Tender Document Serial No: ………… TENDER DOCUMENT FOR ENHANCEMENT OF BUNKERAGE CAPACITY OF MIDDLINGS AT MOMOONIDIHONIDIH WASHERY BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED (A subsidiary of Coal India Ltd) Koyla Bhawan P.O. BCCL Township, Dhanbad ––– 826005 BHARAT COKING COAL LTD . BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED (A subsidiary of Coal India Ltd.) WASHERIES CONSTRUCTION DIVISION Koyla Bhawan(L-VI), BCCL Township, Dhanbad – 826005 Tender Document having serial number…………………….. for Issued to M/s………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… against money receipt no…………………………………. dated …………….. for Rs.1500.00 (Rupees ONE thousand FIVE hundred only) Chief General Manager (Ws), Washeries Construction Division, Koyla Bhawan, BCCL, Dhanbad 1 INDEX SECTIONS DESCRIPTION PAGE NO PREAMBLE 3 SECTION 1 NOTICE INVITING TENDER 4 – 6 SECTION 2 INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 7 – 25 SECTION 3 FORMS OF BID AND QUALIFICATION 26 – 32 INFORMATION SECTION 4 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 33 - 133 • GENERAL TERMS & 33 – 72 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT • ADDITIONAL TERMS & 73 – 79 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT • GERNERAL TECHNICAL 80 – 95 CONDITIONS • ERECTION CONDITIONS OF 96 – 130 CONTRACT • SPECIAL CONDITIONS 131 – 133 SECTION 5 SPECIFICATIONS 134 – 180 SECTION 6 TENDER DRAWINGS 1 NO. SECTION 7 A. SCOPE OF WORK 181 – 187 B. FORM OF BIDING THE PRICE 188 – 192 C. WEIGHT & VOLUME OF MAJOR 193 – 194 COMPONENTS OF WORKS SECTION 8 FORM OF BANK GUARANTEES AND 195 – 202 FORM OF ARTICLE OF AGREEMENT 2 PREAMBLE INTRODUCTION Moonidih Washery was designed to beneficiate of Raw Coking Coal and was commissioned in the year 1983. The Washery is having three Clean Coal Silos of storage capacity of 6000te (3x2000te each) & one Middling Silo of storage capacity of 2500te.The despatch of clean coal & middlings through Railway Wagons are being done from above silos through series of belt conveyors. Additional capacity of 1200 te has been proposed to be made by construction of RCC Bunkers over the Middling Loading Point, in Railway wagons so that storage capacity of middlings is enhanced to one full rake of middlings. LOCATION & COMMUNICATION Moonidih Coal Washery is located in the Moonidih mining area of the Jharia Coalfield in Dhanbad district of Jharkhand State, India, falling in the BCCL command area. Moonidih is well connected by road and rail. The nearest railway station is Kirkend which lies on Gomoh – Chakradharpur section of South Eastern Railway. It is well connected by metalled roads from Dhanbad and Ranchi. It is about 12 kms. from Dhanbad and about 160 Kms, from Ranchi. A railway siding is existing at the washery for despatch of final product. CLIMATIC CONDITIONS The climatic condition of the area is tropical, with monsoon prevailing during the months of June to September during which the humidity can go upto 90% (approx.). This is followed by the winter months of October to January. Spring and summer prevail from February to May. The maximum temperature recorded during Summer is 50 0 C. EXISTING SYSTEM OF DESPATCH OF MIDDLINGS FROM STORAGE SILOS: The middlings from middling silo is reclaimed by two vibro-feeders (unit 802) which feed coal to a belt conveyor (unit 803 of 1500mm width). The belt conveyor (unit 902 of 1500mm width), receives coal from belt conveyor (unit 803) and transfer the coal to a 100 te. RCC hopper at loading station. The belt conveyor (unit904)1500mm width, receives coal from the hopper and discharges middlings into the wagon through single point. One electronic weigh bridge, installed just below the discharge point of above belt conveyor, weighs the loaded wagon during loading operation. 3 TENDER NOTICE COMPANY : BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED AREA : WASHERIES CONSTRUCTION DIVISION TENDER NOTICE NO.: WCD/ 239 DATE : 07.11.2008 1. Sealed turn-key tenders are invited from reputed and experienced contractors for the following works : Name and description of Work Location Expected date of Period of commencement Completion Enhancement of Bunkerage Moonidih Immediately 9 (Nine) capacity of Middlings : Washery months Complete design and engineering with detail drawings, supply of plant and machinery including electrical, erection & commissioning, dove- tailing with existing system, handing over the work in satisfactory running condition on turn-key basis. The work includes construction of a 1200 t capacity RCC Bunker, installation of a new belt conveyor & a shuttle conveyor for loading Middlings into railway wagons Estimated Cost of the work : Rs.1,32,29,785/- 2. Earnest money / Bid Security Rs.1,32,300/- as Earnest Money / Bid Security is to be deposited in the form of irrevocable Bank Guarantee (from Scheduled Bank/ Branch acceptable to the owner) with validity 28 days beyond the validity of the Bid in the format given the Bid Document. Certified cheques and Demand Drafts will also be acceptable as Earnest Money / Bid Security drawn in favour of BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED on any scheduled Bank payable at its branch at DHANBAD. The Earnest Money/ Bid Security of the unsuccessful Bidder shall be refundable as promptly as possible after opening of Price Bid and finalisation of the tender and shall bear no interest. 3. Qualification of the tenderer To qualify for award of the contract – a. The intending tenderer must have in its name as a prime contractor experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 7 (seven) years ending last day of month previous to the one in which bid applications are invited (i.e. eligibility period) should be either of the following. i) Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost, Or 4 ii) Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the estimated cost, Or iii) One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost. b1 “Similar work’ means execution of Washery / Material Handling Plant comprising of atleast belt Conveyor system on turn-key basis. b2. The intending tenderer should have constructed (irrespective of eligibility period) at least - i) One number minimum 1200 Tonne capacity RCC Bunker and ii) Conveyor system minimum 1000 tph rated capacity for coal or other minerals of equivalent volumetric capacity. c. Evidence of possessing adequate working capital (at least 20% of the value of this work) inclusive of access to lines of credit and availability of other financial resources to meet the requirement. d. Evidence of possessing adequate infrastructural support with respect to design, construction, manufacture/ supply of major equipment inclusive of legally bound back-up MOU/ Agreement with other agencies in the respective field of specialization as joint venture partners or sub-contractors. e. Average annual financial turnover of civil work during the last 3 (three) years, ending 31 st March of the previous financial year should be at least 30% of the estimated cost. 4. Application fee for Tender Documents The price of tender documents shall be Rs.1500/- payable either in cash or by bank draft drawn in favour of BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED on a scheduled Indian Bank payable at its branch at DHANBAD. 5. Availability of Tender Documents Tender Documents including terms and conditions of work, shall be available on payment, from the Office of Chief General Manager (Ws), Washeries Construction Division, Koyla Bhawan (Level – VI), P.O. BCCL Township, Dhanbad from 24.11.2008 to 23.12.2008. Tender Document is also available on our website: http://www.bccl.cmpdi.co.in for the purpose of downloading and tender submitted on such downloaded bid documents shall be considered valid for participating in the tender process. 6. General Instructions for Submission of Tender A Tenderer should strictly comply with the following instructions : a) A tenderer is required to submit his offer in sealed covers giving reference to this Tender Notice No. and date, containing offers in three parts prominently superscribed as Part-I, Part-II and Part-III respectively. b) Three Parts should contain the details of the offer as follows : Part-I – full details of the firm, information on the supplies of similar equipment to different parties in the country, details of project handled, testimonials and documentary evidence in support of satisfactory performance, financial capabilities and any other relevant information and the Earnest Money Deposit. 5 Part-II – Technical offer alongwith technical specifications of equipment/ know-how offered, drawings, pamphlets etc. strictly in terms of tender enquiry. Part – III – Prices only in the format as indicated in the tender documents. 7. Part-II and III of the offer shall be opened only in respect of such tenders as are found valid after scrutiny of Part-I. 8. Validity Period of Offer The rates offered in Part III should be valid for six calendar months from the date of opening of Part I of the Tender. 9. Receipt of Tenders Tenders are to be received in sealed covers upto 13.00 hrs on 16.01.2009 at the Office of the Chief General Manager (Ws), Washeries Construction Division, Koyla Bhawan (Level – VI), P.O. BCCL Township, Dhanbad. 10. Opening of Tenders Tenders will be opened at 15.00 hrs on 16.01.2009 at the Office of the Chief General Manager (Ws) Washeries Construction Division, Koyla Bhawan (Level – VI), P.O. BCCL Township, Dhanbad. 11. Deputation of representatives for negotiation After opening of the tender, if the company decides to negotiate, the tenderers should be in a position to depute their representatives at short notice, with full authority for negotiating on technical as well as commercial terms and conditions of the contract. 12. The company is not under any obligation to accept the lowest tender/tenders and reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever and also to distribute the work and allot the work/works to more than one tenderer, at its sole discretion. Chief General Manager (Ws) Washeries Construction Division Bharat Coking Coal Limited 6 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.
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