128 - 131 3.3 Health and safety policy - Q2 report Elizabeth Hale Pages 132 - 151 3.4 STP / Partnerships update – Q2 report James Benson Pages 152 - 157 4 Governance / assurance items 4.1 Patient safety – serious incident and being open report Charlie Sheldon Pages 158 - 166 1410 4.2 Medicines management annual report 2017/18 – Joanne Medhurst Pages 167 - 174 including controlled drugs 4.3 Annual security management report to the Board James Benson Pages 175 - 181 5 4.4 Annual equality report Louella Johnson Pages 182 - 231 1 closest tube is Queenstown Road 2 Community HIV Nurse Specialist 3 Written questions that are relevant to the agenda must be submitted in advance (at least one clear day) before the meeting to the Trust Secretary 4 As the meeting is later than the dispatch date for Board papers 5 For follow-up in March 2019 and annually in March thereafter 4.5 Single oversight framework – Q2 Mike Fox Pages 232 - 259 4.6 Board Committee items / reports: 4.6.1 Audit Committee – report 11.10.18 Clive Sparrow Pages 260 - 263 4.6.2 Quality Committee – report 24.10.18 Carol Cole To be provided separately 6 4.6.3 Quality Committee – terms of reference Carol Cole Pages 264 - 270 4.7 Risks / priority topics identified during meeting Angela Greatley Verbal 4.7 Issues/items for which further assurance is required Angela Greatley Verbal 5 Items to agree / note without discussion / already considered in detail by a Committee7 5.1 Board Committee minutes: 1430 5.1.1 Quality Committee 24.07.18 Carol Cole Pages 271 - 278 5.1.2 Audit Committee 12.07.18 Clive Sparrow Pages 279 - 284 5.3 Date of next meetings in public: Thursday, 29 November 2018 Boardroom, Ground Floor, 15 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JD Angela Greatley, OBE – Chair Attached –list of commonly used abbreviations pages 285 - 291 KPI definitions pages 292 - 293 In the interests of transparency, at the end of the meeting, ten minutes will be allowed for members of staff / public in attendance to have an opportunity to ask questions relevant to the agenda or the work of the Trust. Questions will be accepted at the discretion of the chairman; it will not be possible to answer any questions which refer to named staff or patients. RESOLUTION “That representatives of the press, and other members of the public, be excluded from part of the meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest”, section 1 (2), Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. Circulation: Board members, Trust Secretary, Corporate Governance Manager and attendees, including to named lead to present the patient story 6 As the meeting is later than the dispatch date for Board papers 7 Unless the Chair is notified in advance Agreed by chair 02.10.18 1 Board of Directors Minutes of the meeting held 20 September 2018 Parker Morris Hall, The Abbey Conference Centre, 34 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BU Present Angela Greatley Trust Chair Louise Ashley Chief Nurse and Chief Operating Officer James Benson Director of Improvement Jitesh Chotai Non-Executive Director Carol Cole Non-Executive Director Paula Constant Associate Non-Executive Director2 Mike Fox Director of Finance, Contracting and Performance Louella Johnson Director of People and Communications3 Joanne Medhurst Medical Director Andrew Ridley Chief Executive David Sines Non-Executive Director Jane Slatter Non-Executive Director Clive Sparrow Non-Executive Director In attendance Sulekha Ali End of Life Care Lead Christine Bilsborough Consultant Physiotherapist Claire Browning Health Team Manager, Barnet learning disabilities service Jayne Walbridge Trust Secretary Some 78 other attendees – including patients, staff and stakeholders BoD/151/18 Welcome, introduction and apologies4 151.1 A Greatley welcomed attendees, introducing Jane Slatter, NED who had joined the Board in April 2018. 151.2 All Board members were present. BoD/152/18 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 21.09.17 152.1 The minutes of the annual general meeting held on 21.09.17 were agreed as an accurate record. BoD/153/18 Annual report and accounts for the year 2017/18 153.1 Resolved The annual report and accounts 2017/18 were received. BoD/154/18 Annual report highlights and the year ahead 154.1 On behalf of the Board, A Ridley thanked L Ashley, who would be leaving the organisation in October (to take a chief executive post) for her inspirational clinical leadership which had transformed the Trust’s approach to improving quality, education and training. 154.2 The work of staff providing support to families affected by serious incidents across 1 T P Sentences marked include an action for ELT members that does not require report back to the Board, sentences marked are items that have been added to the relevant Board and Committee Programme. 2 Non-voting member 3 Non-voting member 4 Quorum = one third the membership including one officer and one NED member. 1 3 London, including the Grenfell tower tragedy, was commended. 154.3 Over the past year there had been a number of significant changes to the organisation which has more than 300 sites across 10 London boroughs and Hertfordshire. Sadly during the year 2017/18, as a result of competitive tendering processes, a number of valued services had been lost. The Board recorded their thanks to staff who had joined new employers and welcomed new staff providing services in South West London. 154.4 Overall, 2017/18 had been a strong year for operational and financial performance with significant progress made in developing partnerships with GPs and other stakeholders in support of integrated care services for patients. Importantly, following the CQC inspection between September and October 2017, a rating of ‘good’ had been confirmed, showing an improved position to that of 2015. BoD/155/18 Service presentations – patient involvement at CLCH 155.1 Three presentations were made by clinical staff describing how patients had helped shape the services of the Trust: Christine Bilsborough Musculoskeletal services Sulekha Ali End of life care Claire Browning Barnet learning disabilities team 155.2 A copy of the slides has been uploaded to the Trust’s website. BoD/156/18 Questions from the audience and the Trust’s response 156.1 Questions and the Board’s responses are published on the Board Meetings page of the website. 156.2 The chair closed the meeting and thanked presenters and attendees for their contribution. BoD/157/18 Date of next meeting in public 157.1 Thursday, 27 September 2018 Boardroom, Ground Floor, 15 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5JD. The meeting closed at 1540 hours Signature …………………………………………………………….. Angela Greatley, OBE - Chair Date ……………………………………………… 2 4 Agreed by Chair 02.10.18 1 Board of Directors Minutes of the meeting held 27 September 2018 Boardroom, Ground Floor, Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5JD Present Angela Greatley Trust Chair Louise Ashley Chief Nurse and Chief Operating Officer – for CEO James Benson Director of Improvement Jitesh Chotai Non-Executive Director Carol Cole Non-Executive Director Paula Constant Associate Non-Executive Director2 Mike Fox Director of Finance, Contracting and Performance Louella Johnson Director of People and Communications3 Joanne Medhurst Medical Director David Sines Non-Executive Director Jane Slatter Non-Executive Director Clive Sparrow Non-Executive Director In attendance4 Gisele Partaker Operational Manager Cardio-Respiratory – Merton (part) Charlie Sheldon Director of Nursing – for Chief Nurse Jayne Walbridge Trust Secretary BoD/151/18 Welcome, introduction and apologies5 151.1 Apologies had been received from: Andrew Ridley, Chief Executive. BoD/152/18 Patient story 152.1 Gisele Partaker from the Merton cardiology and respiratory team provided the story of a patient who had attended the pulmonary rehabilitation service. 152.2 The patient, who had initially been somewhat low in mood, was very complimentary about the occupational therapist and the positive impact on both her physical and psychological health – describing the results as “amazing”. 152.3 In response to questions, G Partaker confirmed that referrals were accepted from any specialist for patients registered with Merton GPs with whom the team work closely. Resolved 152.4 Members thanked the team for their story, acknowledged the value of the service to patients’ well-being, together with making an important contribution to avoidable admissions.
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