March 29, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E537 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE DISABLED Without good quality national programs, DORIS AND MELVIN PORTH AMERICAN VETERANS CHAPTER 91 local stations would lose their ability to attract TRIBUTE the audience that they need to develop local HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. used for local/regional news. HON. SCOTT R. TIPTON OF GEORGIA Why is Public Broadcasting a worthy na- OF COLORADO tional interest? IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Demand for quality national and inter- Tuesday, March 29, 2011 national news has never been higher, and the Tuesday, March 29, 2011 Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I American people are best served when they Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, it brings me submit the following proclamation: are informed with current events. great joy to stand and pay tribute to Doris and Whereas, DeKalb County serves as home At the same time, commercial news rooms Melvin Porth of Westcliffe, Colorado. The for many Veterans who have served honorably are shrinking, reporting staff is downsizing, Porths have shown endless loyalty and devo- in the United States Military; and and even the size of newspapers are fractions tion to Custer Country, the state of Colorado, Whereas, the Disabled American Veterans of what they used to be. and the Republican Party. Chapter 91 of Decatur is an organization that Then you look at how the listening base for Originally from Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. Porth continues to serve those who have rep- public radio has actually increased. You sim- quickly became true Coloradans upon arriving resented our nation in times of peace and war; ply cannot argue that NPR is irrelevant when in the Centennial State. Both Mr. and Mrs. and it draws in 34 million listeners a week. Porth have been staples in local and state pol- Whereas, our beloved county, continues to It’s still in the public interest to support the itics for decades, and their service has not rely on the wisdom, leadership and service arts and education. gone unnoticed. Doris Porth was the Custer from the Disabled American Veterans to assist More than 2/3rds of voters oppose the elimi- Country Treasurer for 32 years, and had a and build our community; and nation of public broadcasting, and the Amer- long tenure as the Republican Party Treasurer Whereas, this unique organization has given ican people are smart enough to know how in Custer County as well. For his part, Melvin of themselves tirelessly and unconditionally to this bill is nothing but a piecemeal attack to- Porth was the Republican Party Chairman for preserve integrity and advocate strongly for wards a larger agenda. two decades, he worked tirelessly in the our disabled veterans and their families; and I would suggest to my Republican col- school district for 18 years, and he owned and Whereas, the Disabled American Veterans leagues that we focus on creating jobs, and operated an equipment rental business. Mr. Chapter 91 continues to serve our county by not on cutting quality news and education to and Mrs. Porth have also been active mem- being the sword and shield of those who millions of Americans. bers of the Custer County Chamber of Com- served our country in the United States mili- merce. The Porth’s civic endeavors continue tary; and as leading contributors to their historical rail- Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the f road district, which is a vibrant and important Fourth District of Georgia has set aside this HONORING MR. ADAM BRATTON part of Westcliffe’s frontier history. The com- day to honor and recognize the Disabled munity outreach of Mr. and Mrs. Porth con- American Veterans Chapter 91 of Decatur, HON. BRIAN HIGGINS tinues due in part to their active faith life as Georgia for their outstanding service to our OF NEW YORK leaders within their church. District; Mr. Speaker, Doris and Melvin Porth rep- Now Therefore, I, Henry C. ‘‘Hank’’ John- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES resent the finest our state has to offer in terms son, Jr. do hereby proclaim March 20, 2011 Tuesday, March 29, 2011 of civic responsibility and patriotism. The as Disabled American Veterans Chapter 91 Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Porths have given decades of their time to the Day in the 4th Congressional District. pay tribute to the three and a half years of Proclaimed, this 20th day of March, 2011. community and their political party for the ben- service given from Mr. Adam Bratton, the out- efit of others. Mr. and Mrs. Porth are a shining f going Executive Director of the Robert H. example of selflessness, and it has been an PROHIBITING FEDERAL FUNDING Jackson Center. Under the direction of Mr. honor to rise and pay tribute to these wonder- OF NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO Bratton the Jackson Center has seen many in- ful people. novations and improvements bringing the f SPEECH OF Jackson Center into the international commu- nity. ‘‘JIM LANGEVIN SPEAKS OUT FOR HON. GWEN MOORE Through new social media innovations Mr. FAIRNESS’’ OF WISCONSIN Bratton has ushered the Jackson Center into IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a new realm of possibilities. He has created HON. BARNEY FRANK Thursday, March 17, 2011 an international constituency with hundreds of OF MASSACHUSETTS Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to thousands of individuals. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Bratton is responsible for increasing the speak out against efforts to cut federal funding Tuesday, March 29, 2011 for public broadcasting. donor base tremendously. During his service Republicans already tried to kill Big Bird in the Jackson Center raised over $2 million and Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 1, but since the American People won’t the number of donors has increased by 75%. our colleague, the gentleman from Rhode Is- let Big Bird die, here we go again. Adding to his successes, the number of an- land, Mr. LANGEVIN, recently wrote a cogent, This time, NPR has been singled out as nual individual gifts has increased by more heartfelt article published in the Providence their target. than 100% over the past three years. Journal calling on his former colleagues in the H.R. 1076 is a reckless bill that would de- The board of directors has also grown Rhode Island Legislature to allow people of fend NPR and prohibit public radio stations stronger and more involved in the Jackson the same sex to marry. That is, Representa- from using federal funds to acquire any radio Center. Many nationally known and respected tive LANGEVIN urges that his State join those programming from any source. individuals have been added to work together that allow individuals who love someone of the It would endanger 9,000 jobs at local public and make this establishment thrive. same sex to have that love treated with the re- radio stations in communities across the coun- We are truly blessed to have such strong in- spect—and legal equality—that it deserves. try. dividuals that work tirelessly to make our world As our colleague notes, he has for some It would cripple stations like WOJB-FM, a a better place. Mr. Bratton is one of those time felt that civil unions were the appropriate community radio in Hayward, Wisconsin that people and that is why Mr. Speaker I rise in forum in which people of the same sex could uses CPB money for about 40% of its budget. tribute to him today. express their love for each other in a legally ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:34 Mar 30, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29MR8.001 E29MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E538 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 29, 2011 recognized way, but as he ‘‘realized that their member of that body, I understand the chal- IN TRIBUTE TO FALLEN POLICE union would not be treated the same way lenges they face, but this is a time for lead- OFFICER ANDREW S. DUNN under the law’’ as opposite-sex couples, he ership. ‘‘began to see that civil unions fell short of the During my time as a state representative, HON. MARCY KAPTUR I remember talking with my father about equality I believe that same-sex couples de- OF OHIO served.’’ pending legislation to prevent discrimina- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JIM LANGEVIN has long been an articulate tion based on sexual orientation, which was advocate for equality under the law for all citi- highly controversial at the time. While I Tuesday, March 29, 2011 greatly valued his thoughtful and balanced zens, and his urging ‘‘all Rhode Islanders to perspective, my father was certainly no so- Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay honor our State’s founding principles of toler- cial activist. He was just an ordinary man tribute to the life of heroic Sandusky, Ohio po- ance and freedom’’ is an example of his cou- who had grown up through the civil-rights lice officer Andrew Dunn. This past Friday, rageous commitment to that principle for all movement and always believed it was fun- March 25, Officer Dunn, age 30, Badge people. damentally unjust to treat people differently #2083, was laid to rest in his hometown. His Mr. Speaker, I ask that JIM LANGEVIN’s com- because of their race.
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