WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | 10-23, 2016 | Volume 77, Number 15 ORLANDO DIOCESE PALM BEACH DIOCESE VENICE DIOCESE Deacon Jamie Zapata, director of diocesan Hispanic Ministry, assist Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito during Mass at the diocesan Encuentro. Deacon Zapata is retiring Father Martin Nguyen, left, and Father Luis Salazar from his post in June, and this was the last Encuentro Father Bernard Evanofski censes the monstrance with pray duing their ordination to the priesthood May 28 that he will organize. (LINDA REEVES | FC) the Holy Eucharist during the Corpus Christi procession at St. James Cathedral in Orlando. (JACQUE BRUND | FC) around Holy Cross Parish in Palmetto May 29. (BOB REDDY | FC) Family, friends, We are one Parish faithful rejoice universal processions Church In the presence of more than 1,200 fam- honor the Lord ily, friends and supporters, the two men were or- dained priests by Bishop John Noonan. The ordi- More than 400 people attended the diocesan nation Mass reflected their diverse heritage. The Encuentro May 22 in West Palm Beach. The solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood St. Philip Phan Van Minh choir, dressed in red “I think it is interesting to learn about how the of Christ (Corpus Christi) is a tradition that dates and white, sang two traditional Vietnamese songs Hispanic population is growing,” said Nancy backs centuries and is often marked by a Eucha- for Father Martin Nguyen. Galvez, a native of Mexico now living in Florida, ristic procession. Father Luis Salazar, 52, is a native of Colombia. who is a parishioner of St. Luke in Palm Springs. The Eucharist is central to the Church and is It was on a Cursillo retreat that the seeds of a vo- “The Hispanic population keeps growing. I moved fundamental to our Catholic belief and life. The cation were planted, but it was in deep prayer in here 10 years ago. I came for my family. I wanted Blessed Sacrament is carried outdoors to show front of the Blessed Sacrament that he accepted better work and I wanted to send my children to that the Lord is not confined merely to within the the call to the priesthood. good schools.” four walls of Church. Click on the ORLANDO DIOCESE above for Click on the PALM BEACH DIOCESE for more Click on the VENICE DIOCESE above for more more on this story. on this story. on this story. Florida Catholic newspaper earns six national awards Pope to priests: Life is short; start forgiving, making amends WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | June 10-23, 2016 FLORIDACatholic ORLANDO DIOCESE ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD At left, during the ordination Mass May 28 at St. James Cathedral, Bishop John Noonan leads the community in prayer for the ordinands Martin Nguyen, right, and Luis Salazar, who lay prostrate to symbolize their unworthiness and their dependence on God. Above, Isabel Andica, mother of newly ordained priest Father Luis Salazar, presents the gifts to Bishop Noonan. (PHOTOS BY JACQUE BRUND | FC) Family, friends, faithful rejoice JULIE CONREY and GLENDA MEEKINS with my mother to my guardian angel and going of the Florida Catholic staff to Mass every weekend. My mother had a special Father devotion to novenas.” Martin ORLANDO | On May 28, Luis Salazar and Both of his parents showed respect for God, Nguyen, left, and Martin Nguyen entered St. James Cathedral as demonstrated moral values and a sense of re- Father deacons and left as priests. sponsibility. “I was encouraged by my father to be Luis In the presence of more than 1,200 fam- a man of rules and values,” he said. “Those helped Salazar ily, friends and supporters, the two men were or- me be the man I am today. It’s not directly tied to pray dained priests by Bishop John Noonan. Both are the vocation, but it is the lifestyle that is necessary duing from opposite sides of the world, and in their faith to be a priest.” their journeys they’ve traveled many miles. Although she is no longer living, the person ordination The ordination Mass reflected their diverse who probably had the biggest impact in Father to the heritage with readings, prayers and music in Viet- Nguyen’s decision to pursue a vocation was his priesthood namese and Spanish. The St. Philip Phan Van grandmother. “She was dying of cancer and I sat May 28 at Minh choir, dressed in red and white, sang two by her bedside reading religious books to her. She St. James traditional Vietnamese songs. showed me how to live a Christian life and that Cathedral Father Salazar, 52, is a native of Colombia made a huge impact. She died when I was 11 years in who came to the United States in October 2002. old. I think she would be so incredibly proud to see Orlando. A banker for 20 years, he worked as a janitor and where I am today,” he said. at a dental lab when he arrived here. It was on a Father Nguyen, 26, came to the United States Cursillo retreat that the seeds of a vocation were from Vietnam when he was 16 years old. He had planted, but it was in deep prayer in front of the never before left his native country, much less Blessed Sacrament that he accepted the call to the flown on a plane. He visited the seminary when he priesthood. was a senior in high school, and answered God’s “It took three or four years to answer the call,” call. It was during his pastoral year, between the he said, adding his family played a pivotal role second and third year of theological studies, that in his early faith formation. “My grandmothers he felt an incredible joy and affirmation doing and on both sides gave me a prayerful life. My grand- living the life of a parish priest. mother on my father’s side and I used to pray the rosary together. At home I remember praying PLEASE SEE ORDINATION, A2 June 10-23, 2016 Florida Catholic YOUR ORLANDO COMMUNITY A2 Tradition of blessing of the cup and paten continues STAFF REPORT and patens are of particular sig- The chalice has the image of Jesus nificance to these men who were in the center with the four evan- ORLANDO | On the eve of their ordained May 28. gelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and ordination to the priesthood, the Father Salazar’s chalice and pat- John. The chalice was used by Bish- two men waiting to be ordained, en was given to him by the commu- op Dorsey in his home chapel. Fa- along with fellow seminarians, nity of Holy Name of Jesus Parish ther Nguyen’s paten was presented priests, family and friends, gathered in Indialantic, where he served his to him by his mother, Mai Nguyen, to pray vespers, also known as eve- pastoral year. He chose the design and will soon be engraved. ning prayer. It is part of the Liturgy of Jesus with the Twelve Apostles. The homily during ordination of the Hours or Divine Office, which “I loved it and knew it was the vespers is customarily given by the is prayed by all bishops, priests, chalice I wanted once I saw it,” Fa- “baby priest,” the youngest priest deacons, and many men and wom- ther Salazar said, “because it rep- ordained the previous year. This en in consecrated life throughout resents Jesus calling his Twelve year’s honor went to Father Chris- the day fulfilling Jesus’ command Apostles and I am going to be one topher Dorsey. He reflected on his to “pray always” (Lk 18:1). of those chosen by Jesus to exercise past year and emphasized the need It was during vespers that the his priesthood.” to have the confidence that comes At left, is the chalice and paten of Father Luis Salazar, which features a chalices and patens, given to Fa- Father Nguyen’s chalice is also when one speaks “as an emissary design of Jesus with the Twelve Apostles. The chalice of Father Martin ther Luis Salazar and Father Martin sentimental as it was given to him for Christ.” In closing, he reminded Nguyen, right, features the image of Jesus in the center with the four Nguyen as gifts, were blessed by by the late Bishop Norbert Dorsey the men, “You are in Christ’s heart evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. (GLENDA MEEKINS | FC) Bishop John Noonan. The chalices the week before he passed away. and in the heart of his people.” n ORDINATION: Families played inspirational roles in the lives of two newly ordained priests FROM A1 as he has been assigned to serve at everything.” St. James Cathedral. Particularly moving during Father Salazar hopes to focus the ordination was the moment Although he left Vietnam, the on families and children during in which the newly ordained men values instilled in him by his moth- his ministry, which will begin at were assisted by mentor priests er, grandmother and his culture Resurrection Parish in Lakeland. in arranging the stole and wear- still remain very much with him. “I love working with families,” he ing the chasuble. All the while, the “My country is poor, and even at a said. “I engage in dialogue with choir chanted Psalm 110:4: “Christ young age we learned the values of children through sports such as the Lord, a priest forever in the line hard work, dedication and sacri- soccer, running and volleyball.” He of Melchizedek, offered bread and fice,” he said. “Those are the things is an avid soccer player and hopes wine.” that are so beautiful in the Viet- to continue to play the game even These men fall in the line of this namese culture.
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