VOL, XXVIII, No. 39 [PRICE TWELVE CENTS] JULY, 1926 Secretaries of 1926 Reunion Classes Continue Their Accounts of Celebrations Keen Competition in International Track Meet—Russell Wins Two Events I Cornell Makes Poor Showing at Poughkeepsie—Two Crews Finish Last Suspended Members of Graphic Board Make Plans to Resume Publication Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August at 123 West State Street, Ithaca, New York. Subscription $4.00 per yφar. Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900, under the act of March 3, 1879, at the postoffice at Ithaca, New York, CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Edminster Founded July 5, 1899 Cornell's Famous Preparatory School and College Tutoring School (Eddie's) For catalogues, address: F. C. Edminster, Director, 512 Stewart Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. 1. Boarding School Seniors and Juniors Complete, full-time courses 2. Summer School Intensive, complete courses for September Complete Courses in entrance and make-up exams. All Prep. Subjects 3a, b. Fall Term or Spring Term Aug. 16 to Sept. 18 Seventeen weeks; complete courses, Extra work before mostly intensive; seniors only Aug. 16, if desired 4. Preparatory Tutoring School 5. College Tutoring School 6. Complete Supervision of College Students H. J. BOOL CO. Furniture Manufacturer Lehigh Limited We specialize in college and school furniture. Westward Lv. New York 8.10 P.M. A convenient overnight We make special furni- Ar. Ithaca (a) 5.00 A.M. Ar. Rochester 6.35 A.M. train between Pennsyl- ture to order. Ar. Buffalo 7.30 A.M. vania Station, in the Antique furniture re- Eastward heart of New York, and Lv. Buffalo 9.00 P.M. paired and refinished by Lv. Rochester 9.25 P.M. Ithaca, Rochester and expert workmen. Lv. Ithaca (b) 11.51 P.M. Buffalo. Ar. New York 8.20 A.M. (a) Sleepers may be occupied until 8 A.M. (b) Sleepers may be occupied at 9 P.M. Club Car in both di- Estimates Free This train does not run via Ithaca. New York sleepers handled in connecting train. rections. Fares the lowest available. H. J. Bool Co. lehighλfolley Railroad 126-132 East State Street CIke Route of The Black Diamond CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXVIII, No. 39 ITHACA, N. Y., JULY 1926 PRICE 12 CENTS UMMER School, for the thirty-fifth lowing evening. Those who in former wear. Unless bathers dress up like time, occupies the University build- years attended the plays in the inadequate Eskimos going to and from their sport, Sings and overflows very fetchingly on theater in Goldwin Smith Hall were they will run into the danger of arrest. the Campus. The Quadrangle is extremely particularly enthusiastic for the new DURING the last few weeks Ithaca has gay with all the colors of Nature and of theater in Willard Straight. On July 15 been having what looked like the begin- artifice. Some of our summer scholars and 17 the club presented "The Feast of ning of a crime wave. Burns' Bakery, come here for amusement, into which a the Holy Innocents," by S. Marshall Driscoll Brothers, the Prudential Insur- little mild mental activity may enter as a Ilsley; "A Dollar," by David Pinski; and ance Company, and the Strand Theatre pleasant component. Not a few are "Thirty Minutes in a Street," by Beatrice and other places were robbed, $300 being winter scholars, of Cornell and other Mayor. taken from the Strand. The police got schools, who are here to atone for some ERNEST R. KROEGER, pianist, organist, on the alert, and finally succeeded in miscalculations about courses, marks, and composer, who is giving courses in finding the culprits, two small colored hours of credit, questions to be asked on musical appreciation and musical history boys, aged fourteen and twelve respec- finals, or personal pull with the prof. in the Summer Session, is giving recitals tively. They did all their work in the But the majority of the students are here each Thursday evening, accompanied by daytime, being kept at home evenings by for work; they give up the money and an appreciative lecture. This is Mr. their families to keep out of mischief. their time to find out something they want Kroeger's seventh summer here. to know. A large number of them are not THE RENOVATED and improved Ithaca EVERY DAY they seem to think up interested in "credit," except the credit Country Club officially opened with a tea something new to give Ithaca a more that comes to one who has satisfied an on July 2. The Country Club was metropolitan touch. The latest is a large intellectual curiosity. We could do with started in 1900 under a heavy financial electric sign being installed on the top of some of this Summer School spirit in the obligation. The club has now a model a building on State Street between Tioga Winter School. The University welcomes clubhouse, an excellent eighteen hole and Aurora. It will be a screen on which these students as paying guests, who can golf course, owns fifty acres of land and advertisements of offerings at the local profitably use its equipment. The staff has the use of thirty jnore. It has a mem- stores will be projected from a lantern and the town welcome them, for teachers bership of about three hundred, which is near by. Perhaps later on figures may be and merchants after all like to practice constantly growing. induced to indulge in antics in the manner their trade.' Certain of the undergraduates of the famous Wrigley Boys. THE SAGE CHAPEL PREACHER for July talk a little superciliously about these six- WHEN THE TWILIGHT INN at Haines ii was the Right Rev. Charles Fiske, weeks Cornellians, but even the super- D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Central New cilious undergrad welcomes these guests, Falls, New York, burned down, Miss Lucille Heist of Geneva, a junior in the York. The Rev. Wallace E. Brown, sometimes with a public cordiality that D.D., Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal College of Home Economics, was almost dismays his elders. High spirits are Church of Foochow, China, was the trapped in the hotel. A few seconds after entirely in order, for now no one is bowed preacher on July 18. under the burden of competitions, degree- she had escaped, the door through which getting, sports, and stern undergraduate she fled was enveloped in flame. She was ROTHSCHILD BROTHERS are also right social duties. There is an air of gayety a guest at the inn. up to the mark. When their annual ten- about Ithaca at this season which ex- CORNELL DAY was celebrated at the day sale opened they hired an airplane to tends from Taughannock Falls to the Pίattsburgh Barracks on July 8. Mr. fly over nearby towns, and drop handbills picnic-grounds of Enfield. and Mrs. Charles E. Cornell were guests announcing the big event. in the reviewing stand. Mr. Cornell, as DOWN at the Cayuga Preventorium at Two STUDENTS, seeking amusement a Trustee of the University and grandson Esty thirty-two children are having a after a hard day's work, found excitement of the Founder, reviewed the parade with grand time. They went out because they by falling into Cascadilla Gorge on July were underweight and in other ways below ii. Neither is a regular term student Lieutenant Colonel W. A. Castle of the R. O. T. C., who is commander of the normal, but are now gaining no end of and, apparently unfamiliar with the camp. Mrs. Cornell presented Cornell's pounds and getting strong and well. They pranks Ithaca scenery can play, they new colors to the unit at a special cere- rise early, when flag raising officially starts tumbled in from the path on the north mony. Cornell has the largest single the day, and keep busy thereafter at side of the gorge. Resctiers helped them delegation at the camp this year, with supervised study and play and drinking up the bank, and they were sent home thirty-two cadets enrolled. Eleven States milk. At seven they tumble into bed. with comparatively slight bruises and and seventeen colleges and military Five puppies, three kittens, and an assort- scratches. The students are Harry Mar- ment of ducks and rabbits help to keep shak and Bessie Schafft. schools are represented. THIS BUSINESS of swimming around them from getting lonesome. THE FIRST of the University Summer Ithaca has got to be taken seriously. The IN CONNECTION with the Conservatory Concerts was given on July 16 by Francis Ithaca Life Saving Committee has se- Summer School, the Ithaca Institution of Macmillen, the noted American violinist. cured the services of Captain Carroll Public Music has been offering a series of THE DRAMATIC CLUB plays have of Bryant of the American feed Cross to public lectures on music. Franklin Dun- recent years added much to the enjoy- give instruction in swimming and life- ham of Fordham University, George H. ment of Summer School, and this year is saving to various organizations and in- Gartlan, Director of Music, New York no exception. They opened the season on terested individuals, as part of the com- City Public Schools, and Dr. Sigmund July 9, giving four short plays, Pinero's mittee's campaign to avoid drowning Spaeth, nationally known music educators "A Seat in the Park"; "Feed the Brute" casualities. At the same time the Chief have appeared. The concluding lecture of by George Paston; "Overtones" by Alice of Police has issued a warning that while the series is to be by Dr. Payson Smith, Gerstenberg; and Strindberg's "The bathing suits may be necessary in the water, Commissioner of Education of the State Stronger." These were repeated the fol- they are not the fitting costume for street of Massachusetts.
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