Polito Avenue. The new sea­ son is scheduled to air in March 2006. The O ct 6 filming began at Tickets on sale fo r j LYN D H U RST — It. was Bada Bing, a.k.a. Satin Dolls • another family affair when kids'tricky tray on Route 17 South, Lodi, and • HBO’s “The Sopranos" LYNDHURST — muscled its way into Lyndhurst I returned to the township on Lyndhurst High School Class around sunset • O ct to shoot scenes of Tony of 2008 and the National 6 Koch said crews were shoot­ • (James Gandolfini) and Honpr Society will sponsor a ing a “meet and greet" with I nephew Christopher (Michael Children’s Tricky Tray at the Tony, Christopher and several • Imperioli) talking business in Senior Citizen Building, new characters that will hap­ j the parking lot of La Cibeles Cleveland Ave., Lyndhurst, pen in the seventh episode of I Restaurant on Saturday, Oct. 22, begin­ Season . ; The combined efforts of 6 ning at noon. * . “O f course, I can’t tell you • police and producers kept „all Tickets can be purchased any more about i t ” he said, ! but the well-connected on the at Lyndhurst High School by always faithful to the vow o f • north side of Ridge Road, calling Jan et Ricigliano at silence sworn by cast and crew. j where a mob of area residents 201-89^2100* e x t 4025, or in In addition to renting the I learned just how many takes the evening lit 201-935-1208. restaurant and several busi­ : go into their favorite TV show Admission tickets are $3 per ness driveways on Ridge Road, • and gossiped about Season . person. Additional tickets will 6 HBO paid the township for I “I want Christopher to find be available upon arrival. the services pf five off-duty I a new girlfriend,” said North Food and snacks will be sold. police officers, who directed • Arlington resident Amanda traffic at both the night shoot • Adams. “And 1 want it to be and the afternoon setup. RFDLA w ill serve | me.” According to Lyndhurst • Like others, Adams and her pancake breakfast Chief Financial Officer • friends from Queen of Peace i Road late-night Oct. 6 stole a few glimpses of James Gandolfini, RUTHERFORD — The Debbie Ferrato, the Lyndhurst : High School were driving i being filmed in front of La Cibeles Restaurant. Police Department submits a Rutherford Fire Department • down the road when they saw Ladies Auxiliary’s (RFDLA) requisition to HBO and gets • lights, cameras and action out- annual Pancake Breakfast reimbursed when the check pretend he’s an Italian tough and nothing else to do.” : side jof the restaurant, which Lyndhurst from Connecticut fundraiser is planned on comes back, usually within a What he did see was Tony I doubles as Artie Bucco’s said she was surprised to find g u y ” Sunday, Nov. , 9 a.m. to week. The officers make $65 Not everybody was as seri­ and Christopher walking from 6 • Nuovo Vesuvio in the show. spotlights from the set shining noon, at the Mortimer an hour. the sidewalk into the parking | Location Assistant Dave through her apartment win­ ous a fan. Avenue Firehouse, 400 “There are no other fees or “I’ve been standing here for lot, talking more calmly than • Koch said La Cibeles was one dow when she got home. Mortimer Ave., (corner of permits they have to pay for, minutes trying to see some either character is known for, ; of several Lyndhurst land- Surprised, but glad. 10 West Pierrepont Avenue). unless they wanted to use action,” said resident Mike as an extra drove a Cadillac off l marks the show has used since My roommate and I called The all-you-can-eat break­ something public to film, like Cam poreale, a student at the property. i May. Others include a 6th our friends and say ‘guess who fast includes pancakes, the gazebo," Ferrato said. Bergen Community College. For now, the secrets stay in • Avenue house and a room at we saw,’" Chard said, adding Resident Laura Chard, who the family. bacon, sausage, coffee, tea, | the Courtyard by Marriott on “especially my old roommate “It’s alright but only because juice and bagels. Cost is $7 for recendy moved into who moved out and likes to I’ve got no school tomorrow Jeff&LeoderNewspapers. net adults; $4 for children. Tickets can be purchased at (he door or from any RFDLA member. For more informa­ tion, call 201-804-7873. can "turn o ff a circuit brea that he Is WalHnfc for capacity R e p o r t e r er, which would force reports from the schools, and Parent aw areness Cherokee to make revisions, assured. Blanco that the NORTH ARLINGTON — improvements or additional schools would receive a fair workshop in W R i By Cindy Capitoni The council took a first step financial contributions to the share of whatever revenue • Êp it o r - in -C hièf toward the redevelopment of WOOD-RIDGE — The town. North Arlington stands to col­ Porete Avenue at a meeting Wood-Ridge Police j LYNDHURST — A 13- The council seemed lect Department will sponsor its held on Thursday, Oct. 6, at ■ pound box o f marijuana slated pleased with the M O A with “I f you go down to Porete annual “Parent Awareness the senior citizens’ center in • for delivery to a Lake Avenue Mayor Russ Pitman stating that Avenue and ask yourself Workshop" on Thursday, Oct. town. ! home was intercepted by accepting the agreement whether or not [the area] 20, at the Fiesta, Route 17 The mayor and council • Lyndhurst Police and detec- moves the town closer to a should be developed, I think South, beginning at 7 p.m. unanimously passed a • tives from the Bergen County newer . and cleaner North you'll walk away with the idea This free event, open to Memorandum of Agreement : Prosecutor’s OfFice (BCPO) Arlington. that it should be," Pitman said. adults only, will include din­ (MOA) with Cherokee Porete, “It’s a double-edged sword,” i pn Oct. 5. Some concern remained ner while several guests give subsidiary of Cherokee • LPD Detective Capt. John among residents, however, added Bill Gauger, president presentations on such topics Investment Partners, which is ! Valente said he received a call over the possible influx of of Cherokee Porete. “When as child safety, drug and alco­ EnCap’s parent company. The i from detectives in Arizona that school children. Former you eliminate garbage and hol awareness, and Internet agreement meets the town’s ; a package was enroute to a res- School Superintendent turn it into golf courses, it’s Safety. requests for buildings no taller going to result in people want- | idence on Lake Avenue. Anthony Blanco said having Registration forms will be than five stories, open space ; “An elderly couple lived no provisions for the schools is sent home with children and less housing. • there with a home health like “buying a Porsche and not Please see N M I A W . through the schools, or resi­ New housing construction .! aide,” he said» noting that they having the gasoline to run it” on Page 6 dents may pick one up at totals 1,625 with 160 units ded­ ; had nothing to do with the police headquarters, 85 icated to active adults and 90 • drug delivery. Humboldt St. to affordable senior housing • He said they started surveil- for current North Arlington See Page 4 for more ; lance on the house and Bricks pave the community news... residents. Through the agree­ • noticed a Ford Expedition ment, the borough also stands j with two black females parked to receive approximately $17 I in front. T h e y stayed and left million in fees over five years, way to new school ! ... they’d drive around ... then in addition to the annual tax engraved a brick “Class of • sit and wait some more," he rebates generated'by the proj­ ByJsffFucd ! said. “They’d drive around 2012," the year of her daugh­ ect Senior R eporter ter’s graduation. j town asking [delivery truck] Now, tlje next step entails • drivers if they had the package The bricks will be engraved the mayor and council con­ CARLSTADT — As con­ deeply; then filled to ensure a j for them.” firming Cherokee’s traffic and struction continues around 5 While they were waiting for defense against weathering economic projections by hir­ Lindbergh School- and stu­ and erosion. j the package to show, an under- ing experts to conduct addi­ dents settle into their desks at i cover officer made the deliv- Stagg said their position tional studies. The financing Washington and Lincoln, the and color will be up to DMR i ery. “We could’ve jumped out for this will be provided by Caiistadt PTA is selling bricks ■ of an ice cream truck ... they Architects, but that they will Cherokee. ’ for die new Carlstadt Public likely be near the gym or walk­ • were so focused on the pack- ‘ Assuming these studies are School slated to replace all i age," he said o f the two *us- Dorothy Hayes way entrances of the R-8 correct, we’ll enter into a three in September 2006. school, which will be built on 1 pects. toper's agreement," sad ., According to PTA Vice 251 «idg* toad j Juelene Lettsone, 48, and Washington Street on the cur- duty the day her approximate * ‘ Attorney Joseph, ' President Claire Sugg,- the , rent Jjn d bergh rite. Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 - t Dorothy Hayes, 39, both of 1 8-inch-by-l 8-inch package "There still is a lot brick fundraiser will offer resi­ • Irvington, were arrested and Much the same way that the For advertising rates, was set to arrive.
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