![AND JOURNAL of PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE., # • Reegisteeed FOE TRANSMISSION ABROAD.]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
? L ' . AND JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE., # • rEEGISTEEED FOE TRANSMISSION ABROAD.] No.. 167.—(V ol. VII.— No. 10.) LONDON: NOVEMBER 5, 1875. Published Weekly; Price Twopence. BRITISH NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SPIRITUALISTS. The Latoral and Vertioal Extension of Spiritualism .......... ^17 Manifestations with'the Fakirs in India. No. III. By Dr. Maximilian Perty......................................................................................................... 217 THE READING ROOM AND LIBRARY, Spirit P eop le................................................................................................. 218 Spiritualistic Sunday Evening Services at the Cleveland Hall .......... 218 38, GREAT RUSSELL-SREET, BLOOMSBURY, Pulpit Abuse of Spiritualism..................................................................... 218 Winter Meetings of the British National Association of Spiritualists. RE open to the public. Newspapers and periodicals By George K ing ................................................................................... 219 connected wbh Spiritualism, from all parts of the world, and Brixton Psyohologioal Society. A Seance with Mr. Williams ... ... 219 various high-class journals, are regularly supplied. Tho library contains, Provincial News:—Isle of Wight, Extraordinary Seances at Ycntnor and in addition to tho best writings on Spiritualism, works on historical, specu­ Carisbrook—Terror of a Dog at the Spirits—Dublin, Spiritualism lative, and scientific subjects by the best authors. in Dublin—Newcastle-on-Tyne, A Trance Lecture—Immortality— Terms to members : One guinea a year, which also includes membership ; Miss Fairlamb’s Mediumship—Liv&'pool, Liverpool Psychological Quarterly tickets, 5s.; Monthly tickets, 2s. 6d. To non-mombers, annual Society .................................................................................................. 220 tickets, 30s.; Quarterly, 10s. ; Monthly, 5s. A Trance Lecture in D alston.................................................................... 221 A Seance-room can be engaged under special arrangements, to be loarned The 1875 Conference of SpiritualistsPublic Reception of Mr. Morse from the Secretary. —^Presidential Address by Mr. Coleman—Tho Progress of Spirit­ Open from 10.30 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. Close at 6 p.m. on Saturdays. ualism during the Past Year—Words of Welcome to Mr. Morse N .B .— T h e S ubscription f o r t h e C u r r e n t Y e a r , 1875, w il l n o t be —Spiritualism finds its own Workers—The Antagonism of Excep­ CLAIMED FROM MEMBERS JOÎNINO AFTER THIS DATE. tional Scientific Men—Mr. J. J. Morse on Spiritualism in America —Spiritualism in Baltimore—Spiritualism in Philadelphia—Spi­ ritualism in Boston— kSeance with Mrs. Lord —A Seance with BRITISH NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SPIRITUALISTS M ls. Thayer—A Test Seance—Spiritualism in Maine, Connecticut, and Massachusetts—Painting Mcdiumship....................................... 222 SUNDAY EVENING LECTURES. Pardon of Mr. Firman ...................................... ................................. 22(5 MR. J. J. MORSE, TRANCE SPEAKER, A Seance at Dalston ................................................................................... 226 Poetry: —Mad ..................................................................... 227 WILL DELIVER Correspondence: —Good and Evil—The Funeral of the Body—The A SERIES OF INSPIRATIONAL LECTURES, Mediumship of the Bamford Brothers—Diroct Spirit Writicg ... 227 A New Hypothesis. By Colonel H. S. Oloott ....................................... 22S At Cleveland Hall, Clevcland-stroet, near Portland-road Station, W., on Dalston Association of Spiritualists .........! ........................................ 228 flic following Sunday evenings Novomber 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28ih. Paragraphs ¡—Magic, 217; Mr. Bright on Funeral Reform, 206; A Reserved soats, 2s. and Is. Tiokets for the course, Cs. Body of the Hindoo Somnambulist, 226'; the Davonport Brothers in Europe 228 hall, free. Service to commence at 7 o’cloolc. Doors open at 6.30. a s t Lo n do n "s p i r i t u a l Y ief/jcings. — l e c - TUEES giving information about Spiritualism are delivered every BRITISH NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ThursdayE evening at 8, p.m., at Mr. Cogman's Lecture Rooms, 15, St. Peter’s-road, Mile-end. Inspirational addresses every Sunday evening, at SPIRITUALI STS. Seven o’clock. Admission Free. Supported by voluntary contributions. IRKBECK BANK. Established 1851.—29 and 30, THE 1875 CONFERENCE OF SPIRITUALISTS B Southampton-buildings, Chancory-lane. will be held in London, at 38, Great lïussell-strcei, W.C.7 from the 3rd F our ter Cent. I nterest allowed on Deposits. Curront Accounts opened similar to th* Joint-Stock Banks. to the 5tk oj November. Cheque Books supplied. urchases and Sales of British. Foreign, ana Colonial Bonds, Stocks Shares, &c., effeoted. Advances made thoroon. General Programme. Office hours from 10 till 4, on Mondays from 10 till 9, and on Saturdays Wednesday, November 3.—Opening Soiree—at the Cavendish Room*, for from 10 till 2 o’clock. the benefit of Mr. Morse. Hours from 6.30 to 10.30. A Pamphlet containing full particulars may he obtained Thursday, November 4,—First Session of Conference, 3 p.m. Seeond post free on application to Session, 7.30. ________________________________ FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager. Friday, November 5.—Third and Fourth Sessions at same hours. ARTHUR MALTBY, Subjects for Papers. TAILOR, HATTER, AND GENERAL OUTFITTER 1. The Moral Responsibility of Physical Mediums. 2. The Importance of tlie dissemination of Spiritualism as a Religious 8, HANOVER PLACE, REGENT’S PARK. Influence. ESTABLISHED, 1833. 3. Healing Mediumship. Has a very large stoch o f New spring Goods, including hats, shirts) an 4. Rcinoarnation; the theories it involves, and tho evidenoe in support of it. umbrellas. , 5. The unreliability of Spirit-communications, and how far this arises from ignorance, carelessness, or deception. HERE ARE THE DEAD ? or, SPIRITUALISM 6. The British. National Association of Spiritualists—its object* and EXPLAINED. By Fredk. A. Binney. Third Edition. Price 3s. interests. L ondon:—Simpkin, M a r s h a l l & Co._________________ 7. Popular errors with regard to Spiritualism. Published on the first of each month. Prico Sixpence. Other papers on kindred topics are also invited. HE SPIRITUAL MAGAZINE, EDITED BY GEORGE All essays to bo sent in to tho Secretary, 38, Great Russoll-Street, W.C., T SEXTON, LL.D., etc. This Magazine is the oldest of the periodicals not later than Saturday, October 30. devoted to the cause of Spiritualism, having now been in existence for upwards of flftocn years. It has from the first taken a vory high stand in tho literature of the movement, having been contributed to by men of tho Admission to Conference, Froe, by Tickets, to he had on application to greatest literary ability, and contained only such articles as were likely to the Secretary. have a permanent interest. All Spiritualists and inquirers are invited to take part in the conference. A new series of the Magazine commcncos in January, 1875, and this pre­ Further particulars in fnturo advertisements. sents therefore a favourable opportunity for new snbscribors to commouco taking it regularly. HE SPIRITS’ BOOK. By ALLAN KARDEC. London: Smart and Allen, London-housc-yard, Paternoster-row EC. T Translated into English by Anna Blackwell. Price 7s. 6d. Postage GJd. Post Office Orders to bo made payable to W , H. Harrison, Spiritualist AlUS.—Parisian, readers of Tho Spiritualist may obtain Newspaper branch publishing office, 38, GreatRussell-street, London W.C. P it of Mme. Ve. Denax, Titulaire du lviosquo, 246, Boulevard des OapucinoB, Paris.________________________________________________________ Just Published. Price 2s. ALIFQRIAN HOMES FOll EDUCATED ENGLISH­ riYHE “ STURMBERG ” PLANCHETXE writes answers O MEN. A practical suggestion for a model eoleny—Congenial English I to your thoughts, wliother by Spirit Agency or not. All should sooiety, lovely scenery, a delightful climate, and the most fertile oí soils. judge for themselves. Of most fanoy dealers, or from J. Stormont By Frederick A. Binnoy. Constitution-hill, Birmingham. 4s. 4d.} 2s. 2d, and Is. 9d., post free. London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co. .i 11 THE SPIRITUALIST. Nov. 5, 1875 BRITISH NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SPIRITUALISTS. Gregor G. Wlttlg, Esq., Nürnberger Strasse, 35, Gartenhaus, Lclpsic. W. H- Terry, Esq., 96, Russell-street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. (E s t a b l is h e d 1873.) M. Leymarie, 7, Rue de Lille, Paris. Epes Sargent, Esq., Box 2,985, Boston, U.S.A. Vice-Presidents, H. T. Child, Esq., M D., 634, Kaee-street, Philadelphia, U.S.A, Blackburn, Charles, Parkflcld, Dldsbury, Manchester. E, Crowell, Esq.,M.D., 196, Clinton-avenue, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. Calder, Alexander, 1 , Hereford-square, West Brompton, S.W. M. F. Clavalroz, Consul-General de France, Trieste, Austria. Coleman, Benjamin, 1, Bernard-villas, Upper Norwood. G. L. Ditson, Esq., M.D., Albany, New York, U.S.A. Everltt, Thomas, Llllan-vllla, Holder’s-hill, Hendon, Middlesex, N.W. W. L. Sammons, Esq., Cape Town, South Afrlea. Fltz-Gerald, Mrs., 19, Cambridge-street, Hyde-park, W. J. Murray Spear, Esq., 2210, Mount Vcrnon-strcet, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Gregory, Mrs. Makdougall, 21, Green-street, Grosvenor-square, W. Mrs. J. M. Spear, 2210, Mount Vemon-strcct, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Gully, J. M., M.D., Orwell-lodge, Bedford-hlU, Balham, S.W. J. N. Gledstanes, ICsq., 18, Rue d’Acnicrcs, Paris. llitehman, William, M.R.C.S., 29, Ersklue-strcet,
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