CACÒ rù b 2-C 2_- CUòi » &</o(0<?o ¿>0?/ò'7334 m aster plan CAPE COD NATIONAL SEASHORE / MASSACHUSETTS recommended JOHN W. BRIGHT / CHIEF, OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND DESIGN / 2-18-70 LESLIE P. ARNBERGER / SUPERINTENDENT / 4-7-70 approved HENRY G. SCHMIDT / REGIONAL DIRECTOR / 10-7-70 Master Plan National Seashore • Massachusetts SU M M AR Y 1 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES 5 REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS AND ANALYSIS 9 • ACCESS AND CIRCULATION 9 • POPULATION DATA 10 • REGIONAL POPULATION TRENDS 10 • PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES 11 • SURROUNDINGS AND EXISTING USE 11 • REGIONAL ANALYSIS 12 RESOURCE DESCRIPTION AND EVALUATION 15 FACTORS AFFECTING RESOURCES AND USE 25 • LEGAL FACTORS 2 5 • CLIMATE 27 •FIRE HISTORY 27 • LAND STATUS 2 8 VISITOR USE OF RESOURCES 31 Table Of Contents THE PLAN 35 • INTRODUCTION 35 •USE CAPACITY 36 • ACCESS AND CIRCULATION 36 • PUBLIC CONTACT, INFORMATION AND FEES 39 • RECREATION 41 • INTERPRETATION 4 5 • ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION 4 6 • RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND VISITOR PROTECTION 47 • OFF-SEASON USE 50 • LAND ACQUISITION 51 • COORDINATED PLANNING 52 • MAINTENANCE 53 • HISTORIC STRUCTURES 5 4 • HIGHLAND LIGHT COMPLEX 56 • NAUSET LIGHT BEACH 56 • BAY SIDE 57 PRIORITY OF NEEDS 59 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 61 Summary The Master Plan for preservation and use com plem ent those provided elsewhere. of Cape Cod National Seashore was prepared Seashore resources provide an exceptional in 1962, and approved in 1963, after review base for such outdoor pursuits as swimming, and recommendation by the Advisory fishing, surfing, hiking, and biking; for nature Commission. This is a second edition of the and history study; and for cultivating an 1963 plan, in a new format and with such awareness of man's relationship with his revisions as five years of experience in environment. However, many of these developing and managing dictates. resources are very fragile. This edition has three parts. The Purpose Factors affecting resources and their use and Objectives set the tone and provide include the provisions of the Act which general direction. The Regional Description authorized the Seashore, the presence of and Analysis, Resource Description and substantial amounts of privately owned and Evaluation, Factors Affecting Resources and town-owned land within the Seashore Use, and Visitor Use Sections set forth the boundaries, and a temperate climate which basic data which influence planning. The Plan makes off-season use possible. Significant Section presents planning recommendations aspects of visitor use include a high derived from the Purpose, Objectives, and percentage of day use by people staying on factual background. the Cape but outside the Seashore, very heavy Several factors influence planning for use in July and August with unusually lightuse Cape Cod National Seashore. First, the the rest of the year, and a tendency by visitors Seashore is an integral part of the to go to a given Seashore facility and spend Southeastern Massachusetts region. The considerable time there before moving on. region attracts visitors, provides overnight The Plan Section recommends the accommodations and offers many recreational facilities required to support recreation and facilities. The Seashore preserves much of the interpretation. In this, it closely follows the natural resource which attracts visitors to the first edition of the Seashore Master Plan. Cape, and provides recreational and Emphasis is given to correlating Seashore interpretive facilities which augment and planning and regional planning, particularly in 1 providing better access and in determing optimum capacities for both the Seashore and Cape Cod as a whole. Studies to determine the feasibility of increasing beach capacity by constructing parking lots just off Route 6 and providing public transportation to the beaches are suggested. A program to encourage off-season use is set forth. Environmental education is stressed. Continued cooperation with State and local agencies in resource management is emphasized. LOCATION MAP 2 ROADS BEAC H ES ■ i — 4-lane Lim ited Access (Z ) T o w n ------------- 2 -lane Limited Access @0 S ta te -- - -■ 3 o r 4 -la n e U n lim ite d A c c e s s (S/ National Seashore -------------- Major Town Roads ▲ GOLF COURSES ------------- Minor Town Roads R MARINAS; BOAT RAMPS ■ CAMPGROUNDS and TRAILER PARKS Es c a p e c o d n a t i o n a l s e a s h o r e X AIRFIELDS THE CAPE COD REGION 3 I I Purpose And Objectives I I I I The purpose of Cape Cod National prevailing or with the preservation o f Seashore is to assure this and future such historic sites and structures as generations the the opportunity to enjoy the the Secretary may designate: Provided I outstanding scenic, scientific, historical and That the Secretary may provide for recreational resources found here, and to gain th e public enjoyment and a greater appreciation of this environment and understanding of the unique natural, I man's relationship to it. historic and scientific features o f Cape Cod within the seashore by To achieve this purpose, the National Park establishing such trails, observation I Service will follow the objectives based upon points, and exhibits and providing the purpose of the Seashore as defined in the such services as he may deem desirable authorizing Act of August 7, 1961, and upon for such public enjoyment and I policies enunciated by the Secretary of the understanding: Provided, further That Interior. the Secretary may develop for appropriate public uses such portions Section 7 (b) (1) of the authorizing o f the Seashore as he deems especially I legislation states that: adaptable for camping, swimming, boating, sailing, hunting, fishing, the In order that the Seashore shall be appreciation of historic sites and I permanently preserved in its present structures and natural features o f state, no development or plan for the Cape Cod and other activities of convenience o f visitors shall be similar nature. I un dertaken which would be incompatible with the preservation of the unique flora and fauna or the I physiographic conditions now I I 5 Section 7 (b) (2) directs that: which will ensure an experience enriching to body, mind and soul. Development and In developing the seashore the Secretary management will be based on a thorough shall provide public use areas in such places knowledge of the visitor and the way in which and manner as he determines will not he uses the Seashore. diminish for its owners or occupants the value or enjoyment of any Improved property Provision of Facilities Visitor facilities located within the Seashore. within the Seashore will be planned and provided to attain good balance and diffusion On November 3, 1965, the Secretary of use throughout; creating patterns of use reaffirmed his awareness of the obligation to which will harmonize with uses in adjoining follow this legislative directive, stating that: communities, and preserving the Cape Cod atmosphere. Our job at Cape Cod Is clearly to protect the area and provide public Off-Season Use Use of visitor facilities access without damaging its throughout the year will be sought by beauty*** The Master Plan worked encouraging off-season visits by schools and out with the Cape Cod Advisory like groups, by encouraging activities suited to Commission is our blueprint. the different season, and by providing winterized facilities needed to support such No change In our plans, and no use. change in our policy will be made. The Cape Cod Act is assurance o f Research Inventory of Seashore resources this. will be completed and a plan for research which can be carried out in large part by cooperating Priority of Management The National Park academic and scientific institutions will be Service will continue to manage and develop prepared and implemented. the Seashore within the letter and spirit of the a u th o riz in g legislation; undertaking no Visitor and Resident Protection Protection development for the convenience of visitors will be provided to visitors and property which would be incompatible with the owners within the Seashore in cooperation preservation of the unique flora, fauna or with local authorities to enable them to physiographic conditions, or with the properly and safely enjoy the natural features preservation of historic sites and structures, and recreational facilities with a minimum of but developing and managing for public intrusion on private property owners' rights recreational uses specified in the Act those and a minimum damage to natural resources. portions of the Seashore especially adaptable for such use and so located and planned as Concessions All commercial visitor services not to diminish for its owner the value and will be supplied outside the boundaries, enjoyment of any improved property within except for existing facilities operating under the Seashore. suspension of condemnation certificates and those concessions required to provide minimal Service to Visitor The National Park Service essential services. will cooperate with permittees, concessioners, private enterprises and local governments to Comprehensive Planning for Use The assure that all services supplied the visitor National Park Service will encourage regional within the Seashore adhere to standards planning efforts and will cooperate with State and local agencies to the maximum extent recoved by archeological projects on Federal consonant with its responsibilities to the lands and to those archeological, historical American public in seeking solutions to and natural history specimens required for regional
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